Trump must completely ignore these judges. The judges' opinions do not define the constitution; therefore, Trump can block this criminal law firm, and should.

These federal judges must be relieved of their duties, and indicted.

Mass arrests need to happen asap.

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issue is we can impeach judges and I am shocked how the congress never uses its allowable capacities to remove these judges....

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Only when the arrests on serious charges happen , will the folks carrying out the wide range of crimes against the citizenry start to back off.

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Impeachment is the likley available course of action. The Congress has in many ways allowed the other legitimate branches to overshadow it. It is a rather divided branch, with very slim margins.

The coutry is divided, possibly without resolution short of a breakup.

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Divide and conquer, seems to always work.

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How the Hell is Trump supposed to clean up the swamp when the swamp still reigns??? Such an evil undercurrent runs through politics!!!

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that is the problem.

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You don't suppose Trump is in the brotherhood, do you?

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Lady looks like Hillary used to.

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That's no "lady." That's a demon from the pits of hell.

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And just as boring.

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Our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence give us the path to take if this continues.

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Second Smartest has it right! The positions these Judges hold are found NOWHERE in the Constitution and the Federal Judiciary Act of 1789 was held to be unconstitutional twelve years after the first Congress enacted it and Washington signed it. The administration does not need to obey these people and simply MUST drag them to the Supreme Court thereby testing the metal of both!!

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What do criminals do when they're not taken out and allowed to remain free? Duhhh ... So why doesn't Trump and his people **specifically** go after Fat Rats like Clinton? The answer is becoming painfully clear. Remember 8 years ago when at the luncheon Trump said, "I have a lot of respect for those two people" [referring to the Clintons]. Yeah, it's that clear.

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Always love to see a couple people greeting each other with the Masonic handshake....makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

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My opinion, based in part on what DJT explained, is the reluctance he has to deal with HRC because she is a former First Lady, thus wife of a former President. Considering it can cut both ways, setting a precedent framed in this manner could expose Melania and other members of his family to attacks.

Considering them as already exposed to future attacks, it appears this is an attempt to limit the lines of such attack.

Note: in three sentences, I used the word 'attacks' three times. It is a war, and it is for keeps.

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Not going after a serial criminal "because she's a former First Lady" is a BS cowardly cop-out. Trump deserves no respect for failing to go after Clinton.

Also, if Trump did not go after Clinton or any other Fat Rat so that they would not go after him or his family then that's even MORE disgusting - criminals having each other's back.

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They were friends who went back a long way. Trump was a Democrat. Trump has loyalty to his friends

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Donnie has loyalty to friends like the abominable Hillary Clinton?? What does that say about Donnie?

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Unless attacked personally, which HRC did.

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This is becoming a daily happening! All these court systems, including the Supreme Court as well are corrupt. They’re bought off by the left-wing narcissists!! I say impeach them all

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Our enfeebled court system makes up one branch of the deep state. Kangaroo courts abound. When the going gets tough, Donnie supports his "friends" because he's a loyal deep stater himself. He showed his true colors with the gibberish about the Gazan "Riviera".

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Amazing how corruptocrats have so many "friends". In this regard, we can witness how often Congress is mum regarding many shady characters. The phrase "birds of a feather" comes to mind.

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My question is are these courts corrupt or "Controlled" through blackmail such as with the Epstein tapes or any other "we have dirt on you" due to all electronic eavesdropping by the NSA. I remember many were shocked Justice Roberts allowed Obama Care to go through but it appeared to me he had tears in his eyes when I saw pictures of him after that decision (because he knew he had just sold us all out ? ) Was he possibly blackmailed to find on the case they way that the Left wanted ? Obama said "No one is reading your emails" but no one EVER asks the truth seeking follow up question, such as - "But are there ANY computer programs or algorithms scanning ALL correspondence looking for key words that will then flag any of them for review by someone" ? We know that ALL electronic correspondence is now recorded by the CIA's super center in Utah. The poor journalism today by these "professionals" and there lack of pertinent and relevant follow up to these criminal politicians and public figures is abysmal.

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John Roberts "imported" two South American children that he's raised but he did it surreptitiously with questionable legalities. Thusly, Roberts is controlled via blackmail.

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The swamp is deep and it will not be easy! Dems will try to stop anything Trump does to stop their money and power!

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It is a long, slow process. There are some good writing and videos on the TRO and other maneuvers. These are examples, and might require a small ivestment of time.

It is beyond difficult dealing with activist judges. This is an attempt to put some of the maneavering into perspective. It is a longer game on the many fronts we are facing. What needs avoidance is being defeated (or playing into the hands of the globalists) by jumping to quick conclusions. Letting some of these decisions marinate while trying to gain better understanding of the process is, I believe, a good idea,

The education system (such as it is) in the US fails quite well in the areas of civics. Legal immigrants on a path to legal citizenship might be better-versed in civics than those born here and brought through an education system which has gradually deemphasiszed (my opinion is this is purposeful) understanding of the basics of the Constitution and how the Constitutional republic was designed.

One point: https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/document/questions-and-answers/100q.pdf

Regarding the TRO, here are a few longer dives into this issue for anyone so inclined to spend the time. I'd run the videos at 1.5x, watch the transcript. Reading the opinion pieces? Look for the parts which expand the discussion and provide information/education/strategic breakdown of the issues. Do further research as necessary.



regarding justice acb (this pertains to 2A issues, applies broadly

) :



and Justics ACB particularly:


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President Jackson laid the ground work for dealing with the Judiciary, he said something along the lines of, “Well, let the Chief Justice enforce his ruling.”.

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If they don't stand up to these criminals, they will fail!!!

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Hillary must have her surveillance team. And yes she looks like a young Hillary. What a nightmare.

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Blood drinking has done wonders for Hilly.....

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That Perkins Coie never was charged for their part in the Russian collusion hoax is miscarriage of justice

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