Persons on inside on conditions of anonymity, and who were present, not at liberty to disclose exact content, have shared this to give us a flavor of the discussion over dinner ('leaked indications')
Funny how a wishful joke becomes believed. If Fauci and Bourla get jail time I shall get drunk for a week. But I think they will just slip away into the undergrowth and obscurity. I pray they are charged and jailed or hung.
I love your post, yes wishful joke or sarcasm yet it is what should have been discussed and in that manner...yes, after proper courts and rulings saying hanging, we must hang them high
Professor Sucharit Bhakdi has reportedly said in an interviw in Germany that German scientists have just discovered the bacterial DNA from the contaminants in the mRNA shots first reported on by Kevin McKernan inside the cells of a patient with hyperprogressive cancer. Shit is about to get real. Did they talk about that?
do you think they have convinced daddy T that they should pivot to cancer now? and he called them in? I think Makary should have been in that meeting...
Funny but sad in its own right, but I don't care who goes first just as long as they go one right after the other until they are no more. Let them all be damned!!!
Wonderful Satire! Read Dr. Malone's article today setting the record straight and explaining his involvement withe DOD! I asked Dr. Malone to confirm the 2010 strategy meeting. My comment follows: Dr. Malone. Thanks for setting the record straight. Many moving parts! I recall reading that in 2010, the US Air Force Strategic division (?) had a Big 5 meeting laying out the strategy for implementing a defense response in the event of a global biowarfare attack. The Big 5 being USA, Canada, England, New Zealand and Australia. When you look at the history of what has transpired in the last 4 years, you realize that the Big 5 was very effective in accomplishing the biowarfare exercise. Was 2010 ground zero? All came together over time and DOD and Big Pharma had similar goals that made it all work? Did the Armed Services Committee of the House and Senate have prior knowledge of this preplanned pseudo pandemic and are they sworn to secrecy? Is that why most of our congressman in DC stay silent on this crisis that created great harm? Does "follow the science" translate to "I just followed orders"! Is that why we can't identify
a government employee who pulled the trigger? Is that why a preemptive pardon is in the works for Fauci and his disciplines. My view: If we continue down this path to create an effective gain of function bio weapon, we will accidently find one that acts like cyanide and decimates humanity. The self replicating issue by respiratory expression could be the route.
believe nothing he says...we want him under oath...not reading from a phone and writing his version of the truth...he lies like a drunk sailor entering a whorehouse with money in his pocket
'My view: If we continue down this path to create an effective gain of function bio weapon, we will accidently find one that acts like cyanide and decimates humanity. The self replicating issue by respiratory expression could be the route.'
How do you know this? His articles are well researched and express’s the truth of what is transpiring. He may have been on the dark side, but I believe he has come into the light.
Perfect Thomas….. as I have been asking, now what?
Also if you haven’t read up about Japan’s “Replicon” Bioweapon Injection, you’ll find quite interesting and extremely dangerous! As in end of civilization dangerous! I’m not an expert, nor a scientist, I’m simply a very concerned citizen who took a deep dive into the Covid-Fraud. From what I understand, “Replicon” literally can spread to animals from people injected. I haven’t learned anything about timelines or distances, simply wanted to make you aware of what Japan has been doing. I believe testing in Japan began in October 2024. I haven’t heard much since the initial developments. If you’re aware and or knowledgeable about this Thomas, any information you can share is greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much for your succinct comment / explanation. I appreciate your insight.
If this is true and I’m not doubting your claim or understanding, I’m simply trying to make sense of past statements.
And this would explain why Fauci kept pushing shot after shot after shot?
In other words, if those who were initially injected stopped taking boosters, at some point the “Building Blocks of Spike Protein” will eventually be exhausted.
Which makes sense because the death toll has not leveled off. In fact, the last I checked the numbers were still rising. Especially cancers in young adults. WTF?
This may be why German Virologists Dr Geert Bossche can be quoted saying:
“ a tsunami of death is upon us?” See below both he headline and quote from Dr Bossche.
Renowned Virologist Warns Fully Vaxxed Have Just Years Left to Live: ‘Tsunami of Death Is Upon Us’
“It’s very strange for me to make such statements, but I’m not hiding it because I’m 200 percent convinced that it will happen,” Bossche stated ominously.
The unmitigated gaul of a select group of deranged “megalomaniacs” deceived and lied to countless other people, chartering them to mislead the rest of the world.
The simple truth is, the world was deliberately lied about:
complete, 24/7, no off switch identified. this also leads to immune exhaustion for your immune system is dealing with vaccine induced spike (foreign antigen) presented on the surfaces of cells after being translated on the ribosomes (in cell cytoplasm) and thus think about it...if your immune system is marshalled to deal with this foreign protein your cells are producing and your immune system knows it is foreign so it must target it and destroy it and the cell/tissues (auto-immunity), then you are left potentially immunologically defenseless against other pathogen...that you would normally cope with.
in short, the mRNA shot fucks you up in a myriad of ways. no good way out...the LNP delivery mechanism, transport vehicle is a key player too...deadly...
“Normally cope with” is the key here Dr. This is exactly why this entire Covid scam began.
Remember when Fauci said many times he was worried about ADE? Which meant customers would need a booster shot every 4-6 months.
When people started dropping dead, many more people said FUZK This. No more shots for me and so their immune system has been compromised, some more than others and death rates haven’t leveled off yet.
Fast forward to Japan and their Replicon shot. Technically speaking this shot should provide nonstop spike production essentially keeping Japans customers from dying prematurely.
In a perfect world, GFY!! These bastards knew exactly what they were doing. A never ending supply of boosters Customers! But it backfired on these “megalomaniacs” not only did they kill / murder millions, those who have survived are immunocompromised! A win win for the bastards! Unit someone STOPS THEM!
Thank you Dr a little more sense makes a for a lot more rest
Oh man oh man… this now makes sense, because Fauci kept saying, get your booster shot, over and over, month after month.
If you don’t get your booster shots repeatedly then the spike protein stops and you die! Which makes sense today because the death rates have not leveled off in fact they are still rising.
So with “Replicon” if it works as advertised, people won’t need a booster and your body will continue producing spike protein.
What a “Con!” Inject people with something these same people will need the rest of their life. Unfortunately, many people stopped getting boosters and are dying, especially young adults. Cancer rates are crazy among this age group.
Which might explain why Japan has developed the “Replicon” shot. Of all nations Japan can’t afford to lose their young adults. By developing a new, never ending spike protein injection which never stops producing spike protein, essentially saving their young adults from early death.
I’ll add, we need more people like us asking God for His forgiveness. In a humongous, magnanimous and gigantic way. America and the American people have steered clear of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, whether intentionally or unintentionally
The fact is, America has become a modern day equivalent, in many ways
like “Sodom and Gomorrah!”
Nothing good can come from this way of lifestyle. There was a time, not so long ago, American’s were very devout.
Then the internet exploded and pornography, dating sites, hook-up apps, etc. tempting an already weak populace.
Needless to say, evil political entities utilized their influence to push a “Marxist-Agenda” with all the side-dishes! America is the world’s largest “Sex-Trafficking” nation on planet Earth! A huge reason why our borders have been wide open, in an unprecedented way. No security whatsoever! Nobody stopping the “Cartels” who now own our southern borders.
So without any deterrence, more than 400K kids have gone missing from DHS. This, from a whistleblower! Oh this present illegitimate president and administration are sick, nasty, pedophile monsters!
Not all I want to add. But many more than we’ll ever know, in high places allowing this to happen! Such a travesty of injustice!
Thank you again Ingrid. Prayers are needed in a major way and I do pray millions of Americans wake up to the “ills of their ways” and repent.
Now it's HHS! Allowing the children to dissapear! And a whistleblower was saying it's gang members getting the kids! It was on "Truth Social" the other day!
The last number I heard today was 500K kids missing! This was all part of what we’ve been watching these past few years.
It’s sickening how many people are involved with this. From the highest levels of government to the lowest levels of gang members.
When a corrupt government is desperate, as this current administration is, they stole the 2020 election, they continue to pillage the American taxpayers money, they up the ante with child sex trafficking and refuse to answer for anything they’ve done!
Despicably Evil! Startling with the illegitimate Biden, showering with his young daughter and right down the ladder of corrupt and dangerous filth! This has been the most “EVIList” corrupt president ever in American politics! He’s Evilly demented! He’ll get his I know he will.
While America is being “gutted” like a fish, these demonic destroyers continue their attacks on the incoming President Elect and Americans.
Good God there must be some kind of justice! If not in this world then the next, either way, “a man cannot run from himself!”
These wishful thinking leaks indicate that someone close to Trump is jealous and extremely unhappy with Musk being close to Trump. In fact it’s fortunate for Trump that Musk is on his side. No one argues that 2016 Trump election to president was a fluke. He was underestimated by Clintons. They were ready to celebrate. It was a shock which took them by surprise. In 2020 they learned their lesson. Every possible fraud was committed to prevent him to come to power. Why anyone thinks 2024 would be any different? It wouldn’t if not for Musk. With his abilities, technology and money he helped Trump to be elected. No wonder Trum keeps him by his side. And rightfully so.
I like Musk, as long as he has no access to any classified information and knows his place and role...he was not elected. his money is our government money got him there...and luck...he has no more ability than should know this
Your leaving out the part that lawyers for President Trump, & judges,& families, in the aftermath of 2020 election, were having their lives threatened, (Like his appointees now!), if they defended Trump's objection to the 2020 election results!
Even Rudy Giuliani & his witnesses of voter fraud, from the beginning, were being threatened! & the SCJ dropped the Ball, declining to look at the first case, Brunson Brother's case, "for lack of Standing!"
The compromised, divided, 2 tiered judicial system failed us! INJUSTICE! Unjust Injustice Dept!
Mountains of evidence of "the steal" were discovered, & thru Forensic Audits, are shared at & some archived info at Brannon Howse's site, who helped set up Mike Lindell's uncensored (like Trump's "TRUTH SOCIAL")
"The Steal" vol 1-3
by: Joe Hoft
Many volunteers, (seen at, have worked on Forensic Audits, investigating the 2020 election. Some were election & voting machine experts, & mathematic experts, like Calculus Professor, Dr Frank who showed how he made a surprising discovery! He had just used the census, for his county, to teach his students how to graph it according to age, & then he saw a graph of the 2020 election result of his county & he recognized it was exactly the same pattern as the census graph he had just taught his class to make! He took a look at other county's & saw the same thing going on!
More in "Absolute Proof Series" in Frankspeech FIX2020FIRST shows the countries: Russia, China, Iran, S Korea & 2 or 3 more countries were Stealing Trump's Votes! Shown At the top of screen with numbers flying! SO SAD! see the doc. video & others there too!
I'm sure the cheating hasn't stopped, so probably we just got enough votes this time( 3rd win), again, to out-run the voting machines programing, if they did that again! I really Don't Believe Harris was getting all those votes! Such a LIE!
I also don't believe Kari Lake lost!
Trump's Attorney, Sidney Powell, explained how the computers can be programmed to take a percentage of a Rep. Presidential Candidate's "vote", & split them up to give a % to Biden & spread another percentage of that to the other Democrats candidates, down the ticket! That was discovered in the 2020 election!
We Must Save our Country!
On Election night, the "clitch" happened, soon after President Trump said: "Who stole my votes!" It was recorded! He saw it happen, (20,000?) they flipped to Biden! Counting stopped, & Trump was winning by a landslide, but because, computer program wasn't set high enough to keep up with Trump, so vote counting Stopped! So they called it a "Clitch!"
In the middle of the night, after we went to bed thinking TRUMP WON, With America almost all Red, they, the "Mules,"
(what drug dealers trafficking drugs are called), the people helping Biden to win, used Zuckerberg's $400 mill. ballot boxes to stuff the boxes: where the newsman had pointed to, areas not counted yet, blue states, where he said, where they needed more Electoral College Votes to get Biden to win, & they drove there, city to city, state to state, which became the contested states!
They were Caught on city cameras & traced with phone pings, as Seen in "2000 MULES" doc film, but Now Banned, (because one innocent man caught on camera sued!) Lawfare!
Dinesh D'Souza's & True-The-Vote's, Gregg & Cathrine's, film
As a healthcare professional myself, this whole post with supposed dialogue and “transcript” of conversations is 100% pure conjecture. Total bullshit.
You’re stoking a fire without any evidence whatsoever of what was actually said.
All this is is wishful thinking on your part in hopes of convincing your own fans here that Trump has “seen the light” and has changed his stance from pro Covid “vaccines” to now being against these untested, experimental gene therapies. Now Trump will magically tell Big Pharma and all its cronies to stop producing these killer therapies? LOL
They’ve already had a taste of the billions of
$$$ in profits with no regard for public safety.
The pharmaceutical companies will continue to spread fear about future deadly diseases, exert their power via lobbyists in Congress, rake in more $$$$ with more lies, ie, safe and effective” narratives via public health agencies, as they did with the Plandemic 2020-2022.
I really thought you were better than posting this bs.
what you wrote int he end is good but the top was insanity on your part...dont come here and attack me or insult me...when you clearly did not read it properly...relax yourself DS, take a chill pill...this post was very informative, I made sure it was.
calm down DS, take a drink...of course its sarcasm and satire...its what should have been come all who read it know this yet you take an offensive posture?
Both the wife and I were faced with losing our jobs of 20+ years in healthcare because of the shots that were forced upon everyone. We stood up and refused the mandates from our employers when each of our respective coworkers simply complied…knowing full well we could lose everything by refusing. Did it anyway.
I find no humor in your satire. It’s not a joking matter when the people responsible will never face any type punishment for crimes against humanity. It’s been politicized to the point that there will be no justice for the people who died or are maimed as a result.
Ds: I agree and wonder why Dr. Alexander would put this crap in front of us. I support Dr A but he needs to take a break/vacation and disconnect for a while before he has a major break down. It’s pretty obvious he is being played.
you know I love and respect you...just know it is satire and tells you how bad things are that these players can meet, we not get content, and we not get the shots stopped...what? they gonna say mRNA vax now for cancer?
I think t's a very clever & funny way to get the message across, it's really brilliant satire! So funny I laughed, & laughed! And yet Dr Alexander showed the serious side, the Truth the culprits don't want to talk about! The Injuries, the Deaths! The emergence of Boldness in the end, proclaiming the Truth which matters, that people's lives matter! Our Hope is for Our President to be totally enlightened, along with RFK, jr., & empowered to STOP the Insanity! Stop the Shots! Stop the "Gain-of- Function" funding, & outlaw it!
With righteusness winning in the end, just as we would hope so! Jail time for the real domestic terrorists, creators of bioweapons designed to not only kill innocent people but their future generations! Destroying American Citizens, & causing reproductive problems, 85% preborn babies dieing before seeing the light of day!
love this line "Our Hope is for Our President to be totally enlightened, along with RFK, jr., & empowered to STOP the Insanity! Stop the Shots! Stop the "Gain-of- Function" funding, & outlaw it!"
With righteusness winning in the end, just as we would hope so! Jail time for the real domestic terrorists, creators of bioweapons designed to not only kill innocent people but their future generations! Destroying American Citizens, & causing reproductive problems, 85% preborn babies dieing before seeing the light of day!
In an interview posted yesterday Sucharit Bhakdi said he had recieved information from an insider, who told that Trump was fully aware he had been conned with the jab, and that he had brought RFK in to get everything in order specifically around the deadly shot. There will be an earthquake in january and all will be revealed, Bhakdi said. I have not seen this man being so joyful and hopeful before, so he obviously believes the information he got. Let us all pray it is for real!
A little bird told me Matt Gaetz was waiting by the exit door to read Bourla and Ricks their Miranda rights as Kash Patel, deputized by Donald Trump, placed handcuffs on both pharma CEOs while Kid Rock surreptitiously tied the two criminals' shoelaces together, just for fun. Hulk Hogan stood by in case his assistance was required.
The text may be parody, but it reflects reality well, except for this line by "Trump":
"I am about to come out declaring the mRNA vaccines too dangerous and that it has harmed many and my aim is to call for it to be stopped across USA and all stocks destroyed."
There is no way that Trump will utter that truth. He is utterly _owned_ by Pfizer and does exactly what Pfizer wants at all times no matter how many people die from Pfizer products. He has proven that over and over and over again, most recently with the appointment of pharma shill Nesheiwat. This means that RFK Jr will be forbidden from objecting in public to the death jabs.
I would love to be proved wrong, but there is absolutely no reason to believe that Trump will ever openly object to mass murder by mRNA injection.
I wrote it in satire of what SHOULD have been said and that the shots should have been stopped by now, I am glad you understood the exercise and you raise some very important points.
No!! I haven't yet read your whole reply, but so far I disagree with you completely about President Trump! You really sound like a Democrat that's been brainwashed by the MSM Lies! Too bad, so sad! You even sound like you could be a "Facebook Soro's Paid Protester!" It seems very possible, he's in the "destruction" business investing in destroying our country!
Also Patrick, now that I finished yoyr message, which I still disagree with, President Trump said he will Stop all mandates!
He Loves God & Americans, he gave up his salary to Charity! He has helped to protect us by building the Wall that the fake, illegitamate "PRESIDENT" wouldn't finish! Over 300,000 trafficked children are missing, in slavery now, abused or dead because of this terrible administration!
I think it’s clear and in Dr Alexander’s defense, he made the point in his statement about the validity of such leakage, quite clear.
We can all be Monday morning quarterbacks and explain what we would have done, etc. One take away I think is worth noting, is the simple fact that, the entire world knows these “Bioweapon Injections” have killed millions!
No lives were saved whatsoever!
The world was duped, lied too, scammed in the most egregious ways possible. When human lives are cast aside “En Masse” for the sake of money, literally everyone should be in an uproar!
Whether or not money was the primary motive, isn’t so simple to determine. But understanding how many chemicals, how many studies, reports of exceedingly high levels of DNA contamination and the simple fact that mRNA was shelved since its inception, proves that, a deliberate, premeditated murder of those who died at the hands of these injections should hold accountable those involved. Yea murder IMO, would be a viable charge if anyone involved were ever held accountable.
There’s an entire new world of deceit that took place in order to pull this off. The basic plan was simple, but that’s where its simplicity ends. In order to gain the such staggering amount of support, literally from every institution, both public and private, and to have their buy in, into this entire scam of corruption so deep, requires a tremendous amount of wiling participation.
We can only hope for someone or an army of someone’s to expose everything we know and everything we haven’t even mentioned or discussed at this point or don’t know about
I have repeatedly asked, over the years, what now? Again I’ll ask, what now? Even if this article is erroneous, many parts are true, in one sense or another. I believe this is a simple question to ask? And unfortunately, nobody has ever answered me.
Unfortunately, asking “What Now?” Is not so simple, now is it? The magnitude of this event and the effects upon the world will know doubt change history, and will rewrite history, that’s a given.
But will there be anyone left to read it? Is the “Replicon Injection” from Japan the end of civilization as we know it? Who knows? Something is much bigger and deeper at play here . Something far greater than the post I’m responding to.
Something far more dangerous than anything ever in the history of mankind.
IMO, this Covid-Scam rivals the extinction of the dinosaurs, that’s how humongous this is! People are still dying! Deaths have not leveled out! Something nobody is saying or asking is, how long will these injections stay in my body?
Isn’t it odd how nobody talks about Covid anymore. The only talk was in the beginning. To get the world scared to death. To get as many people behind the Judas GOAT! As they have done. What now?
With millions of people dead, millions of more people disabled,does anyone really know or should I ask, who really knows if billions are in line behind the Judas Goat?
Literally 4 billion people could essentially die from this attack! One peer reviewed study indicated 73.9% of 385 autopsies confirmed Covid injection involvement as causation in part. Based on 5.5 Billion Injections worldwide potentially could kill 4 Billion people worldwide!
Yes this DOD planned, coordinated and executed is combination with the
“Five-Eyes” nations has had a tremendous impact on lives lost by premeditated injectable murder!
In essence, nearly half the world’s population may not have much time left. Who knows? Nobody is asking so nobody knows! Control the narrative you will control the outcome!
Isn’t that what we’re seeing now? what’s happening here? Just as a light turns off with the switch so to the State Controlled MSM has gone out / gone silent about this! I wonder why that is? Deaths continue to rise, people continue to become disabled, where’s the scrolling death screens? Why aren’t there any more “White-Coats?”
As harsh as that may sound, the truth is people don’t attack people without a very clear objective. Within the first year of the mandate madness, a CEO of an American Based, fairly large life insurance company said, “A 40% payout in one year is an 800 year cataclysmic event!” His words not mine. This was how deep the level of death within this one company was!
This is how direct this planned attack was. Unfortunately, I believe there’s still so much more we can expect as a species. Heck what can you possibly call it when the potential for half the world’s population may expire at the hands of a few “Megalomaniacs?” in a few years or less.
A “ tsunami of death”
is upon us,
Dr Geert Bossche,
German Virologist.
I pray to God I’m wrong. Whether or not the article posted by Dr Alexander is verified and transcripts are released and every word in this article is correct, I ask you, what does it matter?
Well IMO it matters greatly but can anything be done to right this travesty of inhumane proportions? Given that the most diabolically evil people at the helm and their disgusting desires to attack all of humanity, for world domination? I think not!
What’s more important is those who believe, those who know and those who seek to destroy humanity, will always find a way. Remember
“The End Justifies the Means” and that my friend is something we may be finding ourselves living under,
Well there is hope for the jabbed, Karen Kingston has a GREAT substack & She shares on it information for people to get help detoxifying after getting the jab! She shows what they are, what she likes to use.
I know of other sites that offer detox, body cleansing also, that's Sounds like great stuff! And she Loves the LORD & prays for people! One other product I know about is: "SPIKE SUPPORT" "Formula," is a great Dr & person & he has great advice for how much you should take if you get sick, Ivermectin, Hydroxychloriquine, Quercitin (spell?), Zinc,
Vit C, buffered, grandular form, in high dose,
If You can't get Ivernectin or Hydroxy. you can go thru & give your info, name etc , & health issue, & make a password, & they will call in a prescription for you right away at the closest one who can help u, u can choose from their options they have in your neighborhood!
I think Dr Ardis said its best to take ivermectin 5 days then Hydroxy. 5 days, & then Ivermectin 5 days if you have symptoms you think are sick from covid poisoning, from someone shedding on you, or you are exposed thru the air, chem trail(?), in rain? Dr Stella says to stock up on
ivermectin, hydroxy., etc she has everything u need.
Thank you Ingrid. I’m not nor would I ever want to inject anything into my body. Humanity was blessed with and born with the most miraculously designed immune system by our Lord Jesus.
My concern has been from the start, why kids? My Grandson in particular. Which has lead me through this entire Covid scam against humanity like I have never seen before.
Unfortunately many friends and relatives of mine have been injected. They bought into the fear mongering BS and now are suffering. I have recommended Dr McCulloughs spike protein protocol, some having amazing results.
Today, because I’ve always asked kabillions of questions my entire life. This journey has taken me deep down this, incredibly dangerous and disturbing road of, in your face evil like nothing I have ever seen before.
I appreciate your help and I am grateful for so many people on Substack. We can all help each other in ways we all can benefit. Which is exactly what I always thought life was about.
Wow, what a sweet message, you are welcome, & thank you, that was so nice of you!
I'm pretty much in the same situation with feeling the same way, God's way of healing is best vs bad jab, & the deception has brought sadness in my life too, with 4 out of 6 jabbed in my family, adult sons & daughters. These are really evil times we are living in endtimes, I believe! Not much longer, I think before Matthew 24: 21 & 22, this what I was thinking about today:
21 For there will be great Tribulation such as not been from the beginning of the world until now: no and never wil be again.
22 And if those days had not be shortened, no human being would endure (and) survive: but for the sake of the elect (God's chosen ones) those days will be shortened.
We are in such a Spiritual Battle between Good & Evil!
Light vs Darkness!
Here we are fighting against the evil, demonic controlled people like that Pfizer guy Dr Alexander was talking about yesterday, the creepy, evil guy that President Trump was having over for dinner, with his friend & new appointee Robert Kennedy, & it reminded me so much of Queen Esther, & her plans for making the dinner appointment with the King & with Haman who was ploting to destroy her people; like the Pfizer guy!
I would say, she was very brave, like President Trump! "For Such A Time as This!!"
I believe he already has learned how bad the jab situation is & wants to stop what's going on.
I know President Trump loves the Lord & he loves people! I know the Holy Spirit has been guiding him & I believe even in this dinner Appointment!
He has given his life to the Lord & Lord is forever interceeding for him, like for all of us who love Him. He has a good plan for his life & not for evil, & for us also--
Psalm 91:7
"A thousand may fall at your side, and 10,000 at your right hand, but it shall not come near you."
Your reply is impossible to contradict Ingrid, because what you’ve said is exactly the truth!
The evil Pfizer man, Bourla, had done video presentations in 2020 at the Davos conference in Switzerland. He introduced a new “electronic pill” that once swallowed sends a signal to the insurance company. Bourla was all excited about this new technology and said, “think about the compliance factor?” What he was really saying was, “we can track you now” which is a giant part of the Covid Bioweapon Injections. Nanotechnology / quantum nanotechnology / quantum dots / nanotube etc are all very similar and very much surveillance technology / devices. They self-assemble creating circuits which can send and receive signals. So there’s so much BS built into these injections which will allow the “New World Order” to keep track of those of us who remain alive! Quite disturbing indeed. Dangerous? Absolutely! The good news is that these Evildoers have been exposed, they can’t hide anymore. Which is good because evil needs darkness to create their evil harms
I know what you mean, I've seen how they self-assemble, when someone comes near it with a phone, like a Drs. cell phone. It's so scary how that happens! 5G !
I saw it on Frankspeech, I think it was Dr Lee Merritt, retired Army Surgeon, on Tamarra Scott's Show. She saw the connection with 5G! Said we must get rid of the towers!
Funny how a wishful joke becomes believed. If Fauci and Bourla get jail time I shall get drunk for a week. But I think they will just slip away into the undergrowth and obscurity. I pray they are charged and jailed or hung.
I love your post, yes wishful joke or sarcasm yet it is what should have been discussed and in that manner...yes, after proper courts and rulings saying hanging, we must hang them high
You have a lot of co-prayers....
They are putting the MRNA covid vax in your food you need to
do this right now visit..........
You left out the part where RFK told Bourla & cohorts to “Eat s*** and die!”
Professor Sucharit Bhakdi has reportedly said in an interviw in Germany that German scientists have just discovered the bacterial DNA from the contaminants in the mRNA shots first reported on by Kevin McKernan inside the cells of a patient with hyperprogressive cancer. Shit is about to get real. Did they talk about that?
I think ANW that they are pivoting to cancer, the mRNA killers they are, to make more money
and because cancer is now skyrocketing
do you think they have convinced daddy T that they should pivot to cancer now? and he called them in? I think Makary should have been in that meeting...
And on the other hand there are alleged reports that the ‘spike protein’ inhibits cancer…….have you seen or heard this BS.
pure bullshit, they are trying to tell us that the mRNA in the virus cures cancer and the mRNA in the shots cures cancer
tell us who we should hang first?
Funny but sad in its own right, but I don't care who goes first just as long as they go one right after the other until they are no more. Let them all be damned!!!
That is their "new speak" and "new science".
Treat them all like mushrooms...keep them in the dark... and feed them a bunch of bullshit.
bullshit lies, you are right
What they likely talked about was how they are gonna roll out the next round of BS.
we are counting on RFK Jr. to pull us out and come clean
I really pray so!
he likely know this is a parody right...ha ha
of what it should have been
No less a parody than the Drive-By-Media the last 61 years and 16 days
Wonderful Satire! Read Dr. Malone's article today setting the record straight and explaining his involvement withe DOD! I asked Dr. Malone to confirm the 2010 strategy meeting. My comment follows: Dr. Malone. Thanks for setting the record straight. Many moving parts! I recall reading that in 2010, the US Air Force Strategic division (?) had a Big 5 meeting laying out the strategy for implementing a defense response in the event of a global biowarfare attack. The Big 5 being USA, Canada, England, New Zealand and Australia. When you look at the history of what has transpired in the last 4 years, you realize that the Big 5 was very effective in accomplishing the biowarfare exercise. Was 2010 ground zero? All came together over time and DOD and Big Pharma had similar goals that made it all work? Did the Armed Services Committee of the House and Senate have prior knowledge of this preplanned pseudo pandemic and are they sworn to secrecy? Is that why most of our congressman in DC stay silent on this crisis that created great harm? Does "follow the science" translate to "I just followed orders"! Is that why we can't identify
a government employee who pulled the trigger? Is that why a preemptive pardon is in the works for Fauci and his disciplines. My view: If we continue down this path to create an effective gain of function bio weapon, we will accidently find one that acts like cyanide and decimates humanity. The self replicating issue by respiratory expression could be the route.
believe nothing he says...we want him under oath...not reading from a phone and writing his version of the truth...he lies like a drunk sailor entering a whorehouse with money in his pocket
'My view: If we continue down this path to create an effective gain of function bio weapon, we will accidently find one that acts like cyanide and decimates humanity. The self replicating issue by respiratory expression could be the route.'
nice post above
How do you know this? His articles are well researched and express’s the truth of what is transpiring. He may have been on the dark side, but I believe he has come into the light.
He is the best Lier I have ever experienced? Maybe not!
Perfect Thomas….. as I have been asking, now what?
Also if you haven’t read up about Japan’s “Replicon” Bioweapon Injection, you’ll find quite interesting and extremely dangerous! As in end of civilization dangerous! I’m not an expert, nor a scientist, I’m simply a very concerned citizen who took a deep dive into the Covid-Fraud. From what I understand, “Replicon” literally can spread to animals from people injected. I haven’t learned anything about timelines or distances, simply wanted to make you aware of what Japan has been doing. I believe testing in Japan began in October 2024. I haven’t heard much since the initial developments. If you’re aware and or knowledgeable about this Thomas, any information you can share is greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much for your succinct comment / explanation. I appreciate your insight.
the idea of replicon is that the mRNA can self-replicate and this more massive amounts of spike protein being created in you...induced in you
When the building blocks of creating spike proteins are exhausted…you die.
yes, excellent.
If this is true and I’m not doubting your claim or understanding, I’m simply trying to make sense of past statements.
And this would explain why Fauci kept pushing shot after shot after shot?
In other words, if those who were initially injected stopped taking boosters, at some point the “Building Blocks of Spike Protein” will eventually be exhausted.
Which makes sense because the death toll has not leveled off. In fact, the last I checked the numbers were still rising. Especially cancers in young adults. WTF?
This may be why German Virologists Dr Geert Bossche can be quoted saying:
“ a tsunami of death is upon us?” See below both he headline and quote from Dr Bossche.
Renowned Virologist Warns Fully Vaxxed Have Just Years Left to Live: ‘Tsunami of Death Is Upon Us’
“It’s very strange for me to make such statements, but I’m not hiding it because I’m 200 percent convinced that it will happen,” Bossche stated ominously.
Thank you Thomas.
Sounds ominous to put it mildly. Thank you Thomas.
I appreciate your time and help.
Destroying known “Truths.”
“New World Order”
The unmitigated gaul of a select group of deranged “megalomaniacs” deceived and lied to countless other people, chartering them to mislead the rest of the world.
The simple truth is, the world was deliberately lied about:
1. A non-existent threat
2. Millions of deaths resulting.
3. Shredding truth / science.
4. Now we’re to trust who?
“New World Order?”
Thank you for clarifying Dr. Alexander. If I’m understanding you correctly,
essentially your body becomes a human spike protein factory?
complete, 24/7, no off switch identified. this also leads to immune exhaustion for your immune system is dealing with vaccine induced spike (foreign antigen) presented on the surfaces of cells after being translated on the ribosomes (in cell cytoplasm) and thus think about it...if your immune system is marshalled to deal with this foreign protein your cells are producing and your immune system knows it is foreign so it must target it and destroy it and the cell/tissues (auto-immunity), then you are left potentially immunologically defenseless against other pathogen...that you would normally cope with.
in short, the mRNA shot fucks you up in a myriad of ways. no good way out...the LNP delivery mechanism, transport vehicle is a key player too...deadly...
I have an easier time understanding t-cells and ribosomes than I do trying to get back to where my reply’s went on Substack!
It's been a great thread to keep up with, though!
“Normally cope with” is the key here Dr. This is exactly why this entire Covid scam began.
Remember when Fauci said many times he was worried about ADE? Which meant customers would need a booster shot every 4-6 months.
When people started dropping dead, many more people said FUZK This. No more shots for me and so their immune system has been compromised, some more than others and death rates haven’t leveled off yet.
Fast forward to Japan and their Replicon shot. Technically speaking this shot should provide nonstop spike production essentially keeping Japans customers from dying prematurely.
In a perfect world, GFY!! These bastards knew exactly what they were doing. A never ending supply of boosters Customers! But it backfired on these “megalomaniacs” not only did they kill / murder millions, those who have survived are immunocompromised! A win win for the bastards! Unit someone STOPS THEM!
Thank you Dr a little more sense makes a for a lot more rest
Oh man oh man… this now makes sense, because Fauci kept saying, get your booster shot, over and over, month after month.
If you don’t get your booster shots repeatedly then the spike protein stops and you die! Which makes sense today because the death rates have not leveled off in fact they are still rising.
So with “Replicon” if it works as advertised, people won’t need a booster and your body will continue producing spike protein.
What a “Con!” Inject people with something these same people will need the rest of their life. Unfortunately, many people stopped getting boosters and are dying, especially young adults. Cancer rates are crazy among this age group.
Which might explain why Japan has developed the “Replicon” shot. Of all nations Japan can’t afford to lose their young adults. By developing a new, never ending spike protein injection which never stops producing spike protein, essentially saving their young adults from early death.
I forgot about the info Dr Alexander has in the beginning of this substack, at the bottom, sharing the TWC.Health site!
Yes I have been following Dr Alexander since the start of this COVID debacle menagerie of lies perpetrated in the world.
Thank you again Ingrid.
I forgot about the info Dr Alexander has in the beginning of this substack, sharing the TWC.Health site info.
I double and I triple your “AMEN” Ingrid.
I’ll add, we need more people like us asking God for His forgiveness. In a humongous, magnanimous and gigantic way. America and the American people have steered clear of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, whether intentionally or unintentionally
The fact is, America has become a modern day equivalent, in many ways
like “Sodom and Gomorrah!”
Nothing good can come from this way of lifestyle. There was a time, not so long ago, American’s were very devout.
Then the internet exploded and pornography, dating sites, hook-up apps, etc. tempting an already weak populace.
Needless to say, evil political entities utilized their influence to push a “Marxist-Agenda” with all the side-dishes! America is the world’s largest “Sex-Trafficking” nation on planet Earth! A huge reason why our borders have been wide open, in an unprecedented way. No security whatsoever! Nobody stopping the “Cartels” who now own our southern borders.
So without any deterrence, more than 400K kids have gone missing from DHS. This, from a whistleblower! Oh this present illegitimate president and administration are sick, nasty, pedophile monsters!
Not all I want to add. But many more than we’ll ever know, in high places allowing this to happen! Such a travesty of injustice!
Thank you again Ingrid. Prayers are needed in a major way and I do pray millions of Americans wake up to the “ills of their ways” and repent.
Now it's HHS! Allowing the children to dissapear! And a whistleblower was saying it's gang members getting the kids! It was on "Truth Social" the other day!
The last number I heard today was 500K kids missing! This was all part of what we’ve been watching these past few years.
It’s sickening how many people are involved with this. From the highest levels of government to the lowest levels of gang members.
When a corrupt government is desperate, as this current administration is, they stole the 2020 election, they continue to pillage the American taxpayers money, they up the ante with child sex trafficking and refuse to answer for anything they’ve done!
Despicably Evil! Startling with the illegitimate Biden, showering with his young daughter and right down the ladder of corrupt and dangerous filth! This has been the most “EVIList” corrupt president ever in American politics! He’s Evilly demented! He’ll get his I know he will.
While America is being “gutted” like a fish, these demonic destroyers continue their attacks on the incoming President Elect and Americans.
Good God there must be some kind of justice! If not in this world then the next, either way, “a man cannot run from himself!”
These wishful thinking leaks indicate that someone close to Trump is jealous and extremely unhappy with Musk being close to Trump. In fact it’s fortunate for Trump that Musk is on his side. No one argues that 2016 Trump election to president was a fluke. He was underestimated by Clintons. They were ready to celebrate. It was a shock which took them by surprise. In 2020 they learned their lesson. Every possible fraud was committed to prevent him to come to power. Why anyone thinks 2024 would be any different? It wouldn’t if not for Musk. With his abilities, technology and money he helped Trump to be elected. No wonder Trum keeps him by his side. And rightfully so.
I like Musk, as long as he has no access to any classified information and knows his place and role...he was not elected. his money is our government money got him there...and luck...he has no more ability than should know this
Your leaving out the part that lawyers for President Trump, & judges,& families, in the aftermath of 2020 election, were having their lives threatened, (Like his appointees now!), if they defended Trump's objection to the 2020 election results!
Even Rudy Giuliani & his witnesses of voter fraud, from the beginning, were being threatened! & the SCJ dropped the Ball, declining to look at the first case, Brunson Brother's case, "for lack of Standing!"
The compromised, divided, 2 tiered judicial system failed us! INJUSTICE! Unjust Injustice Dept!
Mountains of evidence of "the steal" were discovered, & thru Forensic Audits, are shared at & some archived info at Brannon Howse's site, who helped set up Mike Lindell's uncensored (like Trump's "TRUTH SOCIAL")
"The Steal" vol 1-3
by: Joe Hoft
Many volunteers, (seen at, have worked on Forensic Audits, investigating the 2020 election. Some were election & voting machine experts, & mathematic experts, like Calculus Professor, Dr Frank who showed how he made a surprising discovery! He had just used the census, for his county, to teach his students how to graph it according to age, & then he saw a graph of the 2020 election result of his county & he recognized it was exactly the same pattern as the census graph he had just taught his class to make! He took a look at other county's & saw the same thing going on!
See him explain this in: "Scientific Proof" in FIX2020FIRST @ or maybe in archives @
More in "Absolute Proof Series" in Frankspeech FIX2020FIRST shows the countries: Russia, China, Iran, S Korea & 2 or 3 more countries were Stealing Trump's Votes! Shown At the top of screen with numbers flying! SO SAD! see the doc. video & others there too!
I'm sure the cheating hasn't stopped, so probably we just got enough votes this time( 3rd win), again, to out-run the voting machines programing, if they did that again! I really Don't Believe Harris was getting all those votes! Such a LIE!
I also don't believe Kari Lake lost!
Trump's Attorney, Sidney Powell, explained how the computers can be programmed to take a percentage of a Rep. Presidential Candidate's "vote", & split them up to give a % to Biden & spread another percentage of that to the other Democrats candidates, down the ticket! That was discovered in the 2020 election!
We Must Save our Country!
On Election night, the "clitch" happened, soon after President Trump said: "Who stole my votes!" It was recorded! He saw it happen, (20,000?) they flipped to Biden! Counting stopped, & Trump was winning by a landslide, but because, computer program wasn't set high enough to keep up with Trump, so vote counting Stopped! So they called it a "Clitch!"
In the middle of the night, after we went to bed thinking TRUMP WON, With America almost all Red, they, the "Mules,"
(what drug dealers trafficking drugs are called), the people helping Biden to win, used Zuckerberg's $400 mill. ballot boxes to stuff the boxes: where the newsman had pointed to, areas not counted yet, blue states, where he said, where they needed more Electoral College Votes to get Biden to win, & they drove there, city to city, state to state, which became the contested states!
They were Caught on city cameras & traced with phone pings, as Seen in "2000 MULES" doc film, but Now Banned, (because one innocent man caught on camera sued!) Lawfare!
Dinesh D'Souza's & True-The-Vote's, Gregg & Cathrine's, film
& see:
Election Interference!
Truth about J6: HisGlory.TV/capitol-punishment
there is nothing good about this meeting...
those at this meeting needed to come out of the meeting based on the world today and put a stop to the mRNA shots.
that is all
@Dr Paul Alexander
As a healthcare professional myself, this whole post with supposed dialogue and “transcript” of conversations is 100% pure conjecture. Total bullshit.
You’re stoking a fire without any evidence whatsoever of what was actually said.
All this is is wishful thinking on your part in hopes of convincing your own fans here that Trump has “seen the light” and has changed his stance from pro Covid “vaccines” to now being against these untested, experimental gene therapies. Now Trump will magically tell Big Pharma and all its cronies to stop producing these killer therapies? LOL
They’ve already had a taste of the billions of
$$$ in profits with no regard for public safety.
The pharmaceutical companies will continue to spread fear about future deadly diseases, exert their power via lobbyists in Congress, rake in more $$$$ with more lies, ie, safe and effective” narratives via public health agencies, as they did with the Plandemic 2020-2022.
I really thought you were better than posting this bs.
what you wrote int he end is good but the top was insanity on your part...dont come here and attack me or insult me...when you clearly did not read it properly...relax yourself DS, take a chill pill...this post was very informative, I made sure it was.
calm down DS, take a drink...of course its sarcasm and satire...its what should have been come all who read it know this yet you take an offensive posture?
how could I know what was said? I was not there...go back and read I said this is so...
did you not read that this is satire?
moreover this is what Trump SHOULD have said and Bourla should NOT have said and what RFK Jr. should have said.
Both the wife and I were faced with losing our jobs of 20+ years in healthcare because of the shots that were forced upon everyone. We stood up and refused the mandates from our employers when each of our respective coworkers simply complied…knowing full well we could lose everything by refusing. Did it anyway.
I find no humor in your satire. It’s not a joking matter when the people responsible will never face any type punishment for crimes against humanity. It’s been politicized to the point that there will be no justice for the people who died or are maimed as a result.
Ds: I agree and wonder why Dr. Alexander would put this crap in front of us. I support Dr A but he needs to take a break/vacation and disconnect for a while before he has a major break down. It’s pretty obvious he is being played.
did you not get the jest and satire? gggeeezzzzeee, you need to calm down Michael...and read it properly...
for a moment there you sounded like Dr. Birx
You’re going pretty low here.
ha ha
Dr. Paul, I enjoyed reading this…
reminds me of the evil James Bond villains drunk with power. Although in real life, that’s precisely who we are dealing with in so many areas.
Yes, I get the satire and did read it and got the “truths”. Don’t forget they are actively trying to kill and injure us.
you know I love and respect you...just know it is satire and tells you how bad things are that these players can meet, we not get content, and we not get the shots stopped...what? they gonna say mRNA vax now for cancer?
I think t's a very clever & funny way to get the message across, it's really brilliant satire! So funny I laughed, & laughed! And yet Dr Alexander showed the serious side, the Truth the culprits don't want to talk about! The Injuries, the Deaths! The emergence of Boldness in the end, proclaiming the Truth which matters, that people's lives matter! Our Hope is for Our President to be totally enlightened, along with RFK, jr., & empowered to STOP the Insanity! Stop the Shots! Stop the "Gain-of- Function" funding, & outlaw it!
With righteusness winning in the end, just as we would hope so! Jail time for the real domestic terrorists, creators of bioweapons designed to not only kill innocent people but their future generations! Destroying American Citizens, & causing reproductive problems, 85% preborn babies dieing before seeing the light of day!
their day is coming
# 3 "The Great Awakening!"
boom, thanks that you got is laden with serious information.
love this line "Our Hope is for Our President to be totally enlightened, along with RFK, jr., & empowered to STOP the Insanity! Stop the Shots! Stop the "Gain-of- Function" funding, & outlaw it!"
With righteusness winning in the end, just as we would hope so! Jail time for the real domestic terrorists, creators of bioweapons designed to not only kill innocent people but their future generations! Destroying American Citizens, & causing reproductive problems, 85% preborn babies dieing before seeing the light of day!
Bourla said anyone who spreads misinformation about his vaccines is a criminal. Uh hmmm... That would be...him.
he called me a criminal, McCullough etc. he is insane IMO to have done we return it in kind
Dr Alexander you are tooo funny :/
thank you
Is this one of those wannabe novels that we all add to?
Dr. Paul, what is this? said so up top. its what 47 should have said and RFK Jr. given their dinner with the criminal Mengele Barbi himself Bourla
In an interview posted yesterday Sucharit Bhakdi said he had recieved information from an insider, who told that Trump was fully aware he had been conned with the jab, and that he had brought RFK in to get everything in order specifically around the deadly shot. There will be an earthquake in january and all will be revealed, Bhakdi said. I have not seen this man being so joyful and hopeful before, so he obviously believes the information he got. Let us all pray it is for real!
I guess we will know the veracity of this "leak" if Trump follows through, coming clean regarding the horrible Covid disaster.
God is able to bring corrupt people to their knees. They are just men.
Psalm 94
I am so inspired by people like you who center God in your sharings
A little bird told me Matt Gaetz was waiting by the exit door to read Bourla and Ricks their Miranda rights as Kash Patel, deputized by Donald Trump, placed handcuffs on both pharma CEOs while Kid Rock surreptitiously tied the two criminals' shoelaces together, just for fun. Hulk Hogan stood by in case his assistance was required.
we hope and wish
: )
The text may be parody, but it reflects reality well, except for this line by "Trump":
"I am about to come out declaring the mRNA vaccines too dangerous and that it has harmed many and my aim is to call for it to be stopped across USA and all stocks destroyed."
There is no way that Trump will utter that truth. He is utterly _owned_ by Pfizer and does exactly what Pfizer wants at all times no matter how many people die from Pfizer products. He has proven that over and over and over again, most recently with the appointment of pharma shill Nesheiwat. This means that RFK Jr will be forbidden from objecting in public to the death jabs.
I would love to be proved wrong, but there is absolutely no reason to believe that Trump will ever openly object to mass murder by mRNA injection.
I wrote it in satire of what SHOULD have been said and that the shots should have been stopped by now, I am glad you understood the exercise and you raise some very important points.
your white spaces says lots
No!! I haven't yet read your whole reply, but so far I disagree with you completely about President Trump! You really sound like a Democrat that's been brainwashed by the MSM Lies! Too bad, so sad! You even sound like you could be a "Facebook Soro's Paid Protester!" It seems very possible, he's in the "destruction" business investing in destroying our country!
You didn't notice that Trump keeps praising the death jabs?
They are putting the MRNA covid vax in your food you need to
do this right now visit..........
Also Patrick, now that I finished yoyr message, which I still disagree with, President Trump said he will Stop all mandates!
He Loves God & Americans, he gave up his salary to Charity! He has helped to protect us by building the Wall that the fake, illegitamate "PRESIDENT" wouldn't finish! Over 300,000 trafficked children are missing, in slavery now, abused or dead because of this terrible administration!
I think it’s clear and in Dr Alexander’s defense, he made the point in his statement about the validity of such leakage, quite clear.
We can all be Monday morning quarterbacks and explain what we would have done, etc. One take away I think is worth noting, is the simple fact that, the entire world knows these “Bioweapon Injections” have killed millions!
No lives were saved whatsoever!
The world was duped, lied too, scammed in the most egregious ways possible. When human lives are cast aside “En Masse” for the sake of money, literally everyone should be in an uproar!
Whether or not money was the primary motive, isn’t so simple to determine. But understanding how many chemicals, how many studies, reports of exceedingly high levels of DNA contamination and the simple fact that mRNA was shelved since its inception, proves that, a deliberate, premeditated murder of those who died at the hands of these injections should hold accountable those involved. Yea murder IMO, would be a viable charge if anyone involved were ever held accountable.
There’s an entire new world of deceit that took place in order to pull this off. The basic plan was simple, but that’s where its simplicity ends. In order to gain the such staggering amount of support, literally from every institution, both public and private, and to have their buy in, into this entire scam of corruption so deep, requires a tremendous amount of wiling participation.
We can only hope for someone or an army of someone’s to expose everything we know and everything we haven’t even mentioned or discussed at this point or don’t know about
I have repeatedly asked, over the years, what now? Again I’ll ask, what now? Even if this article is erroneous, many parts are true, in one sense or another. I believe this is a simple question to ask? And unfortunately, nobody has ever answered me.
Unfortunately, asking “What Now?” Is not so simple, now is it? The magnitude of this event and the effects upon the world will know doubt change history, and will rewrite history, that’s a given.
But will there be anyone left to read it? Is the “Replicon Injection” from Japan the end of civilization as we know it? Who knows? Something is much bigger and deeper at play here . Something far greater than the post I’m responding to.
Something far more dangerous than anything ever in the history of mankind.
IMO, this Covid-Scam rivals the extinction of the dinosaurs, that’s how humongous this is! People are still dying! Deaths have not leveled out! Something nobody is saying or asking is, how long will these injections stay in my body?
Isn’t it odd how nobody talks about Covid anymore. The only talk was in the beginning. To get the world scared to death. To get as many people behind the Judas GOAT! As they have done. What now?
With millions of people dead, millions of more people disabled,does anyone really know or should I ask, who really knows if billions are in line behind the Judas Goat?
Literally 4 billion people could essentially die from this attack! One peer reviewed study indicated 73.9% of 385 autopsies confirmed Covid injection involvement as causation in part. Based on 5.5 Billion Injections worldwide potentially could kill 4 Billion people worldwide!
Yes this DOD planned, coordinated and executed is combination with the
“Five-Eyes” nations has had a tremendous impact on lives lost by premeditated injectable murder!
In essence, nearly half the world’s population may not have much time left. Who knows? Nobody is asking so nobody knows! Control the narrative you will control the outcome!
Isn’t that what we’re seeing now? what’s happening here? Just as a light turns off with the switch so to the State Controlled MSM has gone out / gone silent about this! I wonder why that is? Deaths continue to rise, people continue to become disabled, where’s the scrolling death screens? Why aren’t there any more “White-Coats?”
As harsh as that may sound, the truth is people don’t attack people without a very clear objective. Within the first year of the mandate madness, a CEO of an American Based, fairly large life insurance company said, “A 40% payout in one year is an 800 year cataclysmic event!” His words not mine. This was how deep the level of death within this one company was!
This is how direct this planned attack was. Unfortunately, I believe there’s still so much more we can expect as a species. Heck what can you possibly call it when the potential for half the world’s population may expire at the hands of a few “Megalomaniacs?” in a few years or less.
A “ tsunami of death”
is upon us,
Dr Geert Bossche,
German Virologist.
I pray to God I’m wrong. Whether or not the article posted by Dr Alexander is verified and transcripts are released and every word in this article is correct, I ask you, what does it matter?
Well IMO it matters greatly but can anything be done to right this travesty of inhumane proportions? Given that the most diabolically evil people at the helm and their disgusting desires to attack all of humanity, for world domination? I think not!
What’s more important is those who believe, those who know and those who seek to destroy humanity, will always find a way. Remember
“The End Justifies the Means” and that my friend is something we may be finding ourselves living under,
A “New World Order!”
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Well there is hope for the jabbed, Karen Kingston has a GREAT substack & She shares on it information for people to get help detoxifying after getting the jab! She shows what they are, what she likes to use.
I know of other sites that offer detox, body cleansing also, that's Sounds like great stuff! And she Loves the LORD & prays for people! One other product I know about is: "SPIKE SUPPORT" "Formula,"
Also Ivermectin & Hydroxychloriquine
Dr Ardis, @ is a great Dr & person & he has great advice for how much you should take if you get sick, Ivermectin, Hydroxychloriquine, Quercitin (spell?), Zinc,
Vit C, buffered, grandular form, in high dose,
If You can't get Ivernectin or Hydroxy. you can go thru & give your info, name etc , & health issue, & make a password, & they will call in a prescription for you right away at the closest one who can help u, u can choose from their options they have in your neighborhood!
I think Dr Ardis said its best to take ivermectin 5 days then Hydroxy. 5 days, & then Ivermectin 5 days if you have symptoms you think are sick from covid poisoning, from someone shedding on you, or you are exposed thru the air, chem trail(?), in rain? Dr Stella says to stock up on
ivermectin, hydroxy., etc she has everything u need.
Thank you Ingrid. I’m not nor would I ever want to inject anything into my body. Humanity was blessed with and born with the most miraculously designed immune system by our Lord Jesus.
My concern has been from the start, why kids? My Grandson in particular. Which has lead me through this entire Covid scam against humanity like I have never seen before.
Unfortunately many friends and relatives of mine have been injected. They bought into the fear mongering BS and now are suffering. I have recommended Dr McCulloughs spike protein protocol, some having amazing results.
Today, because I’ve always asked kabillions of questions my entire life. This journey has taken me deep down this, incredibly dangerous and disturbing road of, in your face evil like nothing I have ever seen before.
I appreciate your help and I am grateful for so many people on Substack. We can all help each other in ways we all can benefit. Which is exactly what I always thought life was about.
Thank you again Ingrid.
Wow, what a sweet message, you are welcome, & thank you, that was so nice of you!
I'm pretty much in the same situation with feeling the same way, God's way of healing is best vs bad jab, & the deception has brought sadness in my life too, with 4 out of 6 jabbed in my family, adult sons & daughters. These are really evil times we are living in endtimes, I believe! Not much longer, I think before Matthew 24: 21 & 22, this what I was thinking about today:
21 For there will be great Tribulation such as not been from the beginning of the world until now: no and never wil be again.
22 And if those days had not be shortened, no human being would endure (and) survive: but for the sake of the elect (God's chosen ones) those days will be shortened.
We are in such a Spiritual Battle between Good & Evil!
Light vs Darkness!
Here we are fighting against the evil, demonic controlled people like that Pfizer guy Dr Alexander was talking about yesterday, the creepy, evil guy that President Trump was having over for dinner, with his friend & new appointee Robert Kennedy, & it reminded me so much of Queen Esther, & her plans for making the dinner appointment with the King & with Haman who was ploting to destroy her people; like the Pfizer guy!
I would say, she was very brave, like President Trump! "For Such A Time as This!!"
I believe he already has learned how bad the jab situation is & wants to stop what's going on.
I know President Trump loves the Lord & he loves people! I know the Holy Spirit has been guiding him & I believe even in this dinner Appointment!
He has given his life to the Lord & Lord is forever interceeding for him, like for all of us who love Him. He has a good plan for his life & not for evil, & for us also--
Psalm 91:7
"A thousand may fall at your side, and 10,000 at your right hand, but it shall not come near you."
Your reply is impossible to contradict Ingrid, because what you’ve said is exactly the truth!
The evil Pfizer man, Bourla, had done video presentations in 2020 at the Davos conference in Switzerland. He introduced a new “electronic pill” that once swallowed sends a signal to the insurance company. Bourla was all excited about this new technology and said, “think about the compliance factor?” What he was really saying was, “we can track you now” which is a giant part of the Covid Bioweapon Injections. Nanotechnology / quantum nanotechnology / quantum dots / nanotube etc are all very similar and very much surveillance technology / devices. They self-assemble creating circuits which can send and receive signals. So there’s so much BS built into these injections which will allow the “New World Order” to keep track of those of us who remain alive! Quite disturbing indeed. Dangerous? Absolutely! The good news is that these Evildoers have been exposed, they can’t hide anymore. Which is good because evil needs darkness to create their evil harms
I know what you mean, I've seen how they self-assemble, when someone comes near it with a phone, like a Drs. cell phone. It's so scary how that happens! 5G !
I saw it on Frankspeech, I think it was Dr Lee Merritt, retired Army Surgeon, on Tamarra Scott's Show. She saw the connection with 5G! Said we must get rid of the towers!