Malone gets hypocrite of the century award. He's a Leftist/Progressive who donated money to Biden's POTUS campaign and voted for him, Obama, Hillary, etc..... His posting memes making fun of his Leftist/Progressive political party has effectively fooled the Conservatives who are financially supporting him (thanks to Steve Bannon). He's not a Christian but Christians defend him. The psyop is a bit much.
People can change, however, parasites will always be parasites. They're not assumptions, they're facts. Malone is a Leftist/Progressive who proudly tells us that he not only donated to Biden and has voted Democrat his entire life, but he's supporting RFK Jr., another lifelong Progressive/Democrat - facts. The joke is on the Conservatives who continue to be fooled by the parasite. Shame on Steve Bannon for shoving Dr. DTRA Malone down our throats.
It's curious, the first time I saw a video that M was a part of he just seemed very shadowy to me. As if he was consumed in darkness. That was it for me. I had gone to his feed to see who he was because there was so much attention on him.
Check out the second "funny" on Malone's Friday Funnies that appeared on Good Friday last year.
Evil. He thought this was funny...
There is something "off" with Malone, for sure.
Malone gets hypocrite of the century award. He's a Leftist/Progressive who donated money to Biden's POTUS campaign and voted for him, Obama, Hillary, etc..... His posting memes making fun of his Leftist/Progressive political party has effectively fooled the Conservatives who are financially supporting him (thanks to Steve Bannon). He's not a Christian but Christians defend him. The psyop is a bit much.
There's a lot of assumptions here. Why do we always forget that people can change?
People can change, however, parasites will always be parasites. They're not assumptions, they're facts. Malone is a Leftist/Progressive who proudly tells us that he not only donated to Biden and has voted Democrat his entire life, but he's supporting RFK Jr., another lifelong Progressive/Democrat - facts. The joke is on the Conservatives who continue to be fooled by the parasite. Shame on Steve Bannon for shoving Dr. DTRA Malone down our throats.
unbelievable. Malone is evil, not just ‘off’.
It's curious, the first time I saw a video that M was a part of he just seemed very shadowy to me. As if he was consumed in darkness. That was it for me. I had gone to his feed to see who he was because there was so much attention on him.
One can certainly arrive at that conclusion, ksa.
his sense of humor falls flat. wonder if that's a tell for psychopathy. #6 is kinda funny though.
The third one is a bit ironic.