Sad -- his previous colleagues, Geert Vanden Bossche and Dr. Michael Yeadon (who are in a class of their own) are clearly ethical and professional.

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As my father said before his death. “Never put man on a pedestal, they will only let you down”. As a strong Christian man he warned me that our faith should always be on Christ Jesus. All things happen for His glorification. So if Malone is found out to be wrong then let it be the case so that truth prevails.

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Once DOD intelligence, always DOD intelligence. Sorry Malone you are owned by your DOD masters and still taking orders and we got the receipts.

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Dr Breggin is a wonderful person. All the advocacy he has done for the community is incredible.

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I really appreciate your integrity and courage here - even if I'm fully following everything you write. So this would explain the break with McCollough too I imagine. Many pieces are beginning to snap into place where RW is concerned. Thank you.

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It is refreshing to hear men with integrity speak. Honourable men that choose to stand with God are so needed during these times where we have all been called to pick a side. For those that picked Satan their eternal damnation awaits. To be saved now would require bravery and great sacrifice.

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A medical mafia using pedophilia to coordinate their business campaigns is just an extension of the political tyranny happening worldwide. It wouldn’t surprise me if Malone is actively involved while purposely overlooking the criminal business model being instituted. He has a tendency to drag his feet on telling the facts until his bank account is filled. He is dirty through-and-through if he doesn’t expose this.

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Pace yourself thru this mess or we won’t have you there for the finale 😉.....keep putting those feet of yours on solid earth and breathing fresh air .....this shit can be all consuming and we can loose what we came here for, know your enemies, know your friends, lead the way ....the words of “His horse is Crazy.....Crazyhorse 😁🙏

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Check out the second "funny" on Malone's Friday Funnies that appeared on Good Friday last year.https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/friday-funnies-a86

Evil. He thought this was funny...

There is something "off" with Malone, for sure.

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I was listening to and reading Malones responses from critics early on. He had some lengthy explanations early on and yet the same criticisms kept coming up. I would be tired too of continually responding to all the criticisms that have been leveled against him. I truly hate all this infighting. It distracts from all the evil that has been perpetrated against us.

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I thought DMED was the military health database that the data was given to Senator Johnson after the gathering at the Lincoln Memorial by the medical freedom movement.

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Truth Be Out.

And there’s so much truth out there about Sherpa that I’m surprised he’s not hiding under a rock.

Little of his bio and actions make sense. That’s the hallmark of an inexperienced or poor liar. As with so many liars, when truth comes out they become aggressive.

I don’t like people attacking others for differences of opinions. A mature person simply agrees to disagree and walks away.

That Sherpa is suing the Breggin’s, Stew Peter’s, Karen Kingston and Dr Jane Ruby is ludicrous. That he thinks his enemies are these people and NOT big Pharma shrills, liars and killers is most telling.

It tells me he’s batting for the other side. It’s about way more than money!

Sage Hanna has been doing an excellent job at pulling out his lose threads. Like today’s entry:


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I know this is a little off topic but I would love to know how many poeple have applied for Social Security Disability and recieve it since the biowepon was released. I think this would speak volumes because there has got to be a huge jump in the last couple years.

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I admire your tenacity. You’re a fighter and a true healer.

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Is it only me, or does anyone else think that "Epstein Island" people didn't stop "Epstein-ing" when the island was no longer available? And that some of those people run in the same circles of names being bandied about in the covid sphere? When will that client list ever come out? Never? The tendrils are everywhere. Get that list, and cross check with the one from DC's Deborah Jeane Palfrey, before she, like Epstein, "suicided" themselves. Does Malone now take the Alexander bait and sue Alexander? Discovery most likely would not be kind to Malone.

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i see somebody puts his money where his mouth is.

wanted to share this with you Paul

"nobel prize nominee robert malone" https://globalcovidsummit.org/news/san-juan-panel-undertreatment-cited-as-a-cause-for-hospitalizations-long-haul-covid

founder Brock Pierce bought a "monastery" in a part of town where child trafficking is rampant, you do the math


and his crypto company was being sued by the feds https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2020/09/15/brock-pierce-served-court-papers-for-fraud-lawsuit-at-his-own-presidential-campaign-rally/

the rome declaration, which came out of the puerto rico party that you missed, affirms that children and everyone who recovered from covid should be exempt from lethal injection mandates

no one else


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