That's just plain WRONG!! I had faith in Malone but questioned from the get go his nonsense of elderly being jabbed when they physically can't take much to begin with -- doesn't take a genius to figure that out. He wasn't the only loon droning that advice. I stopped listening to him -- he was one of the first ones online. Very disappoint…
That's just plain WRONG!! I had faith in Malone but questioned from the get go his nonsense of elderly being jabbed when they physically can't take much to begin with -- doesn't take a genius to figure that out. He wasn't the only loon droning that advice. I stopped listening to him -- he was one of the first ones online. Very disappointing and a true professional doesn't need to be a bully. GVB is at top of echelon and in class of his own.
Malone has a solid reputation for being a bully, as Dr. Alexander has mentioned in the past. Dr. Alexander is the only one with the guts to expose him. These games are getting old.
It used to bother me when Malone and Navarro would make that claim on the Bannons warroom show all the time. I was taking care of my 84 Y/O mother with multiple comorbidities at the time, and we'd tell them where to shove their jab, and to keep it away from seniors, unless they wanted it. That's long before they decided to force it on the children.
I know some elderly folks who listened to Navarro and Malone, took the jab & are now suffering from health issues they never had before. It infuriates me that Malone has destroyed lives while portraying himself as a hero. He's a zero.
That's just plain WRONG!! I had faith in Malone but questioned from the get go his nonsense of elderly being jabbed when they physically can't take much to begin with -- doesn't take a genius to figure that out. He wasn't the only loon droning that advice. I stopped listening to him -- he was one of the first ones online. Very disappointing and a true professional doesn't need to be a bully. GVB is at top of echelon and in class of his own.
As is Dr. Yeadon!!
I've a feeling many were told to cool it which is probably normal.
Malone has a solid reputation for being a bully, as Dr. Alexander has mentioned in the past. Dr. Alexander is the only one with the guts to expose him. These games are getting old.
Why did I think he was into mRNA for military use. I've just not stayed up w/the memos/youtubes, etc.
Dr. Alexander is fearless -- he's the best.
It used to bother me when Malone and Navarro would make that claim on the Bannons warroom show all the time. I was taking care of my 84 Y/O mother with multiple comorbidities at the time, and we'd tell them where to shove their jab, and to keep it away from seniors, unless they wanted it. That's long before they decided to force it on the children.
I know some elderly folks who listened to Navarro and Malone, took the jab & are now suffering from health issues they never had before. It infuriates me that Malone has destroyed lives while portraying himself as a hero. He's a zero.