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It certainly does seem crazy at the moment, everyone vying for a place and (a way to keep making money?) now.

We thought malone was bs right from the beginning, always annoying and talking about himself.

But when he sued the Breggins, that was criminal. They have done more to protect people from pharma than perhaps anyone on the planet. For decades.

And I always said that IF the malones had a point about anything, they could have sued for $1.00 to get their "reputations" cleared in public.

I would doubt Kingston would have any good to say about the malone entities, but I have no idea.

This was an interesting, and thoughtful take on the Breggins and malones.


You mentioned true Christians, do you ever listen to Laura Lynn?


We have thought her to be the Christian she says she is, though I doubt SO many these days!

And I do know none of us are without blemish......

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I just finished watching a series called Le Reine, The Kingdom about Argentina. (On borrowed net…X). It’s good on many levels, the corrupt WEF controllers, psychological illness, and one area was on the charismatic churches pretending to be doing G*d’s work but in it for ego, prestige, and money. (And access to kids- see Catholic Church).

There are still some True Christians out there, such as John MacArthur who took Calif to court and won the declaration that keeping churches open was an essential business. Way too many have opened their doors to the vax buses and preach on Green Paganism. As for CofE here in UK, I think Charles being it’s head is apt….

Malone always seemed way too polished to be true. And his story made little sense to me. Plus even now, he’s not telling what he knows or even about the truth about his past. If he was Kosher, it wouldn’t be necessary to go trawling through his past.

G-d willing those he’s served are able to obtain sufficient legal funds. Ruby and Breggin would do well to send Malone’s side the downloads from Housatonic. All there in video format.

For now, I pray ginger Breggin pulls through.

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I pray too that the Breggins will be well and protected from any further harm, physical, mental, legal etc.

And churches!!

I am still stunned at not finding the head of any major religion who would stand up to warn the people of the potential of immense harm barrelling down on us from governments/corporations.

I did actually find one, though my husband argued with me about the Nation of Islam being a major religion, I heard Louis Farrakhan warning in the strongest possible way against the injections as early as 2020.

I know next to nothing about this religion but I can't help but think God is pleased with him!

I know of several individual ministers and pastors who are still being persecuted for keeping their doors open.

And then there have been the wonderful messages from Archbishop Vigano also strongly warning against all that's happened. I think I remember malone boasting of meeting with him in Rome.

If you know of any more religious leaders who had a clue, please let me know.

Thank you for bringing John MacArthur to my attention, I hadn't heard about him.

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Yes a few are out there.

As I mentioned, John MacArthur’s Grace Church who do podcasts as well.

Bishop Strickland from St Phillips Institute, Tyler, Texas.

Michael J Matt from the Remnant tv.

Some liked the three CofE Vicars from the Irreverend podcast. I know Delingpole interviewed them a while back.

Lifesite News has been on the pulse from the start about injections in general and these jabs as well as speaking out against lockdown.

There are also many Orthodox Christian churches but again not all, only a few are outspoken.

There have prob been more Catholics and Orthodox leaders as these Jabs are tested and/or derived from foetal tissue. Accordingly I learnt, about how biotech requires, regular input of Foetal tissue in creating humanised mice.

That’s why the Pope, or Baptist or any other Christian leaders advocating for them is undermining

Their solemn oaths on upholding the sanctity of life throughout the lifecycle.

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The fetal cell lines and how they are obtained is more horrific than I ever knew - I really was shocked at the pope saying, "oh, don't worry about that, just take the vaccine...."

(I am paraphrasing.)

I have enjoyed the few Delingpole interviews I've seen and shall keep this comment as reference for further possibilities, thank you Blackwater River.

By the way, I love this name! However, now I'm hearing the old Doobie Brother's song in my head(!)

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Never heard of her, but will check out her videos tomorrow.

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