brought on by a country we can no longer trust; Carney is the Bank of England governor ex, and Bank of Canada governor ex, Harvard/Oxford & vows to fight Trump toe to toe; pledges to keep
This man is more frightening than Turdeau. by far. He said he intends to INVOKE EMERGENCY POWERS to deal with tariffs. read war measures act because the economy. THIS IS A BOOT ON NECK KIND OF MAN.
Wait until he has to start paying full price for his drugs or he finds out his lumber and whiskey are not that prized in the states…go ahead and shut the electricity off and shoot yourself in the foot as your utilities suffer!
What the problem here is Trump is NOT TREATING PEOPLE BADLY…
He is treating them “ACCORDINGLY” as to how they have treated us for a long time and gotten away with it…and they don’t like it when the favor is returned!
Leave Trump alone, assholes!! He is trying to defeat the corruption! It has gone on too long! Nations and people should stand with him and help him clean up the sewer. He is the only one who has stepped up to save our freedoms! Wakeup!!!!
Others can speak for themselves. For myself, I'll "leave Trump alone" when he proves by *actions* that he's truly, actually, fighting the Globalist Central Bank Cartel. Until then, Trump does not have and will never have the loyalty of people like me. How can he, when he is *assisting* the Cartel to achieve their goals by, first of all, allowing them to remain free to steal, kill, and destroy you and me? He is not now or ever going to "defeat the corruption" by taking out 'little' fish. To win, Trump needs to go after the WHALES --- WAKE UP, Mr. !!!
Oh come now, most people know at least some of the 'whales' - even you.
Would you say that Fauci is a whale? Jamie Dimon? Jerome Powell? Obama? Clinton? Pelosi? Schiff? Yeah, you got the idea.
Trump has better intel than I do, and he *HAS* to know **ALL** of the whales. But he won't do ONE DAMN THING to go after *ANY* of them! Not in 1,461 days during his 1st term, and not in the 48 days so far in his 2nd term. Trump lets them be, to do their thing.
Well mr. Fernandez, please inform me as to who you know that will do better?! We have to start somewhere and so far he is doing a great job. Do nothing as usual you will be
I could do better in two shakes of a lamb's tail. All it takes is the authority, the resources, and the will. I have the latter, but not the first two. Trump has the first two, but he obviously does not have the will. I can only think of two reasons why he lacks the will: (1) he's with 'them', or (2) he's a coward.
Agree. But l see no other way except to go with what we have and back up the only hope we have at this point. The way we were going would have been total disaster. At least now there is certainly hope. Maybe think or it as another chance at freedom. You did attempt to make an excuse for yourself. I will not play this game. One has stood bravely stood and l will be with him all the way. I love my freedom!
Evil is present because we allow it. The people have seen the consequences. The choice is ours! I cannot judge someone l have never met!!!!! He was elected. Now we either back him up or accept total control.
Tariffs issue? Countries have been charging the US unfair tariffs for years.
EU puts VAT tax on everything to get around not calling it a tariff.
Examples Canada imposes on US:
Milk. 155%
Cheese 147%
Turkey. 179%
Chicken 263%
Flour. 40%
Wheat 38%
Orange juice 25%
Peanut butter. 25%
These were before Trump was ever pres.
Now I don't know the full tariffs before Trump. I do hear T saying he is seeking a better balance. T claims we don't need Canada electricity but it's 9% of our use, I think 9% more is hard to generate since nut jobs have been closing nuclear and coal plants even some hydroelectric. Both countries should have abundance of electricity but climate nut jobs have hurt us especially Canada tremendously.
I read Canada imports lots of wood worldwide?? Why? Canada is damn huge with massive forests. Sounds like more idiots causing unnecessary issues. Open up your lumber, bring housing costs down.
Unrelated, idiot Germany has closed 10 nuclear reactors, that's why their screwed.
Europe has especially been screwing us since the 40s. Much of EU is on the cusp of becoming authoritarian, banning fertilizer, farming, coal, arresting for speech, banning gun, knives, swords (mostly due to "migrants"). Screwing us on NATO, WHO, UN, Usaid, everything. Morons are pushing for ww3 to appease their WEF masters. Screw them, we can sit this out.
Yes I hope we all can free ourselves but they always sneak or even voted back in. But I don't trust voting anymore especially dominion machines where IT guys showed they could get on the web and change voted.
We must never vote liberals/ democrats in again, they are we the UN/WEF/DAVOS/BILDERBERGS/ WHO etc puppets who implement changes these a hole authoritarians want.
Canada new PM will not help Canada, sounds like another WEF puppet. USA will decimate Canada economy if this guy pisses off Trump too much.
Is this true, that Trudeau resigned? I stay away from most "news". When and when did this happen?
As for this Carney guy, he is as bad or worse than Trudeau. It shows that the people of Canadia are ruled by tyrants and the Crown. The bear Carney poked was Trump. In fact, lion, not bear. This bodes well for America, and will expose the evil men who want to enslave Canadia.
Now that Carney has been officially selected, Trudeau is to resign as Prime Minister, but it is NOT clear that he will actually leave the scene (he could still stay around as an ordinary MP, or be shuffled somewhere into Cabinet--I have seen one idea pass, that he might take over Foreign Affairs so as to continue being able to continue flying around the world embarrassing us all) until an election is called. Until such time as he is physically gone, I will not believe the thing is possible.
The worst thing that could happen to Canada after Trudeau is Mark Carnage, a WEF/UN/Globalist elite whore. The carbon tax (or renamed as carbon tariff) alone will cripple any chance of growth in an economy hammered by a trade war. His policies have only ever benefitted him and his cronies. The man doesn't even call himself Canadian and never received any vote or approval from Canadians; this is a train wreck coming up.
Are Canada’s elections run by Soros, CCP, WEF, or Klaus Schwab? Gotta be one of them!! Just like 2020 here… and many before & after .. but looks like this will be changing soon for 2026! When people finally are exposed to what happened and is still happening they are gonna be pissed! And not just in America. It will explain SO MUCH!
I am Canadian, Canada is not for sale, will never be part of US as much as I dont want US part of Canada...never want anyone to redraw US boundaries and do not want Canada's redrawn.
So you are NOT AMERICAN???? No wonder you Praise Trump & then Bash him in the next post.!! Finally your TRUE colors?? Wondered why Margaret cuppes your balls all the time!
Puppet responsible for sending so many Ukrainians to the frontline.
And also is now a non elected frontman for the deep state...
He was also installed by the USIAD funded colour revolution in Ukraine in 2014...
He’s oresided over the destruction of western Ukraine and also must have said ok to the attacks on the Donbass and also Victoria Milan’s and John mcaine and the bbc other US corporstion ghouls were handing out cookies in Ukraine to the Ukrainians for the globalist media photo op!
And also remember when Nuland had to sit b in front the media cameras and tell everyone that there were biolabs in the Ukraine but earlier they were all denying these facts.
Then there’s the Asov Nazis going around murdering Russian Ukrainians and torturing them way before Russia finally decided they had to take military action.
Now the EU Nazis are attempting to start WW3 by trying to trigger a response from Russia
Then there’s the organ harvesting and not forget the child trafficking that the mothers of Russian Ukrainians ere subjected to probably in the 100, 000 plus scale.. then there’s the money laundering now being tracked by DOGE taken from the American taxpayer...
Then the corporate asset stripping...
Can you think of any more atrocities and criminal activities to add to the post colour revolution caused by the usual suspects in 2014.
I wonder who will live in zelenkskys mansions after he gets taken to Gitmo?
I think they treated zelenksky well but I bet he’s wishing he had stayed with his tv career...,
And not to forget he was voted in by a rigged election in the same way that Biden was in the corporate US inc!
That is some list of negative behaviours and criminal activities..!!!
Don't Be Fooled by Carney and Trump. They are all part of the "not so obvious establishment"
which will destroy both countries. They are not for the citizens but out for themselves and their ilk.
So fed up with these politicians who say they want to help their citizens but their actions speak otherwise. #shattertheswarm Recommend watching YouTube Video Dr. Shiva Live: The SWARM- How The FEW Control The Many. What WE Do To Break Free. Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai MIT PhD Biological Engineer Massachusetts has worked with President Trump when he was elected during 2016-2020. Dr. SHIVA was the first to call out Fauci in March 2020 #FIREFAUCI. Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD Twitter quote March 9th, 2020- "As an MIT PhD in Biological Engineering who studies & does research nearly every day on the Immune System, the #coronavirus fear mongering by the Deep State will go down in history as one of the biggest fraud to manipulate economies, suppress dissent & push MANDATED Medicine." Dr. SHIVA told Trump not to shut down the economy in March 2020, and wrote an open letter to Trump outlining a 4 part plan on how to deal with the pandemic. The letter was delivered to Trump by his ex-wife Marla Maples. Unfortunately, nothing became of it. Dr. SHIVA also did the voter analysis after 2020 election of Michigan and Maricopa Counties. He also found the backdoor portal and 4 playbooks where government and Big Tech censor free speech (for details go to or Dr. Shiva on Twitter
(X) told Elon about this backdoor portal, and asked him to shut it down (so far Elon has done nothing). Dr. SHIVA teaches systems science to help people think critically and identify "the not so obvious establishment" with his GRASSROOTS MOVEMENT for TRUTH FREEDOM HEALTH. Dr. SHIVA is not afraid to call out the "not so obvious establishment". He has called out Kushner, Elon, RFK Jr, and Trump and has the receipts to backup what he is saying. Dr. SHIVA is extremely knowledgeable about political, financial, educational, agricultural and earth/ biological systems. He has been right about many things. In Dr. Shiva's opinion, "the estimated 200,000 so called elites" want to control the world all for profit, power, and control (and they want to enslave the rest of us). People are suffering from the bad and deliberate decisions of these corrupt politicians. Dr. Shiva can speak eloquently but when warranted he is "not afraid to use the right swear word, on the right scumbag, at the right time." These scumbags do not deserve our respect.
How so? Dr. SHIVA ran for US Senate Massachusetts in 2020 as an independent. Also he ran as an independent SHIVA4PRESIDENT2024. He was kicked off Twitter during the 2020 election period, and through his lawsuit he found the 4 playbooks and backdoor portal where government and Big Tech censor free speech. His voter analysis of Maricopa and Michigan counties discovered how the voting machines can be manipulated, and he offered solutions on how to fix voter fraud in elections (ie: count votes by hand ballot and voter ID cards.) His Twitter quote in March 9th, 2020 shows he saw through the manipulation by Big Pharma and government to mislead the people and MANDATE VACCINES. I don't agree with everything he says but you have to give him credit. Dr. SHIVA has said he doesn't like any of the political parties. He is trying to raise people's consciousness by teaching system science (that the elites learn/ use to manipulate the 8 billion of us). Suggest going to Sign up to come to his Open House every Thursday, and address with him "the question of being a plant".
In case you don't already know this, Carney is a Fat Rat, a WHALE, of the global Central Bank Cartel. If Trudeau was bad (he most definitely was!!), Carney is fifty times worse. He's a seasoned criminal with countless crimes around the globe performed for the Banking Cartel. Carney is a high-ranking Cartel hit man, a *MONSTER* now heading Canada. Pray for them, they're gonna need it.
Did I leave anything out? No, I think I've summed it up accurately pretty well.
Paul, Trump is removing a metastasizing cancer. Just as when a doctor removes a tumor, he has to remove the margins. That might mean good tissue will go, too. As the brilliant Victor Davis Hanson has said, “This is not a revolution. It’s a counter-revolution” , and he’s right. What might seem bullish, brutish, and heavy handed, in my view, is actually fighting till his last breath to save our nation. People might not like some of these tactics and “posturing.” Nations might not like these tactics. But, I’ll tell you the ones who do. Qatar, for example, and for that you can watch an interesting interview with Tucker Carlson. Other nations who see, and have been impacted by, the global corruption and continued grasps for more, and more, power don’t like it one bit. No kidding. They’re the ones he’s going after. I wouldn’t like it either if I was an evil doer whose intention was to destroy western civilization and concentrate global power in a few hands. I would think he is a bully, too. These people have their backs against the wall because they know he’s coming after them … and he has the receipts. I’m just sitting back and applauding. Paul, I know you’re a good guy, and I know you have supported this president, but I think you also need to sit back and let some of this play out. You’re smart, and smart people tend to try to micromanage. You don’t have all the information. You might have more than most. But I have plenty, too, living where I live. Perhaps we’ve even met? Most of all I encourage you to try to remember that upending centuries of planned evil is a massive undertaking. And not everything will be done to perfection. Not a sermon.. just a thought.
"upending centuries of planned evil is a massive undertaking"
You are a very intelligent gal look and see clearly.
The evil like a cancer slowly infected every aspect of our, religion, politics...sports and standard of living were the sedatives aided and abetted by fentanyl and amphetamines...turdo legalized weed as the gateway drug to the real killers...LOOK AROUND TODAY IN CANUCKISTAN TO SEE ALCOHOL STORES, VAPE STORES, WEED STORES. THE SHEEPLE ARE STAGGERING AROUND STUNNED! Religion has capitulated to heresy by way of false ministers and church leaders of many denominations.
If this all was not enough, we had the added murders of people by the fake jab and MAID with the dirty fingerprints of Turdo as the criminal. MURDER ONE AND YOU ARE DAMNED TURDO ALONG WITH YOUR ASSMINISTRATION.
I have a feeling many Canadians feel exactly like you! I think Trump cares more about Canadians than Trudeau or Carney does! Hang in there I believe Trump will end up making things better for all of us in the end!
This man is more frightening than Turdeau. by far. He said he intends to INVOKE EMERGENCY POWERS to deal with tariffs. read war measures act because the economy. THIS IS A BOOT ON NECK KIND OF MAN.
HE WILL HURT CANADA. he will mop the floor.
Things got attention during Covid. Now we see its from emergency to emergency. Who started this?
Trump is like Biden. There is no difference, except in the focus of his efforts.
Wait until he has to start paying full price for his drugs or he finds out his lumber and whiskey are not that prized in the states…go ahead and shut the electricity off and shoot yourself in the foot as your utilities suffer!
What the problem here is Trump is NOT TREATING PEOPLE BADLY…
He is treating them “ACCORDINGLY” as to how they have treated us for a long time and gotten away with it…and they don’t like it when the favor is returned!
Leave Trump alone, assholes!! He is trying to defeat the corruption! It has gone on too long! Nations and people should stand with him and help him clean up the sewer. He is the only one who has stepped up to save our freedoms! Wakeup!!!!
Others can speak for themselves. For myself, I'll "leave Trump alone" when he proves by *actions* that he's truly, actually, fighting the Globalist Central Bank Cartel. Until then, Trump does not have and will never have the loyalty of people like me. How can he, when he is *assisting* the Cartel to achieve their goals by, first of all, allowing them to remain free to steal, kill, and destroy you and me? He is not now or ever going to "defeat the corruption" by taking out 'little' fish. To win, Trump needs to go after the WHALES --- WAKE UP, Mr. !!!
WHO are the whales, William? And do you believe you have better access to them, and better Intel on them than Trump? If so, do tell.
Oh come now, most people know at least some of the 'whales' - even you.
Would you say that Fauci is a whale? Jamie Dimon? Jerome Powell? Obama? Clinton? Pelosi? Schiff? Yeah, you got the idea.
Trump has better intel than I do, and he *HAS* to know **ALL** of the whales. But he won't do ONE DAMN THING to go after *ANY* of them! Not in 1,461 days during his 1st term, and not in the 48 days so far in his 2nd term. Trump lets them be, to do their thing.
That should be George not William
Well mr. Fernandez, please inform me as to who you know that will do better?! We have to start somewhere and so far he is doing a great job. Do nothing as usual you will be
I could do better in two shakes of a lamb's tail. All it takes is the authority, the resources, and the will. I have the latter, but not the first two. Trump has the first two, but he obviously does not have the will. I can only think of two reasons why he lacks the will: (1) he's with 'them', or (2) he's a coward.
Agree. But l see no other way except to go with what we have and back up the only hope we have at this point. The way we were going would have been total disaster. At least now there is certainly hope. Maybe think or it as another chance at freedom. You did attempt to make an excuse for yourself. I will not play this game. One has stood bravely stood and l will be with him all the way. I love my freedom!
Evil is present because we allow it. The people have seen the consequences. The choice is ours! I cannot judge someone l have never met!!!!! He was elected. Now we either back him up or accept total control.
Tariffs issue? Countries have been charging the US unfair tariffs for years.
EU puts VAT tax on everything to get around not calling it a tariff.
Examples Canada imposes on US:
Milk. 155%
Cheese 147%
Turkey. 179%
Chicken 263%
Flour. 40%
Wheat 38%
Orange juice 25%
Peanut butter. 25%
These were before Trump was ever pres.
Now I don't know the full tariffs before Trump. I do hear T saying he is seeking a better balance. T claims we don't need Canada electricity but it's 9% of our use, I think 9% more is hard to generate since nut jobs have been closing nuclear and coal plants even some hydroelectric. Both countries should have abundance of electricity but climate nut jobs have hurt us especially Canada tremendously.
I read Canada imports lots of wood worldwide?? Why? Canada is damn huge with massive forests. Sounds like more idiots causing unnecessary issues. Open up your lumber, bring housing costs down.
Unrelated, idiot Germany has closed 10 nuclear reactors, that's why their screwed.
Correct! Trump only wants a level playing field and they are crying because they know their gravy train is about to crash!
Europe has especially been screwing us since the 40s. Much of EU is on the cusp of becoming authoritarian, banning fertilizer, farming, coal, arresting for speech, banning gun, knives, swords (mostly due to "migrants"). Screwing us on NATO, WHO, UN, Usaid, everything. Morons are pushing for ww3 to appease their WEF masters. Screw them, we can sit this out.
"is on the cusp of becoming "
Already is .
Same like the US.
Money and power is our salvation.
I agree! You’ve got it just right!
Thanks chad for the info from Canada!
That sure is a lot of Tarrif!
Let’s hope mr carney also gets removed before he wrecks Canada for ever!
He has never done anything positive for humanity.
Banksters always put the bank profits and corporations first and we must never forget
who it is that actually owns and runs the western banking system.
Although I heard that the Canadian bank system was originally not a Rothschild bank but that the banksters moved in on it!
And not to forget the major nazi presence in Canada management...
I hope that Canadians will escape from the grip of the globalists asap also the same applies to the uk and the eu and New Zealand and Australia...
Yes I hope we all can free ourselves but they always sneak or even voted back in. But I don't trust voting anymore especially dominion machines where IT guys showed they could get on the web and change voted.
We must never vote liberals/ democrats in again, they are we the UN/WEF/DAVOS/BILDERBERGS/ WHO etc puppets who implement changes these a hole authoritarians want.
Canada new PM will not help Canada, sounds like another WEF puppet. USA will decimate Canada economy if this guy pisses off Trump too much.
Hope it's all resolved soon.
"Banksters always put the bank profits and corporations first and we must never forget "
Trump created OWS. He did it for the people.
Is this true, that Trudeau resigned? I stay away from most "news". When and when did this happen?
As for this Carney guy, he is as bad or worse than Trudeau. It shows that the people of Canadia are ruled by tyrants and the Crown. The bear Carney poked was Trump. In fact, lion, not bear. This bodes well for America, and will expose the evil men who want to enslave Canadia.
Stepped aside... has other Schwab jobs lined up
And an offshore bank account with plenty of money, according to a friend who is Canadian.
He resigned in January. Had to wait to get his guy in line to replace him.
Now that Carney has been officially selected, Trudeau is to resign as Prime Minister, but it is NOT clear that he will actually leave the scene (he could still stay around as an ordinary MP, or be shuffled somewhere into Cabinet--I have seen one idea pass, that he might take over Foreign Affairs so as to continue being able to continue flying around the world embarrassing us all) until an election is called. Until such time as he is physically gone, I will not believe the thing is possible.
Klaus Schwab new boy toy
The worst thing that could happen to Canada after Trudeau is Mark Carnage, a WEF/UN/Globalist elite whore. The carbon tax (or renamed as carbon tariff) alone will cripple any chance of growth in an economy hammered by a trade war. His policies have only ever benefitted him and his cronies. The man doesn't even call himself Canadian and never received any vote or approval from Canadians; this is a train wreck coming up.
Are Canada’s elections run by Soros, CCP, WEF, or Klaus Schwab? Gotta be one of them!! Just like 2020 here… and many before & after .. but looks like this will be changing soon for 2026! When people finally are exposed to what happened and is still happening they are gonna be pissed! And not just in America. It will explain SO MUCH!
Carney ?
He’s another globalist..
Anyone know if he’s WEF?
He did nothing for the Uk
while “ managing “ the uk bank.
These people couldn’t find a benevolent altruistic solution if you gave them eternity..
All you get from them is an infinite . .-uck you ..,
The banksters must be desperate but they managed to install one of their own.
"These people couldn’t find a benevolent altruistic solution if you gave them eternity.."
We have Biden that gave us altruistic solutions in form of mandated and recommended experimental and contaminated mRNA shots.
Yes but altruism doesn’t include liars and lies and deception and fraud..
Biden may have pretended that he was Ning altruistic but he was actually being a criminal etc etc .,
If you see what I mean..
I am Canadian, Canada is not for sale, will never be part of US as much as I dont want US part of Canada...never want anyone to redraw US boundaries and do not want Canada's redrawn.
So you are NOT AMERICAN???? No wonder you Praise Trump & then Bash him in the next post.!! Finally your TRUE colors?? Wondered why Margaret cuppes your balls all the time!
Dr. Paul; Please stop promoting the propaganda of the left in your blog. We get enough of that else where.
Hi suzi
Yes and the bad news is that it wasn’t the ai txt that caused it ....
Back to school for me !
You can be teacher ..
I agree 100%!!!
Hi doc ...
Zelenksky is a globalist sock
Puppet responsible for sending so many Ukrainians to the frontline.
And also is now a non elected frontman for the deep state...
He was also installed by the USIAD funded colour revolution in Ukraine in 2014...
He’s oresided over the destruction of western Ukraine and also must have said ok to the attacks on the Donbass and also Victoria Milan’s and John mcaine and the bbc other US corporstion ghouls were handing out cookies in Ukraine to the Ukrainians for the globalist media photo op!
And also remember when Nuland had to sit b in front the media cameras and tell everyone that there were biolabs in the Ukraine but earlier they were all denying these facts.
Then there’s the Asov Nazis going around murdering Russian Ukrainians and torturing them way before Russia finally decided they had to take military action.
Now the EU Nazis are attempting to start WW3 by trying to trigger a response from Russia
Then there’s the organ harvesting and not forget the child trafficking that the mothers of Russian Ukrainians ere subjected to probably in the 100, 000 plus scale.. then there’s the money laundering now being tracked by DOGE taken from the American taxpayer...
Then the corporate asset stripping...
Can you think of any more atrocities and criminal activities to add to the post colour revolution caused by the usual suspects in 2014.
I wonder who will live in zelenkskys mansions after he gets taken to Gitmo?
I think they treated zelenksky well but I bet he’s wishing he had stayed with his tv career...,
And not to forget he was voted in by a rigged election in the same way that Biden was in the corporate US inc!
That is some list of negative behaviours and criminal activities..!!!
You are So wrong! I don’t agree with you. You spelled color wrong. Everything else you said is pretty much spot on. 😉
Don't Be Fooled by Carney and Trump. They are all part of the "not so obvious establishment"
which will destroy both countries. They are not for the citizens but out for themselves and their ilk.
So fed up with these politicians who say they want to help their citizens but their actions speak otherwise. #shattertheswarm Recommend watching YouTube Video Dr. Shiva Live: The SWARM- How The FEW Control The Many. What WE Do To Break Free. Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai MIT PhD Biological Engineer Massachusetts has worked with President Trump when he was elected during 2016-2020. Dr. SHIVA was the first to call out Fauci in March 2020 #FIREFAUCI. Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD Twitter quote March 9th, 2020- "As an MIT PhD in Biological Engineering who studies & does research nearly every day on the Immune System, the #coronavirus fear mongering by the Deep State will go down in history as one of the biggest fraud to manipulate economies, suppress dissent & push MANDATED Medicine." Dr. SHIVA told Trump not to shut down the economy in March 2020, and wrote an open letter to Trump outlining a 4 part plan on how to deal with the pandemic. The letter was delivered to Trump by his ex-wife Marla Maples. Unfortunately, nothing became of it. Dr. SHIVA also did the voter analysis after 2020 election of Michigan and Maricopa Counties. He also found the backdoor portal and 4 playbooks where government and Big Tech censor free speech (for details go to or Dr. Shiva on Twitter
(X) told Elon about this backdoor portal, and asked him to shut it down (so far Elon has done nothing). Dr. SHIVA teaches systems science to help people think critically and identify "the not so obvious establishment" with his GRASSROOTS MOVEMENT for TRUTH FREEDOM HEALTH. Dr. SHIVA is not afraid to call out the "not so obvious establishment". He has called out Kushner, Elon, RFK Jr, and Trump and has the receipts to backup what he is saying. Dr. SHIVA is extremely knowledgeable about political, financial, educational, agricultural and earth/ biological systems. He has been right about many things. In Dr. Shiva's opinion, "the estimated 200,000 so called elites" want to control the world all for profit, power, and control (and they want to enslave the rest of us). People are suffering from the bad and deliberate decisions of these corrupt politicians. Dr. Shiva can speak eloquently but when warranted he is "not afraid to use the right swear word, on the right scumbag, at the right time." These scumbags do not deserve our respect.
I’ve been watching Shiva for many years. I finally came to the conclusion that I think he’s a plant. Just my opinion.
Shiva is definitely a plant - my assessment as well! Dangerous devious self-consumed guy if you ask me.
How so? Dr. SHIVA ran for US Senate Massachusetts in 2020 as an independent. Also he ran as an independent SHIVA4PRESIDENT2024. He was kicked off Twitter during the 2020 election period, and through his lawsuit he found the 4 playbooks and backdoor portal where government and Big Tech censor free speech. His voter analysis of Maricopa and Michigan counties discovered how the voting machines can be manipulated, and he offered solutions on how to fix voter fraud in elections (ie: count votes by hand ballot and voter ID cards.) His Twitter quote in March 9th, 2020 shows he saw through the manipulation by Big Pharma and government to mislead the people and MANDATE VACCINES. I don't agree with everything he says but you have to give him credit. Dr. SHIVA has said he doesn't like any of the political parties. He is trying to raise people's consciousness by teaching system science (that the elites learn/ use to manipulate the 8 billion of us). Suggest going to Sign up to come to his Open House every Thursday, and address with him "the question of being a plant".
In case you don't already know this, Carney is a Fat Rat, a WHALE, of the global Central Bank Cartel. If Trudeau was bad (he most definitely was!!), Carney is fifty times worse. He's a seasoned criminal with countless crimes around the globe performed for the Banking Cartel. Carney is a high-ranking Cartel hit man, a *MONSTER* now heading Canada. Pray for them, they're gonna need it.
Did I leave anything out? No, I think I've summed it up accurately pretty well.
One could say there is a problem with political systems and the voting process around the world.
Ya think? In a nutshell, those systems have been bought and paid for - they work exclusively for the criminals, not at all for the people.
Paul, Trump is removing a metastasizing cancer. Just as when a doctor removes a tumor, he has to remove the margins. That might mean good tissue will go, too. As the brilliant Victor Davis Hanson has said, “This is not a revolution. It’s a counter-revolution” , and he’s right. What might seem bullish, brutish, and heavy handed, in my view, is actually fighting till his last breath to save our nation. People might not like some of these tactics and “posturing.” Nations might not like these tactics. But, I’ll tell you the ones who do. Qatar, for example, and for that you can watch an interesting interview with Tucker Carlson. Other nations who see, and have been impacted by, the global corruption and continued grasps for more, and more, power don’t like it one bit. No kidding. They’re the ones he’s going after. I wouldn’t like it either if I was an evil doer whose intention was to destroy western civilization and concentrate global power in a few hands. I would think he is a bully, too. These people have their backs against the wall because they know he’s coming after them … and he has the receipts. I’m just sitting back and applauding. Paul, I know you’re a good guy, and I know you have supported this president, but I think you also need to sit back and let some of this play out. You’re smart, and smart people tend to try to micromanage. You don’t have all the information. You might have more than most. But I have plenty, too, living where I live. Perhaps we’ve even met? Most of all I encourage you to try to remember that upending centuries of planned evil is a massive undertaking. And not everything will be done to perfection. Not a sermon.. just a thought.
"upending centuries of planned evil is a massive undertaking"
You are a very intelligent gal look and see clearly.
The evil like a cancer slowly infected every aspect of our, religion, politics...sports and standard of living were the sedatives aided and abetted by fentanyl and amphetamines...turdo legalized weed as the gateway drug to the real killers...LOOK AROUND TODAY IN CANUCKISTAN TO SEE ALCOHOL STORES, VAPE STORES, WEED STORES. THE SHEEPLE ARE STAGGERING AROUND STUNNED! Religion has capitulated to heresy by way of false ministers and church leaders of many denominations.
If this all was not enough, we had the added murders of people by the fake jab and MAID with the dirty fingerprints of Turdo as the criminal. MURDER ONE AND YOU ARE DAMNED TURDO ALONG WITH YOUR ASSMINISTRATION.
As a Canadian I can tell you I certainly don't want Carney or any of the Liberals for that matter! He's a scary person.
I have a feeling many Canadians feel exactly like you! I think Trump cares more about Canadians than Trudeau or Carney does! Hang in there I believe Trump will end up making things better for all of us in the end!
Prayers for both US & Canada to become into agreement & to remain close & work together !