I sure have a new respect for Novak, he went from a great tennis player to a great human being, that is a big step. He may very well be remembered for his integrity, not just his tennis skill. He was/is a great inspiration to me and I assume many others. On the other hand I could not and still cannot believe that the majority of people could be so easily fooled and worse become so irrational in their treatment of those that analyzed the evidence of the the vaccine risks and benefits differently. This has been an exponential learning curve for me regarding people's intestinal fortitude.

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Never should have been banned for a false crisis. Unforgivable

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Shouldn't have been banned for a real created crisis either.

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Cheers for Novax!

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Non-US citizens still cannot fly into the US without the covid death shot.

...but sneaking across the southern border is OK.

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It's infuriating

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I doubt if that applies to the "special."

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Novak needs to retire from tennis and write his memoir.

This man has endured massive ordeals in the name of utter bullshit.

I respect him immensely...

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Were I Novak, I am afraid I would make the big point of never crossing the Australian coastline ever again. Just who the heck wants to return to a reverted, regressive penal colony?

Australia is now full rainbow corporate globalist. They're currently sustaining major "hacking" breaches (Optus & MediBank), gas lighting false flags to impose full government digitization.

Any semblance of a 'free society' or guarantee of future prosperity, like their NZzzz cousins across the ditch, has been completely skewered by their respective tyrannical leaderships' embrace of Davos Cult ideology.

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It's ironic, isn't it, that there are "hacking" breaches all over, and now the FTX crypto implosion, which are supposed to INCREASE our confidence in either gubmint or private bank issued digital "currency"??? They truly do think we're idiots.

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100%. This country has always been the biggest whore of UN and other globalist agendas

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He still can't enter the United States. We live in a clown country.

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Wasn't much of a Novak supporter from a tennis perspective before, mostly because he played with a chip on his shoulder, beat up on Federer and Nadal way too much, and often alienated his fans. But I'm a huge fan now, ever since he took a principled stand on this issue. He likely left at least a couple grand slam trophies on the table, during his prime. He won't get those years back. He was absolutely correct to push back on the idiotic mandate, and forever distinguished himself from the crowd.

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If I were him, and I didn't need to play in Australia, I'd sanction them forever.

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Could be a trap. If I were him, I wouldn't go there. But if he decides to go, I certainly wish him success.

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yup,Thorsten...no doubt he'll be fined& chargedwith cheating for unfair advantage due to his jabless state...an uncompromised immune system.

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NOVAX DJOKOVIC!!!! He is my hero - and I don't even like sports!!!!

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He's over being a leper? now it's okay? Knock'em all down Novak! they had a racket going. Your racquet was stronger.

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A stellar example of standing firm in your convictions.

He wins.

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Nov 15, 2022·edited Nov 15, 2022

I'm betting he won't play with as much heart as his competition.

I wonder when odd makers will start taking note of this.

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its a good point, at his level too and age, you cannot stay out of the game too long and it will be remarkable if he keep that level...he has it in him but you may be right, the heart may be wobbly now.

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But he may have heart to beat all opponents and prove them all wrong.

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Nov 20, 2022·edited Nov 20, 2022

Lest we forget that a 'clean' diet is a game changer, Dr.Paul. The 'load' on the kidneys,liver,etc, as well as mitigating epithelial inflammation, is what slows the aging clock. As this ret.mechanic/m-bike roadracer has found, despite years of skepticism...the motto is, don't knock it until you've tried/roadtested it, still stands! 'Djokovic does not like to label his diet because of the "misinterpretation of the word vegan", instead, he says "I do eat plant-based, and it's been for many years." He goes on to explain how his diet is one of the reasons he recovers well after a high-intensity match. " I don't have allergies that I used to have any more. And I like it."' viz, greatveganathletes.com/

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Dr. William Wong (add "essentials" to the search field to find the right one) can tell more about supposedly vegan athletes than many who have never healed them.

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How does washing the food to make it clean do anything substantive?

Clean food doesn't have any less nutrition removed from it than dirt does.

Dr. William D. Kelley, D.D.S., M.S. didn't concern himself with the "cleanliness" of food. He was more concerned with the metabolism of it. drkelley.info is about way more than cancer.

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But vaxxed hearts will likely be physically wobbly.

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His heart will never be as wobbly as someone's who has been vaccinated.

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His (vaccinated) competition literally have bigger or more heart.

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He'll always play with more heart than someone who has been vaccinated.

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Literally... even with heart inflammation?

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He doesn't have any vaccine-related heart inflammation.

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Nov 15, 2022·edited Nov 15, 2022

"He'll always play with more heart than someone who has been vaccinated."

"Literally... even (someone) with heart inflammation?"

If I have to explain it, then I have failed.

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Then you'll have to be satisfied with failure since I can't make sense out what you are writing.

He is being refused admission because he has refused to be vaccinated.

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I hope he wins the tournament and in his acceptance speech calls out the Australian globalists for their tyrannical policies.

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