Kill him, we know who it is, we have him, now kill him, no trial no mercy, you become the animal to deal with the feral; yes, its Christmas & I don't give a FCUK, kill him...did lockdowns do this?
Why would anyone reasonably expect for these events to stop?
The Globalist agenda for the USA is on schedule, achieving the desired goals.
ONE MORE TIME: "If we don't take THEM out, they will take US out!" Count on it.
In 20 days, T47 takes over (assuming we get there). Will *THIS TIME* Trump declare open war on the Globalists, or will he allow them to remain free to carry out their plans, as T45 did?
What T47 does, and fails to do, will tell us in no uncertain terms who T47 is *with*, and *against*.
We shall see. Remember these: "Lock her up!!" Did he lock her up?
"Drain the swamp!!" Was the swamp drained? A wall will be built, and Mexico will pay for it!" How much money did Mexico pay to build the wall? (Answer: NADA!) Let's not forget the past, lest we be condemned to repeat it.
I pray that 47 earnestly goes after the globalists this time around. He only has four years to get the job done right...and this is an immense job. No time for keeping bad picks or making major miscalculations. If 47 allows the globalists to continue their destruction, then after his term is done, God help us all. Things will become a nightmare. Accountability and prosecution are key. Call them out, name them, take them out of the shadows. They must be exposed.
Good comments, Jorge. Thanks. Forgive me if I go out on a tangent here. My opinion - what is the cause of many or most bad results (good is possible, but...). People don't/can't think. Going back to childhood, we are not allowed to think. We are criticized, ridiculed, punished, shamed. How many more. I was/am an outlier who accomplished virtually every goal I had. Why? my father taught me how to think. My heroes? My Father and Thomas Sowell.
True. Historically, when psycho-tyrants take over, one of the first things they do is to imprison or kill the "intellectuals", namely, people able to THINK.
They may be criminals, but they're not stupid. They know that people able to think are a threat to them, and so they take out that threat ASAP.
Why else have the Globalists, via the government, sought to destroy our education system? As you likely know, people today have been dumbed-down to ridiculous levels. That was by *design*, not an accident.
Indeed! Economic chaos, which will invoke political chaos, is one of their key goals.
They are well on track for achieving that goal. The US economic system is in *shambles*, FAR worse then most people can even imagine. In the meantime, the government and mainstream media tell the people, "We're doing great! Just look at the stock markets, sitting near all-time highs." Like Covid, **ALL LIES** !!! Anyone who studies and understands these matters knows that they're pushing lies.
Sounds like you already made up your mind. But no. It doesn't really mean "all that" at all. You give no wiggle room. And worse, don't seem to have put yourself in his place before deciding what Trump should do.
Hmm ... looks like some people are already working on providing excuses for ol' Donald, excuses such as "give him time" ... "it's not that simple" ... "you don't know how it works" -- JUST LIKE THE FIRST TIME!! How'd that work out for us?
I could be wrong, of course. All I know is, **ZERO** slack for Mr. Trump. He either delivers the goods or he is held 100% accountable. Free passes are OVER!!!
I live in small town Kentucky. Pop 70000. Just went to the dollar general on a 4 lane rd. 4 different people at checkout including me. Others were speaking?? Idk? Ukrainian? Bosnian? One was talking of getting his marijuana card this week when medical becomes legal in KY.
The cashier was Hispanic.
I was only citizen in there it seemed?
Then stopped at mcds. Only people inside were also speaking European language.
I'm in small town ky not big city Louisville or Cincinnati etc.
I feel like there are many many more illegals/refugees here than media say.
Being white white Scandinavian looking I usually get stared at by some of these, I am courteous tho.
Anyway something is up. Videos everywhere people talking about weird fog, weird lights, illnesses, bad chest colds, fog has metal smell/taste. I did notice 2-3 weeks ago looked like snowing in ring cam. Was just fog. Normal? I don't think since never noticed fog looking like snow in car headlights. Hopefully ash from Canada fires??
But not too sure the cabal is going to let Trump in.
Foreigner onslaught is a nightmare. Makes American citizens feel like strange people in a strange land... And that, it seems, is exactly how "they" want us to feel - as though we lost everything during the process of really losing everything...
As a kid in the 70s in KY I never imagined my small town would have thousands and thousands refugees and probably over 1000 illegals. It's crazy and must be stopped.
Insane that this is their plan. Fear, isolation, instability. Control. Manipulate. Works so well? Ban guns, loose murderous criminals onto the people. Render their citizens helpless. Do they (citizens) really keep voting for this? Or do they (politicians) “own” these elections?
Sorry Paul, other than satisfying some atavistic urge for blood revenge, your "solution" does little to put a stop to the carnage, which is simply a 'fallout' from the bigger crime to hand.
USA entered the post(WW2)war era with the reputation of being a 'shining light unto the world' - whether unearned(re:remarks made here yesterday about the treatment of Germans post defeat)or not, that reputation would get increasingly sullied as time went on....
and more of 'another type' of German entered the USA fold.(Operation PaperClip)
In a nutshell, research into controlling people - more specifically, controlling 'minds' became the dominant direction of "research"... hiding behind which was the impulse to manipulate our reality so as to impose a state of blindness to all ethical concerns.
Success in that project required the elimination of folks who could a)see the forest for the trees;
b)rise above petty personal concerns to stand up on behalf of those who they served. Ergo - Patton/assassinated. Forrestal/ditto/Kennedy/ditto/
Rinse and repeat with folks who stood against miscegenation, phony human rights, dumbed down education schemes, foreign adventurism, and corporate welfare(aka - Fred Trumpf-like HUD rip off schemes and "real estate developers" as a class of social parasite who restyle themselves as "philanthropists" by buying media whores and communication outlets.
There's nothing accidental to this process of dumbing down the majority and replacing them with what you call 'subhumans.' Gradual. unnoticed decay in ethical standards has produced a class of folk who inherited the mantle of beacon of light... but themselves have come to represent nothing more than the putrid entrails of a dead carcass what still calls itself USA... but is a hollow imitation of same. June 8 1967 marked the watershed moment when the die was cast, and the Republic breathed it's last. All that has come after is simply 'just desserts' for mindless obedience to the enemies of one's one country and standards.
I get the point you were making about foreign adventurism and by extension the eagerness of the US to serve as self-appointed world police, usually fucking things up and promoting islamic extremism in the course of, or as an outcome of, the incompetent meddling, partly by failing to win "hearts and minds" by butchering foreign civilians in a manner that the history writers of the winning side usually attribute to "Nazis."
I take it you were referring, with your reference to June 8 1967, to the USS Liberty incident on that date when Israeli jet fighters and gunboats attacked the USS Liberty in international waters in the Mediterranean Sea, killing 34 American crew members and wounding 171?
Do you think there could be a connection between reactions, or the lack thereof, to this event and the subsequent acquiescence of Americans to the demands by foreign middle eastern regimes for Americans to serve as cannon fodder by fighting and dying for them both so that these regimes can save on expenditure of resources and so that fewer of their own people need to be put in harm's way?
"Writer quotes a "Wall Street Journal" article in which a "senior Gulf official" said, just before the war began, "You think I want to send my teen-aged son to die for Kuwait?" He chuckled. "We have our white slaves from America to do that."
Kuwait has long been out of the picture but does it concern you that there could be acquiescence to demands today from other regimes in the same region for Americans to die for them?
And do you not think that Americans have a moral obligation to die for these regimes as a result of what only revisionist historians dispute happened in Europe long ago?
In relation to that last question have you seen the documentary about his visit to Auschwitz of the Jewish-American revisionist and film maker David Cole, at the link below?
Yes, that documentary has been in my files for most of the past decade. A certain calibre of judaic has a level of grit and fortitude which I can scarce comprehend; Gilad Atzmon, Shlomo Sand, Cole, but even more particularly Ariel Toaff(son of the former chief rebbe of Firenze) whose scholarship & dedication to factual history I admire above all others, as a forensic historian.
But to answer your question(s)honestly poses a dilemma, since a)it doesn't lend to a format where conciseness is decorum; b) it conflicts with a certain desire to keep the subject matter here within certain bounds, so as to avoid tangents in all directions. Not that I personally believe that the subject you broach is in any way outside of the BIG PICTURE view of what this substack addresses, nor I suspect do you, since you bring it into focus ... BUT ...
on this of all days, when folks can be expected to be relaxin, wishin for the world to be a happy place, etc., etc., the inevitable result of such musings could prove unpleasant for some. Not my intent. Indeed, I thought my mention of that special date would serve as a kind of 'code' for some here, and in that way lessen the need to say more.
Believe me, nuthin I'd rather do more than address those questions, but this ain't my stack - & I've no interest making it other than what the OP wishes it to be(oh I know Paulie doesn't mind my needling him - he's the kind of stand up dude who appreciates a nudge or two!)A word from he, and/or a consensus from the gallery, I'd be delighted to respond - in as brief a manner as can be mustered. That WOULD be a challenge.
New York is mostly democrat, perhaps its the "vaccine" doing something to the brain with some individuals? Democrats took far more shots than conservatives who question more. Conservatives would also not just watching a woman burn to death in my view, would try to put the fire down with a coat or some fluid , like a drink, at least I would. Dress, cloth, is not like a gasoline, it do not burn rapidly, can be put down
No, lock downs did not do this. Humanity did this. We leaned on man and a lie ~ satan. We left our Savior and dove into the swamp. Hook line and sinker. Turn back to our Lord and Savior and watch what happens. Fear God ~ Not Man.
No not lockdowns, if I had to guess I'd say the DOD is using frequencies to manipulate peoples thoughts/brains, the level of violence out there lately is next level. Think James Giordano, he takes pride in inventing various ways to do this. After I saw that people stood by and did nothing but video that poor woman burning on the subway I knew we had crossed the Rubicon.
You’re absolutely correct, unfortunately Americans are being forced into such a situation / position! Not because we’re “Feral-Beasts” because this is exactly what the “Globalist-Agenda” must create!
Create Chaos! As much chaos as possible! And of course have someone else do your dirty work for you! Whether or not these “Feral-Animals” are coordinated operatives or controlled operatives, either way, they’re getting the job done, now aren’t they?
I’m sure behind every dark and “evil-minded” person there’s someone or something triggering them!
“We the People” might have to start “executing” onsite such “people!” Lawlessness seems to already exist. Based on so many examples we’ve seen since the “Illegitimate President Biden” was installed, the Deep State has been “Trampling” every law / rule / our system has passed.
What’s worse is, this Deep State has gotten away with it! With everything! Not a single person has been held accountable! Which is why I say
“Things aren’t always as they seem!”
This includes the incoming President Elect Trump / Vance / Musk / RFKJr. There’s a very good reason why this alignment bothers the hell out of me.
Shoot that monster dead and you go to jail. The injustice department is on the site of criminals in America. look what they tried to do to Trump. Totally corrupt system.
“Corrupt as Corrupt” can be! There’s a huge organization of “Deep-State” operatives who literally hate America!
I’m still trying to figure out why Trump is nominating some of these people. We have to see what happens. Possibly things will turn around slowly, perhaps something much worse happens.
It’s too early to say. Thank you Paul for your input. Every piece of this giant puzzle helps us better understand, where Americans are being taken.
The dollar sign $ is not a mistype, it’s part of, only part of a much larger plan against humanity! (Maybe Bill Gates would Call it Climate Change) so we must “Kill-the-Useless-Eaters!” They fart too much!
You’re right spot on again Paul. The above paragraph I cut and pasted from a reply I made literally a minute ago to CherylBray.
The level of involvement for so many “Public-Private” state entities and private companies is enormous!
The situation is not a good one, IMO. Aside from WEF, there’s BlackRock divvying out money to private companies who must do as BlackRock says or they will either not get the money or the interest rates will be astronomically inflated to force every private company to”Follow-Orda’s!” Ask Klaus Schwab would say! “
Ve must make dem follow Orda’s!”
Everything we’ve witnessed over the past few years, since Biden was installed as president, has a particular component behind it!
As the saying goes: “There’s a reason for everything.”
I’m not sure how or where Americans will find ourselves this year. Thanks again Paul. Every piece fits this magnanimous puzzle, of which the pieces were carved long ago.
This post really shows exactly what the Globalist want--disruption, rage, anger, and most especially the destruction of any and all democratic processes and practices. Trump is tops on the list of so-called leaders pushing this uncontrolled and unthinking mob mentality. Paul is clearly an opponent of democracy and even as a man of color he acts like he is part of the white male supremacist culture that created this horror show. Inhumane acts against all life forms is horrible but how we as humans behave and respond may actually be more important at that speaks to real values people hold. The man who did the deed may have serious problems to be dealt with or he may need to be tried and convicted as legally prescribed. Calling for vigilante violence and mob rule is far more dangerous to us all and to any form or organized, civil society.
What in the hell you talk about? "Dr. Paul opponent of democracy? What democracy? America is a constitutional Republic, not a democracy. Paul is right when he calls for hanging, when some murder happening in front of cameras, people watching, no courts, no judges to make millions on some trash creature, its the people should take justice in to their hands, not the governments or courts. And Trump is "pushing for mob mentality?" What medication are you on? Or is that the "vaccine"? Get life. Pissed of Harris did not win?
You are an example of what I was describing. Can't disagree without being hostile and disrespectful. As for your calling this a Constitutional Republic? Yes, structurally we are a collaboration of States with a Central base. However, the way we make decisions is by Democratic process. People of your thinking have drunk the Kool-aid of Republicanism without any understanding of the difference betw an organized structure and the process of how we function. They are two entirely different concepts and it would be nice if you and people who think like you woke up to that fact.
Not sure how this atrocity can be attributed to "white male supremacist culture" which makes you sound like a feminist ideologue when often you are a voice of reason and your posts make very good points as you did here when you said that "The man who did the deed may have serious problems to be dealt with or he may need to be tried and convicted as legally prescribed." If he, e.g., had his drink spiked and consequently was not in control of his actions then the response required would be different to if he acted wilfully. Good point! It would be good if, instead of repeatedly offending and alienating men and free thinking women you could "overcome your conditioning" in perhaps a similar manner to the way that Naomi Wolf appears to have done, such that she now presents more as a human rights activist than as a feminarcissist.
I am glad that you find my comments reasonable and good. As for my feminism? Yes, I am a feminist meaning that I claim my right to being equally treated and having equal access as my skills permit. I claim mutual respect in everything I do and say which does not mean agreement. My experiences in life have shown me that we are a society structured by classes: Race, Sex, Class being the major ones with others that include Ablism, Gender, etc. I could write about this but this is not the place for lengthy comments on the issue. Suffice it to say that Class is probably the biggest structural form of division and prejudice but is also the most ignored and even denied. I think the regrowth of the Union Movement is finally bringing this back into focus. One of its powers is the ability to attack all the forms of structural disempowerment of people including Racism and Sexism. Let me wish you and everyone a Happy New Year.
Always good to have differing viewpoints in the mix, specially when they can be presented articulately. Some of the dark Maga-got folks are so far out here that we can prolly use a leftie to soften up that batting order!
My one question for you = Paul's a 'man of color?' Did not know that. Is that something like gender dimorphism or such? Sure looks like an average 'honkey' to me!
I'm not a feminist but I certainly abhor any suggestion that women and girls are in any way inferior or not of equal worth and value to men. I abhor that the vaccine mandates discriminated against women and girls in that they were disproportionately adversely affected.I agree with what you have said about Class. Thank you and I wish you a Happy New Year too.
Do you truly want to live in a country where every angry person is empowered to administer vigilante justice unilaterally and get around constitutionally provided rights?
You previously have suggested criminals should be hung drawn and quartered as centuries ago in Europe.
If a person is convicted of murder, there are many ways of executing them and an injection would be much less dramatic.
However one flaw in the death penalty is it prevents consideration of new evidence should some become available. The justice and political systems have imperfections that mean innocent people do get convicted.
Fortunately I have not financially supported this blog and am going to stop following it.
whats crazy too is as we watch the man fall onto the tracks, we can see 2 males just casually stepping over the turnstile and paying no fare.
I like Chinese justice. Ready, aim, fire. One less criminal to feed and house on the taxpayers dime!
Why would anyone reasonably expect for these events to stop?
The Globalist agenda for the USA is on schedule, achieving the desired goals.
ONE MORE TIME: "If we don't take THEM out, they will take US out!" Count on it.
In 20 days, T47 takes over (assuming we get there). Will *THIS TIME* Trump declare open war on the Globalists, or will he allow them to remain free to carry out their plans, as T45 did?
What T47 does, and fails to do, will tell us in no uncertain terms who T47 is *with*, and *against*.
nice post thank you! on the spot
It’s the RINO Congressman that block everything Trump tries to do.
It's having rinorats and demoncrap running the show, exactly what you said. Thanks.
He has already declaired war. Starting with withdrawing from the UN. Next will be the WEF and WHO. A step at a time.....
He has? The USA is no longer a member of the UN? Really? That's news to me!!
As for the WEF, the WHO, and others *filthy* associations, we'll see.
He has stated he eill leave NATO when he takes office.
We shall see. Remember these: "Lock her up!!" Did he lock her up?
"Drain the swamp!!" Was the swamp drained? A wall will be built, and Mexico will pay for it!" How much money did Mexico pay to build the wall? (Answer: NADA!) Let's not forget the past, lest we be condemned to repeat it.
I pray that 47 earnestly goes after the globalists this time around. He only has four years to get the job done right...and this is an immense job. No time for keeping bad picks or making major miscalculations. If 47 allows the globalists to continue their destruction, then after his term is done, God help us all. Things will become a nightmare. Accountability and prosecution are key. Call them out, name them, take them out of the shadows. They must be exposed.
As I've already expressed, that action is # 1 on my list of *MUST DO* actions.
Good comments, Jorge. Thanks. Forgive me if I go out on a tangent here. My opinion - what is the cause of many or most bad results (good is possible, but...). People don't/can't think. Going back to childhood, we are not allowed to think. We are criticized, ridiculed, punished, shamed. How many more. I was/am an outlier who accomplished virtually every goal I had. Why? my father taught me how to think. My heroes? My Father and Thomas Sowell.
True. Historically, when psycho-tyrants take over, one of the first things they do is to imprison or kill the "intellectuals", namely, people able to THINK.
They may be criminals, but they're not stupid. They know that people able to think are a threat to them, and so they take out that threat ASAP.
Why else have the Globalists, via the government, sought to destroy our education system? As you likely know, people today have been dumbed-down to ridiculous levels. That was by *design*, not an accident.
It may bring politic and economic chaos..
Indeed! Economic chaos, which will invoke political chaos, is one of their key goals.
They are well on track for achieving that goal. The US economic system is in *shambles*, FAR worse then most people can even imagine. In the meantime, the government and mainstream media tell the people, "We're doing great! Just look at the stock markets, sitting near all-time highs." Like Covid, **ALL LIES** !!! Anyone who studies and understands these matters knows that they're pushing lies.
Sounds like you already made up your mind. But no. It doesn't really mean "all that" at all. You give no wiggle room. And worse, don't seem to have put yourself in his place before deciding what Trump should do.
Hmm ... looks like some people are already working on providing excuses for ol' Donald, excuses such as "give him time" ... "it's not that simple" ... "you don't know how it works" -- JUST LIKE THE FIRST TIME!! How'd that work out for us?
I could be wrong, of course. All I know is, **ZERO** slack for Mr. Trump. He either delivers the goods or he is held 100% accountable. Free passes are OVER!!!
Was it another "illegal/migrant"?
I live in small town Kentucky. Pop 70000. Just went to the dollar general on a 4 lane rd. 4 different people at checkout including me. Others were speaking?? Idk? Ukrainian? Bosnian? One was talking of getting his marijuana card this week when medical becomes legal in KY.
The cashier was Hispanic.
I was only citizen in there it seemed?
Then stopped at mcds. Only people inside were also speaking European language.
I'm in small town ky not big city Louisville or Cincinnati etc.
I feel like there are many many more illegals/refugees here than media say.
Being white white Scandinavian looking I usually get stared at by some of these, I am courteous tho.
Anyway something is up. Videos everywhere people talking about weird fog, weird lights, illnesses, bad chest colds, fog has metal smell/taste. I did notice 2-3 weeks ago looked like snowing in ring cam. Was just fog. Normal? I don't think since never noticed fog looking like snow in car headlights. Hopefully ash from Canada fires??
But not too sure the cabal is going to let Trump in.
Foreigner onslaught is a nightmare. Makes American citizens feel like strange people in a strange land... And that, it seems, is exactly how "they" want us to feel - as though we lost everything during the process of really losing everything...
As a kid in the 70s in KY I never imagined my small town would have thousands and thousands refugees and probably over 1000 illegals. It's crazy and must be stopped.
Insane that this is their plan. Fear, isolation, instability. Control. Manipulate. Works so well? Ban guns, loose murderous criminals onto the people. Render their citizens helpless. Do they (citizens) really keep voting for this? Or do they (politicians) “own” these elections?
thank you for this excellent remark, helps us keep focused
Sorry Paul, other than satisfying some atavistic urge for blood revenge, your "solution" does little to put a stop to the carnage, which is simply a 'fallout' from the bigger crime to hand.
USA entered the post(WW2)war era with the reputation of being a 'shining light unto the world' - whether unearned(re:remarks made here yesterday about the treatment of Germans post defeat)or not, that reputation would get increasingly sullied as time went on....
and more of 'another type' of German entered the USA fold.(Operation PaperClip)
In a nutshell, research into controlling people - more specifically, controlling 'minds' became the dominant direction of "research"... hiding behind which was the impulse to manipulate our reality so as to impose a state of blindness to all ethical concerns.
Success in that project required the elimination of folks who could a)see the forest for the trees;
b)rise above petty personal concerns to stand up on behalf of those who they served. Ergo - Patton/assassinated. Forrestal/ditto/Kennedy/ditto/
Rinse and repeat with folks who stood against miscegenation, phony human rights, dumbed down education schemes, foreign adventurism, and corporate welfare(aka - Fred Trumpf-like HUD rip off schemes and "real estate developers" as a class of social parasite who restyle themselves as "philanthropists" by buying media whores and communication outlets.
There's nothing accidental to this process of dumbing down the majority and replacing them with what you call 'subhumans.' Gradual. unnoticed decay in ethical standards has produced a class of folk who inherited the mantle of beacon of light... but themselves have come to represent nothing more than the putrid entrails of a dead carcass what still calls itself USA... but is a hollow imitation of same. June 8 1967 marked the watershed moment when the die was cast, and the Republic breathed it's last. All that has come after is simply 'just desserts' for mindless obedience to the enemies of one's one country and standards.
I get the point you were making about foreign adventurism and by extension the eagerness of the US to serve as self-appointed world police, usually fucking things up and promoting islamic extremism in the course of, or as an outcome of, the incompetent meddling, partly by failing to win "hearts and minds" by butchering foreign civilians in a manner that the history writers of the winning side usually attribute to "Nazis."
I take it you were referring, with your reference to June 8 1967, to the USS Liberty incident on that date when Israeli jet fighters and gunboats attacked the USS Liberty in international waters in the Mediterranean Sea, killing 34 American crew members and wounding 171?
Do you think there could be a connection between reactions, or the lack thereof, to this event and the subsequent acquiescence of Americans to the demands by foreign middle eastern regimes for Americans to serve as cannon fodder by fighting and dying for them both so that these regimes can save on expenditure of resources and so that fewer of their own people need to be put in harm's way?
"Writer quotes a "Wall Street Journal" article in which a "senior Gulf official" said, just before the war began, "You think I want to send my teen-aged son to die for Kuwait?" He chuckled. "We have our white slaves from America to do that."
Kuwait has long been out of the picture but does it concern you that there could be acquiescence to demands today from other regimes in the same region for Americans to die for them?
And do you not think that Americans have a moral obligation to die for these regimes as a result of what only revisionist historians dispute happened in Europe long ago?
In relation to that last question have you seen the documentary about his visit to Auschwitz of the Jewish-American revisionist and film maker David Cole, at the link below?
Oh , wow👍🏻
Yes, that documentary has been in my files for most of the past decade. A certain calibre of judaic has a level of grit and fortitude which I can scarce comprehend; Gilad Atzmon, Shlomo Sand, Cole, but even more particularly Ariel Toaff(son of the former chief rebbe of Firenze) whose scholarship & dedication to factual history I admire above all others, as a forensic historian.
But to answer your question(s)honestly poses a dilemma, since a)it doesn't lend to a format where conciseness is decorum; b) it conflicts with a certain desire to keep the subject matter here within certain bounds, so as to avoid tangents in all directions. Not that I personally believe that the subject you broach is in any way outside of the BIG PICTURE view of what this substack addresses, nor I suspect do you, since you bring it into focus ... BUT ...
on this of all days, when folks can be expected to be relaxin, wishin for the world to be a happy place, etc., etc., the inevitable result of such musings could prove unpleasant for some. Not my intent. Indeed, I thought my mention of that special date would serve as a kind of 'code' for some here, and in that way lessen the need to say more.
Believe me, nuthin I'd rather do more than address those questions, but this ain't my stack - & I've no interest making it other than what the OP wishes it to be(oh I know Paulie doesn't mind my needling him - he's the kind of stand up dude who appreciates a nudge or two!)A word from he, and/or a consensus from the gallery, I'd be delighted to respond - in as brief a manner as can be mustered. That WOULD be a challenge.
Anyhoo, at least I got one question answered!
New York is mostly democrat, perhaps its the "vaccine" doing something to the brain with some individuals? Democrats took far more shots than conservatives who question more. Conservatives would also not just watching a woman burn to death in my view, would try to put the fire down with a coat or some fluid , like a drink, at least I would. Dress, cloth, is not like a gasoline, it do not burn rapidly, can be put down
No, lock downs did not do this. Humanity did this. We leaned on man and a lie ~ satan. We left our Savior and dove into the swamp. Hook line and sinker. Turn back to our Lord and Savior and watch what happens. Fear God ~ Not Man.
Wrong. Fear man not God.
No not lockdowns, if I had to guess I'd say the DOD is using frequencies to manipulate peoples thoughts/brains, the level of violence out there lately is next level. Think James Giordano, he takes pride in inventing various ways to do this. After I saw that people stood by and did nothing but video that poor woman burning on the subway I knew we had crossed the Rubicon.
I can’t disagree with this! 👍
thank you
“Shot Dead On The Spot!” You say Dr. Alexander?
You’re absolutely correct, unfortunately Americans are being forced into such a situation / position! Not because we’re “Feral-Beasts” because this is exactly what the “Globalist-Agenda” must create!
Create Chaos! As much chaos as possible! And of course have someone else do your dirty work for you! Whether or not these “Feral-Animals” are coordinated operatives or controlled operatives, either way, they’re getting the job done, now aren’t they?
I’m sure behind every dark and “evil-minded” person there’s someone or something triggering them!
“We the People” might have to start “executing” onsite such “people!” Lawlessness seems to already exist. Based on so many examples we’ve seen since the “Illegitimate President Biden” was installed, the Deep State has been “Trampling” every law / rule / our system has passed.
What’s worse is, this Deep State has gotten away with it! With everything! Not a single person has been held accountable! Which is why I say
“Things aren’t always as they seem!”
This includes the incoming President Elect Trump / Vance / Musk / RFKJr. There’s a very good reason why this alignment bothers the hell out of me.
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Shoot that monster dead and you go to jail. The injustice department is on the site of criminals in America. look what they tried to do to Trump. Totally corrupt system.
“Corrupt as Corrupt” can be! There’s a huge organization of “Deep-State” operatives who literally hate America!
I’m still trying to figure out why Trump is nominating some of these people. We have to see what happens. Possibly things will turn around slowly, perhaps something much worse happens.
It’s too early to say. Thank you Paul for your input. Every piece of this giant puzzle helps us better understand, where Americans are being taken.
WEF filthy rich cooperatives are largely behind all this, Bill Gates, George Soros, UN, WHO. Will Trump do something about those creeps?
The dollar sign $ is not a mistype, it’s part of, only part of a much larger plan against humanity! (Maybe Bill Gates would Call it Climate Change) so we must “Kill-the-Useless-Eaters!” They fart too much!
You’re right spot on again Paul. The above paragraph I cut and pasted from a reply I made literally a minute ago to CherylBray.
The level of involvement for so many “Public-Private” state entities and private companies is enormous!
The situation is not a good one, IMO. Aside from WEF, there’s BlackRock divvying out money to private companies who must do as BlackRock says or they will either not get the money or the interest rates will be astronomically inflated to force every private company to”Follow-Orda’s!” Ask Klaus Schwab would say! “
Ve must make dem follow Orda’s!”
Everything we’ve witnessed over the past few years, since Biden was installed as president, has a particular component behind it!
As the saying goes: “There’s a reason for everything.”
I’m not sure how or where Americans will find ourselves this year. Thanks again Paul. Every piece fits this magnanimous puzzle, of which the pieces were carved long ago.
This post really shows exactly what the Globalist want--disruption, rage, anger, and most especially the destruction of any and all democratic processes and practices. Trump is tops on the list of so-called leaders pushing this uncontrolled and unthinking mob mentality. Paul is clearly an opponent of democracy and even as a man of color he acts like he is part of the white male supremacist culture that created this horror show. Inhumane acts against all life forms is horrible but how we as humans behave and respond may actually be more important at that speaks to real values people hold. The man who did the deed may have serious problems to be dealt with or he may need to be tried and convicted as legally prescribed. Calling for vigilante violence and mob rule is far more dangerous to us all and to any form or organized, civil society.
What in the hell you talk about? "Dr. Paul opponent of democracy? What democracy? America is a constitutional Republic, not a democracy. Paul is right when he calls for hanging, when some murder happening in front of cameras, people watching, no courts, no judges to make millions on some trash creature, its the people should take justice in to their hands, not the governments or courts. And Trump is "pushing for mob mentality?" What medication are you on? Or is that the "vaccine"? Get life. Pissed of Harris did not win?
You are an example of what I was describing. Can't disagree without being hostile and disrespectful. As for your calling this a Constitutional Republic? Yes, structurally we are a collaboration of States with a Central base. However, the way we make decisions is by Democratic process. People of your thinking have drunk the Kool-aid of Republicanism without any understanding of the difference betw an organized structure and the process of how we function. They are two entirely different concepts and it would be nice if you and people who think like you woke up to that fact.
Not sure how this atrocity can be attributed to "white male supremacist culture" which makes you sound like a feminist ideologue when often you are a voice of reason and your posts make very good points as you did here when you said that "The man who did the deed may have serious problems to be dealt with or he may need to be tried and convicted as legally prescribed." If he, e.g., had his drink spiked and consequently was not in control of his actions then the response required would be different to if he acted wilfully. Good point! It would be good if, instead of repeatedly offending and alienating men and free thinking women you could "overcome your conditioning" in perhaps a similar manner to the way that Naomi Wolf appears to have done, such that she now presents more as a human rights activist than as a feminarcissist.
I am glad that you find my comments reasonable and good. As for my feminism? Yes, I am a feminist meaning that I claim my right to being equally treated and having equal access as my skills permit. I claim mutual respect in everything I do and say which does not mean agreement. My experiences in life have shown me that we are a society structured by classes: Race, Sex, Class being the major ones with others that include Ablism, Gender, etc. I could write about this but this is not the place for lengthy comments on the issue. Suffice it to say that Class is probably the biggest structural form of division and prejudice but is also the most ignored and even denied. I think the regrowth of the Union Movement is finally bringing this back into focus. One of its powers is the ability to attack all the forms of structural disempowerment of people including Racism and Sexism. Let me wish you and everyone a Happy New Year.
Always good to have differing viewpoints in the mix, specially when they can be presented articulately. Some of the dark Maga-got folks are so far out here that we can prolly use a leftie to soften up that batting order!
My one question for you = Paul's a 'man of color?' Did not know that. Is that something like gender dimorphism or such? Sure looks like an average 'honkey' to me!
I'm not a feminist but I certainly abhor any suggestion that women and girls are in any way inferior or not of equal worth and value to men. I abhor that the vaccine mandates discriminated against women and girls in that they were disproportionately adversely affected.I agree with what you have said about Class. Thank you and I wish you a Happy New Year too.
🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 the NYC we knew growing up has gone and it’s so sad😢
I agree, no mercy, no wasted time for appeals. Just kill these monsters like the rabid beasts they are.
Do you truly want to live in a country where every angry person is empowered to administer vigilante justice unilaterally and get around constitutionally provided rights?
You previously have suggested criminals should be hung drawn and quartered as centuries ago in Europe.
If a person is convicted of murder, there are many ways of executing them and an injection would be much less dramatic.
However one flaw in the death penalty is it prevents consideration of new evidence should some become available. The justice and political systems have imperfections that mean innocent people do get convicted.
Fortunately I have not financially supported this blog and am going to stop following it.
Man’s sin nature manifested at its worst.
Inukwefilm it