Remdesivir has its place but if you goal is to inflate the numbers for unjabbed deaths and kill off noncompliant useless eaters who might otherwise recover it's important to get these unjabbed untermenschen on to a ventilator. Works like a charm.

"The findings refute the idea that a cytokine storm following COVID-19 – an overwhelming inflammation response causing organ failure – was responsible for a significant number of deaths. There was no evidence of multi-organ failure in the patients studied."

"So while COVID-19 may have put these patients in the hospital, it was actually an infection brought on by the use of a mechanical ventilator that was more likely to be the cause of death when this infection didn't respond to treatment."

Most COVID-19 Deaths May Be The Result of a Completely Different Infection : ScienceAlert


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I am trying to work out a well-formulated statement of the psychological control tools used in the process of steering doctors and the public in the strangely artificial rivalry between HCQ and remdesivir. It's a particularly parnicious false dichotomy that required putting some specific machinery in place, IMHO.


* Chinese claims of narrowing testing to HCQ/CQ and remdesivir

* Trump press conference March 19, 2020 (who steered to that point?)

* Numerous studies on both, many rigged

* Boston Consulting Group and other mentions of remdesivir making it sound authoritatively justified, despite it being an expensive option with no track record of success

* The existence of so much polling data on the drugs during 2020 is suggestive of a monitered operation

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Dr. Fauci made money with every remdesivir use, he pushed the drug like crazy and mandated it's use in hospitals for covid teatment. Same as he did for AZT, that only killed people

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Dr.Zelenko called it ,,,,when death is near

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Dr. Paul or anyone, please post the link of the recording here or Give us an update Dr. Paul.

We have a waterfall of information coming out now. Covid, Election, VAX, Financial Collapse, WAR, etc.

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Dr. Fauci paved the way for remdesivir to be used in Covid treatment in identical manner as he had for HIV.

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