A number of transmission vectors are possible. Airborne or bodily fluids.

My wife is vaxxed, I am not. I get headaches when i'm in close proximity to her. Not saying that proves anything re: virus and not joking either (though you could make a funny joke out of this!). LOL

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At the height of the vaccination frenzy as many friends took the jab, I started getting nose bleeds after spending time with them. On occasion a nose bleed after shopping. It was a while before I made a connection between the nose bleeds and the jabbed. I told my clients that if they take the jab, I’d have to cancel their sessions for two weeks after they take it. That seemed to help. I have never had a nose bleed before this shot came out. I’m thankful most in my city are not taking boosters. I still get nose bleeds every so often after a shopping trip but it is rare now. I do believe something is being shed.

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Whether it's "shedding", or some other form of spreading, aka self-replicating, this is all very much a feature, NOT a "bug" as they say in the tech world

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Two days after my wife got her first of two mRNA shots, I woke up with blood in my eye. I know of no trauma that would've caused this. I didn't think much of it until a few days later when I was watching a video about spouses of Pfizer study participants having odd bleeding, and one woman mentioned a bloody eye. I can't prove that was the cause, but it did make me go "huh."

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There are women who are so sensitive to this shedding that just waking past an injected human will cause them to have a period or bleeding event. I know one woman who literally had to go and live by "a van done by the river " to get away from other jabbed humans.

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If the shedding theory is true, how do the creators who created these death jabs protect themselves? Unless they have a secret antidote?

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It exists. I had 2 debilitating vaccine shedding/transmission infections lasting over 3 months each despite getting medicine and acupuncture every 3 weeks. My doctor reported that he has seen other cases amongst his unvaccinated patients and other health practitioners

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This may sound strange, but I can smell whatever it is that is emanating from a freshly jabbed person, and there is this weird energy. Difficult to explain. I saved a lady from falling one day when I was out walking, she went down right in front of me. Instinctually I reached out and grabbed her arm as her legs gave out, gently lowering her to the ground. For a moment I thought she was dead. Fortunately, not. Turned out she was quadruple jabbed. however, both myself and my friend had an instant headache from the interaction which escalated dramatically. I had done some research into this, whatever this is, prior to the interaction and found a recipe for homemade HCQ taken with Zinc. The headache went away within 2 hours and seems to have numerous other benefits. Make of this what you will but the arthritis seems to be getting better. Knowledge is our friend. Thank you, Dr Alexander for your selfless dedication.

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I am not jabbed, neither is my husband, we both feel fine and we're thinking of getting our blood checked and if so cleansed just to make sure. Ion the meantime we take all our supplements daily and I do have Ivermectin if we need it. We both avoid crowds and pretty much stay away from people inside stores. I don't go out often and my husband works outside in the fresh air.

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I experience extreme headaches that last for one day to the point I can't work when I am near someone recently jabbed for extended time (few hours). Can't prove the correlation but before the pandemic, I never got headaches. Never. I suspect it's related. Time will prove me right.

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Two examples of shedding;

When the vaccines first rolled out my sister-in-law got vaccinated but my brother did not. She got sick with a cough almost immediately after getting vaccinated she ‘shedded’ on him. He got the cough too & two weeks later his oxygen levels were in the 80’s. He was hospitalized and forced into getting ventilated. She wasn’t as bad as him but was getting worse, I convinced her into getting the monoclonal antibodies. She survived. He didn’t. He died because of the hospital protocol that was forced on all these ‘Covid’ patients.

My doctor is full vaccinated and wears two masks and gloves when he sees his patients. He removed his masks to sneeze in the room🙄He sneezed twice. Im wearing a mask, too which was useless. Two days later I get a bad headache and have Covid. Two days after that my 2 kids are sick thanks to me bringing home the ‘shedding’ the doctor gave me.

Shedding is real. When I’m around more than 3 people that are vaccinated I sneeze. It starts off with a tickle to my nose then turns to sneezing. I can’t stop sneezing until they are no longer around me. It’s just weird.

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Here is some GREAT news everyone!!! Western University Drops ALL Vaccine Mandates

And Twitter drops Covid Misinformation Policy

Remember the scandal with Western University in Ontario, Canada, that was requiring boosters from its students?

That’s the college that required bivalent boosters for fall classes.

"What made them change their minds?

I am sure it is you, the protesters, the public, substack authors, etc.

The experts are possibly starting to worry that their role in the “pandemic” will soon be subject to pointed questions from the disappointed public worried about health and fertility.

Personally, I will do my best to continue exposing Covid criminals so that they are not let off the hook and their crimes are not forgotten.


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I went to visit my young grandson one day after having had lunch with my nephew. My son was home sick (it was the second day home from work). I found out later that he had just had the Moderna shot and was sick because of it (it was his 2nd shot, Pfizer was the first about a month or so earlier). I discovered as well that my nephew had just had his second shot as well. That evening I went for a bike ride with my husband. When we stopped for a break, I had the worst fluttering in my chest that I had ever experienced, It was so bad, I asked my husband to check to see if an ambulance, which we passed along the way was still parked there, because I was plenty worried and would have had them check me out. They had left, and when I felt well enough we rode home - slowly. This fluttering went on periodically for MONTHS. It has since subsided, it took place July and August of 2021.

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Source #2 - the Expose - is lie mongering piece of shit publication.

I wasted a few hundred dollars buying into their BS of "you have 10 seconds flat to support the Expose, else it will go down in a puff of dust".

Whoever the real person is behind the pseudonym "Rhoda Wilson" is a con person looking for a free monthly income.

He/she/it will purge your comment if it doesn't suit their fictional plot line.

You can do better than use them as a source, Paul.

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Now might be the time to wear a BSL-4 positive pressure hazmat suit... In Walmart.

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There is one study which may explain the shedding mechanism. People who were covid vaccinated produce exosomes (membrane fluid filled pouch) which they spread containing the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, which is the component of the virus that is associated with negative effects in the body. Therefore the symptoms vaccinated/sick people get can be spread to you via the vaccinated's exosomes because the exosomes contain the spike protein. This is the study: https://www.jimmunol.org/content/207/10/2405 Look at chart E here on this graphic: https://www.jimmunol.org/content/jimmunol/207/10/2405/F2.large.jpg?width=800&height=600&carousel=1 You'll see in the middle, it corresponds to "D14-2" which is 14 days after the 2nd dose. There is a huge increase in the density of spike protein in the vaccinated people's exosomes at that point in time. It only goes down 4 months later.

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