A number of transmission vectors are possible. Airborne or bodily fluids.

My wife is vaxxed, I am not. I get headaches when i'm in close proximity to her. Not saying that proves anything re: virus and not joking either (though you could make a funny joke out of this!). LOL

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Same thing with me and my wife -- she's vaxxed, I'm not. I cough when she's near. And headaches. But she's always given me a headache, so that's not definitive...

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There is no need for speculation, as it clearly happens. The only question is: to what degree?

Why do I say there is no doubt about it? The developer of the Moderna vaxx admitted in a tweet last year that shedding occurs. He was attempting to squash the rumours. Perhaps someone can find it if it hasn't been deleted.

He said that it occurs, but wouldn't lead to 'serious' adverse events or to 'significant malaise'.

The same basic lie we have heard from the beginning about all the adverse events: 'They happen , but don't worry!'

So, from that we may conclude that shedding is an unquestionable phenomenon.

I'm surprised that his comments have not been circulated more widely among dissidents: similarly, why no one ever refers to Bourla's January 20, 2022, interview in which he stated that 'the safety profile is not what we would expect with this technology'.

These were two very important admissions of potential harm!

Personally, I have been in confined spaces for hours with highly-vaxxed people - although I have not had sexual intercourse with anyone - with no ill effect, but I do not doubt that it occurs to varying degrees.

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Similar situation and experienced the same (headaches) around my vaxxed boyfriend.

Spent 2 hrs in a car and spent an afternoon in a small office with two separate women… both recently vaxxed… and later on in the evening had what felt like menstral cramping though it was not that time for me. No physical contact.

Something is being aerosolized. I have a heard time understanding the physics of aerosolized antibodies given their larger size. Aerosolized mRNA, spike, or LNP seems more feasible to me.

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Retired public health nurse here...I chose not to get vaxxed for a myriad of reasons. I went to Kaiser (lab work, pick-up med...can't remember). I was driving home and rather "out of it." I pulled my car to the side of the road because I saw an ambulance far behind me blocking traffic all of a sudden. They ambulance pulled alongside me and asked if I was alright for several moments, as though I had a medical issue. Maybe there is a possibility I was around too many vaxxed people, or I was highly anxious. Who knows?

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I wish my wife was vaxxed.

Then I'd have a proper medical reason to leave the room.

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Barry you can have my wife ,she is vaxxed .Vaxxing and not vaxxing can be a problem in marriage .,to the possibility of divorce .

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Thanks Joe.

You're too kind ;))

Perhaps we can swap and finally prove to each other that - in the end - it all becomes just another...c*nt.

Not sure if my wife's mental illness can be shed.

You'll have to let me know.

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Crummy comment, so disrespectful.

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Don't sleep in the same room.

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And leave windows open.

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Aug 17, 2023
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Yes, it went away. Haven't been sick at all and the joint aches went away, too. No one else took any more shots, so there's that, too.

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At the height of the vaccination frenzy as many friends took the jab, I started getting nose bleeds after spending time with them. On occasion a nose bleed after shopping. It was a while before I made a connection between the nose bleeds and the jabbed. I told my clients that if they take the jab, I’d have to cancel their sessions for two weeks after they take it. That seemed to help. I have never had a nose bleed before this shot came out. I’m thankful most in my city are not taking boosters. I still get nose bleeds every so often after a shopping trip but it is rare now. I do believe something is being shed.

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I have heard of several people having nosebleeds after being around the jabbed.

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Diane they try every thing to kill us ,any way they can .Eugenics is very real and going on as I write .My brother was recently murdered in a hospital with remdesivir ventilators and mis treatment .

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I am so sorry for your loss. The hospitals were killing off seniors before COVID by neglecting them and giving them poor treatment. I've seen it with my own eyes. You literally have to stay 24/7 with your loved one in the hospital or they will do whatever they want. It becomes way worse if they think you will die. Then they really neglect patients. It is a horrible state of affairs but very real. I've seen nurses totally ignore patients that did not have someone to advocate for them in the hospital. I've talked to doctors that were shocked when someone survived because they were certain the person was going to die. I know for a fact that medical professionals are not professional once you are sedated for surgery. One local hosptial wouldn't let a friend see her dying 90 yr old mother (who was not dying from COVID) for 10 days while she was in the hospital but allowed her family to see her once she had died. Before COVID, I thought it was just the elderly they neglected in the hospital. Now I'm certain it doesn't matter what age you are.

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Thank you Candice for writing what you know ,about the tragedy and crimes in hospitals .How our loved ones are treated like trash and next of kin is often not allowed to be next to and beside a close relative, that is so cruel and brutal .Even in prison visits are allowed ,but in hospitals one is lucky to get to see a loved one who may be dead ,without having a chance to say good bye and give a last hug .I did not know he went to the hospital,since we lived 800 km.apart .His wife and son told me nothing ,while he was still alive ,only after his death did his son tell me .Non of his friends where allowed near his bedside ,.I did try to reach him by phone ,but there was never an answer .I only know what his son told me ,he did not seem too interested what had happened to his father ,was his mind on the stuff his father left behind for him?To me it almost seemed to be way .

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I’m so sorry to hear that. 🙏🏼 We are all losing loved ones, family and friends. This shot has decimated the health of my family and friends. Heart attacks, strokes, blood cancer, autoimmune diseases. My husband’s sister was killed by the shot. If you had asked me three years ago if I thought my own government would try to kill off as many of it’s citizens as it could, I’d say you were crackers. I see now it’s been going on for a very long time. I’ve had to take some time to morn the loss of my past reality.

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The shots are only one method to kill us .My brother was ,killed ,murdered in a hospital with remdesivir ,ventilators and the general protocols that lead to death in hospitals .To keep our distance from anything medical may safe our life .

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Whether it's "shedding", or some other form of spreading, aka self-replicating, this is all very much a feature, NOT a "bug" as they say in the tech world

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Oh, it's a bug, all right.

It's a parasitic AI gene-editing bug


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Two days after my wife got her first of two mRNA shots, I woke up with blood in my eye. I know of no trauma that would've caused this. I didn't think much of it until a few days later when I was watching a video about spouses of Pfizer study participants having odd bleeding, and one woman mentioned a bloody eye. I can't prove that was the cause, but it did make me go "huh."

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Thank thank you for sharing that. I find your experience important and revealing. Do you mind sharing is between the time your wife got her shot and the blood in your eye, what your contact with her was? Physical/skin contact or just breathing same air or more? What is clear to me is that there is shedding but what I am still learning is mechanism of shedding…

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I think it was two days after her first shot, and our physical contact was limited to light touching. I recall hearing at the time that the virus can enter one's body through the eyes (which why people were wearing eye shields; I haven't investigated the veracity of that, though), so I assume it was through breathing (her exhalation, my eyes).

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There are women who are so sensitive to this shedding that just waking past an injected human will cause them to have a period or bleeding event. I know one woman who literally had to go and live by "a van done by the river " to get away from other jabbed humans.

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The 'van down by the river' sounds very appealing right now.

Oh to have a time machine....why couldn't humanity invent something fun, rather than play, how best can I torture, enslave and kill my fellow man

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Things have been invented and developed but they are in the hands of a breakaway secret techno-cabal. Why do you think the elite is fine cutting off our energy with food being next. They don't need our archaic technologies, they don't need fossil fuels. They could take ET home and back again, but you and I will never be allowed to see any of this because it is just for them when the time is right for them.

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We could be strong, if we could unite.

Silly ideal? But it persists for me....at times.

When there are parents that are ok with literally sacrificing their children and others who would die to protect theirs, things may be irreconcilable.

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Safe to say there are two separate realities co-existing with each other in the same space time. Eventually, the frequencies will split.

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If the shedding theory is true, how do the creators who created these death jabs protect themselves? Unless they have a secret antidote?

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I would add that just to be safe, it’s probably a good idea not to be intimate with a vaxxed individual if you are not vaxxed.

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Hello dear Leslie. Hope you're doing well :))

Perhaps one could have sex through a sheet, Hasidic style, if the opportunity arose, and you had a dying urge for one final dance of the Kosher Sutra.

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Hello Dear Barry, thank you, I am doing well, considering the madness in my once free country. I hope you are doing well in your part of the world. I love your sense of humor, but I do have to say the ‘Kosher Sutra’ sounds very unappealing. ( Is that really a thing?) However an invitation for Non-Kosher Sutra would be taken under advisement 😉.

🤣 I don’t think the sheet would provide much protection!

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Give the Kosher Sutra a go Leslie...there ain't nothing quite like kneidlach that literally melt in your mouth.

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🤦🏻‍♀️🙈.....No thanks.....long beards & pais are not a turn on for me.

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Ok Leslie, beseder gamur.

The "Kiffness" is a uniquely talented South African music ensemble.

Here they've taken an Israeli folk song and ginned it up into a trance track.

The effect is original and beautiful.

You literally want to get onto the dancefloor and commit capital crimes against rhythm with men without beards and pais.


Enjoy ;))


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The mixers and brewers of the venom don't jab each other ,they are busy counting the money . As long as the poison is in a bottle it does not shed ,only if it is in our .body .

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There seems to be shedding going on ,from the vaxxed to the non vaxxed .After the vaxxing the shedding of life is there for all to see .Mass murder in hospitals for profit and the shedding of life's after injections for the next 5 or ten years any place ,often as in sports .

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It exists. I had 2 debilitating vaccine shedding/transmission infections lasting over 3 months each despite getting medicine and acupuncture every 3 weeks. My doctor reported that he has seen other cases amongst his unvaccinated patients and other health practitioners

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This may sound strange, but I can smell whatever it is that is emanating from a freshly jabbed person, and there is this weird energy. Difficult to explain. I saved a lady from falling one day when I was out walking, she went down right in front of me. Instinctually I reached out and grabbed her arm as her legs gave out, gently lowering her to the ground. For a moment I thought she was dead. Fortunately, not. Turned out she was quadruple jabbed. however, both myself and my friend had an instant headache from the interaction which escalated dramatically. I had done some research into this, whatever this is, prior to the interaction and found a recipe for homemade HCQ taken with Zinc. The headache went away within 2 hours and seems to have numerous other benefits. Make of this what you will but the arthritis seems to be getting better. Knowledge is our friend. Thank you, Dr Alexander for your selfless dedication.

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Do you by any chance have a link to the HCQ recipe?

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It’s grapefruit skins

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Thank you! I'd heard something about that a while back. It's good to know that it might actually work, at least in some cases.

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For some reason, reading these accounts about shedding, I'm wondering if animals (dogs and cats) react in any way? Might be interesting to know....

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I am not jabbed, neither is my husband, we both feel fine and we're thinking of getting our blood checked and if so cleansed just to make sure. Ion the meantime we take all our supplements daily and I do have Ivermectin if we need it. We both avoid crowds and pretty much stay away from people inside stores. I don't go out often and my husband works outside in the fresh air.

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I feel this way too, like I want to avoid people now, but then again that is what the Powers that Be want is for us to avoid each other, to socially distance, so I kind of feel like I'm screwed if I do, screwed if I don't.

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Just hang with people you know are safe for your health.

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I experience extreme headaches that last for one day to the point I can't work when I am near someone recently jabbed for extended time (few hours). Can't prove the correlation but before the pandemic, I never got headaches. Never. I suspect it's related. Time will prove me right.

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Is it a sinus headache?

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It's from being around vax'd ppl shedding.

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No, I'm asking if the pain is in your sinuses. I've been getting them when around large groups.

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No not that head ,The discussion is about the head that is lower down .

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Two examples of shedding;

When the vaccines first rolled out my sister-in-law got vaccinated but my brother did not. She got sick with a cough almost immediately after getting vaccinated she ‘shedded’ on him. He got the cough too & two weeks later his oxygen levels were in the 80’s. He was hospitalized and forced into getting ventilated. She wasn’t as bad as him but was getting worse, I convinced her into getting the monoclonal antibodies. She survived. He didn’t. He died because of the hospital protocol that was forced on all these ‘Covid’ patients.

My doctor is full vaccinated and wears two masks and gloves when he sees his patients. He removed his masks to sneeze in the room🙄He sneezed twice. Im wearing a mask, too which was useless. Two days later I get a bad headache and have Covid. Two days after that my 2 kids are sick thanks to me bringing home the ‘shedding’ the doctor gave me.

Shedding is real. When I’m around more than 3 people that are vaccinated I sneeze. It starts off with a tickle to my nose then turns to sneezing. I can’t stop sneezing until they are no longer around me. It’s just weird.

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OMG, me too!

The sneezing.........!

and I hardly ever remember sneezing in my life before the last two years.

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Here is some GREAT news everyone!!! Western University Drops ALL Vaccine Mandates

And Twitter drops Covid Misinformation Policy

Remember the scandal with Western University in Ontario, Canada, that was requiring boosters from its students?

That’s the college that required bivalent boosters for fall classes.

"What made them change their minds?

I am sure it is you, the protesters, the public, substack authors, etc.

The experts are possibly starting to worry that their role in the “pandemic” will soon be subject to pointed questions from the disappointed public worried about health and fertility.

Personally, I will do my best to continue exposing Covid criminals so that they are not let off the hook and their crimes are not forgotten.


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I went to visit my young grandson one day after having had lunch with my nephew. My son was home sick (it was the second day home from work). I found out later that he had just had the Moderna shot and was sick because of it (it was his 2nd shot, Pfizer was the first about a month or so earlier). I discovered as well that my nephew had just had his second shot as well. That evening I went for a bike ride with my husband. When we stopped for a break, I had the worst fluttering in my chest that I had ever experienced, It was so bad, I asked my husband to check to see if an ambulance, which we passed along the way was still parked there, because I was plenty worried and would have had them check me out. They had left, and when I felt well enough we rode home - slowly. This fluttering went on periodically for MONTHS. It has since subsided, it took place July and August of 2021.

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Source #2 - the Expose - is lie mongering piece of shit publication.

I wasted a few hundred dollars buying into their BS of "you have 10 seconds flat to support the Expose, else it will go down in a puff of dust".

Whoever the real person is behind the pseudonym "Rhoda Wilson" is a con person looking for a free monthly income.

He/she/it will purge your comment if it doesn't suit their fictional plot line.

You can do better than use them as a source, Paul.

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I find it tells the truth and is not afraid of censorship.

I check all stories against each other and like to have as much data as I can find to pick out any fake media e.g. MSMBC, ABC, CBS, etc.

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Now might be the time to wear a BSL-4 positive pressure hazmat suit... In Walmart.

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“Now might be the time to wear a BSL-4 positive pressure hazmat suit... In Walmart.”

🤣For multiple reasons!

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🤣🤣🤣 People of Walmart! I remember that website. Dear Lord! Humanity at its very finest.

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There is one study which may explain the shedding mechanism. People who were covid vaccinated produce exosomes (membrane fluid filled pouch) which they spread containing the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, which is the component of the virus that is associated with negative effects in the body. Therefore the symptoms vaccinated/sick people get can be spread to you via the vaccinated's exosomes because the exosomes contain the spike protein. This is the study: https://www.jimmunol.org/content/207/10/2405 Look at chart E here on this graphic: https://www.jimmunol.org/content/jimmunol/207/10/2405/F2.large.jpg?width=800&height=600&carousel=1 You'll see in the middle, it corresponds to "D14-2" which is 14 days after the 2nd dose. There is a huge increase in the density of spike protein in the vaccinated people's exosomes at that point in time. It only goes down 4 months later.

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