Miss VP is NOT a Natural Born Citizen. She is disqualified!

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I have a source that explains it. I will send later. Her father was not a US Citizen when she was born.

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Why would you of all people not know that?

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No, she is not. Nor is Obama the criminal. So what can we say about the United States?

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its in trouble

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Willie Horton was no anchor baby like Kamala. He was just your average American from a Democrat voting, abortion seeking demographic of Americans. To her credit, I'm told, Willie's mother decided not to abort him. If not for Corporal Yusuf A. Muhammad  of the Prince George's County Police Department who captured Norton he would no doubt have raped and murdered many more. Yeah, run some Willie Norton style ads against Kamala but make them about illegals instead of home grown American rapists and murderers like Willie who only stop committing crimes as a result of being apprehended and brought to justice by American muslim cops.

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nice post, thanks for reminding us

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Traitor Harris directed Arsonists and Murderers to a website that raised money for bail for criminals during the Mostly Peaceful Summer of Love in 2020. NOT to mention she is NOT a natural born American. Never mind that pesky Constitution.....

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I 'm not sure if she qualifies but this is the definition of natural born citizen: Born to natural offspring to a legal citizen. If the parents are legal citizens of US and they have the offspring outside the US then the baby is qualified, but the parents have to be US citizens. This was the case raised with Obama and his birth certificate that Trump raised question. The reality was not where he was born but his parents citizenship which is questionable. Some of the people who have run for office like Rubio is an anchor baby.

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very very nice sharing

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Also the Presidency REQUIRES the person be a Natural Born Citizen, which Kamala is not.

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I'll remind you once again that they can do whatever they want, whenever they want - period! Who's going to stop them? With that said, yes, Kamala can serve as POTUS and, yes, she can have Obama as VP. If that Horror of Horrors situation happens, I predict two things: (1) the final nails will be driven into our collective coffin; (2) Obama will appear on stage many more times than Kamala will. Kamala will be the puppet of a puppet. It'll be the Mother of all Freak Shows. We'll be finished - over and out!

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you raise troubling scenarios...thank you for clarity...I raised it because it is a serious constitutional question...IMO seems she is able to serve...but many raise this now

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See my post above.

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She will quickly step down, or be removed, and then he will be POTUS again. Did you see what happened in other countries that have had women leaders, like Germany (Angela Merkel) the UK (Liz Truss), New Zealand (Jacinda Ardern), Canada (Justin Trudeau). The US is not ready for a female POTUS, let alone one who is even worse than most.

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hhhmmm....I think not ready for 'her' as female POTUS...I can name and know many women who can be POTUS...

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Gregorio Enrique Sandoval has the perfect detailed answer and he explains with the minutia of an expert. Read his excellent Stack!!


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very excellent sharing

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Sorry, Shelby. I just posted the same link without having seen your comment. "Great minds..."

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She shouldn't be in the current position let alone be allowed to run for POTUS. She's not a natural born citizen.

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seems so...but she was born on US soil and complicates the debate

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Obama AKA Barry Soetoro lineage is also suspect. He was raised in an Indonesian Madrasa and has an SSN issues from the state of Connecticut, a state that he's never lived in. Barry's selective service number is also suspect as it difference from every other number in the system as it has a two digit month and two digit day and a two digit year as opposed to a two digit month and two digit day and a four digit year.

My country was stolen in a coup in 1963. Only recently has it become more overt for all to see because they don't think anyone can stop them at this point. I think they're right. It's going to get very bloody in the world if Trump is able to win.

They will start WWIII to avoid accountability.

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She was born in this country of two non citizens. She could be considered a "naturalized citizen" but even that is suspect because Jamaica claims all their citizens regardless of where they were born. "Natural Born Citizen" means that one is born of two citizens.

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On the eligibility issue for Harris....carefully watch the state filings. Obama's filing with the state of HI did not include the phrase "constitutionally qualified". Prior filings for Clinton and others always included that language as part of filings to be placed on the ballot.

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Interesting point I was unaware of.

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Here's a link with some visibility on the way things played out last time. I was incorrect, it was HI that legally requires this attestation. The other 49 states do not require it. More here:


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Thank you very kindly for this additional, very troubling documentation of the Democrats' flouting constitutional requirements in order to illegally slip Barack Obama into the American Presidency.

I expect the same illegal methods will be employed to promote Kamala Harris' candidacy.

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There is a difference between being a "U.S. Citizen" from being born on U. S. soil and being a "Natural Born Citizen" required by the U. S. Constitution to hold the office of U. S. President. Even tho Kamala was born on U. S. soil and is therefore a U. S. citizen as an anchor baby she is NOT a "Natural Born Citizen" because her parents are immigrants. She is ineligible to be President and certainly is ineligible to run for President.

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There is no rule of constitutional law- as of 9-12-martial law went into effect and was never recinded- the democriminals are writing the book as they go along

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I have warned Republicans all the way up to top do not think this is a walk over

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John Eastman is a constitutional lawyer.


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John Eastman makes important valid points. Thank you for this link, Christina.

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Obama birth was questioned, Harris birth was questioned. From the understanding Canada is a different country from the United States unless treaty agreement for the situation. It will probably be covered up as usual and Harris run as president. Obama as VP it could be possible can't be president again term limit.

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I suppose it goes without saying that the law no longer applies to DEI applicants Iike Harris and Obama. How else could they achieve their "equal outcomes" at this point in history?

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Gregorio Enrique Sandoval recently posted what seems to be the definitive explanation. Since he hasn't weighed in here and I personally do not know the governing law, this is his relevant post:


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