Sometimes silence speaks louder than words.

The failure of any official to show up is a shout. A shout that says, "We are not confident in our position, we fear debate, we fear being wrong."

The Emperor has no clothes!

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You guys were fantastic today, doctor Alexander. So much love and respect for you all. You will come out as the ones history and God remember favourably. Thank you for standing strong and not backing down.

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God bless you all. You tried. You probably knew in your hearts they wouldn't have the guts to show up, they never do. You all showed your integrity to all the watchers. You will go down in history on the side of right, of liberty, of honor. You all have my deepest respect.

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They have no science.

They have failed on every front.

It was never about a virus.

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When is the regular news going to start real coverage of what is happening? Never? Of course they did not show up! When Trudeau hides, I expected nothing else. The US government (powers that be) will do the same. Shame on them!

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The Canadian health authorities have exposed themselves for what they are, not even willing to have the courtesy to respond to the invitation to discuss, debate mandatory experimental/biologicals.Why? Because they know they are dangerous?because they know they have injured thousands, killed many?

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Silence of the lambs....

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Didn't think the terrible three would show, but had hoped they would. Hope you post the video, as I could not watch live.

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Can you post that article from

Feb 2nd coming out from national institute for health in Britain re: covid injection effects

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Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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Of course!!

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No surprise the cowards continue to hide from their reckoning.

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