Canada government health officials fail to show at LIVE conference– Doctors Ready to Debate The Science, Dr. Paul Alexander, Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, February 11th 2022
Live presentation Ottawa February 11th 2022, Canada public health officials fail to show
You guys were fantastic today, doctor Alexander. So much love and respect for you all. You will come out as the ones history and God remember favourably. Thank you for standing strong and not backing down.
Sometimes silence speaks louder than words.
The failure of any official to show up is a shout. A shout that says, "We are not confident in our position, we fear debate, we fear being wrong."
The Emperor has no clothes!
You guys were fantastic today, doctor Alexander. So much love and respect for you all. You will come out as the ones history and God remember favourably. Thank you for standing strong and not backing down.