How utterly insane that we've convinced ourselves that dropping dead is normal, or worse, that many of us apparently just don't care, so long as it's not us.

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When it starts happening to people they know, then hopefully, maybe they'll wake up.

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From the CBC (Content Blocked Constantly) January 2022 - "Trudeau said that while most Canadians have stepped up to get their shots — putting Canada near the top of the list of countries with the highest vaccination rates — the unvaccinated remain a problem."

"It's not just about governments and health workers frustrated that there are Canadians who still continue to choose to not get vaccinated. It's fellow Canadians as well," he said.

Amazing - surely Health Canada agrees!!

...and that's what Canadians are dealing with more than a year later.

Our PM is unable to admit his own errors in judgement. The wannabe emperor has no clothes, but he certainly likes to brag about his socks...

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Turdie can shove his fn poisen up past his hemorrhoids.

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"Content Blocked Constantly" - you did it!! You nailed it! Thaank you, Critical.

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Turdeau is not really your PM. He belongs to China and Pfizer.

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Every real canuck west of Winnipeg since 1980 knows that...

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There is nothing to awaken to... it’s all intentional. They know what is happening because that is exactly what they intended to happen. Depopulation is the plan.

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You are correct. Try as i have over months to make a mental argument against that conclusion, it can’t happen. We know why. Billgatesofhell wasn’t hiding it back in 2011. Our brain is designed to connect dots, see patterns. Unless paralyzed by, say, fear.

Look out the window: when every tree leans in the same way, we know the wind’s direction.

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{When will media wake up? When will US & Canadian governments wake up & stop vax?} Majority will not. In bed with $atan. This is a satanic spiritual war.

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Yes, $atan has worked this evil by subversion of all we held true all these years. Surreptitiously, sneakily, and now hiding in plain sight. Got nearly everyone softened up with the evil lockdowns, then use several tactics to keep it that way: climate BS, new germs BS, safety BS...

all done as accountability was virtually erased. Strange what humans will drop just for an event claimed to be an emergency. Anyone should have been able to sniff the lie during spring 2020. TV told one story, reality was opposite.

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Evil will do anything to achieve the goal. And now this>>"Blessed by his Blood Cooperative" (BBHB). How cleaver. Dr. Paul is investigating. Be wiser than the $erpant. There are so many churches that are serving evil and lots of folks don't even know it. Just like the vax. Stevano this is disgusting.

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Those who control the media are very awake! They are very intentionally pushing these injections knowing full well the harm they are doing. Do not expect the media to be honest and investigate anything other than what suits them. Only independent journalists can now report truth. Forget mainstream media m. Tune them out.

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Thanks Julie. Hope this goes viral

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Never watch that crap anymore only Fetch docos and YouTube..

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Even YouTube is censoring the heck out of people who really need to be heard.

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What is seen and heard in actual reality is not forgotten.

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We are at war! A bio war! Could it be that the intent is to unleash a bio weapon that decimates the enemy who wants to use atomic bombs? Are we trying to stop WWIII from happening? Iran and North Korea? Is the second wave of a triple threat man made virus coming? Is the truth being intentionally hidden? How else can you explain that the carnage being done directly by the mRNA injections is ignored. How else can we explain that Big Pharma is building more factories to produce mRNA injections. Why would we continue to go down this road of playing god with the DNA of man? Are we going to speed up the 6th Extinction of life on this beautiful blue and green planet? When will we confront the scientists that have created this and are pushing this?

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Our makers must be spitting chips...

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We see these people "drop over on air" - can you imagine how many are dropping over out of the public eye?????

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Right must be in the millions or more.

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Nothing to see here you crazy conspiracy theorists 🤔🤔😱🙄

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And the media still don’t see the 🐘🤯

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All day and night the media is paid monstrous big bucks by big pharma to lie about its drugs in the form of TV ads. No way is the media ever going to go against its master. It's one of the best methods big pharma uses to indoctrinate a blindly trusting public along with controlling arrogant doctors through AMA threats.

Now, the trusting public is caught in big pharma's deadly web of mRNA injections that murder and maim without liability and conscience. The CDC, FDA, DOD and HHS all revel in the thought that your death was caused by their heartless butchering.

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From the 'is-it-real-or-memorex'dept... 'Pfizer Unable To Finish Press Conference As Spokespeople Keep Collapsing' The Babylon Bee

In this official press conference from Pfizer, spokesperson Pat Farabi confirms there are no side effects from the vaccine. Good thing he had some backup spokespeople on hand!


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Pure dumb, pure evil…

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Paul and all,

The media and governments are wide awake and very UNITED as our enemies! Nothing The People want will happen until they decide to UNITE…and only then!

Don’t you think it is way past time to UNITE after 3 long years of the O’Biden War Regime causing destructive Treason against The People?

No one, I repeat NO ONE in political power today will ever do the right things until they FEAR the people!

There is nothing for them to fear until we UNITE against them!

UNITED, We can do anything we want!

Divided, there is nothing we can do!

Lex Greene, important writer with a serious resume writing about the necessity of unity…



P.S. My gloves came off 15 years ago, working with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group. I highly suggest if you want to unite with people actually working real solutions…contact Lex Greene!

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John 9 --- Jesus explains that He has come for judgement; that the blind will see and those who can see will be made blind.

Zephaniah 1:12. The Lord says he will search through Jerusalem with a lamp; seeking to punish the : complacent. Those who say ---meh, the Lord will not do good, nor will the Lord do evil.

I thought about these things after watching these horrific videos and reflecting on that other stand up Canadian’s post from today--Francis Christian. The ruling elders of Jesus day refused to see the divine power of God. Seems that very few ruling elders of today are willing to acknowledge what Bob Moran seems to continually see/draw.

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The injections shall not end until the government ends. Down to the Provincial level. Absent ending government it does fine without your consent. Fine meaning whatever the paymaster tells it to do. In this case kill the population.

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This is only a small percentage of tv people collapsing, in the rest of the world there must be millions collapsing the same way.

Dead or alive at least I am a Blue Blood...

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