
some Canadians clutching their pearls and getting vapors...that DEXTER took him out...they should be happy and makes you wonder how deranged are these people...

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ha ha

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Pickton was the mentally retarded brother of another guy running the farm. They nailed heaps of murders onto him whereas a lot of people got whitewashed, probably of the elite variety. Rumour is that a cloning facility it under there. Check the work of Donald Marshall. The Pickton case was a complete case of corruption. I used to live around there.

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hhhmmm, interesting...can you share more...

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This is sickening. I can’t stand the evil that always gets away with everything. Using mentally ill brother to pin it on??? We will probably never know the truth.

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Canadian Air Force Colonel Russell Williams was probably a worse serial killer than Picton and as dumb as f*ck. Under his military uniform he wore lacy women's lingerie. He could have been anyone's Commanding Officer. I'm sure I've known a few just like him. The Canuck military loved what they saw in Williams. They gave him a top level security clearance. He broke into approximately 80 women's homes across Canada at various posing localities. He stole their underwear and accumulated an extensive collection. The Canucks gave him a top level security clearance. He achieved rapid promotion to Colonel and was CO of CFB Trenton. He was pilot to the late British Queen and Prime Minister of Canada. He served in the Iraq war, hunting COLON Powells WMDs and helping Dubyathe US butcher up.to a million civilians. He was a rampant sexual sadist. He didn't just murder female civilians. He kept as a serial killer trophy the condolence letter he sent to the parents of a young female corporal under his command who he murdered. He was convicted for 2 killings but nobody knows how many he killed that he wasn't caught for.

He Was a Top Officer in the Military, and Also a Serial Killer: The story of Russell Williams, the air force colonel who shocked Canada, and how he was caught.


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yes, he was in Harper's time I think, he was an animal. we followed this well, he would hide in basements etc...he used his position of trust to kill and we needed DEXTER for this beast. some suffering too. of him was in order. monster is not the word.

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I remember that guy. He "loved" what he did.

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Goes to show you can't trust anyone!

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RemovedJun 6
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Sick stuff!

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He was coming out with a book but he was killed before that happened. Don't get me wrong, he deserved everything he got but Im curious what his book would have said, I know his brother was involved in allot of it but Pickton protected him for some reason.

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great sharing...we did not know this

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Trudeau had visited that farm, not sure how many times. Just saying.

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I wonder what Pickton would have revealed about Trudeau in his book

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All information given us is controlled, fabricated and twisted in a highly sophisticated and evil construct of gaslighting from all directions to affect all senses. It is spiritually demonic and can only be countered spiritually. Watch Stew Peters' "Old World Order" which we are living in. Ain't so old really,...just continuous. They have the planned dates for total control which will be soon. Read this and see a plan of at least 125 years old. https://www.powells.com/book/the-protocols-of-the-learned-elders-of-zion-9781947844964/61-0 Prepare.

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Not so fast buster...I think he had dirt on some prominent citizens and they got rid of him before the next election and his parole.

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can you share more....we knew he was a bad guy but seems there is more to his DEXTERing

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Way to take out the trash.

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Unusual timing in the killing of Picton? Piggy Palace was associated with Epstein Island I am told. I am also told that Trudeau and his folks held picnics for kids there at Picton's farm. Is this another expedient murder? Does this implicate someone? May we ask "Dexter" for the signature on his cheque?

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5

Allegedly, that farm was host to video on the dark web. Picton had to be killed, so the names of the people paying money to watch the "snuff videos" would not be revealed. He was "Epsteined"

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NOT so FAST Dr. Alexander! He was writing a book? There is more to the story! Yes he was EVIL, but Pickton had family in JT Privy Council. Do the alarm bells not go off in your heads? Mine do, and yes conspiracy theories

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The corrupt CYSTem does not impose justice, it seems prisoners do the dirty work that needs being done. I know the father of a 3 year old girl who was abducted, raped, (I will spare the details) and then strangled to death. A panel of asswipes let this beast be parolled and he then did the dirty deed. He called me decades later telling me that a convict had shanked the rapist/murderer and I agreed it was good news but why did not the damned criminal coddling CYSTem hang this fellow the day after he was found guilty?

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I wonder how often MAID (medical assistance in dying “with dignity”) happens in Canadian prisons? Pickton died with dignity when compared to the women that were killed by him.

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Good now get the other 2 !

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Good comment!

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Canadian tax payers paid for this monster since 2007.

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