"some BI-Bs and B52s to Wuhan China and bomb all precursor factories in Wuhan...bomb all...today! Carfentanil is a synthetic opioid that is 10,000 times more potent than morphine"

You obviously know nothing about chemistry. Precursors can be used to produce any number of molecules. China makes so many different precursors because American pharmaceutical companies wanted a cheap source to increase their profits. The suggestion of attacking China for producing precursors is stupid on a stick. America has too many dumb bastards addicted to drugs. That is not China's fault, individuals are responsible for their actions.

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I know enough, I got distinctions ion chemistry...I know what I need to know...if you are a bench chemist playing with your chemistry set at home, power to you. the precursors to finished fentanyl and what is killing Americans are made in China, Wuhan, so why dont you take the fentanyl and take lots...and let us use our bombers and take them out...so we can save our children and people...how is that? my words again, some BI-Bs and B52s to Wuhan China and bomb all precursor factories in Wuhan...bomb all...today! Carfentanil is a synthetic opioid that is 10,000 times more potent than morphine"

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I said btw, bomb the precursor fentanyl factories...now if China CCP attacks Americans outside of Fentanyl, then we use our nukes and cinder them...your comment is stupid, you did not read what I wrote...when you insult someone, make sure you really grasp what they stated, literally and figuratively

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'Mexican production of fentanyl and methamphetamine appears especially hard hit.

Both drugs are made with precursor chemicals that are typically sent on planes or cargo ships from China, where despite U.S. pressure to ban them, they continue to be sold legally.

That supply chain was shut down in January when authorities in Wuhan enacted a lockdown that forced residents to stay inside for more than two months.'

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again, do your homework

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'MEXICO CITY — For drug traffickers interested in getting in on the fentanyl business, all roads once led to Wuhan.

The sprawling industrial city built along the Yangtze River in east-central China is known for its production of chemicals, including the ingredients needed to cook fentanyl and other powerful synthetic opioids.

Vendors there shipped huge quantities around the world. The biggest customers were Mexican drug cartels, which have embraced fentanyl in recent years because it is cheaper and easier to produce than heroin.'

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You use the LA Times as a voice of truth??? LOL

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"when you insult someone, make sure you really grasp what they stated, literally and figuratively"

I did not insult you; I said your comment was stupid.

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"I know enough, I got distinctions ion (sic) chemistry...I know what I need to know...if you are a bench chemist playing with your chemistry set at home, power to you."

If you read my Substack bio, you will know I do not play with a chemistry set at home.

"the precursors to finished fentanyl and what is killing Americans are made in China, Wuhan, so why dont you take the fentanyl and take lots...and let us use our bombers and take them out...so we can save our children and people...how is that?"

How is that? That is stupid and childish! As I explained in my comment above, the precursors are made in China because U.S. pharmaceutical companies want to avoid paying to have them made here. I am not insulting you. I did not say you were stupid...just some of your comments.

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Is China the main source of Fentanyl and Carfentanyl? What is their reason for manufacturing these drugs? Is it solely to be used as a weapon against the US? To kill off more of the populace?

Russia did us a favor by taking out the bioweapons labs in Ukraine. Perhaps Trump can do the same thing in China. But I think China would retaliate in some way.

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yes, precursors to Fentanyl coming in from South America...comes from Wuhan...so one may argue

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that China has literally engaged in chemical warfare on USA...attacked us chemically with Fentanyl...

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In a nutshell, yes. That’s the reason to kill off the population.

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Requested by pharma industry. Lots of things are manufactured by private Chinese or foreign companies, official or unregistered. They would not produce anything what is not in demand. There are “traders” who seem do not have issues carrying such chemicals in the US. At customs they find easily an apple or a slice of cheese in someone’s bag, or some Indian’s 24K wedding jewelries than these toxic substances. I wonder what makes you think, Dr Alexander that China engaged in chemical warfare on USA? 🙃

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I just spoke with a paramedic about carfentanyl and his eyes went wide. It’s very addictive and he’s seen deaths. Pls be aware. It’s only meant for big game when they need to work on them or euthanize.

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put this way, if one grain enters your pores in your skin you can die

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front line people paramedics suffer when they come to save overdosed people

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This is on purpose. The homeless industrial complex is big money. And the "cost of goods sold" are drugged out people living on the streets. But when people survive too long they are "spoilage." Hence the move to take them out and replace with new supplies.

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I do like this comment...lots said

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Wow! But makes sense (B52s!)...

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Agree. So sick war on our children

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All drugs are made in China. I personally have noticed a change in my reaction to drugs I am.familiarwith and have taken years back. Suddenly I get violent sideeffects when before this never happened to me for the same drug same dosage! So I am wondering if simply they altering dosages so the drugs are too strong now giving people dangerous episodes etc.? If found out it could be excused as an overseight.

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The newest rage of tranquilizers strong enough to sedate elephant. Wonder how it will work with the dating scene. At least it can be reversed with a lot of Naloxone. The nicknames can vary from goodfella , jackpot, grey death, dance fever, murder 8, cash and tango. It's been alleged 100 times stronger than fentanyl with the size of the grain of salt or 20 micrograms can be fatal to humans with a elimination half of 7.7 hours. It's allegedly from China First synthesized 1974 by a team of chemists at Janssen Pharmaceutica

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More likely muled in across the southern border by persons unlikely to be in their right mind.

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of course, great post

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"Who in their right mind would put this out there for human usage?"

Who said it was put out there for human use? A better question is: What dumbass would take such drugs?

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once drug pushers and money makers, pssst, many sit in congress and senate, elite people in society, once they see they can make something more addictive to trap more people, they will do it.

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"once drug pushers and money makers, pssst, many sit in congress and senate, elite people in society, once they see they can make something more addictive to trap more people, they will do it."

Especially when Americans are stupid enough to take drugs.

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I know of two men who have died from overdose in the last 3 months. One, a friend of my son, gainfully employed, married, homeowner, etc. The other 26 years old, father of 3, gainfully employed, married, etc. A shock, both of these deaths. These two men are/were definitely not in what I used to think of as stereotypical drug users, but so much has changed in the last few years, and in the face of what I wrote above, perhaps it's time to revise my worldview when it comes to "a type" of those who do these types of drugs.

But yes, from where I sit, dumbass fits. Sadly.

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Yes, and how many died on Covid protocol, which included fentanyl before getting on ventilators? they had it from the mexican cartels as well? 🙃

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