time. 'They wanted to test him against Trump early, while there was still time to replace him if he failed to rise to the occasion. Which, of course, he did spectacularly.' I think Caroline got it
He's going to step down next week and I bet Cackles will take his place, America is beyond doomed if that happens. I hope Trump lives long enough to clean house when he's elected, or selected, at this point I don't care how he gets there, he's better than those two vegetable brains.
Kamala would have to be forbidden to speak extemporaneously or be hidden away in a basement before the election if she were to be the candidate. She's truly too dense and unfocused to pull off the appearance of an ability to govern.
I wouldn't be surprised if she suffers from brain damage from a variety of "recreational drugs."
I had expressed this view earlier - Biden was set up to fail. They HAD to know that Biden was unfit. Hell, they probably knew this since 2019. But Biden at least had a number of working brain cells back then - now he has very few remaining and, as such, he is too great a risk - he HAS to go!! The powers running the US are simply trying to find a way to make that happen. Their last option is 'elimination'.
When Biden has outlived his usefulness to the Dems he will be said to have "died peacefully in his sleep." (They won't mention the method they used to make it happen.)
Anyone paying any attention to The Biden knows this is NOT the Real Joe Biden, and all one needs to do is look at his right ear lobe and compare it to that of Senator Joe Biden. This is an Impostor or Masked Bandit. Why have the left and right arm tattoos of that Senator Biden had just disappeared for the person playing the Part of President Biden??? Why does The Biden sometimes look his age and other time like he just had a major face, neck and hand lift. I believe the real Joe Biden is dead and this is and has been hidden but GOD will bring this Truth to us all. Why aren't we all asking for proof this is the real Joe Biden??? Finger prints, ears, and DNA don't lie.
Valid point, and we ca,'t be sure if it's a masked man, men or a clone/s, but I believe there are more than one version, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 or 1.0, 1.1 or 1.2 depends if they are masked or clones. Imagine when people find out the real Biden has been dead for some time and what they have been believing has been a Fake Man all this while. Shock and Awe, In Coming, GOD is Absolutely Good.
But why go to the trouble to substitute a body double, just to allow the guy to crash and burn? If failure is the goal, JoePedo can handle that himself.
You are failing to understand if the real Biden is dead and has been dead for some time and they don't want to give up control and power and must press on to fulfill the Elite and Globalist Agenda and Plan.
They knew they needed to replace their Puppet, lost control of him, so they put him out in front of the Public to fail and cause outcry. We can only Guess and Speculate, none of us know what they are thinking.
his camp committed a coup to get him into office, so it stands to reason they will do anything including a coup to keep the office, whomever they put there. They know best for all us worthless eaters.
hmmmmm.... i dunno, i keep thinking Jill could not keep him away from meeting the other members of the cabinet-- and if i am reading the body language correctly- how could they not know, remember on the debate stage he was all juiced up and being very alert - in the caucus of the west wing he hadda be sloppy like a drunk because the adversary was not there- they hadda know for the longest time-- he must have been slip slidin along in 2020- as he never really campaigned becausec they had all the votes seeded- the media was in place-the mules were dumping millions of votes in the P O HUGE maipickups 3-4 in the am--naw i think they knew in 2020 he had slipped badly
(If they did it before, won’t they try it again? This time will it be “too big to rig”? What about all those military age men who have been streaming across the border? And a large group from China? Could there be a plan to sabotage Election Day or create planned vote-suppressing chaos around that time?
Will Biden be the one Trump ultimately runs against? Here Trump said it could be Kamala:
Has no one realized that they already know B’s replacements for both Pres and VP? It’s most likely been all mapped out down to the cabinet members and military heads and possibly other important positions across our once great country. Remember the roll our judiciary has played in this whole debacle. Will there really be a free and fair election this time? There is so much at stake for both sides. If it’s not what the country needs to save itself with a patriotic President who is for “we the people” then America will be lost to evil. Evil has a great head start these last 3 1/2 years… they know it and we know it.
Paul lets not forget the brutal deadly war zone we are living in, and have been for a long time. Created and sustained by this rabid animal biden.
This evil mummy biden has brought death and destruction to millions, he is not suffering enough in relation to the harms he has done. He is getting a small slice of his evil coming back to bite him. Please don't get into feeling bad for the devils son, this evil mummy incarnate, whose whole life has been devoted to promoting evil, raping his own daughter, killing millions with his front man passing along the death and destruction policies of the death cult. Look at the war in Ukraine, this biden government is the reason it goes on, killing tens of thousands, and risking nuclear holocaust. His pushing the death jab and so much more. We should be waving happy face flags that this evil monster is having difficulty, suffering. The politically correct BS line that I have compassion for him, he is an old man is nonsense. Would you say the same for Hitler, or Stalin? I don't think so.
Soft coup, hard coup, they did the American people a big favor. Did they wake up the majority of voting Democrats? Time will tell. Did they shoot themselves in the foot? Absolutely. Who did this benefit? Trump and Kennedy. Let's have a real debate next time. Otherwise we are shooting ourselves in both feet!
He's going to step down next week and I bet Cackles will take his place, America is beyond doomed if that happens. I hope Trump lives long enough to clean house when he's elected, or selected, at this point I don't care how he gets there, he's better than those two vegetable brains.
Kamala would have to be forbidden to speak extemporaneously or be hidden away in a basement before the election if she were to be the candidate. She's truly too dense and unfocused to pull off the appearance of an ability to govern.
I wouldn't be surprised if she suffers from brain damage from a variety of "recreational drugs."
The possibilities are endless.
Neurocognitive and psychiatric changes as the initial presentation of neurosyphilis
Repeated abortion in adulthood induces cognition impairment in aged mice
Oh, and is she jabbed?
Hmm...considering her reputation...
Go do your own searching and ask lawyers, they will tell you if someone is mentally incompetent, anything they sign is not legally enforceable.
Hurr said "not fit to stand trial". It is obvious what's happening with Biden and it's been going on for a long time, maybe his entire term.
"A contract made by a mentally ill person or a person of diminished capacity, such as someone who is intoxicated, can be voided."
"A contract with someone deemed incompetent is voidable unless the contract involves a person who has legal guardianship of them."
Go look it up. Lawyers? What does it take to demonstrate he was incapacitated? What does the law say about everything he signed into law?
Amen to that
I had expressed this view earlier - Biden was set up to fail. They HAD to know that Biden was unfit. Hell, they probably knew this since 2019. But Biden at least had a number of working brain cells back then - now he has very few remaining and, as such, he is too great a risk - he HAS to go!! The powers running the US are simply trying to find a way to make that happen. Their last option is 'elimination'.
When Biden has outlived his usefulness to the Dems he will be said to have "died peacefully in his sleep." (They won't mention the method they used to make it happen.)
Interesting take.
Biden set up for failure by his own ppl, or by his party; trump erred by approving of early debate...... seems they are all true .
Can he win, Biden?? Or his replacement?? Can the dems cheat and steal?? " Yes " to all.
1 person / 1 photo ID / 1 vote. Let's go!
Anyone paying any attention to The Biden knows this is NOT the Real Joe Biden, and all one needs to do is look at his right ear lobe and compare it to that of Senator Joe Biden. This is an Impostor or Masked Bandit. Why have the left and right arm tattoos of that Senator Biden had just disappeared for the person playing the Part of President Biden??? Why does The Biden sometimes look his age and other time like he just had a major face, neck and hand lift. I believe the real Joe Biden is dead and this is and has been hidden but GOD will bring this Truth to us all. Why aren't we all asking for proof this is the real Joe Biden??? Finger prints, ears, and DNA don't lie.
If it's a clone, it'll have the same DNA. But there are probably tests to prove it wasn't "Original Joe".
Valid point, and we ca,'t be sure if it's a masked man, men or a clone/s, but I believe there are more than one version, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 or 1.0, 1.1 or 1.2 depends if they are masked or clones. Imagine when people find out the real Biden has been dead for some time and what they have been believing has been a Fake Man all this while. Shock and Awe, In Coming, GOD is Absolutely Good.
All you need to do is compare images from when he was VP with current images. It's beyond obvious. Why hardly anyone mentions it is a mystery.
Then again, many are just brainwashed or totally lost and there is no waking them up.
How many are on the take, bribed or black mailed???
But why go to the trouble to substitute a body double, just to allow the guy to crash and burn? If failure is the goal, JoePedo can handle that himself.
You are failing to understand if the real Biden is dead and has been dead for some time and they don't want to give up control and power and must press on to fulfill the Elite and Globalist Agenda and Plan.
Fine and dandy, whatever you say. It doesn't address my comment. Why send out a body double to fall on his face? It makes no sense. At all.
They knew they needed to replace their Puppet, lost control of him, so they put him out in front of the Public to fail and cause outcry. We can only Guess and Speculate, none of us know what they are thinking.
his camp committed a coup to get him into office, so it stands to reason they will do anything including a coup to keep the office, whomever they put there. They know best for all us worthless eaters.
hmmmmm.... i dunno, i keep thinking Jill could not keep him away from meeting the other members of the cabinet-- and if i am reading the body language correctly- how could they not know, remember on the debate stage he was all juiced up and being very alert - in the caucus of the west wing he hadda be sloppy like a drunk because the adversary was not there- they hadda know for the longest time-- he must have been slip slidin along in 2020- as he never really campaigned becausec they had all the votes seeded- the media was in place-the mules were dumping millions of votes in the P O HUGE maipickups 3-4 in the am--naw i think they knew in 2020 he had slipped badly
But can they manipulate the votes sufficiently to make it look like Biden “won”?
Consider the information collected here:
(If they did it before, won’t they try it again? This time will it be “too big to rig”? What about all those military age men who have been streaming across the border? And a large group from China? Could there be a plan to sabotage Election Day or create planned vote-suppressing chaos around that time?
Will Biden be the one Trump ultimately runs against? Here Trump said it could be Kamala:
Has no one realized that they already know B’s replacements for both Pres and VP? It’s most likely been all mapped out down to the cabinet members and military heads and possibly other important positions across our once great country. Remember the roll our judiciary has played in this whole debacle. Will there really be a free and fair election this time? There is so much at stake for both sides. If it’s not what the country needs to save itself with a patriotic President who is for “we the people” then America will be lost to evil. Evil has a great head start these last 3 1/2 years… they know it and we know it.
Paul lets not forget the brutal deadly war zone we are living in, and have been for a long time. Created and sustained by this rabid animal biden.
This evil mummy biden has brought death and destruction to millions, he is not suffering enough in relation to the harms he has done. He is getting a small slice of his evil coming back to bite him. Please don't get into feeling bad for the devils son, this evil mummy incarnate, whose whole life has been devoted to promoting evil, raping his own daughter, killing millions with his front man passing along the death and destruction policies of the death cult. Look at the war in Ukraine, this biden government is the reason it goes on, killing tens of thousands, and risking nuclear holocaust. His pushing the death jab and so much more. We should be waving happy face flags that this evil monster is having difficulty, suffering. The politically correct BS line that I have compassion for him, he is an old man is nonsense. Would you say the same for Hitler, or Stalin? I don't think so.
Soft coup, hard coup, they did the American people a big favor. Did they wake up the majority of voting Democrats? Time will tell. Did they shoot themselves in the foot? Absolutely. Who did this benefit? Trump and Kennedy. Let's have a real debate next time. Otherwise we are shooting ourselves in both feet!
EVENT 201 BIRD FLU fake pandemic
If you think the next "pandemic" isn't coming soon, you'd better check out the International Bird Flu Summit