of this than anyone you have seen in media & all of the moron talking heads, e.g. I am not interviewed for as told to me in a conference in Las Vegas where Malone argued against me on stage with him
Trump was not in the scam. He's not one of them, not part of their inner circle. They couldn't tell him the truth and expect him to go along willingly. They could not bribe him or otherwise leverage him. Why did all.tje other world leaders go along? Well 6 leaders of small nations were on to the scan and refused to vaccinate all their citizens. They were murdered and replaced by compliant stooges. Other leaders were installed before 2020. WEF stooges were installed in Canada, Germany, the UK, Australia, New Zealand. Trump was the only outsider. So they lied to him, conned him just like the rest of us. He was surrounded by people advising him on medical & scientific matters and they sll.said the same thing. They had thrown so much flak at him for over 3 years, and was surrounded by so many he could not trust, his judgement and abilities were likely impaired just enough that when the papers were put in front of him, he signed them. He succumbed to the psy-op.
Four years down the road, and people are still masking, doctors still believe the PCR test is accurate. Pfizer is still pushing the jab. No one has been held accountable. Because they did such an incredible job pulling off the hoax. Because they had lots of practice.
Stop Monday Morning quarterbacking Trump. What did you believe in February 2020? That there was a deadly pathogen loosed upon the world. Even if you thought something wasn't right, if you had doubts, you still erred on the side of caution and avoided public places and shunned anyone with so much as the sniffles. You believed some of the bullshit narratives, the false medical advice and statistics flying around until you obtained facts to the contrary. Until things really started not adding up.
Many of you still believe a novel virus escaped a lab in China. And that people have died from it. And that people around you this winter who have he common cold or flu have Covid. Or that the vaxed are getting infected with the Covid virus over & over. If you still got a flu shot this year but shunned the Covid shot, if you take a Statin drug or an antidepressant, or follow the Food Pyramid diet, or think children need 50+ vaccines, you're still caught up in The Cult of the White Coats. You might have one foot out the door, but you're not deprogrammed. They still have their hooks in you.
"Let he who is amongst you without sin be the first to cast a stone" at Trump.
Annie, you prob know this but for some of the others like your husband ( poor you ) and his friends, Dr Karry Mullis PhD Biochemist Inventor of PCR and won Nobel Prize for it says no. Does NOT test for a specific virus he stated in a video. Sorry I do not have the link. He was killed for the video. It is obvious if one understands BioChem like he did.
Your husband and his friends are smarter than this world famous Biochemist Inventor ? The arrogance of Americans these days!😫
Ask them a few questions about the Amino acid sequencing.
Oh and better yet, ask them who owns the Labs now. Answer: Soros and b.hates! The planners!!
This is a simple Scooby Doo rerun at this point people!
All those will be Culled and that is the point. Perhaps they have not even heard of Darwinism.
Personally, those doctors, or whatever they are sound like deep staters to me. Give me a break, in her book BIRX’s said she, Fauci and Pense deliberately lied to Trump. They all set out to deceive, remember just before 2020 election, we were all waiting for the “vaccine”! And remember, Pfizer told Biden the vaccine was ready NOT TRUMP. RIGHT THERE IT SHOWED YOU, TRUMP WAS PUSHED OUT. RIGHT THEN, I FELT IT WAS OFF, THE WHOLE THING STUNK. RIGHT THEN, I KNEW WE HAD ANARCHY AND TREASON ALL AROUND. IF THEY DID NOT OR DO NOT ACCEPT THAT, THEY ARE USELESS GARBAGE. Just more propagandists that hate TRUMP. I WILL NOT EVEN GIVE THEM ANY JUSTIFICATION!
I don’t hate Trump. I live in Canada and Trudeau is far worse. But although Trump probably did some good stuff or tried to drain the swamp or whatever there are big issues with some of what he did. I can understand that he may have trusted the wrong people sure. But when he says the vaccine saved so many lives… and then you can tell he was advised not to let his naysayers put down the v and that it was good and they/he deserve to take credit for it. So it’s devastating he was going around promoting it. And at some point by now he should have stopped doing that… so has he stopped? Has he actually changed his position? If he has not then that is not a dealing with reality position. That means he is listening to the wrong people either because they tricked him with lies, his ego won’t let him see it or because he is a player politician after all.
I mean this is all kind of a mess but either Trump is the real deal but can’t see it or he is bread and circuses. But I mean does it feels like the moment when a kid grows up and realizes hulk hogan was acting a part? Is this the Truman Show? Are all the politicians fake?? I guess they can’t be or they wouldn’t run so many honey pot operations to compromise them and bother rigging elections. But I don’t know if Trump is awake.
I’m convinced that he and/ his family were threatened with their lives. He states in many of his campaign speeches that “these people are sick sick people “.
Angie, I share your conclusions. Fauci claimed ignorance and denied developing gain of function on his SARS-Cov-2/Covid-19 #bioweapon. DJT enthusiastically pushed #OperationWarpSpeed for the DoD to produce #mRNA countermeasures. It appears he set up Pence, Birx, Fauci, Collins et al to be plausible deniability for his own promotion of DoD, HHS, WEF, WHO, BlackRock, BIS hegemony. I voted for Trump twice and I think he will be the next "lame duck" president without my vote this time around. But he will serve the deep state's #GreatReset, and it will be up to us to resist. #Nullification!
So in essence, the presidential candidates are (drum rolls please)
A man that does not recognize the death and destruction after four years, but everyone else does. (duh, duh, 🙄);
A fake president that is literally stupid and needs to be in a nursing home and took millions from enemies; and
A man fighting for vaccine transparency but wants forgiveness for the people that killed your family😡Humm
Btw, Kennedy said fuck you to the Moms for Liberty when he didn’t even have the guts to call them to cancel. It literally broke their hearts and called them racists. You’re wrong Kennedy, they are not racists...I have a gay kid you moron and this had nothing to do with politics...this is about sexualizing children! You played politics and used Moms for Liberty. He lost my vote when that happened cause I was seriously thinking about it.
DT was not smart enough to know how deadly the shots would be... Much like how dumb travis kelce is as a promoter of the death shots. i am tired of seeing DT get a free pass though. are we not liable even when we are misled because we didn't "do our own homework"???
A lot of people got fooled for some period of time, however small.
Some just a few weeks until Fraudci said on TV all of a sudden in early March " we need a vaccine " (to help these sick people.) Well that makes NO SENSE, no medical sense. Even the chicken soup grandmothers knew no where in time have they come after sick people ( the supposed " virus " was already in the population) with vaccines. Even grandmothers and awake ( not woke ) Doctors knew therapeutic medicine is needed to treat, not preventative. Too late for that. Trump knew, that is what he and his older, heavy, buddies used to "cure" themselves of the supposed virus. Therapeutics ( convalescent serum essentially - monoclonal antibodies with hydroxy ...).
Viruses mutate quickly. It is hilarious actually that someone would suggest a vaccine. But it was for other reasons.... 💀💀. Every year they have to fake/make a new " flu vaccine ". Why?
Because big Harma says the last one ( from 6 months ago ) is no good anymore. Remember? Remember?
Now we have figured out it was a fake Plandemic , planned at John Hopkins Oct 19, 2019 with b.hates, non doctor, non scientist, eugenisist and depop promoter Pedo at the helm!
They constantly poisoned the water, the air( they now admit air sprays ), subways and even food with all the recalls as evidence when people figured it out. PCR tests don't work per the Biochemist inventor ( who mysteriously died just before the Oct 2019 planning meeting that called for using his test !!!)
Wake up people!
They want you dead.
Do Not Comply
Little gov germ warfare history for those of you who think you are too good for the gov to want you dead! 😂🤣 Namely the Dems who who worship the gov. ( The Right pays homage and thanks to the Country- not gov )
I hope to see Trump say something soon. Before he even makes a big stink about this, he could at least talk about mandates. Harvard still mandates the poison death shot. To get a green card you need to take the poison death shot. And so on. That needs to stop day 1.
Just get an exemption if it us even true about the Green Card. It can't be because look at the illegals pouring over without it. Easy Court case to make, they are once again screwing the Law abiding and nodding and winking to the criminals. Love this Obiden Admin.
Hope everyone is getting what they voted for. The Left certainly deserves it.
Legal immigration requires the jab, but not illegals. Amy Sukwan talks about it a lot on her Stack. She's been trying to get her husband over from Thailand.
America, at least Red States, is still better than Europe. Very interesting about coming in via boat. Thing is, that you apply for green card, long after you come in, so maybe you can get in via boat on some visa, but to do green card later, you need to deal with their mandate.
US President needs to tell all countries that depend on their protection to either come clean on Covid, remove mandates, BACK PAY lost wages for Covid heroes, or lose all protection and free trade with US.
Paul, i will take your word on this and hope you are correct. But Trump has been bragging about the deadly ventilators, his deadly lockdowns and the DeathVaXX (“there are many people who like them. you do understand that, right?”) So all that is to protect himself? What about all of us WORLDWIDE who lost jobs, businesses, livelihoods & STILL can’t get job without 2-3 shots (Australia) all because of the USA CON-plicit CDC, FDA & President who could blast it out. He could require governments come clean on Covid or LOSE ALL USA PROTECTION.
He can do a lot - even now - but he’s done SHIT ALL.
I disagree with Catherine Fitts' allegation that Trump was onboard with some kind of depopulation agenda. Trump never advocated any kind of mandate. That came under Biden. Remember the vaccine was disparaged during the Trump administration as bad, then after our current occupant (Biden) was installed, it suddenly became good. Kamala Harris criticized it before the 2020 election, said she wouldn't take it. She's taken all her shots since then and isn't necessarily any better for it.
Disband VAERS? The problem wasn't that there was VAERS, the problem was that the reporting on myocarditis and pericarditis were present in significant amounts early in 2021 (ie March), enough that people insisted the data be addressed in meetings by the CDC, and the CDC dithered, said they would raise the issue in May 2021, they dithered and ignored it. It was the non-response of otherwise responsible parties in the US who in years past would have suspended any "vaccines" with similar early data reporting, but they did nothing, that was the problem. VAERS data clearly showed significant trend differences with past data because prior data covered decades and that comparison was useful and informative. Anyone with access to VAERS could see something was wrong with the vaccine. Replacing or disbanding VAERS would make all that history go away or make comparisons difficult. But I had heard or read that some VAERS reporting was being deleted. The ability to conveniently delete inconvenient reports would make VAERS less useful both for the public and medical community. I can see that as a downside. Anything that replaces VAERS ought to be independent of the existing medical establishment which has proven itself corrupt.
Trump was not in the scam. He's not one of them, not part of their inner circle. They couldn't tell him the truth and expect him to go along willingly. They could not bribe him or otherwise leverage him. Why did all.tje other world leaders go along? Well 6 leaders of small nations were on to the scan and refused to vaccinate all their citizens. They were murdered and replaced by compliant stooges. Other leaders were installed before 2020. WEF stooges were installed in Canada, Germany, the UK, Australia, New Zealand. Trump was the only outsider. So they lied to him, conned him just like the rest of us. He was surrounded by people advising him on medical & scientific matters and they sll.said the same thing. They had thrown so much flak at him for over 3 years, and was surrounded by so many he could not trust, his judgement and abilities were likely impaired just enough that when the papers were put in front of him, he signed them. He succumbed to the psy-op.
Four years down the road, and people are still masking, doctors still believe the PCR test is accurate. Pfizer is still pushing the jab. No one has been held accountable. Because they did such an incredible job pulling off the hoax. Because they had lots of practice.
Stop Monday Morning quarterbacking Trump. What did you believe in February 2020? That there was a deadly pathogen loosed upon the world. Even if you thought something wasn't right, if you had doubts, you still erred on the side of caution and avoided public places and shunned anyone with so much as the sniffles. You believed some of the bullshit narratives, the false medical advice and statistics flying around until you obtained facts to the contrary. Until things really started not adding up.
Many of you still believe a novel virus escaped a lab in China. And that people have died from it. And that people around you this winter who have he common cold or flu have Covid. Or that the vaxed are getting infected with the Covid virus over & over. If you still got a flu shot this year but shunned the Covid shot, if you take a Statin drug or an antidepressant, or follow the Food Pyramid diet, or think children need 50+ vaccines, you're still caught up in The Cult of the White Coats. You might have one foot out the door, but you're not deprogrammed. They still have their hooks in you.
"Let he who is amongst you without sin be the first to cast a stone" at Trump.
Nov. 3, 2017 – The tax proposal supported by President Donald Trump and congressional
Republicans would give five top pharmaceutical corporations a $46.8 billion tax break
Very well stated! My husband and friends still think the phoney “covid test” pcr is the gospel!🙄 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑
Annie, you prob know this but for some of the others like your husband ( poor you ) and his friends, Dr Karry Mullis PhD Biochemist Inventor of PCR and won Nobel Prize for it says no. Does NOT test for a specific virus he stated in a video. Sorry I do not have the link. He was killed for the video. It is obvious if one understands BioChem like he did.
Your husband and his friends are smarter than this world famous Biochemist Inventor ? The arrogance of Americans these days!😫
Ask them a few questions about the Amino acid sequencing.
Oh and better yet, ask them who owns the Labs now. Answer: Soros and b.hates! The planners!!
This is a simple Scooby Doo rerun at this point people!
All those will be Culled and that is the point. Perhaps they have not even heard of Darwinism.
Personally, those doctors, or whatever they are sound like deep staters to me. Give me a break, in her book BIRX’s said she, Fauci and Pense deliberately lied to Trump. They all set out to deceive, remember just before 2020 election, we were all waiting for the “vaccine”! And remember, Pfizer told Biden the vaccine was ready NOT TRUMP. RIGHT THERE IT SHOWED YOU, TRUMP WAS PUSHED OUT. RIGHT THEN, I FELT IT WAS OFF, THE WHOLE THING STUNK. RIGHT THEN, I KNEW WE HAD ANARCHY AND TREASON ALL AROUND. IF THEY DID NOT OR DO NOT ACCEPT THAT, THEY ARE USELESS GARBAGE. Just more propagandists that hate TRUMP. I WILL NOT EVEN GIVE THEM ANY JUSTIFICATION!
I don’t hate Trump. I live in Canada and Trudeau is far worse. But although Trump probably did some good stuff or tried to drain the swamp or whatever there are big issues with some of what he did. I can understand that he may have trusted the wrong people sure. But when he says the vaccine saved so many lives… and then you can tell he was advised not to let his naysayers put down the v and that it was good and they/he deserve to take credit for it. So it’s devastating he was going around promoting it. And at some point by now he should have stopped doing that… so has he stopped? Has he actually changed his position? If he has not then that is not a dealing with reality position. That means he is listening to the wrong people either because they tricked him with lies, his ego won’t let him see it or because he is a player politician after all.
I mean this is all kind of a mess but either Trump is the real deal but can’t see it or he is bread and circuses. But I mean does it feels like the moment when a kid grows up and realizes hulk hogan was acting a part? Is this the Truman Show? Are all the politicians fake?? I guess they can’t be or they wouldn’t run so many honey pot operations to compromise them and bother rigging elections. But I don’t know if Trump is awake.
I’m convinced that he and/ his family were threatened with their lives. He states in many of his campaign speeches that “these people are sick sick people “.
That’s an interesting theory.
Angie, I share your conclusions. Fauci claimed ignorance and denied developing gain of function on his SARS-Cov-2/Covid-19 #bioweapon. DJT enthusiastically pushed #OperationWarpSpeed for the DoD to produce #mRNA countermeasures. It appears he set up Pence, Birx, Fauci, Collins et al to be plausible deniability for his own promotion of DoD, HHS, WEF, WHO, BlackRock, BIS hegemony. I voted for Trump twice and I think he will be the next "lame duck" president without my vote this time around. But he will serve the deep state's #GreatReset, and it will be up to us to resist. #Nullification!
So in essence, the presidential candidates are (drum rolls please)
A man that does not recognize the death and destruction after four years, but everyone else does. (duh, duh, 🙄);
A fake president that is literally stupid and needs to be in a nursing home and took millions from enemies; and
A man fighting for vaccine transparency but wants forgiveness for the people that killed your family😡Humm
Btw, Kennedy said fuck you to the Moms for Liberty when he didn’t even have the guts to call them to cancel. It literally broke their hearts and called them racists. You’re wrong Kennedy, they are not racists...I have a gay kid you moron and this had nothing to do with politics...this is about sexualizing children! You played politics and used Moms for Liberty. He lost my vote when that happened cause I was seriously thinking about it.
So there’s your choices🙂
Politics are the worst.
DT was not smart enough to know how deadly the shots would be... Much like how dumb travis kelce is as a promoter of the death shots. i am tired of seeing DT get a free pass though. are we not liable even when we are misled because we didn't "do our own homework"???
How do you like the idea of 3 years in prison for speaking out against the toxic jabs?
Article 4 (Prison for Criticising the Toxic Jabs)
French collectivist authoritarians: "With this Bill we defend science"
A lot of people got fooled for some period of time, however small.
Some just a few weeks until Fraudci said on TV all of a sudden in early March " we need a vaccine " (to help these sick people.) Well that makes NO SENSE, no medical sense. Even the chicken soup grandmothers knew no where in time have they come after sick people ( the supposed " virus " was already in the population) with vaccines. Even grandmothers and awake ( not woke ) Doctors knew therapeutic medicine is needed to treat, not preventative. Too late for that. Trump knew, that is what he and his older, heavy, buddies used to "cure" themselves of the supposed virus. Therapeutics ( convalescent serum essentially - monoclonal antibodies with hydroxy ...).
Viruses mutate quickly. It is hilarious actually that someone would suggest a vaccine. But it was for other reasons.... 💀💀. Every year they have to fake/make a new " flu vaccine ". Why?
Because big Harma says the last one ( from 6 months ago ) is no good anymore. Remember? Remember?
Now we have figured out it was a fake Plandemic , planned at John Hopkins Oct 19, 2019 with b.hates, non doctor, non scientist, eugenisist and depop promoter Pedo at the helm!
They constantly poisoned the water, the air( they now admit air sprays ), subways and even food with all the recalls as evidence when people figured it out. PCR tests don't work per the Biochemist inventor ( who mysteriously died just before the Oct 2019 planning meeting that called for using his test !!!)
Wake up people!
They want you dead.
Do Not Comply
Little gov germ warfare history for those of you who think you are too good for the gov to want you dead! 😂🤣 Namely the Dems who who worship the gov. ( The Right pays homage and thanks to the Country- not gov )
I hope to see Trump say something soon. Before he even makes a big stink about this, he could at least talk about mandates. Harvard still mandates the poison death shot. To get a green card you need to take the poison death shot. And so on. That needs to stop day 1.
Just get an exemption if it us even true about the Green Card. It can't be because look at the illegals pouring over without it. Easy Court case to make, they are once again screwing the Law abiding and nodding and winking to the criminals. Love this Obiden Admin.
Hope everyone is getting what they voted for. The Left certainly deserves it.
Legal immigration requires the jab, but not illegals. Amy Sukwan talks about it a lot on her Stack. She's been trying to get her husband over from Thailand.
I now have citizenship. Was very lucky. . I know Canadian refigees though that need to deal with this.
Religous exemption.
America was started on Religious Freedom. Freedom to practice as you see fit.
This has been tested many times in the Courts.
The bigger the noise you make the more the ICE/Immigration won't like it.
Learn their game then play it in their backward distorted rules.
If you come to US by Boat/ Yacht , you do not need it. It is in the Authoritarian Rule book they recently made.
No doubt for the Billionaire yacht owners work around.
America is not even worth it anymore. It is not the same as before.
America, at least Red States, is still better than Europe. Very interesting about coming in via boat. Thing is, that you apply for green card, long after you come in, so maybe you can get in via boat on some visa, but to do green card later, you need to deal with their mandate.
Leave the Information that is in VAERS there. Do not move or touch it.
Yes sent up additional ( non corrupted ) signaling data bases.
Greg Gutfeld said it best in regard to supporting Trump- “you’re not voting for the Golden Bachelor”!
Words against actions:
Nov. 3, 2017 – The tax proposal supported by President Donald Trump and congressional
Republicans would give five top pharmaceutical corporations a $46.8 billion tax break
Presidents’ Day
US President needs to tell all countries that depend on their protection to either come clean on Covid, remove mandates, BACK PAY lost wages for Covid heroes, or lose all protection and free trade with US.
Paul, i will take your word on this and hope you are correct. But Trump has been bragging about the deadly ventilators, his deadly lockdowns and the DeathVaXX (“there are many people who like them. you do understand that, right?”) So all that is to protect himself? What about all of us WORLDWIDE who lost jobs, businesses, livelihoods & STILL can’t get job without 2-3 shots (Australia) all because of the USA CON-plicit CDC, FDA & President who could blast it out. He could require governments come clean on Covid or LOSE ALL USA PROTECTION.
He can do a lot - even now - but he’s done SHIT ALL.
All are opinions. Time will tell.
I disagree with Catherine Fitts' allegation that Trump was onboard with some kind of depopulation agenda. Trump never advocated any kind of mandate. That came under Biden. Remember the vaccine was disparaged during the Trump administration as bad, then after our current occupant (Biden) was installed, it suddenly became good. Kamala Harris criticized it before the 2020 election, said she wouldn't take it. She's taken all her shots since then and isn't necessarily any better for it.
Disband VAERS? The problem wasn't that there was VAERS, the problem was that the reporting on myocarditis and pericarditis were present in significant amounts early in 2021 (ie March), enough that people insisted the data be addressed in meetings by the CDC, and the CDC dithered, said they would raise the issue in May 2021, they dithered and ignored it. It was the non-response of otherwise responsible parties in the US who in years past would have suspended any "vaccines" with similar early data reporting, but they did nothing, that was the problem. VAERS data clearly showed significant trend differences with past data because prior data covered decades and that comparison was useful and informative. Anyone with access to VAERS could see something was wrong with the vaccine. Replacing or disbanding VAERS would make all that history go away or make comparisons difficult. But I had heard or read that some VAERS reporting was being deleted. The ability to conveniently delete inconvenient reports would make VAERS less useful both for the public and medical community. I can see that as a downside. Anything that replaces VAERS ought to be independent of the existing medical establishment which has proven itself corrupt.
Well time will tell if it is hell or heaven on earth. Thanks for this one, Grüß Gott!