Catherine Austin Fitts is dropping MOABS & Dr. James Hill, MD again raises serious questions; the thesis here is that Trump sold out America by promoting the COVID mRNA shots! No, I was closer to all
of this than anyone you have seen in media & all of the moron talking heads, e.g. I am not interviewed for as told to me in a conference in Las Vegas where Malone argued against me on stage with him
is that when I talk, no one listens to others; I was told Malone purposely said do not allow me on stage with him for I suck the air out of his presense and talks…ha ha ha, I do for he is an idiot and you grasp his ineptness quickly but to Fitts’s points which are excellent…and Dr. Hill’s stack, please support him…
Trump did not sell out America and fundamentally, he is a good man. You may not like his personality but this is not the issue. It is who is best for America today and what happened under him, but let us focus on the fake PCR induced asymptomatic spread ‘non-pandemic’ pandemic and the deadly Bourla, Bancel, Malone et al. mRNA technology mRNA gene injections.
Trump was deceived devastatingly and he knows it and tried still to manage yet all around him conspired daily to harm him, the response, and to topple him. He had few he could trust and people like Atlas, me, my boss etc. we were few in a den of animals. Fauci and Borx had one task, that is to topple Trump with a failed lockdown response and to bring a deadly vaccine with Francis Collins, Hahn, Woodcock, Azar etc.
Trump was rolled, misled and he really trusted. He thought they were leading him right and did not question and I know, I was there, he insisted para “do not bring any vaccine that is not safe and effective…you said WARP speed but it must be safe and effective…if not do not bring it to me…”…the response in any room, any meeting was para '“yes, Mr. President, it is safe and effective”…repeatedly…he trusted these fuckers. They were destroying him…he did not know.
Today if he came out and said these bitches screwed me with the lockdowns and I know it hurt and even killed…the school closures…do you not think he would be liable legally? No PREP ACT liability protection will protect him, they will turn it on its head to hang him…you know that…but he knows, trust me he knows the lockdowns killed many, including children and trust me when I say we are working on the language, he will come to you and explain this, as to lockdowns. He will tell you too that he knows the vaccine, the Malone, Bourla, Bancel, Kariko et al. mRNA vaccines have harmed and killed…he will…he is getting there. He has to…His team knows…we are helping him behind the scenes.
But until he speaks out, he has his ego to contend with that limits him but he will get past this…he has to. He will be judged negatively historically and electorally if he does not. He knows…
I personally wrote 4 points to him and he got it, dorectly…he must consider one hour after swearing in:
1)reversal of LIABILITY PROTECTION under PREP ACT and make it retroactive so that we can sue everyone and get money for our murses, police, military and all persons harmed by the lockdowns and Malone, Bourla, Bancel et al. vaccines
2)setting up a victim compensation fund for all those hurt and killed…for their families…
3)disband VAERS and set up a new acute surveillance system for the adverse effects, deaths from the mRNA vaccines…so that the true scope of harms and epidemiology can be oriented, tabulated, and characterized and support and care can be tailored where needed
4)getting full accountability from all the wrong doers in COVID lockdown lunacy and the mRNA vaccine…all, his administration, Biden’s, all in CDC, FDA…all….who it is proven did wrong.
‘Catherine Austin Fitts (video above) says former president Donald Trump is either a knowing participant in the Covid bioweapon operation, or he is grossly incompetent not to understand what’s happening, which Fitts claims is highly unlikely.
In either case, Trump should not be president, opines Fitts, just as toxic injection mandater Joe Biden shouldn’t, either.
Get vaccinated!
NOVEMBER 3, 2022
Catherine Austin Fitts:
You can say Trump was on board for a depopulation [with Covid jabs] or Trump got rolled.
Either one is not a very good case to be made that he ought to be president.
Greg Hunter:
I just can't believe that he would say, sure, let's kill millions of people.
But go back. Then you're saying he's incompetent, because if I knew what I knew [about vaccines] — don't tell me I knew more than Trump.
I just don't buy that.
Covid shots associated with fatal Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) are deployed by [redacted] as prion brain weapons: scientist
Catherine Austin Fitts:
[Trump] put $10 billion into a military program to depopulate Americans.
Greg Hunter:
Do you think he was told the truth, though?
I mean, [Trump Covid advisor Dr. Deborah] Birx came out on Fox and said, “I always knew the mRNA injections would not offer much protection against infection.”
She came out and said that.
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So if you look at the history of what is known, it takes 10 to 12 years to test out a vaccine to make sure it's safe.
Everybody knows that.
You know, come on.
You actually think Donald Trump actually knew, hey, we're going to depopulate and murder off a bunch of people?
I don't. I think he was lied to and he missed this.
He knows now.
There was one person who understood how dangerous vaccines are that was in political life.
It was Donald Trump because this was a big issue during the campaign.
And he made a big issue about the dangers of vaccines.
So he knows.
[Redacted] controls Covid injections and much of the opposition: researchers
JAN 18
[In November 1963] the U.S. intelligence agencies and military and establishment got together and killed president [Kennedy], right?
And who controls the Secret Service?
The Secretary of the Treasury and the people who run the country.
So the deep state controls the Secret Service, and their guns point out, and their guns point in.
So in a highly centralized system, the president has very little power.

Tweedle Dee vs. Tweedle Dum
So there is no right versus left.
There is no Trump versus Biden.
There is a machine in control of a spending machine financed with our taxes and debt borrowed in our name that is being sold into our pension funds and retirement accounts.
And that machine, to keep balancing the books, is implementing a depopulation plan.
That is the reality that has to be faced.
And changing the president won't matter.’
Trump was not in the scam. He's not one of them, not part of their inner circle. They couldn't tell him the truth and expect him to go along willingly. They could not bribe him or otherwise leverage him. Why did all.tje other world leaders go along? Well 6 leaders of small nations were on to the scan and refused to vaccinate all their citizens. They were murdered and replaced by compliant stooges. Other leaders were installed before 2020. WEF stooges were installed in Canada, Germany, the UK, Australia, New Zealand. Trump was the only outsider. So they lied to him, conned him just like the rest of us. He was surrounded by people advising him on medical & scientific matters and they sll.said the same thing. They had thrown so much flak at him for over 3 years, and was surrounded by so many he could not trust, his judgement and abilities were likely impaired just enough that when the papers were put in front of him, he signed them. He succumbed to the psy-op.
Four years down the road, and people are still masking, doctors still believe the PCR test is accurate. Pfizer is still pushing the jab. No one has been held accountable. Because they did such an incredible job pulling off the hoax. Because they had lots of practice.
Stop Monday Morning quarterbacking Trump. What did you believe in February 2020? That there was a deadly pathogen loosed upon the world. Even if you thought something wasn't right, if you had doubts, you still erred on the side of caution and avoided public places and shunned anyone with so much as the sniffles. You believed some of the bullshit narratives, the false medical advice and statistics flying around until you obtained facts to the contrary. Until things really started not adding up.
Many of you still believe a novel virus escaped a lab in China. And that people have died from it. And that people around you this winter who have he common cold or flu have Covid. Or that the vaxed are getting infected with the Covid virus over & over. If you still got a flu shot this year but shunned the Covid shot, if you take a Statin drug or an antidepressant, or follow the Food Pyramid diet, or think children need 50+ vaccines, you're still caught up in The Cult of the White Coats. You might have one foot out the door, but you're not deprogrammed. They still have their hooks in you.
"Let he who is amongst you without sin be the first to cast a stone" at Trump.
Personally, those doctors, or whatever they are sound like deep staters to me. Give me a break, in her book BIRX’s said she, Fauci and Pense deliberately lied to Trump. They all set out to deceive, remember just before 2020 election, we were all waiting for the “vaccine”! And remember, Pfizer told Biden the vaccine was ready NOT TRUMP. RIGHT THERE IT SHOWED YOU, TRUMP WAS PUSHED OUT. RIGHT THEN, I FELT IT WAS OFF, THE WHOLE THING STUNK. RIGHT THEN, I KNEW WE HAD ANARCHY AND TREASON ALL AROUND. IF THEY DID NOT OR DO NOT ACCEPT THAT, THEY ARE USELESS GARBAGE. Just more propagandists that hate TRUMP. I WILL NOT EVEN GIVE THEM ANY JUSTIFICATION!