Right on! Its full speed ahead by all these captured agencies as they believe they can sprint to the finish line before anyone can stop their murderous ways or bring them down. The 'fix' is in in all of the other captured agencies that should care about the over the top blatant criminality at the CDC, NIH, FDA et al.. The compensation mu…
Right on! Its full speed ahead by all these captured agencies as they believe they can sprint to the finish line before anyone can stop their murderous ways or bring them down. The 'fix' is in in all of the other captured agencies that should care about the over the top blatant criminality at the CDC, NIH, FDA et al.. The compensation must be large enough that those persons running these agencies can look themselves in the mirror with full on facial filters to mask their soullessness.
Right on! Its full speed ahead by all these captured agencies as they believe they can sprint to the finish line before anyone can stop their murderous ways or bring them down. The 'fix' is in in all of the other captured agencies that should care about the over the top blatant criminality at the CDC, NIH, FDA et al.. The compensation must be large enough that those persons running these agencies can look themselves in the mirror with full on facial filters to mask their soullessness.