children are kidnapped, bought, sold, sold to slavery in dark places on this not forget them...the high society among us, they engage in this, we need special courts and processes to go
I beg to challenge - we are all accomplices. Maybe unwittingly but we go along, we say nothing. We don't even say anything about being sprayed by planes in the skies. I think it is the people ourselves who need to go through a deep reflection. If it wasn't for our being accomplices to it all, it wouldn't exist.
Oh, I also beg you challenge. Many, many have spoken up and spoken out. Being deleted and discarded as looney con sp Ira Cy the or it's. But we all had better get the move on to disband this globalist cabal b4 they usurp every single bit of our freedom & sovereignty.
Yes and honor to those who spoke up. Many lost their lives. They get killed as a message to anyone who speaks up. We need to support whistleblowers with all our energy. And we also need to start existing the system in any way we can. Even starting with small ways. Getting children out of the schools, using an alternative currency or gifting or barter, anything we can to do things outside of the system and start our own systems. We cannot seize power as they have all the resources and all the weapons. So we must withdraw from it.
My sister worked in DC. Her husband did also, unsee a senator, many years ago now. She reported that she was disgusted by a well known person (she never gave the name) who invited many on his yacht regularly. He had a boy, about 13 years old, that everyone knew was his toy. When I asked if she reported it she said you don't do that there. How disturbing. All the way around.
I keep trying to think thos through, all of the millions of boys and girls, men and women, who are reportedly disappearing. Now, either they are selling them in the body parts business or we've got a whole lot of pervs living in our Hines and next door.
Now, surely, that happens, but this would have to be blatant. I just don't see it here. I know there are reports, but I'm not seeing it.
Now, I wish I had the link I got yesterday about the body parts value list. I don't know how true.
I know I can't think like those demons, which may be why we've all had a hard time wrapping our heads around it.
DC is full of elected officials who are lawyers and many lawyers, far more so than in any other profession, are raging psychopaths. DC is the Psychopath Capital of the US and probably the world. Biden, Obama and both Clintons are lawyers.
Washington, D.C.: the Psychopath Capital of America. A new study ranks each state, plus D.C., by their psychopathic tendencies. The race for first? It isn’t even close.
Do you remember the milk cartons with names and faces of missing children that began in the 1980’s? This is a quote from searching online: “The National Child Safety Council began a nationwide program called the Missing Children Milk Carton Program in the United States in December 1984/January 1985. By March 1985, 700 of 1600 independent dairies in the United States had adopted the practice of publishing photos of missing children on milk cartons.” I recall this. I read the Adam Walsh story, and recall the missing child Johnny Gosch of Iowa, and numerous others back then. More recent missing and killed children: the young girl from California…Danielle van Dam; from Homosassa Florida…Jessica Lunsford; from Texas…Amber Hagerman; from Sarasota Florida, Carly Brucia and the list goes on. We heard about the missing and presumed dead Natalie Holloway. This world is just full of freaks. Our daughters were properly and formally trained to use a firearm. They were the same age as many of these missing and killed children at the time of their incidences, understanding the dangers out there.
Yes and you probably go by their laws and rules like everyone else. It's time we started talking about what are we going to do about it. We can't just sit back as lemmings once we have this knowledge.
Watch me go, I have already started to raise hell. I am all in. Add to the list a bully and lying CFO who thinks he is god. I have a lovely correspondence signed by this pos to take him down too. The court of public opinion is where I operate with documented proof on record of my allegations.
Add the police up here in Canuckistan who are ordered to criminally harass legal gun owners along with hoplophobic dweebs in the injustice CYSTem (OPP, Ottawa Police, etc) All these corrupt agencies need to be defunded and replaced by RCMP.
I am going by my experential realities of both RCMP and OPP. In that unquestionable circumstance, I have found the RCMP, while not being perfect, followed the letter of the law and were profoundly objective and fair. The OPP on the other hand were found to be blatant violators of the CCC, and Charter Rights violators not to mention the Bill of Rights.
The OPP had conducted over decades what many judged to be a criminal harassment program presupposed on the delusional ravings of a bureauCRAP bigot who did not like my criticisms of the CHRC "Section 13" stalinist stoogery that ignored documented evidence of innocence as an excuse to commit reckless endangerment, harassment, lies, deceptions, violations of the OPP Promise, ALLEGED PERJURY, and a blatant prejudicially biased colored investigation that ignored an opposing national security agency investigation, a CAS investigation, EVEN AN OPP INVESTIGATION BY A SENIOR OFFICER AND AN EXPERIENCED CONSTABLE ALL THAT CLEARED THE TARGET OF ANY LIES AND FALSE ALLEGATIONS MADE BY A BIGOTED BUREAUCRAP who none are aware of had any background in psychology.
On top of that a board certified expert psychologist with decades of experience told me, in answer to my questions, that the "MOST ACCURATE PREDICATOR OF FUTURE CONDUCT WAS THE HISTORY OF THE INDIVIDUAL. The target had over decades at least three investigations and a clear NO CRIMINAL RECORD and was described by neighbors as "the best neighbor they ever had" by two icons and individuals well known as such who had lived beside the target over 30 years. One is employed by the national prison system.
The defective detective according to them had NOT talked to them about the target leading me to believe he did a biased and colored investigation.
The OPP pigs are corrupt with few exceptions. The RCMP investigation over 30 pages found the head case bureauCRAP at the very beginning carping about the target publicly saying he had made his final arrangements and the bigot jumped from there to accuse the target of having a nefarious scheme of violence in mind. The RCMP investigator, a sergeant, defended the target by saying that this was normal for anyone who was the age of the target. Now decades later that target in spite of OPP criminal HARASSMENT AND RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT ETC STILL HAS A NO CRIMINAL RECORD STATUS AND MULTIPLE VEXATIOUS AND FALSE CHARGES on many counts of the OPP investigation disappeared totally.
Anyone care to tell me why? And this is seen as collusion with corrupt bureacraps, AT LEAST ONE AND PROBABLY MORE "INJUSTICE CYSTem prejudicially biased people including one JP in a total conflict of interest situation who refused to recuse herself. I allege the defective detective is guilty of perjury and is a liar.
There is much more, but the OPP pigs in the eyes of many are criminals and I have a true story to tell that would take me at least three dozen pages to tell. This is how the CYSTem criminals operate up here with their lies, criminal misconduct, bias and bigotry and why I defend RCMP for doing the right thing while OPP pigs walllowed in the corruption of mud and excrement as proven. I want the OPP to be defunded and the RCMP to take over because that same OPP detachment gave a troubled teen a ticket for not having a bell on his bicycle. He later committed suicide. I took an interest in him and employed him and he was the best worker and accutely focused fellow I ever knew. I had called the OPP to get the ticket dropped and was told it was not going away. I have 16 targeted for criminal charges. This might be why the charges disappeared!!!
The OPP pigs can make like the birds and flock off as can the corrupt CYSTem. I have proof on record to take a lot of people down but a few investigative reporters might be a big help to expose these criminals in uniform .
I do not make false statements nor deceive and lie as did the OPP pig tyler tavarres did who committed reckless endangerment on several counts including against a 99 year old WW2 veteran being cared for at my residence. You are going down tavarres you lying pos! I told you that and I mean it. This is just the start. When you f*ck with me that is fine but when you f*ck with my family you are going down. That was on the record and of course the lying CYSTem criminals always dishonestly will prejudicially use anything they can even by lying to make a target look bad. I was of course referring to public exposure the CCC charges you pos and you are number one on the roster. This is just the start. I envision a public media exposure of 16 pigs, corrupt CYSTem criminals, in all their jaded glory!!!
And let's not forget that Alex Baldwin may have killed a person on a movie set who was doing a documentary on child sex trafficking. I wonder if it's really true that there are no coincidences....
I know most people will disregard this fact because most are addicts themselves but the reason there is pedophilia, corruption, theft and all the vices is due to the way money is created. When money is created, many more magnitudes of debt is also created. Most don't know how money is created, even financial people don't know. We have been kept like mushrooms - in the dark. This is so we don't understand and don't think about it and thus, they can capture all the resources with people giving their wealth away to them willingly (ie: taxes, fees, etc) The money system we use generates artificial scarcity which incites people to be greedy - this is natural when there is scarcity. But it is an ARTIFICIAL scarcity, it needn't be, it is manufactured. And most people have no clue. This money system was designed to do exactly what it does. You see people can be paid off to snare children for the pedophiles. It goes on everywhere right under our noses. Most are too busy "making money" for the banksters to notice. Incredible design hey?
By the way, money can be done anyway we like - it is totally an arbitrary game. It doesn't have to be this way at all.
How can the perpetrators of such a widespread, pervasive system of pedophilia remain hidden from view? How is it that the names never come out, despite all the victims who have been brave enough to speak out? What would it take to get the identities named? If these monsters were named, that would go a long way toward ending the horror. No « customers » named in the entire Ghislaine Maxwell trial?
No actual names in the Paul Alexander piece? No actual names in the comments?
Where are the BOUNTIES? Who will post WANTED posters in Post offices? I am ready to hunt. Those pathetic self proclaimed elites are nothing more than perverts with their ducks in their hands. How much for that doggie on the window? DOA will be preferred. D is actually preferred so bounty hunters don't have to listen to bullshit excuses about why they can't control their urges..... BOOM! There is no reason for the public to continue supporting such scum.
Just an EVIL SATANIC form of control over people with less money etc. Has went on since day dot I reckon but has increased and spread to be world wide!
Human trafficking and sex slavery is far more lucrative than drug dealing. That’s how the Saudi royal family got their wealth long before oil. The money’s just too good for bad people to ignore.
They will be paid back in change when they meet the judge of all men & women. Remember folks “vengeance is mine” saith the Lord. Our job is to expose the darkness where it lies and hope the people heed our voice before judgement comes to us all.
We need to be more coordinated. Usually it's one person fighting the system. How can we support them, we should be asking and what can we do. And we need to talk about this seriously otherwise it will continue to go on.
How about we just stop obeying their dictates? That could be a start. We are always putting the responsibility for action on the institutions or the judiciary but that is like fobbing off our own responsibility and they are all corrupt anyway.
Denise, you are an intelligent woman and level headed. Look at the men and women up here of the Freedom Truckers Convoy who opposed openly and defied trudope in his illegal actions of imposing mandates which was NOT in his power to do. Years after that incident the leaders are still in the courts and we know the courts here are comprised of biased and criminal people who subvert justice. MIllions of dollars the damned CYSTem seized that was pledged to these truckers is still seized.
I am openly defying the pigs of the OPP, the CYSTem, the corrupt "gubmit," the LPC and turdo who I was told was involved in opposing me in my attacks on the stalinist CHRC. I am all in. The bastards can jail me. F%&k them. I dare say conversing with a hardened criminal in my opinion is more pleasant than with corrupt leaders of nations like tiurdo, ovomit, biDUMB etc .
I give credit to women convicts who coined the phrase, "CYSTem" and it was and is accurate. I am called very rough by one particular minister but he says I am a "diamond in the rough."
I want to say that one of my challenges to the enemies of Freedom and Justice has been posted numerous times.
Do not try to win before you lose
You have to walk the road you choose
You have to die before you live
You have to take back what you give.
The other side freaks at this as it is true. It is a excerpt from the "convict Song"
I have fought the CYSTem forever and on behalf of others victimized by same and NEVER lost. It is not me that wins. I merely coddle the Truth and the Truth does terrible damage to lies and liars.
I do NOT believe God sits on a cloud and throws lightening bolts at evil people but there were and are times he intervenes in the affairs of man.
The villain in all this was a delusional hate filled liar and leftist coward kook falsely accusing me of many things. It is my belief he was the one behind the attacks using the willing criminals of the OPP here over two decades.
I indicate Proverbs Chapter 6 verses 12 to 19. That bureauCRAP was guilty of the six things God hated plus the seventh that converted God's hate of these wicked things into what is termed an "abomination." The liar had been using the wiling and cowardly OPP to criminally harass me for decades. He was much younger than I. I wrote for an FOI to the official of the province and she refused. Not one to stop for anything I then wrote to a national security agency and an FOI came in a few days.I knew there was much amiss here but the last FOI from the RCMP identified the coward who had been hiding behind his office door for decades but also hid behind the skirts of a bureauCRAP. Funny huh? A mere overpaid and underworked bureauCRAP refused an FOI but a national security agency granted my wish.
I asked one of my lawyers if the bureauCRAP knew a male maned Norman Clohosy the one causing all the problems and he quickly replied yes. That was all I needed so I started my investigation but came to discover a serious situation that would be terribly damaging to children. It nailed Clohosy but I was not happy where it had taken me.
I had him exposed but did not want to destroy others.
I put things on hold but I knew Clohosy would be aghast to say the least and I noted also the dates he had used the CYSTem to persecute me correlated with my announcement I was investigating him.
That told me the whole story. It almost made me puke. Criminals in the CYSTem are bad people. I am aware that the pigs have likely as I was advised done massive investigations into my life seeking to find the least little thing they could trip me with.
After all, I was the enemy of the damned CYSTem.
My name was not on the EPSTEIN flights (hahahahahahha) nor had I any involvement with porn, drugs, debauchery, etc I stopped short as I well figured out the situation.
And so it was that the much younger CYSTem denizen who had violated the seven things that are an abomination to God died suddenly and unexpectedly. That of course disappointed me as I had many questions to ask him in a lawsuit I had considered that I felt would expose and subject to criminal prosecution.
That event was of course considered a coincidence but it seems the mother of the defective defective and I suspect corrupt and criminal tavarres also suddenly died around the same time. He of course had committed reckless endangerment and disrespected my 99 year old mother much older than his.
The whole damned CYSTem is corrupt as are the criminals in it but this attack on me was dead ended. Yet I am not stopping and I fully intend on pursuing it as long as long as it takes to out cowardly pigs, bureauCRAPS, injustice CYSTem dweebs, etc
My longest fight with the CYSTem was 11 years and ended in a victory as well.
Outside my door a year ago stood a woman I knew who had been in the legal profession all her life and she had stopped to ask me why these fools had been so stupid to irritate me and if I knew they were aware of my background. I said I do not know but this is not over by a long shot, with 16 people targeted for exposure, CCC charges, Charter Rights violations, Bill of Rights violations, perjury, and some in violation of their OPP Promise.
This bit is just that, a small piece of the dirty CYSTem puzzle that has come together. The real criminals have been outed but I have more plans for the 16 I have found in violation of serious things.
Included are two JP's, two OPP detachment commanders, possibly several more going back at least two decades, two bureauCRAPS, a few unnamed CHRC employees, and others under consideration at this time.
I have had death threats but I consider it from those who are all mouth and no action. This whole story would be a massive scandal if I can drag turdo into the mix.
I await a coming event when I can really raise hell that I expect in the next year. Life is exciting though. All one has to do is defend freedom and justice.
Remember, they started it and I am going to do my best to finish it. It involves OPP, the injustice CYSTem, bureauCRAPS, JP's, the Justice Review Council, the OIPRD, CFO, attorney general, and a few others I am not going to mention.
Hell hath truly enlarged itself. My turn to investigate them!!! One or two computer scientists is all it will take, a bit expensive but very helpful.
The deal is that EVERY western nation has a program to disarm the people based on lies and that multiple agencies interact with others to facilitate their goals even using lies, criminality and corruption. I am not a conspiratorialist, I am a realist. Few are aware that section 13 which I have always attacked had a 100% conviction ratio of straight white men and woman but that was and is its purpose as designed by Pee ERRor turdo the father of slime minister justie the jerk turdo. When two Officers of the Court, professors and police tell me that the injustice CYSTem is prejudicially disposed towards ANY firearm owners then you just have to accept there is a corrupt headliner and oligarch as slime minister of Canuckistan. That program is courtesy of the UN and was used to disarm totally all private ownership of guns in Britain, Australia, New Zealand and now is focused on Canuckistan with ALL nations in the cross hairs.
Cuck turdo, cretin, (Chretien) and all political parties in Canuckistan including LPC, NDP, Bloc, Greens have always been in favor of gun banning and the enemy is coming for USA next. How can anyone trust a government that does not trust the people with guns? Yet they seem to be uncaring of criminals with firearms and their focus are the lawful fire owning public.
Criminals continue to have firearms enabling them to ape, rob, steal, murder etc but their victims with no criminal records are not armed. As in the USA the turdo has implemented a CYSTem catch and release of dangerous criminals. The LPC has always been against civilian ownership of firearms with people like myself having no criminal records.
Bidumb and the ovomit have the same plan for the USA as happened to Britain and turdo is desperate to impose his criminality on Canuckistan and disarm the nation.
The lying spawn of a hippie witch and a commie father is the worst slime minister ever here. He is trying to do what his buddy Adolph did in Germany.
The world is metamorphing into a gradual digital CYSTem to completely enslave and control everyone and gun banning is the process used to put the icing on the cake.
Note that police everywhere go along with their criminal political masters and devolve into KGB flouting the law with the corrupt courts cooperating. The gradual process continues over time with the insecure sheeple going along just to get along.
Note the rich elites are all in. They have imposed their oppression of the rest of us. But what does scriptures say of this? Lots but in a low key clearly communicated that proves these are the enemies of Freedom and Justice. Look at James 2:6 in part..."DO NOT RICH MEN OPPRESS YOU AND DRAW YOU BEFORE THE JUDGMENT SEATS? (COURTS)
Thus the rich are the enemies of God and the enemies of the people, seeking to control and oppress us. It cannot be clearer than that. The enemy is clearly defined and it is a well known fact that the elites seek to control nations and the world and oppress the people. It is what every leader now in most western nations is trying to do in cooperation with these rich elites.
the high society people we refer to often hidden by privilege and money, should be hanged
I beg to challenge - we are all accomplices. Maybe unwittingly but we go along, we say nothing. We don't even say anything about being sprayed by planes in the skies. I think it is the people ourselves who need to go through a deep reflection. If it wasn't for our being accomplices to it all, it wouldn't exist.
Oh, I also beg you challenge. Many, many have spoken up and spoken out. Being deleted and discarded as looney con sp Ira Cy the or it's. But we all had better get the move on to disband this globalist cabal b4 they usurp every single bit of our freedom & sovereignty.
Yes and honor to those who spoke up. Many lost their lives. They get killed as a message to anyone who speaks up. We need to support whistleblowers with all our energy. And we also need to start existing the system in any way we can. Even starting with small ways. Getting children out of the schools, using an alternative currency or gifting or barter, anything we can to do things outside of the system and start our own systems. We cannot seize power as they have all the resources and all the weapons. So we must withdraw from it.
Seems there was an "error" liking your comment...I'll like it here
Lawyer, cop and CEO are all in the top 10 jobs that attract psychopaths. Is Chris Wray in one of these jobs?
The Top 10 Jobs That Attract Psychopaths
My sister worked in DC. Her husband did also, unsee a senator, many years ago now. She reported that she was disgusted by a well known person (she never gave the name) who invited many on his yacht regularly. He had a boy, about 13 years old, that everyone knew was his toy. When I asked if she reported it she said you don't do that there. How disturbing. All the way around.
I keep trying to think thos through, all of the millions of boys and girls, men and women, who are reportedly disappearing. Now, either they are selling them in the body parts business or we've got a whole lot of pervs living in our Hines and next door.
Now, surely, that happens, but this would have to be blatant. I just don't see it here. I know there are reports, but I'm not seeing it.
Now, I wish I had the link I got yesterday about the body parts value list. I don't know how true.
I know I can't think like those demons, which may be why we've all had a hard time wrapping our heads around it.
those who make the laws and in DC are engaged in pedophilia and sex slavery etc. we just need look below the rocks
DC is full of elected officials who are lawyers and many lawyers, far more so than in any other profession, are raging psychopaths. DC is the Psychopath Capital of the US and probably the world. Biden, Obama and both Clintons are lawyers.
Washington, D.C.: the Psychopath Capital of America. A new study ranks each state, plus D.C., by their psychopathic tendencies. The race for first? It isn’t even close.
Professions with 'most psychopaths' revealed: Lawyers, journalists,
The idea of representative government is bogus. It doesn't work as we can see. Who is represented really, by these deviants?
Only the deviants themselves Denise.
Do you remember the milk cartons with names and faces of missing children that began in the 1980’s? This is a quote from searching online: “The National Child Safety Council began a nationwide program called the Missing Children Milk Carton Program in the United States in December 1984/January 1985. By March 1985, 700 of 1600 independent dairies in the United States had adopted the practice of publishing photos of missing children on milk cartons.” I recall this. I read the Adam Walsh story, and recall the missing child Johnny Gosch of Iowa, and numerous others back then. More recent missing and killed children: the young girl from California…Danielle van Dam; from Homosassa Florida…Jessica Lunsford; from Texas…Amber Hagerman; from Sarasota Florida, Carly Brucia and the list goes on. We heard about the missing and presumed dead Natalie Holloway. This world is just full of freaks. Our daughters were properly and formally trained to use a firearm. They were the same age as many of these missing and killed children at the time of their incidences, understanding the dangers out there.
What happened to the children in Maui ? Did they ever find them amongst the ashes?
Good question. My guess is a grim guess.
I do remember. I think we are living in very dark times
It's not enough to ask - we all need to make a fuss.
In other words- the people in our government and intelligence agencies. Rotten to the core.
was always so
Yes and you probably go by their laws and rules like everyone else. It's time we started talking about what are we going to do about it. We can't just sit back as lemmings once we have this knowledge.
Watch me go, I have already started to raise hell. I am all in. Add to the list a bully and lying CFO who thinks he is god. I have a lovely correspondence signed by this pos to take him down too. The court of public opinion is where I operate with documented proof on record of my allegations.
I wish you strength and success. That is so right - we can be the courts now (and we can be the media)
Add the police up here in Canuckistan who are ordered to criminally harass legal gun owners along with hoplophobic dweebs in the injustice CYSTem (OPP, Ottawa Police, etc) All these corrupt agencies need to be defunded and replaced by RCMP.
The RCMP are just as bad!
I am going by my experential realities of both RCMP and OPP. In that unquestionable circumstance, I have found the RCMP, while not being perfect, followed the letter of the law and were profoundly objective and fair. The OPP on the other hand were found to be blatant violators of the CCC, and Charter Rights violators not to mention the Bill of Rights.
The OPP had conducted over decades what many judged to be a criminal harassment program presupposed on the delusional ravings of a bureauCRAP bigot who did not like my criticisms of the CHRC "Section 13" stalinist stoogery that ignored documented evidence of innocence as an excuse to commit reckless endangerment, harassment, lies, deceptions, violations of the OPP Promise, ALLEGED PERJURY, and a blatant prejudicially biased colored investigation that ignored an opposing national security agency investigation, a CAS investigation, EVEN AN OPP INVESTIGATION BY A SENIOR OFFICER AND AN EXPERIENCED CONSTABLE ALL THAT CLEARED THE TARGET OF ANY LIES AND FALSE ALLEGATIONS MADE BY A BIGOTED BUREAUCRAP who none are aware of had any background in psychology.
On top of that a board certified expert psychologist with decades of experience told me, in answer to my questions, that the "MOST ACCURATE PREDICATOR OF FUTURE CONDUCT WAS THE HISTORY OF THE INDIVIDUAL. The target had over decades at least three investigations and a clear NO CRIMINAL RECORD and was described by neighbors as "the best neighbor they ever had" by two icons and individuals well known as such who had lived beside the target over 30 years. One is employed by the national prison system.
The defective detective according to them had NOT talked to them about the target leading me to believe he did a biased and colored investigation.
The OPP pigs are corrupt with few exceptions. The RCMP investigation over 30 pages found the head case bureauCRAP at the very beginning carping about the target publicly saying he had made his final arrangements and the bigot jumped from there to accuse the target of having a nefarious scheme of violence in mind. The RCMP investigator, a sergeant, defended the target by saying that this was normal for anyone who was the age of the target. Now decades later that target in spite of OPP criminal HARASSMENT AND RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT ETC STILL HAS A NO CRIMINAL RECORD STATUS AND MULTIPLE VEXATIOUS AND FALSE CHARGES on many counts of the OPP investigation disappeared totally.
Anyone care to tell me why? And this is seen as collusion with corrupt bureacraps, AT LEAST ONE AND PROBABLY MORE "INJUSTICE CYSTem prejudicially biased people including one JP in a total conflict of interest situation who refused to recuse herself. I allege the defective detective is guilty of perjury and is a liar.
There is much more, but the OPP pigs in the eyes of many are criminals and I have a true story to tell that would take me at least three dozen pages to tell. This is how the CYSTem criminals operate up here with their lies, criminal misconduct, bias and bigotry and why I defend RCMP for doing the right thing while OPP pigs walllowed in the corruption of mud and excrement as proven. I want the OPP to be defunded and the RCMP to take over because that same OPP detachment gave a troubled teen a ticket for not having a bell on his bicycle. He later committed suicide. I took an interest in him and employed him and he was the best worker and accutely focused fellow I ever knew. I had called the OPP to get the ticket dropped and was told it was not going away. I have 16 targeted for criminal charges. This might be why the charges disappeared!!!
The OPP pigs can make like the birds and flock off as can the corrupt CYSTem. I have proof on record to take a lot of people down but a few investigative reporters might be a big help to expose these criminals in uniform .
I do not make false statements nor deceive and lie as did the OPP pig tyler tavarres did who committed reckless endangerment on several counts including against a 99 year old WW2 veteran being cared for at my residence. You are going down tavarres you lying pos! I told you that and I mean it. This is just the start. When you f*ck with me that is fine but when you f*ck with my family you are going down. That was on the record and of course the lying CYSTem criminals always dishonestly will prejudicially use anything they can even by lying to make a target look bad. I was of course referring to public exposure the CCC charges you pos and you are number one on the roster. This is just the start. I envision a public media exposure of 16 pigs, corrupt CYSTem criminals, in all their jaded glory!!!
Yes and I HAVE PROOF!!!
If you look in their adult eyes,
Or if you listen carefully to the quiver in their voices,
You can see that they were damaged
When they were young - and did not fight back.
It is a humiliation that they harbor.
But not in secret with one another.
thank you for sharing
For the rest of us
The natural human state
Is defiant
And let's not forget that Alex Baldwin may have killed a person on a movie set who was doing a documentary on child sex trafficking. I wonder if it's really true that there are no coincidences....
How in bloody hell can sheeple be so damned stupid as to import moslems when their koran counsels them to rape, torture and kill all non moslems?
The pigs, the CYSTem, bureauCRAP trash, etc have been trying to silence me for decades and failed. I am just starting.
I know most people will disregard this fact because most are addicts themselves but the reason there is pedophilia, corruption, theft and all the vices is due to the way money is created. When money is created, many more magnitudes of debt is also created. Most don't know how money is created, even financial people don't know. We have been kept like mushrooms - in the dark. This is so we don't understand and don't think about it and thus, they can capture all the resources with people giving their wealth away to them willingly (ie: taxes, fees, etc) The money system we use generates artificial scarcity which incites people to be greedy - this is natural when there is scarcity. But it is an ARTIFICIAL scarcity, it needn't be, it is manufactured. And most people have no clue. This money system was designed to do exactly what it does. You see people can be paid off to snare children for the pedophiles. It goes on everywhere right under our noses. Most are too busy "making money" for the banksters to notice. Incredible design hey?
By the way, money can be done anyway we like - it is totally an arbitrary game. It doesn't have to be this way at all.
How can the perpetrators of such a widespread, pervasive system of pedophilia remain hidden from view? How is it that the names never come out, despite all the victims who have been brave enough to speak out? What would it take to get the identities named? If these monsters were named, that would go a long way toward ending the horror. No « customers » named in the entire Ghislaine Maxwell trial?
No actual names in the Paul Alexander piece? No actual names in the comments?
Where are the BOUNTIES? Who will post WANTED posters in Post offices? I am ready to hunt. Those pathetic self proclaimed elites are nothing more than perverts with their ducks in their hands. How much for that doggie on the window? DOA will be preferred. D is actually preferred so bounty hunters don't have to listen to bullshit excuses about why they can't control their urges..... BOOM! There is no reason for the public to continue supporting such scum.
Just an EVIL SATANIC form of control over people with less money etc. Has went on since day dot I reckon but has increased and spread to be world wide!
No dear, it started well before. But Obama is somewhat like the antichrist in my view.
Human trafficking and sex slavery is far more lucrative than drug dealing. That’s how the Saudi royal family got their wealth long before oil. The money’s just too good for bad people to ignore.
They will be paid back in change when they meet the judge of all men & women. Remember folks “vengeance is mine” saith the Lord. Our job is to expose the darkness where it lies and hope the people heed our voice before judgement comes to us all.
Fighting agsinst sex trafficking networks is too often a thankless task.
We need to be more coordinated. Usually it's one person fighting the system. How can we support them, we should be asking and what can we do. And we need to talk about this seriously otherwise it will continue to go on.
Lots of CYSTem members need to be prosecuted.
How about we just stop obeying their dictates? That could be a start. We are always putting the responsibility for action on the institutions or the judiciary but that is like fobbing off our own responsibility and they are all corrupt anyway.
Denise, you are an intelligent woman and level headed. Look at the men and women up here of the Freedom Truckers Convoy who opposed openly and defied trudope in his illegal actions of imposing mandates which was NOT in his power to do. Years after that incident the leaders are still in the courts and we know the courts here are comprised of biased and criminal people who subvert justice. MIllions of dollars the damned CYSTem seized that was pledged to these truckers is still seized.
I am openly defying the pigs of the OPP, the CYSTem, the corrupt "gubmit," the LPC and turdo who I was told was involved in opposing me in my attacks on the stalinist CHRC. I am all in. The bastards can jail me. F%&k them. I dare say conversing with a hardened criminal in my opinion is more pleasant than with corrupt leaders of nations like tiurdo, ovomit, biDUMB etc .
I give credit to women convicts who coined the phrase, "CYSTem" and it was and is accurate. I am called very rough by one particular minister but he says I am a "diamond in the rough."
I want to say that one of my challenges to the enemies of Freedom and Justice has been posted numerous times.
Do not try to win before you lose
You have to walk the road you choose
You have to die before you live
You have to take back what you give.
The other side freaks at this as it is true. It is a excerpt from the "convict Song"
I have fought the CYSTem forever and on behalf of others victimized by same and NEVER lost. It is not me that wins. I merely coddle the Truth and the Truth does terrible damage to lies and liars.
I do NOT believe God sits on a cloud and throws lightening bolts at evil people but there were and are times he intervenes in the affairs of man.
The villain in all this was a delusional hate filled liar and leftist coward kook falsely accusing me of many things. It is my belief he was the one behind the attacks using the willing criminals of the OPP here over two decades.
I indicate Proverbs Chapter 6 verses 12 to 19. That bureauCRAP was guilty of the six things God hated plus the seventh that converted God's hate of these wicked things into what is termed an "abomination." The liar had been using the wiling and cowardly OPP to criminally harass me for decades. He was much younger than I. I wrote for an FOI to the official of the province and she refused. Not one to stop for anything I then wrote to a national security agency and an FOI came in a few days.I knew there was much amiss here but the last FOI from the RCMP identified the coward who had been hiding behind his office door for decades but also hid behind the skirts of a bureauCRAP. Funny huh? A mere overpaid and underworked bureauCRAP refused an FOI but a national security agency granted my wish.
I asked one of my lawyers if the bureauCRAP knew a male maned Norman Clohosy the one causing all the problems and he quickly replied yes. That was all I needed so I started my investigation but came to discover a serious situation that would be terribly damaging to children. It nailed Clohosy but I was not happy where it had taken me.
I had him exposed but did not want to destroy others.
I put things on hold but I knew Clohosy would be aghast to say the least and I noted also the dates he had used the CYSTem to persecute me correlated with my announcement I was investigating him.
That told me the whole story. It almost made me puke. Criminals in the CYSTem are bad people. I am aware that the pigs have likely as I was advised done massive investigations into my life seeking to find the least little thing they could trip me with.
After all, I was the enemy of the damned CYSTem.
My name was not on the EPSTEIN flights (hahahahahahha) nor had I any involvement with porn, drugs, debauchery, etc I stopped short as I well figured out the situation.
And so it was that the much younger CYSTem denizen who had violated the seven things that are an abomination to God died suddenly and unexpectedly. That of course disappointed me as I had many questions to ask him in a lawsuit I had considered that I felt would expose and subject to criminal prosecution.
That event was of course considered a coincidence but it seems the mother of the defective defective and I suspect corrupt and criminal tavarres also suddenly died around the same time. He of course had committed reckless endangerment and disrespected my 99 year old mother much older than his.
The whole damned CYSTem is corrupt as are the criminals in it but this attack on me was dead ended. Yet I am not stopping and I fully intend on pursuing it as long as long as it takes to out cowardly pigs, bureauCRAPS, injustice CYSTem dweebs, etc
My longest fight with the CYSTem was 11 years and ended in a victory as well.
Outside my door a year ago stood a woman I knew who had been in the legal profession all her life and she had stopped to ask me why these fools had been so stupid to irritate me and if I knew they were aware of my background. I said I do not know but this is not over by a long shot, with 16 people targeted for exposure, CCC charges, Charter Rights violations, Bill of Rights violations, perjury, and some in violation of their OPP Promise.
This bit is just that, a small piece of the dirty CYSTem puzzle that has come together. The real criminals have been outed but I have more plans for the 16 I have found in violation of serious things.
Included are two JP's, two OPP detachment commanders, possibly several more going back at least two decades, two bureauCRAPS, a few unnamed CHRC employees, and others under consideration at this time.
I have had death threats but I consider it from those who are all mouth and no action. This whole story would be a massive scandal if I can drag turdo into the mix.
I await a coming event when I can really raise hell that I expect in the next year. Life is exciting though. All one has to do is defend freedom and justice.
Remember, they started it and I am going to do my best to finish it. It involves OPP, the injustice CYSTem, bureauCRAPS, JP's, the Justice Review Council, the OIPRD, CFO, attorney general, and a few others I am not going to mention.
Hell hath truly enlarged itself. My turn to investigate them!!! One or two computer scientists is all it will take, a bit expensive but very helpful.
The deal is that EVERY western nation has a program to disarm the people based on lies and that multiple agencies interact with others to facilitate their goals even using lies, criminality and corruption. I am not a conspiratorialist, I am a realist. Few are aware that section 13 which I have always attacked had a 100% conviction ratio of straight white men and woman but that was and is its purpose as designed by Pee ERRor turdo the father of slime minister justie the jerk turdo. When two Officers of the Court, professors and police tell me that the injustice CYSTem is prejudicially disposed towards ANY firearm owners then you just have to accept there is a corrupt headliner and oligarch as slime minister of Canuckistan. That program is courtesy of the UN and was used to disarm totally all private ownership of guns in Britain, Australia, New Zealand and now is focused on Canuckistan with ALL nations in the cross hairs.
Cuck turdo, cretin, (Chretien) and all political parties in Canuckistan including LPC, NDP, Bloc, Greens have always been in favor of gun banning and the enemy is coming for USA next. How can anyone trust a government that does not trust the people with guns? Yet they seem to be uncaring of criminals with firearms and their focus are the lawful fire owning public.
Criminals continue to have firearms enabling them to ape, rob, steal, murder etc but their victims with no criminal records are not armed. As in the USA the turdo has implemented a CYSTem catch and release of dangerous criminals. The LPC has always been against civilian ownership of firearms with people like myself having no criminal records.
Bidumb and the ovomit have the same plan for the USA as happened to Britain and turdo is desperate to impose his criminality on Canuckistan and disarm the nation.
The lying spawn of a hippie witch and a commie father is the worst slime minister ever here. He is trying to do what his buddy Adolph did in Germany.
The world is metamorphing into a gradual digital CYSTem to completely enslave and control everyone and gun banning is the process used to put the icing on the cake.
Note that police everywhere go along with their criminal political masters and devolve into KGB flouting the law with the corrupt courts cooperating. The gradual process continues over time with the insecure sheeple going along just to get along.
Note the rich elites are all in. They have imposed their oppression of the rest of us. But what does scriptures say of this? Lots but in a low key clearly communicated that proves these are the enemies of Freedom and Justice. Look at James 2:6 in part..."DO NOT RICH MEN OPPRESS YOU AND DRAW YOU BEFORE THE JUDGMENT SEATS? (COURTS)
Thus the rich are the enemies of God and the enemies of the people, seeking to control and oppress us. It cannot be clearer than that. The enemy is clearly defined and it is a well known fact that the elites seek to control nations and the world and oppress the people. It is what every leader now in most western nations is trying to do in cooperation with these rich elites.