I've read the Bible multiple times and it never changes. We know Who wins in the end, and it's not them. Put on the whole armor of God!

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🙌🏼✝️🙏🏻 LOVE your comment!! I say some version of this statement virtually every single day to encourage my people :). What a comfort it is knowing how this all turns out, even if we don’t know what the details will look like between now and then. Thanks for your great comment!

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The 200M killed by, and the 2 billion imprisoned by Communism in the 20th century alone might have had a chance if they put down their Bible, learned some tactical warfare skills, and killed their oppressors first. Christians have launched Crusades previously, suggest you focus on those men.

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Human beings of all kinds of ideologies have engaged in warfare and killing (most of them have been godless, not religious), and there are always humans who will take every good thing and pervert it.

The Bible doesn't teach that we can't defend ourselves against evil. But if you prefer to place your focus on human warriors and warfare, be my guest. I suggest keeping your eyes on God first and always. Nobody has ever conquered any evil without Him.

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Given His omniscience, and omnipotence, He made Evil. It is endemic to species. God wants the world he created to contain Evil. Defending yourself from a violent attack, is not evil.

I do agree with you that only the Creator of Evil, can defeat it. Perhaps He has not gotten around to it yet, so while I wait, I have enough ammo to keep even pacifists like you safe. But, if you can't carry a few boxes of ammo to 12,000 ft, I won't be looking back.

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You're wrongly assuming much (like, that I am a pacifist and don't have weapons and strongly support 2A.)

Humans chose evil, there's the rub. Having created free will and gifted humans with that, it's clear that God considers tyranny the ultimate evil. Every harm done to others, from slander to theft to animal cruelty to genocide has tyranny at its core. Without it, none of that can occur.

The worst humans do has never been enough to cause God to make us His puppets. Because God cannot be evil. Humans can, though, and humans chose evil. God didn't choose it for us. But if you choose to blame God, you do you. If you're lucky, He's only amused by it.

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Any entity capable of creating everything from nothing (which precipitates hordes of additional questions) understands my desire to protect my family, race, culture and nation isn't one of aggression, but defense.

If God placed Evil, and Leftist Authoritarians as a free will challenge to be overcome, he is pleased with me. See you in Heaven, but keep your gunpowder dry, and avoid an early ascension.

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Well, I'm glad to hear you're on the right side of the challenge! And yes, I am aware it is Biblical misinterpretation when people think we're supposed to be like sheep led to the slaughter by the evil ones. When people ask "What would Jesus do?", they shouldn't forget that chasing people with a whip and flipping over tables is within the realm of possibility.

The Bible does repeatedly make clear that the path is narrow and that only a "remnant" will not be deceived. Everyone should strive to be part of that remnant. God bless...

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How do we beat them at the ballot box when they use electronic voting machines, mail-in ballots, etc to commit election fraud... and continue to get away with it?

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It's hard, because to get a fair election system would require changing laws, which depends on votes, which are currently fraudulent.

Everyone currently in office was elected under the current system of zero election integrity, so they have no motive to change it.

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Just listened to my Congresswoman talk about everything under the sun but the shots. Evil is lurking in the halls of Congress, hell bent on warp speed chaos and destruction of the Republic and of course, We the People.

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They are all in the same cabal, just given slightly different scripts and parts to play.

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True that. All compromised. They can`t even talk about it. They all have managers watching everything they do. All of them

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Just an FYI I heard Dr Bhakdi in an interview mention that vaccines may have harmed many brains making them soft. We need to defeat them in the information battle also. Expose them and their demonic motives and methods.

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I’m with Clandestine!!!

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Moi aussi.

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Not to mention, Biden is turning over our sovereignty to the World Health Organization in 4 days.

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He already knows we have been fighting him for the last three years and there are way too many to be silenced.

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No....He won't. Get in touch with James Roguski. He'll tell you what's going on.

Tedros isn't going to own my Body. That Evil Devil can go and shove it.

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“The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone.

They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over.

The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives.

They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.”

– Author Unknown

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The rise and fall of nations have a consistent pattern for major events; as an empire falls and a new rising, the time pattern is large and fractal, cycling into smaller periods.

What we are experiencing is the end game of an empire; it is dying. I am not suggesting giving up; we still can mitigate the damage to a degree. But dying we are. It is the end of Republic types of government. Probably before that happens, the US will split up into at least two pieces; I would imagine past boundaries would be what the two sides will look like. The two-party model is over. We have a uni-party system. The right hated Trump as much as the left. Both parties are working together for their benefit. Watch what they do not say.

What the conversation should be centered on now is: what is next.

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What precisely makes you think this "is the end of Republic types of government"??? This one failed for several major reasons, but these can be corrected for next time. Or, are you not up to the task???

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I'm not alone in this way of projection for the future. Models, notably the Economic Confidence Model, are uncanny in their analysis using historical lessons of human folly. You can read all about it at Armstrong Economics.

Monarchy's hegemony ended after the US revolutionary war and ushered in republics. The founders knew the traps of republics, one of the worst forms of government. They tirelessly made checks and balances at every thinkable spot after deeply studying the Romans' failed attempts and thought they cleaned up all the flaws with redundant checks, separate government branches, and on and on.

Republic forms of government have always been known for their corruption; the representatives have too much freedom and easily fall into corrupted practices. Notwithstanding all the efforts to keep a republic clean by our founders, they failed. Our system is so corrupt that even a lifelong cynic would be ashamed that they were not cynical enough.

We have entered the last days of republics; they can't be fixed. Nothing gets rectified, no one goes to jail, and the worst punishment is a fine easily and quickly paid.

The revolutionary war sprung to action after the call for no taxation without any representation. Today, we have representatives, but they are worthless self-serving and loathsome creatures. We are at the same point as 300 years ago; we have representation.

This subject will take chapters of a lengthy book to understand and discuss, but I'll leave here with something I just read from a fellow thinker.


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Phil, thank you so much for drawing our attention to that superb Quinn article. I usually read LRC, but may have chosen to bypass this one -- maybe -- but for your recommendation.

Folly as overall thesis with the multitude of examples, including the eye-watering criminality of the u.s., does explain our situation. So many excellent quotes sprinkled throughout.

I've said for decades that once the "karma" hits stemming from what this country's government has done and what the people have allowed and believed, "the people" will have absolutely no idea what hit 'em. Nor will the majority have any idea of the how or why that many of us have seen coming for years. The "slap upside the head" is going to be that devastating. There is no stopping what's coming -- and "we've" earned it.

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The world looks at the US and sees that it is represented by high level cabinet members such as Pete Buttigieg and his husband, and by former and current RINO representatives Adam Kinzinger and Lindsey Graham. These "men" were always effeminate but the jab seems to have feminised many more. Similarly, "women" like Liz Cheney have always been unfeminine but the jab seems to have masculinised many more.

Men should not look to Buttigieg as their mentor or role model and women should not look ro Liz Cheney.

It is best when women are strong, confident and independent and Liz Cheney is not.

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The only way to get those types of men is to stop supporting and glorifying single mother households and feminism. Both of those things destroy boy’s masculine traits, leadership qualities and abilities.

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Hahahha why do I need to be strong if we’re doing it the legal way?! People need to start realizing that a war is coming and your HFCS, Glyphosate ridden McDonalds body isn’t going to cut it.

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I agree too. Anyone who wants to just bury their head in the sand or move on, or accept amnesty without holding them accountable is fooling themselves about who the enemy is. If we don't totally defeat them now, this same situation will rear its ugly head against our kids. Our side is nice & kind and peaceful and they use that against us so they can eventually get the same controls back into place once we age out. Fight them now, finish the job

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The Leftists get away with cheating in Elections. After 2 years since the stolen Election of 2020, have the Republicans solved anything. Look what happened in 2022. What happened to the Red Wave?

The motto was: There is no substitute for victory. It was disgusting to see how the Leftists stole

the Election from Kari Lake in Arizona. There was so much voter fraud going on in the Midterms.

How do you expect us to win in the Courts? Are you kidding me? The US Supreme Court wouldn't

take up one case dealing with the 2020 Election Fraud. Now, JOEBAMA putting as many Leftists on

the Courts as possible. The reason we now have Illegitimate Ketanji on the Supreme Court is

because of OBAMA. I watched how he pushed her up the ladder. Also, she just happens to be

related to Paul Ryan. I contacted the people that were doing Election Integrity after the Red Wave

didn't happen. Oh, the answer was the people didn't all do their part. That's a cop out to me. If

they said they were ready, then what happened? I'm not putting my money all Voter Integrity and

the Courts. President Trump is tortured by the Courts daily and he's not even in the White House.

I believe JOE went to Ukraine on President's Day to show that the Leftists have taken over our

Country and there is NO need to acknowledge a President's Day. Because, the Leftists are never

going to hand over the Presidency to another Republican. The East Palestine, Ohio incident is another example. JOE and his Commies did nothing in the beginning to help until President Trump went there. That's what the President and the Federal Government are supposed to do. Besides, taking taxpayers money. Tell me why did JOE run to Florida in October when the Big Hurricane hit? The East Palestine, Ohio was a worse disaster. The way our Federal Government is being run is a joke. A lot of those people in high positions are not qualified. Anybody have any suggestions as to where do we go from here before

it's too late?

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Good rant Lynn but it is too late. Our doom is approaching quickly. My jabbed friends and family are cracking up mentally and physically. Their doom is upon them

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Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi called it that a couple of years back -- something along the lines of by taking this injection, you are going to your "doom."

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I think you are right. As kids my brother and I read the comics. One our favorites was Dr. Doom. Everything was doomed. We loved it. We have used the doomed phrases throughout our lives and has proven to act as relief valve to stressful thoughts and situations. Right now to the sheeple their doom is concealed. Us unjabbed are ready to kick some ass

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Dr. Bhakdi’s facial expression, his behaviours, his love of humanity etc. at the beginning of COVID is what convinced me that the jabs were fatal.

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Then why is Dr. Alexander wasting his time writing this substack? I know what you mean about the Jab and Family. My nephew and his wife haven't talked to us for over 2 years over the


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Sorry Lynn that`s sad. Dr. Alexander is a fighter and is doing all he can as we should. This is our hill to die on. Your family are on their own path

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I’d like to know why Joe ran to Florida (hurricane). Not clear to me.

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We beat them in every way we can and don't stop. :)

I'm with Clandestine too.

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Dr Paul, all very well to raise the battle cries but why not use your warrior spirt and good intellect to investigate sacred cows like virology. Why not investigate the sources of this fake science that has been used to vaccinate and quarantine people. This could serve to unite people from different persuasions and we get to see how we are all being played ?

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Yes, we need to expose the fraud of virology and the vaccines or this will never end--they will do this all over again! People need to look into the work of Dr. Sam Bailey, Dr. Mark Bailey, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andy Kaufman and Dr. Stefan Lanka for a start. And engage in the info war and start spreading the word!!

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I want a violent, bloody, vengeful war that leaves every leftist on the planet dead, imprisoned or worse. NOTHING else will mitigate the damage they have inflicted on the human psyche and genome. And, no, I am not posturing or being hyperbolic. Hail Victory.

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I'm with you.

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Lynn, most of my adult life I found the concept of eugenics repulsive. Until those selfsame eugenicists threatened everything we know and love. Alas, they have subsidized the breeding and international transport of the least intelligent, and while it pains me, they too must go. I keep thinking of the attack on a Priest in France, as a shirtless Tanzanian animal comes in, attacks him, rips the bible from his hands, and throws it down. I think a Nun came to his rescue. Priest or not, you do not allow ANYONE to threaten you in such fashion. Even my 17 year old daughter would have fought heroically to KILL such an animal.

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Why didn't the Priest try and protect himself? Did he think, because he was a Priest that wasn't the right thing to do. If people don't stand up, they will become a casualty.

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Men have been chemically and spiritually castrated. The causes almost all lead back to Rothschild and Vatican (Jesuit) castles.

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