Clandestine is 100% correct, we have no place or time for pink poesy hat men, we need near Viking Norse blooded men, Spartans, mandingos, Rambos now, we need our women who seem stronger than men, if
you are not up to this battle to save America & as such the world, as Clandestine says 'get the fu*k out of the way', DEFEAT is NOT an option! we seek legal justice for wrongs & we build again
I am with Clandestine! We defeat them at the ballot box, we defeat them in courts but we defeat them.
I've read the Bible multiple times and it never changes. We know Who wins in the end, and it's not them. Put on the whole armor of God!
How do we beat them at the ballot box when they use electronic voting machines, mail-in ballots, etc to commit election fraud... and continue to get away with it?