Clay Higgins is a former police officer. He's also been to the border many times. He's the best man in that worthless task force put out by our weasel Speaker, Mike Johnson. It was Clay who did the work and found that the evidence on top of the building was destroyed in 3 days and only 10 days after Crooks was shot, his body was cremated. Unbelievable destruction of evidence. I know Clay's work, he's the best one in that stupid task force...That's wrong, He is the only one worthy of this position, the rest are do-nothings, and that's both the republicans and the worthless Stalinist Dems appointed who are doing NADA!

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weasel speaker is right, a traitor IMO, almost a con

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promised to tie Ukraine foreign aid to border security funding and gave not one dollar to border by near 100 billion to Ukraine

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Yehhh but Trump is the ONE...The next try is surface to air missles..He has holy shroud around him.

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Yeah, we get that. But this article was about Clay and their attacks against him.

Pray daily a hedge of protection around Trump. Pray the Lord's angels protect him from the fiery darts of the evil ones. I so wish he'd hire his own people. Men like Eli Crane and other former SEALS, sharp shooters, snipers, lookouts, etc.

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yes, we pray that the Lord grants him protection

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"Unbecoming of a congressman." Everything about being a congressman is unbecoming. I would say it's a prerequisite

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for sure

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This prick speaks on dishonored conduct. The whole demoncrats are the definition of dishonored conduct. Hope Higgins fight these demon puppets. They all should be censured and sent to guantanabo prison

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I cannot tolerate Hakeem. He's the Dems' perennially offended 'spokesman' chosen because anyone who criticizes him is automatically accused of racism.

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kaboom...he is smooth...is it ok for me to ask his religion/faith?

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Hakeem talks bull, horseshit

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What Hakeem Jeffries said is bull shit . Clay did NOT dishonor Congress, but that asshole Jeffries dishonors Congress by his mere presence. And the so-called Congressional Black Caucus IS racist, and does not represent the views of honest Black Americans.

I have no hatred for Haitians, their country is in a horrible situation after years of exploitation by the Clintons, the Red Cross, the UN, and others. But they CANNOT COME HERE ILLEGALLY, especially if they cannot leave their despicable, vile, uncivil habits behind them. The Haitians brought here illegally by the criminal Biden/Harris regime must be DEPORTED.

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CBC is garbage, a waste of time...a fraud on black Americans

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same, no hatred for Haitians. but fact is fact. fact is we are talking about illegals who commit bad crime and they do

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Those assholes pushing back against Higgins are clearly showing us exactly who they are and what they stand for - which is good. No need to try to figure out who is honorable and who isn't. They're right out there for all to see, and I really hope that some day soon they will be held accountable and that justice will be served on them - for all to see.

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kaboom...I like Clay...this is why I posted this

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January 20th is a long way off .

Many things can happen before then.

Let's start with all of the nuclear war scenarios.

Lots of chances for everything from a dirty bomb to Ukraine growing into a NATO vs Russia nuclear conflict.

Say Trump wins, Kamala opens the gates wide open, and we are all fighting to stay alive

Or Kammy wins

She sends all the troops to Ukraine, and takes everybody's guns.....

January 20th? I'm just not that optimistic.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

I totally agree with you and Clay. These SOBs aren't going to turn OUR Beautiful Country into a trash pile! They WILL be Gone and SOON!

The politicians who come against someone like Clay, a True Patriotic American are corrupt...bought off...con artists

No Inner Compass, No Values, No Morals, No Compassion for Our Citizens, and No Care about the Truth.

They too Will Be Driven Out!

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... sounds good to me.

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That's their schtick: shame anyone with the balls to speak out against their crimes. We desperately need solidarity as they continue to divide us.

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These people are animals and that’s what Harris wants. Americans scared thinking the government will help them.

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Haiti is a hellhole more corrupt than than a broken sewer pipe. Like it or not the people are criminals of the worst sort.

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Edward have you been to Canada?

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I think that Canada is edwads home Awake.

They lost a long time ago,when they took in those worthless draft dodgers

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