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“We can’t let a good crisis go to waste”! Thank you “Rahm Emanuel, you’re spot on Rahm! First up, BHO, founder of “ISIS” you know that JV team of “MURDEROUS TERRORIST”? that’s made up of well, throat slashers, guillotine activist and suicide bomber! Second up, Biden, thanks Joe and company for giving the world, “HAMAS”! Again throat slashers, guillotine, activist, and more disturbing baby extractors from pregnant mom’s! How sick, how disturbing and all on the American taxpayers dime! Billions of dimes I might add! So they steal our money they give it to the terrorist organizations to turn around and decapitate America the ultimate goal! The big Satan! Israel, the little Satan! This will not end well! The leftist lunatics will scream LOUDLY how guns kill and I say, HUMANS KILL! That’s evil HUMAN BEINGS with a gun or a car or anything they can get or make weaponized! When will the “LUNATIC LEFT” wake up? Isn’t it amazing how, leftist Jews and liberal WACKADOS in America are buying up guns now! At least they realize how demented, how atrocious and how sick HAMAS TERRORIST ARE! They won’t stay in Gaza for long, in fact America is paying for their education and their weapons right here in America! This is all part of the plan to scare the living be-Jesus out of Americans, provide cover and keep changing the narrative while murderous jihadist cross our southern and northern borders! Oh they’re not coming for tea with BHO and Biden, nor are they here for a barbecue, they’re here to seek and destroy, create as much chaos and fear, the same way BLM and Antifa have! And still are! Look at the INDOCTRINATED COLLEGE SYMPATHIZERS PEACEFULLY PROTESTING IN NEW YORK! I do because there’s been as always, riots! All in support of Palestine! Have they forgotten Palestine people ELECTED HAMAS LEADERSHIP? Did the “LUNATIC LEFT” do anything to stop them? NO! Not a damn thing! They ENCOURAGE THIS BS! This is the sole reason for allowing the border to stay WIDE OPEN! In fact, border agents were videotaped cutting fences to allow illegals in, how nice of them! I never had a problem with immigration, we are all immigrants, but the majority of us have come in legally. Today the American citizens are now considered second class and illegal citizens are first class! Bass ackwarkds! Does the word “ILLEGAL” mean anything? NOPE! Remember, “THE MEANS JUSTIFY THE ENDS”! One thing I’ll say about the “radical left” is, they surely stick together! May God bless America and the entire world! Remember, “GUNS DON’T KILL, PEOPLE KILL”!


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