Obama did this by allowing thousands of muslim islamists into America, people with dark evil intent (when he & Biden had power for 8 years); it is time, NOW, to close the border to ALL immigration
The border will never be closed as long as the Democrats and RINOS are in charge of the federal government. The best everyone can do is protect yourself and start learning how to use firearms. Buy rifles first, and handguns.
Thank God we have the Second Amendment to keep and bear arms. We have a Second Amendment for such a time as this, thanks to Biden and Obama. I totally agree, start learning NOW how to properly use firearms and have plenty of ammunition.
Those “Stupid Founders”! You know the ones? They wrote Americas Constitution, yup those old white and Black supremacist men, what the hell did they know? Let me tell you what their reasons were and why, in 2 or so years, America will be 250 years old! That’s what and why! They had hindsight and insight. They also knew if government got out of control, the citizens would and could take up arms! Fortunately, those in power would love to tear the constitution up! It is Americas shield between tyranny and a free constitutional republic!!which is exactly why America is on the brink! Today’s democrats align with communist, simply look at both websites, the messages are exact! So that damn constitution stands in the way of these “commucrats” and “RINO’S” from completely taking full control of all Americans! Thank God for our founders, (yes black and white men)! they were brilliant and they literally thought long distance, something Americans today have forgotten how to do. Good luck Karin with your weapon training! May God bless America and the entire world!
Technically, you’re correct Taylor, I simply wanted to show when the 13th, 14th, and 18th amendments were later added and considered part of, though not the original 7 founders, there were black men involved and instrumental with their amendments. Very astute of you to point that out. I thought a lot more people would have mentioned your same point.
Where do you get your information. Clearly you have never experienced violent predators! So hopefully no one will take your advise if they value their safety and that of their family. So guns insure ongoing hate and hostilities…..please explain that. SO a thug or thugs break into your home to rob and attack your family and you are worried about being hateful and hostile by pulling out a gun to save yourself and your family!! God help your kids if you have any!!!! You really can’t take people like you seriously! And its obvious you have no idea of the violent crimes happening daily by violent, criminal illegals and wayward Americans who think violence is the only way to operate.
I am deputy sheriff retired from full time duty and now a reserve deputy training deputies how to use firearms. I have met many violent criminals during my career as jail deputy, patrol deputy, SWAT deputy, under narcotics detective, detective, and field patrol supervisor. I survived two attempted murders on life by gangsters. I have plenty of experience dealing with the most wicked and violent people during my law enforcement career. I was instrumental in saving the life of a school teacher from her ex boyfriend. She had numerous restraining orders against him that he violated and he would only spend a day in jail. She asked me if she should buy a gun and I told her yes if she gets trained. She did get extrusive firearms training and one day used it in self defense against her former boyfriend that chased her with a knife. She killed him in self defense. You have no clue how many violent criminals roam the streets looking for victims.
You do make some unfounded assumptions which I can categorically say are wrong. You paint a picture that shows how little experience you really have in life but rely on the mythology of prejudice for your misguided claims. Your fears are so out of reality for the vast majority of people but if you chose to live with these expectations of violence I can only caution that a) you will bring such behavior on you and b) will ultimately cause serious illness in yourself and yours. My experience validates my general understandings based on the statistics of the country.
A typical liberal living in fairy tale land who has never had any real life experiences, yet misleads people with her lack of knowledge!! LOL! And your experience is based on “statistics”….but not real life experiences.
Your slur agaimst Christians is despicable. The US is under threat from islamofascist jihadis because of the Arab-Israeli conflict and US foreign policy in the middle-east.
I can only assume you were looking in the mirror when you typed or dicted that as you appear to have a Nazi mentality, albeit at a much lower IQ level. This is a clear case of projection. But it's good advice to give yourself. Go back to your madrasa or your Nazi buddies in the Goyim Defense League oor whatever similar, even if not ideologically identical, organization you came from. I can do ad hominems too. Eat plenty of pork, smear yourself with the grease from it and, yes, do go fuck yourself you low IQ pig!
You are nothing more than the fart smell that comes out as you speak. You and your six year old girlfriend need some therapy. In the meantime reinsert your cranium up your asshole.
It's not about turning the other cheek. If that is your understanding of working for peace actively you lack some serious understanding. Working for peace requires real work including understanding where others are coming from. Divisiveness, distrust and hatred preclude that and can only build more distrust and hate and vile repressive behavior.
Again read The Enemy Within by Dr Michael Savage. 20 years ago he was screaming from his radio program about what to do!!!! Close the dam border period. Stop immigration for at least 5 years period. He had a lot to say and why. All his books were/are spot on and nothings changed under the Dem administrations.
AJoy, I use to listen religiously to Michael Savage and you’re so right. Anyone who gets to close to these diabolical destructive communistic, so-called Democrats message becomes censored or banned, why? Simple, they don’t want anyone knowing what they’re doing and planning to do!!
Mark Levin States:
The counterrevolution to the American Revolution is in full force. And it can no longer be dismissed or ignored, for it is devouring our society and culture, swirling around our everyday lives, and ubiquitous in our politics, schools, media and entertainment. Once a mostly unrelatable, fringe and subterranean movement, it is here – it is everywhere. You, your children and your grandchildren are now immersed in it, and it threatens to destroy the greatest nation ever established, along with your freedom, family and security.
“In America,” Levin explains, “many Marxists cloak themselves in phrases like ‘progressives,’ ‘Democratic Socialists,’ ‘social activists,’ ‘community activists,’ etc., as most Americans remain openly hostile to the name Marxism.” (Marxism, of course, is the ideology, while communism is the implementation of that ideology.) Adds Levin:
They operate under myriad newly minted organizational or identifying nomenclatures, such as “Black Lives Matter” (BLM), “Antifa” and “The Squad.” And they claim to promote “economic justice,” “environmental justice,” “racial equity,” “gender equity,” etc. They have invented new theories, like Critical Race Theory, and phrases and terminologies, linked to or fit into a Marxist construct. Moreover, they claim “the dominant culture” and capitalist system are unjust and inequitable, racist and sexist, colonialist and imperialist, materialistic and destructive of the environment.
Of course,” he concludes, the real purpose of this multi-faceted rebellion “is to tear down and tear apart the nation for a thousand reasons and in a thousand ways, thereby dispiriting and demoralizing the public; undermining the citizenry’s confidence in the nation’s institutions, traditions and customs; creating one calamity after another; weakening the nation from within; and ultimately, destroying what we know as American republicanism and capitalism.”
The main reason for “wide open borders”, is not what universality takes center stage, it is primarily, “military age men”! Ask any border crosser and he or she will say this, “we left our country for a better life in America BUT”! We’re seeing the same rules happening here matches the tyrannical rules our birth countries! There are those looking for a better life and that goes without saying as the overwhelming narrative spews from the MSM mouthpiece!
What isn’t spoken, “shhh” don’t say anything, but we know it’s really military age men coming to cancel American woman and children! One thing I’ve learned about the “radical left” is, they LIE! Over and over and over again! Which is why I stopped watching a single news outlet before the end of BHO first term! Since then, I triangulate a given story and “WALLA”, the truth be told! Sadly, at least half of Americans believe everything they hear from MSM and especially the leftist media, well their listeners, they’ll start a fight to prove they’re wrong!! Yes, 99.9% they are wrong! Why the overwhelming majority of military age men border crossers? LOL, if anyone has to ask that question they really need to build a bigger “SANDBOX”! The plan was told to America before BHO was placed in power! “FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM AMERICA”! This is exactly why border agents are capturing countless “terror suspects”! I have found on Substack informed thunkers, who thunk for themselves! My point is, “STUPID BREADS STUPID”! America is loaded with “STUPIDITY”! Including the “IVORY TOWER ELITES”! May God bless America and the entire world!
Thank you Joni for reminding me about Michael Savage, for some reason I lost connection with him and his insight and you’ve brought me back to him. So thank you very much for mentioning Michael. Michael is another awesome, insightful and educational writer. I appreciate your post.
“We can’t let a good crisis go to waste”! Thank you “Rahm Emanuel, you’re spot on Rahm! First up, BHO, founder of “ISIS” you know that JV team of “MURDEROUS TERRORIST”? that’s made up of well, throat slashers, guillotine activist and suicide bomber! Second up, Biden, thanks Joe and company for giving the world, “HAMAS”! Again throat slashers, guillotine, activist, and more disturbing baby extractors from pregnant mom’s! How sick, how disturbing and all on the American taxpayers dime! Billions of dimes I might add! So they steal our money they give it to the terrorist organizations to turn around and decapitate America the ultimate goal! The big Satan! Israel, the little Satan! This will not end well! The leftist lunatics will scream LOUDLY how guns kill and I say, HUMANS KILL! That’s evil HUMAN BEINGS with a gun or a car or anything they can get or make weaponized! When will the “LUNATIC LEFT” wake up? Isn’t it amazing how, leftist Jews and liberal WACKADOS in America are buying up guns now! At least they realize how demented, how atrocious and how sick HAMAS TERRORIST ARE! They won’t stay in Gaza for long, in fact America is paying for their education and their weapons right here in America! This is all part of the plan to scare the living be-Jesus out of Americans, provide cover and keep changing the narrative while murderous jihadist cross our southern and northern borders! Oh they’re not coming for tea with BHO and Biden, nor are they here for a barbecue, they’re here to seek and destroy, create as much chaos and fear, the same way BLM and Antifa have! And still are! Look at the INDOCTRINATED COLLEGE SYMPATHIZERS PEACEFULLY PROTESTING IN NEW YORK! I do because there’s been as always, riots! All in support of Palestine! Have they forgotten Palestine people ELECTED HAMAS LEADERSHIP? Did the “LUNATIC LEFT” do anything to stop them? NO! Not a damn thing! They ENCOURAGE THIS BS! This is the sole reason for allowing the border to stay WIDE OPEN! In fact, border agents were videotaped cutting fences to allow illegals in, how nice of them! I never had a problem with immigration, we are all immigrants, but the majority of us have come in legally. Today the American citizens are now considered second class and illegal citizens are first class! Bass ackwarkds! Does the word “ILLEGAL” mean anything? NOPE! Remember, “THE MEANS JUSTIFY THE ENDS”! One thing I’ll say about the “radical left” is, they surely stick together! May God bless America and the entire world! Remember, “GUNS DON’T KILL, PEOPLE KILL”!
This is the MOST important information that must be addressed FIRST, repeat FIRST to save America!
Writer, Lex Greene and I belong to the only strategic AMERICA FIRST organization…
Please send this information far and wide to finally UNITE The People in a true Freedom Movement at this late date where our enemies are completely winning!
Nothing else is more important than getting this NATURAL BORN CITIZEN issue right because of all the illegals pouring into our wide open borders and…because of unconstitutional GOP presidential candidates who do NOT fulfill 1 of 3 requirements to be president. You MUST be a natural born citizen to be president or VP!
Good always wins over evil…only if you UNITE and do something!
Dear Dr. Alexander, if we would quit supporting the Zionist criminals because we want to keep the oil fields, active for the United States, we would not get so much pushback from the Arabs and the Iranians, I also don’t think we should allow any illegal immigration. So my conclusion to this problem is to bring all of our warships home and use our military to defend our borders and let the psycho pathic Europeans who have had Palestinians in prison for 70 years figure out how to keep their psychopathy going by themselves
Paul needs to cut the bigoted fear mongering. He fought the fear mongering around Covid but then uses the same tactic on other people without any proof as there is none!
Take a look at the rape stats in Sweden. 76% are committed are by foreign born men (Muslims) Same with the UK, and Belgium. The massacre of Christian’s in Nigeria are by Muslims as well.
The rape stats in Sweden are matched by few places apart from South Africa. The government in Sweden was for many years one of the most feminist governments in the world. What you say is true but the high rates of rape happened on the feminists' watch. Having leaders who are driven by unscientific ideology and lack capacity for rational thinking always makes things worse. Unfortunately the USA has such leaders..
I am not that familiar with the data or conditions in Sweden to comment. What I am looking at is the US which is where we are and I don't see stats that match those of Sweden. Most rapes in the US are committed by people women know, all too often family members. That speaks more to issues of sexism which can be simply defined as power by men over women. We know that rape is not about sex but about power--raw power by people, typically men, who are feeling unempowered and directing their anger and disempowerment towards women who are perceived as less than, weaker, subordinate, deserving of being over powered by men. The problem will never be solved with punitive and fear based solutions. As will other problems int he country it is about changing the power relationships and creating equity particularly economic equity. We do know that when people have jobs and can pay their bills and have a bit extra for enjoyment crime goes down. Look at the crime numbers pre-- during and post covid lockdowns and unemployment. They rose during the repressive covid mandates and have significantly dropped when they were removed. This is very true in the big cities where murder rates have been dropping over the past few years.
The situation is quite different in the US. They did not have massive migration from Muslim countries like they did across much of Europe. They came that places that hate western culture and infidels. It is the indigenous women and girls that are being raped
Dr. Alexander is correct to be concerned about rape, Tanya. Figures from around the globe show that rape is far more likely to be perpetrated by some groups than others. Look at the rape stats from South Africa since the fall of apartheid. Women have become incredibly unsafe under the ANC. The most common perpetrator there is a black male. White women are overrepresnted among the victims. Rape is about power. In South Africa it's about an assertion of power of blacks over vulnerable whites. It's similar in Sweden where the rape stats are on a par with South Africa and where the victims are overwhelmingly white Christian women and the perpetrators are overwhelmingly arabic muslim immigrant men, imported into Sweden in large numbers by ideologically feminist governments. Again, it's about power. Progressives in the US have a similar ideology to the ruling elites of Sweden and South Africa. Dr. Alexander does not want to see these progressives causing harm to women and girls like the feminists in Sweden and their fellow travellers in South Africa have caused.
Siri left out the word not in front of a law illegal immigration. I agree with you on that. I just think that it’s our greed for oil and our desire to control the world that is causing the problem in the Middle East.
I'm in Canada. We are more polite, we INVITE them in (thank you Troodoo), legalize them, pay for their medical expenses, whatever they need, grant them the best jobs and facilities. Once in a while we will evict one of them. We don't like that because the rest of the Muslim community gets unsettled. (ok, partly an exaggeration...)
The border will never be closed as long as the Democrats and RINOS are in charge of the federal government. The best everyone can do is protect yourself and start learning how to use firearms. Buy rifles first, and handguns.
Thank God we have the Second Amendment to keep and bear arms. We have a Second Amendment for such a time as this, thanks to Biden and Obama. I totally agree, start learning NOW how to properly use firearms and have plenty of ammunition.
Those “Stupid Founders”! You know the ones? They wrote Americas Constitution, yup those old white and Black supremacist men, what the hell did they know? Let me tell you what their reasons were and why, in 2 or so years, America will be 250 years old! That’s what and why! They had hindsight and insight. They also knew if government got out of control, the citizens would and could take up arms! Fortunately, those in power would love to tear the constitution up! It is Americas shield between tyranny and a free constitutional republic!!which is exactly why America is on the brink! Today’s democrats align with communist, simply look at both websites, the messages are exact! So that damn constitution stands in the way of these “commucrats” and “RINO’S” from completely taking full control of all Americans! Thank God for our founders, (yes black and white men)! they were brilliant and they literally thought long distance, something Americans today have forgotten how to do. Good luck Karin with your weapon training! May God bless America and the entire world!
There were no "black" Founding Founders. History is history. It cannot be rewritten.
Technically, you’re correct Taylor, I simply wanted to show when the 13th, 14th, and 18th amendments were later added and considered part of, though not the original 7 founders, there were black men involved and instrumental with their amendments. Very astute of you to point that out. I thought a lot more people would have mentioned your same point.
I agree 100% We are taking firearms training and STOCKING up on amo.
Guns never solved anything except to insure ongoing hate and hostilities.
How about supporting what Dennis Kucinich lobbied for: a Department of Peace.
Where do you get your information. Clearly you have never experienced violent predators! So hopefully no one will take your advise if they value their safety and that of their family. So guns insure ongoing hate and hostilities…..please explain that. SO a thug or thugs break into your home to rob and attack your family and you are worried about being hateful and hostile by pulling out a gun to save yourself and your family!! God help your kids if you have any!!!! You really can’t take people like you seriously! And its obvious you have no idea of the violent crimes happening daily by violent, criminal illegals and wayward Americans who think violence is the only way to operate.
I am deputy sheriff retired from full time duty and now a reserve deputy training deputies how to use firearms. I have met many violent criminals during my career as jail deputy, patrol deputy, SWAT deputy, under narcotics detective, detective, and field patrol supervisor. I survived two attempted murders on life by gangsters. I have plenty of experience dealing with the most wicked and violent people during my law enforcement career. I was instrumental in saving the life of a school teacher from her ex boyfriend. She had numerous restraining orders against him that he violated and he would only spend a day in jail. She asked me if she should buy a gun and I told her yes if she gets trained. She did get extrusive firearms training and one day used it in self defense against her former boyfriend that chased her with a knife. She killed him in self defense. You have no clue how many violent criminals roam the streets looking for victims.
You do make some unfounded assumptions which I can categorically say are wrong. You paint a picture that shows how little experience you really have in life but rely on the mythology of prejudice for your misguided claims. Your fears are so out of reality for the vast majority of people but if you chose to live with these expectations of violence I can only caution that a) you will bring such behavior on you and b) will ultimately cause serious illness in yourself and yours. My experience validates my general understandings based on the statistics of the country.
A typical liberal living in fairy tale land who has never had any real life experiences, yet misleads people with her lack of knowledge!! LOL! And your experience is based on “statistics”….but not real life experiences.
Kinda like turning the other cheek...
Your slur agaimst Christians is despicable. The US is under threat from islamofascist jihadis because of the Arab-Israeli conflict and US foreign policy in the middle-east.
Go fuck yourself you Nazi pig!
I can only assume you were looking in the mirror when you typed or dicted that as you appear to have a Nazi mentality, albeit at a much lower IQ level. This is a clear case of projection. But it's good advice to give yourself. Go back to your madrasa or your Nazi buddies in the Goyim Defense League oor whatever similar, even if not ideologically identical, organization you came from. I can do ad hominems too. Eat plenty of pork, smear yourself with the grease from it and, yes, do go fuck yourself you low IQ pig!
You are nothing more than the fart smell that comes out as you speak. You and your six year old girlfriend need some therapy. In the meantime reinsert your cranium up your asshole.
It's not about turning the other cheek. If that is your understanding of working for peace actively you lack some serious understanding. Working for peace requires real work including understanding where others are coming from. Divisiveness, distrust and hatred preclude that and can only build more distrust and hate and vile repressive behavior.
You're wasting your time with Harvey G, Tanya. All he will offer is ad hominems. He appears to be incapable of rational disagreement.
Sort of like Walls don't work, as Congress puts up fences and barricades , with their armed private security 🤡
Again read The Enemy Within by Dr Michael Savage. 20 years ago he was screaming from his radio program about what to do!!!! Close the dam border period. Stop immigration for at least 5 years period. He had a lot to say and why. All his books were/are spot on and nothings changed under the Dem administrations.
AJoy, I use to listen religiously to Michael Savage and you’re so right. Anyone who gets to close to these diabolical destructive communistic, so-called Democrats message becomes censored or banned, why? Simple, they don’t want anyone knowing what they’re doing and planning to do!!
Mark Levin States:
The counterrevolution to the American Revolution is in full force. And it can no longer be dismissed or ignored, for it is devouring our society and culture, swirling around our everyday lives, and ubiquitous in our politics, schools, media and entertainment. Once a mostly unrelatable, fringe and subterranean movement, it is here – it is everywhere. You, your children and your grandchildren are now immersed in it, and it threatens to destroy the greatest nation ever established, along with your freedom, family and security.
“In America,” Levin explains, “many Marxists cloak themselves in phrases like ‘progressives,’ ‘Democratic Socialists,’ ‘social activists,’ ‘community activists,’ etc., as most Americans remain openly hostile to the name Marxism.” (Marxism, of course, is the ideology, while communism is the implementation of that ideology.) Adds Levin:
They operate under myriad newly minted organizational or identifying nomenclatures, such as “Black Lives Matter” (BLM), “Antifa” and “The Squad.” And they claim to promote “economic justice,” “environmental justice,” “racial equity,” “gender equity,” etc. They have invented new theories, like Critical Race Theory, and phrases and terminologies, linked to or fit into a Marxist construct. Moreover, they claim “the dominant culture” and capitalist system are unjust and inequitable, racist and sexist, colonialist and imperialist, materialistic and destructive of the environment.
Of course,” he concludes, the real purpose of this multi-faceted rebellion “is to tear down and tear apart the nation for a thousand reasons and in a thousand ways, thereby dispiriting and demoralizing the public; undermining the citizenry’s confidence in the nation’s institutions, traditions and customs; creating one calamity after another; weakening the nation from within; and ultimately, destroying what we know as American republicanism and capitalism.”
Not your father’s Democratic Party!
Marked For Death by Geert Wilders is another great read!
The main reason for “wide open borders”, is not what universality takes center stage, it is primarily, “military age men”! Ask any border crosser and he or she will say this, “we left our country for a better life in America BUT”! We’re seeing the same rules happening here matches the tyrannical rules our birth countries! There are those looking for a better life and that goes without saying as the overwhelming narrative spews from the MSM mouthpiece!
What isn’t spoken, “shhh” don’t say anything, but we know it’s really military age men coming to cancel American woman and children! One thing I’ve learned about the “radical left” is, they LIE! Over and over and over again! Which is why I stopped watching a single news outlet before the end of BHO first term! Since then, I triangulate a given story and “WALLA”, the truth be told! Sadly, at least half of Americans believe everything they hear from MSM and especially the leftist media, well their listeners, they’ll start a fight to prove they’re wrong!! Yes, 99.9% they are wrong! Why the overwhelming majority of military age men border crossers? LOL, if anyone has to ask that question they really need to build a bigger “SANDBOX”! The plan was told to America before BHO was placed in power! “FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM AMERICA”! This is exactly why border agents are capturing countless “terror suspects”! I have found on Substack informed thunkers, who thunk for themselves! My point is, “STUPID BREADS STUPID”! America is loaded with “STUPIDITY”! Including the “IVORY TOWER ELITES”! May God bless America and the entire world!
You said it perfectly……America is loaded with stupidity.
Thank you Joni for reminding me about Michael Savage, for some reason I lost connection with him and his insight and you’ve brought me back to him. So thank you very much for mentioning Michael. Michael is another awesome, insightful and educational writer. I appreciate your post.
And for the ones in Canada I guess we just sit and wait for them to come? No guns allowed almost impossible to get a license now. Terrifying
“We can’t let a good crisis go to waste”! Thank you “Rahm Emanuel, you’re spot on Rahm! First up, BHO, founder of “ISIS” you know that JV team of “MURDEROUS TERRORIST”? that’s made up of well, throat slashers, guillotine activist and suicide bomber! Second up, Biden, thanks Joe and company for giving the world, “HAMAS”! Again throat slashers, guillotine, activist, and more disturbing baby extractors from pregnant mom’s! How sick, how disturbing and all on the American taxpayers dime! Billions of dimes I might add! So they steal our money they give it to the terrorist organizations to turn around and decapitate America the ultimate goal! The big Satan! Israel, the little Satan! This will not end well! The leftist lunatics will scream LOUDLY how guns kill and I say, HUMANS KILL! That’s evil HUMAN BEINGS with a gun or a car or anything they can get or make weaponized! When will the “LUNATIC LEFT” wake up? Isn’t it amazing how, leftist Jews and liberal WACKADOS in America are buying up guns now! At least they realize how demented, how atrocious and how sick HAMAS TERRORIST ARE! They won’t stay in Gaza for long, in fact America is paying for their education and their weapons right here in America! This is all part of the plan to scare the living be-Jesus out of Americans, provide cover and keep changing the narrative while murderous jihadist cross our southern and northern borders! Oh they’re not coming for tea with BHO and Biden, nor are they here for a barbecue, they’re here to seek and destroy, create as much chaos and fear, the same way BLM and Antifa have! And still are! Look at the INDOCTRINATED COLLEGE SYMPATHIZERS PEACEFULLY PROTESTING IN NEW YORK! I do because there’s been as always, riots! All in support of Palestine! Have they forgotten Palestine people ELECTED HAMAS LEADERSHIP? Did the “LUNATIC LEFT” do anything to stop them? NO! Not a damn thing! They ENCOURAGE THIS BS! This is the sole reason for allowing the border to stay WIDE OPEN! In fact, border agents were videotaped cutting fences to allow illegals in, how nice of them! I never had a problem with immigration, we are all immigrants, but the majority of us have come in legally. Today the American citizens are now considered second class and illegal citizens are first class! Bass ackwarkds! Does the word “ILLEGAL” mean anything? NOPE! Remember, “THE MEANS JUSTIFY THE ENDS”! One thing I’ll say about the “radical left” is, they surely stick together! May God bless America and the entire world! Remember, “GUNS DON’T KILL, PEOPLE KILL”!
Thank you for your work!
Isn’t it time to get this MOST serious issue right after 16 long years?
I am posting this here and at other substacks because of the critical importance of this information TODAY in saving America…
This is the MOST important information that must be addressed FIRST, repeat FIRST to save America!
Writer, Lex Greene and I belong to the only strategic AMERICA FIRST organization…
Please send this information far and wide to finally UNITE The People in a true Freedom Movement at this late date where our enemies are completely winning!
Nothing else is more important than getting this NATURAL BORN CITIZEN issue right because of all the illegals pouring into our wide open borders and…because of unconstitutional GOP presidential candidates who do NOT fulfill 1 of 3 requirements to be president. You MUST be a natural born citizen to be president or VP!
Good always wins over evil…only if you UNITE and do something!
Dear Dr. Alexander, if we would quit supporting the Zionist criminals because we want to keep the oil fields, active for the United States, we would not get so much pushback from the Arabs and the Iranians, I also don’t think we should allow any illegal immigration. So my conclusion to this problem is to bring all of our warships home and use our military to defend our borders and let the psycho pathic Europeans who have had Palestinians in prison for 70 years figure out how to keep their psychopathy going by themselves
Paul needs to cut the bigoted fear mongering. He fought the fear mongering around Covid but then uses the same tactic on other people without any proof as there is none!
Take a look at the rape stats in Sweden. 76% are committed are by foreign born men (Muslims) Same with the UK, and Belgium. The massacre of Christian’s in Nigeria are by Muslims as well.
The rape stats in Sweden are matched by few places apart from South Africa. The government in Sweden was for many years one of the most feminist governments in the world. What you say is true but the high rates of rape happened on the feminists' watch. Having leaders who are driven by unscientific ideology and lack capacity for rational thinking always makes things worse. Unfortunately the USA has such leaders..
I am not that familiar with the data or conditions in Sweden to comment. What I am looking at is the US which is where we are and I don't see stats that match those of Sweden. Most rapes in the US are committed by people women know, all too often family members. That speaks more to issues of sexism which can be simply defined as power by men over women. We know that rape is not about sex but about power--raw power by people, typically men, who are feeling unempowered and directing their anger and disempowerment towards women who are perceived as less than, weaker, subordinate, deserving of being over powered by men. The problem will never be solved with punitive and fear based solutions. As will other problems int he country it is about changing the power relationships and creating equity particularly economic equity. We do know that when people have jobs and can pay their bills and have a bit extra for enjoyment crime goes down. Look at the crime numbers pre-- during and post covid lockdowns and unemployment. They rose during the repressive covid mandates and have significantly dropped when they were removed. This is very true in the big cities where murder rates have been dropping over the past few years.
The situation is quite different in the US. They did not have massive migration from Muslim countries like they did across much of Europe. They came that places that hate western culture and infidels. It is the indigenous women and girls that are being raped
Dr. Alexander is correct to be concerned about rape, Tanya. Figures from around the globe show that rape is far more likely to be perpetrated by some groups than others. Look at the rape stats from South Africa since the fall of apartheid. Women have become incredibly unsafe under the ANC. The most common perpetrator there is a black male. White women are overrepresnted among the victims. Rape is about power. In South Africa it's about an assertion of power of blacks over vulnerable whites. It's similar in Sweden where the rape stats are on a par with South Africa and where the victims are overwhelmingly white Christian women and the perpetrators are overwhelmingly arabic muslim immigrant men, imported into Sweden in large numbers by ideologically feminist governments. Again, it's about power. Progressives in the US have a similar ideology to the ruling elites of Sweden and South Africa. Dr. Alexander does not want to see these progressives causing harm to women and girls like the feminists in Sweden and their fellow travellers in South Africa have caused.
Siri left out the word not in front of a law illegal immigration. I agree with you on that. I just think that it’s our greed for oil and our desire to control the world that is causing the problem in the Middle East.
Speaks Truth
Where are more recent news stories out of European cities if rapes are still going on?
I'm in Canada. We are more polite, we INVITE them in (thank you Troodoo), legalize them, pay for their medical expenses, whatever they need, grant them the best jobs and facilities. Once in a while we will evict one of them. We don't like that because the rest of the Muslim community gets unsettled. (ok, partly an exaggeration...)
I believe and have heard many times that there is a secret corridor that leads from southern ontario to michigan!!! Ann Arbour sound familiar???