
the entire scheme was devised to take out Trump, to topple him using Fauci and Birx...a PCR manufactured fraud pandemic...the irony is all they said I said, came to pass...

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I am not so sure that was ONLY for that…

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Using Fauci and Birx??? Trump did NOTHING to counter their lousy views. He hid. JFK did not hide. Trump sure acts like he deserves credit for his warp speed clot shot.

Trust him again? Why???

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You were ahead of the news back then, and stood your ground, based on facts. You did not succumb to pressure from the corrupt Pharma/Medical complex.

The propaganda media did the public a disservice. No wonder they are called the enemy of the people.

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and it was difficult...very, they tried to have us killed even...it was the most terrible time but I knew we/I was right.

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One of the greatest "enemies of the people" is the inability and/or unwillingness to READ. It was ALL right there just for the request. We also have a 'discernment' problem in this country because people are so addicted and can't sit down for a quiet moment of 'consideration'...ever.

We ARE, after all, our own problems to fix, under any circumstances. In that light, it makes sense not to trust someone who tells you they are "practicing" medicine. Don't let anyone "practice" on you. You have better odds by READING.

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very nice post

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It's much easier to accept, child-like, what you're told (to do, or is fact) than to have that dialogue with yourself, based on research and thinking. And then to make a conscious decision.

For a great part, we're living in a world side-by-side to children in adult


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Yeah, above and beyond the capacity and willingness to read, the absence of discernment is a human epidemic. Discernment is cultivated within a deep acceptance and trust of self which originates with the same in something greater than us. I've told many patients in my career, "they burned the martyrs, too". Most of them got better.

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very nice

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My guess is that discernment has been engineered out of us, similarly to what Geezerman says.

Without it, you're fair game. With it, you're invincible. And a threat

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Oh Grasshoppah....there are infinite alternatives to those lame excuses to give up and not fall absolutely in love with what you bring to the table and the excitement to share it. If you play at discernment long enough, those wheels and gears produce more of the story and then you can enjoy invincibility with quiet anonymity on as many 'playing planes' as you can bring unto your imagination as Providence is eternal.

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Yes, we as a society have been dumbed down intentionally, made to rely on other authority figures, and then subjected to lies from media. The inability of many people to read or comprehend is a fact, but that does not excuse the criminal behavior of the media.

And I referred to my primary care doctor as a "health practitioner", because she is not a full fledged MD. She is an exception to the rule when it comes to promoting the "accepted" medical treatments and practices. But I get your point.

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I provide no excuses for anyone, not even myself. Excuses only exacerbate a point of view or problem. Whatever is before us is generally obvious. I feel like I'm from another planet because I haven't had a tv my entire adult life. The exhaust coming from the box in the corner or on the wall on the wall in the corner or above the fireplace was always too much to tolerate for me and I had a choice as an adult and I said "F NO". So, I'm not ....that... and it is obvious to me. I never got any extended visits from anyone, either.

The tv is not more than a device for manipulation and distraction. My parents used to ask me, "what about current events?" in their 'argument' FOR manipulation and distraction and I would say, "what about them? I won't be the cause or the remedy".

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What is fascinating about this is that every single COVID policy was flat wrong...and caused harms. had we done NOTHING, far fewer would have died in fact, 95% of deaths were caused by what we did. in response. were we that stupid? are our doctors that stupid?

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we won

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There never was a new virus fits what we went through. Just a PCR scam.


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correct, full scam...and I knew it out of the gate

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

Yup. You did.

I didn’t catch on till I read early Ethical Skeptic blog who suggested there is no way all this spread happened so fast. His data suggested you can see changes in 2016. I was very, very sick in 2016 and I thought hmmmm….. even if that was Covid it must of been spreading earlier than 2016.

Then I thought about it and wondered aloud here about MERS… there must be variants they haven’t told us about? We must of been already exposed through the years.

Who da thunk they just used a 2003 lab leak and its variants …and media hyped it in 2019 with the abuse of the PCR. Lmao. Wow.

Idk. I think this scenario fits so far. Good job.

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I’m have always been a suspicious cat of what they possibly did to pcr inventor kerry mullis.

This even makes me more suspicious now. Especially since we learned how evil these people can be.

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Dr. Alexander

You are feeling the same frustration and anger that I have felt. I tried to tell people this and everything else that you have said and it has been truly upsetting that people who always came to me for medical advice now suddenly seemed to smirk and or laugh in my face because Rachael Maddow and that clown on FOX, Dr. Siegel, said otherwise. It is infuriating but I have come to realize that none of these people will ever apologize for insulting our integrity or fund of knowledge.


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yes, we were right...the joke is on them and for some, a deadly joke...sadly. thank you for being here. our fight is not done, they are coming again with bird flu fraud

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Be glad that every day you wake up and see YOU in the mirror. I don't think those you mention and everyone else that shares their "banana leaf" do or will share that delight with themselves. They KNOW what they did and while they would do it again, they also enjoy their freedom while it lasts.

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Thanks and God Bless You.

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You, along with all the rest of the un-vaccinated, were correct.

We refused to participate in a medical experiment that failed. Now people who participated must live with the consequences.

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thank you Decode.

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means a whole lot

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Herd immunity had something going for it with about 60% of the population already resistant from previous exposure to other Coronaviruses with over an 80% homology to Covid-19.

And the rule of thumb should have been that anyone with a positive antibody test should never have been said to need a vaccine (assuming there had ever been an actual, effective vaccine against Coronaviruses). Why? The antibody test showed they already had an adaptive immune response.

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boom...100% correct. you knew, I knew, many here knew, but sadly doctors and scientists by the tens of thousands seemed to have gone nuts...it had to have been a devious scheme.

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In early 2021, the PCP of one of my friend’s kids put a lot of pressure to get the viral mRNA shot.

I described to that doctor and whoever his junior learning on the job associate was both the epidemiological background of Covid-19 in the context of other common cold viruses and the reason the product couldn’t do what they claimed for it and why it wasn’t even a vaccine, citing my own experience in my doctoral program and post-doc that told me unequivocally that the whole scheme was dangerous AND unwarranted.

The looks on their faces! It was obvious they had ZERO background and didn’t know enough even to be curious. They were just accepting whatever was coming down from official channels on high. But the guy never again brought it up in the following years.

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Dr. A,

What about POTUS Warp Speed? Are we still waiting for Godot? Disease X is coming. Trump will probably warp speed another deadly clot shot and still praise his last deadly clot shot.


He failed us. Why trust him again?

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Well Dr. Paul, l know you are a dyed in the wool Trump man. I would agree with him on some things but l would never vote for a man who ignores what happened in the greatest crime against humanity. I can only assume he doesn't believe it was a crime against humanity and if push comes to shove again, he will push the vaccine or any other method of forcing the poison on people. It's up to all Trump supporters to confront Trump with the truth. Otherwise they don't believe it was a crime against humanity either. Don't be complacent on this matter because if you are the status quo will prevail.

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You and atlas should have been put in charge.

The other big lie was asymptomatic transmission.

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this fraud was due to the lie of asymptomatic transmission and the lie of equal risk of severe outcome if exposed, despite differentials in baseline risk and age....all a lie ...you are correct

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Can U catch a Virus?!?

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Dr Paul much respect to you for holding the line but the entire thing was a fake

Read Mike Yeadon. There never was a Covid 19 virus. There were no excess deaths in 2020. Those came in later years after the fraud shots.

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So when the Bible says that people will due for lack of knowledge, it should make us think. What scares me are the people who are lamenting getting the shot are getting ready for the next pandemic! I. Can't. Even!

The only thing that scares me are the lunatics wearing masks (to be specific, not the "Free Palestine," Antifa, or BLM lunatics- the ones truly afraid of air).

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