Washington post just announced that Biden is stepping down-it is official-- now the fighting of the insiders will begin

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This isn't good folks.

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we been there an done that

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RemovedJul 21
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i’ll make like i didn’t see it and we are even

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"All of this looks to me like the actions of a dumb system that hated the idea of spending resources on Trump’s protection" --really doesn't explain the massive shorting of his stock the day before.

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Well I’m just a Grandma who maybe spends too much time jumping in & out of rabbit holes…🤣

But this one of course grabbed my attention like everyone else.

I tend to believe it was an assassination plot by at least whomever shorted their stocks of DJT, and I believe the SS was in on it, at least whomever was in charge at the scene because I would know better than to leave any building/roof in the direct line of sight of President Trump unoccupied?

Then we have the expert video analysis of more than 2 shooters & the video of the guy on top of the water tower?

Also add to this failed assassination attempt to all the suiciding of whistleblowers & potential whistleblowers in the last few years & there’s no wonder why everyone jumps to the conclusion that it’s the evil WEF, Deep State, Uniparty Tyrants…?

(Or whatever name you want to call them…)

I have never been a conspiracy theorist in my entire life until about 10 years ago & what’s very odd is all the “conspiracies” that grabbed my attention ended up becoming true!?!

Which made me want to stop jumping down rabbit holes because I don’t want more to be true but then that would make us willfully ignorant… God gave us brain to use, so I’m doing my best…🤣

Anyways, thanx for the info & God bless you all❣️

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You’re spot on grandma way too many odd things don’t add up. I consider this failed attempt to completely demoralize the whole MAGA Trump

Movement. A JFK Moment!! Keep all hope of achieving peace, prosperity, and renew the America

We all deserve. They tried impeachment, lawfare,

Stolen elections, bullets. The enemy will never stop

Until they are stopped.

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Couldn’t agree more James!

We will never give up on trying to Save America from the NWO Tyrants!


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That’s exactly how I see it too

NWO Tyrants deserve some karmic retributions

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Great analysis, Grandma!👍

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How 2 communities are dealing with the aftermath of Trump's assassination attempt.

(The story is a little on the light side...but the true damage to these 2 communities will never go away.)


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excellent sharing

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I live 5 miles from the shooter's house. Part of the neighborhood is still blocked off by the Bethel Park, PA police department.

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I haven’t read all of this yet but Trump indicated in his speech last night he doesn’t know what the hell this 2025 BS is and he is no part of it and I believe him!

He also said there’s two kinds of radicals…left radicals and fat right radicals and that this is disinformation from the far right radicals and I believe him because before he said it last night, I was almost convinced. That’s how crazy it’s getting with disinformation😳

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Daily Mail reports Biden has dropped out of the race.


'It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President,' Biden wrote in a letter posted to his X account on Sunday.

'And while it has been my intention to seek reelection,' he went on, 'I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.'

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The Keystone Cops or sophisticated bait and switch operation? Seems like a lot of risk to do this either way, if they can simply rig the election, as has been alleged, with 500,000 ballots per swing state ready for deployment? Quite likely, if a, God did forbid, attempt was successful, would not extreme chaos and social disruption have been unleashed with unknown consequences and results? Or perhaps there was a revenge motive involved? Foreign actors? Or not just one group but competing globalist factions for power? Buckle up!

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yes, buckle up. its going to be a fun ride

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The fact that Democrats have removed from the ticket the candidate that millions of Americans voted for, further affirms that they are a regime and tyrannical. Also, Kamala has known for Quite a while, That Joe was unfit but she covered it up along with the rest of the regime.

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I understand, it's unbelievable. My story has finally been published!

My own challenging encounter with the 'swamp creatures' went online this morning.

Encl. https://unbekoming.substack.com/p/heresy

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It's an excellent story! Deserves shadow banning .')

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Who the fk is Maxwell Yearick?

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It's nice to see someone with a real platform talking about what I've been saying for quite some time now which is, if Trump gets in and doesn't abolish the Fed right out of the gate or son after he puts down the real insurrection then he isn't serious about taking on the globalists and getting us from our indentured serventry.

We will have to do it ourselves.

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I am glad you mentioned 9/11. Do some people still not realize it was an Inside Job? Dear God. The 2013 book "Another Nineteen," by Kevin Ryan, shows who bought or sold relevant stocks in the preceding days. Why haven't we tracked them down as accomplices in mass murder? Paul Alexander, you have now shown us the stock-price data re the Butler Phenomenon. Yes, that must indicate something. But all the cock-ups don't necessarily mean the Deep State was trying to kill Trump. Couldn’t they just as well have been trying to help his re-election? The consequence of the "attempted assassination" has been a rise of Donald to near sainthood -- and the Legacy media is singing along with this. (My guess: They know that DT is completely controllable.)

Let me quote Ryan’s 9/11 book, Chapter 12: “On Sept 21, 2001, the Securities and Exchange Commission referred specific transactions to the FBI... [including] a Sept 6 purchase of 56,000 shares of Stratesec… by a director of the company Wirt D Walker and his wife Sally….“ (Note: right after 9/11, the value of the stock doubled.) “Unfortunately, the FBI did not interview either of the Walkers and they were both cleared of any wrongdoing because they were assumed to have ‘no ties to terrorism or other negative information’.”

Hmm. Why am I in fear of my life these days?

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If it was not Maxwell Yearick, can he not step forward and disabuse us of the notion that he was involved? In other the words, where the F is he?? Just saying.

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Thank you - and excellent updates and commentary.

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