Nov 29, 2022·edited Nov 29, 2022

At this point we should be:

1. Offering any family who had someone healthy that died suddenly to have a "Dr Cole" level pathologist autopsy.

2. We need to publicly prove the white clots are from the shots and demand that monies spent to find a way to save people. These autopsies need to be streamed live.

3. Offer Computerized Thermographic Screening to everyone that has been vaxed, so we know, they know and we can make a plan to save lifes.

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Where can I buy some of these thermographic glasses ?

These damn nasty ass shedders are everywhere.

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Until this week, all these clot findings have been like a surreal movie. It came home to reality (as I write this) as my sister (who had two Pfizers) was just diagnosed to have a blood clot extending from her left calf clear up to her groin. She’ll be undergoing emergency surgery in the morning (Tuesday) after transferring to a hospital adequately staffed and equipped for this kind of clot removal. Your prayers for a successful outcome are appreciated.

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DVT can be directed with ultrasound as well. When I visited China for work in 2016 I picked up an infection that blocked lymph node in my left ankle. My leg swelled up dramatically. It was mildly uncomfortable but weird. It resolved on its own but when I finally got an appt. the PCP ordered DVT ultrasound imaging as I had been on some very long flights. I was fine ... the problem was not DVT. Full recovery. The doctor was a DO, very non-interventionist. He said the infection is gone, whatever it was. Not important, you beat it. Let’s just be sure about DVT.

The weird COVID shot clots must have been detected by now using ultrasound. Thermal imaging is very cool but complementary. Clots themselves not so cool.

What I believe Ryan Cole is saying is that that microscopic fibrous clots in the heart vessels by the same mechanism are cause of death unique to the shots.

Jessica Rose just posted more on the topic. As spike proteins are involved in lung clots post flu symptoms, taking shots that induce your own spike protein production ... is this not the dumbest thing ever devised? Darwin Awards participation trophies all around, many posthumous.

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Dr. Alexander, once again you advise us of such valuable medical information. It is horrific that this “murder bioweapon” continues to be used. Have the drs. no conscience that push this? They see the issues in black and white via radiological films and via the numbers in the lab results, and other terrible side effects, yet they are robotic in their obedience to the NWO & Fauci & the Biden admin. I get it that the hospitals in essence have been financially blackmailed because if they do not follow orders the government will not pay medicaid and medicare payments. Collectively if all hospital administrators & CEO’s stood up united perhaps they would backoff.

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Question: how much of this is possible via transmission by "shedding" seeing how many sudden deaths and disabilities have been reported in the unvaxxed after close or intimate contact with the vaxxed?

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I read many such articles & often post on my blog. My concern is how anyone is still taking the death shots 2.5 years since we were made aware of its lethality? In my case since May 2020, when I started blogging after watching videos by stalwarts like Judy Mikovits, Sheri Tenpenny & Dolores Cahill. They were ahead of our current greats like Malone & McCullough. Perhaps it was female intuition backed by science back then. Whatever, it doesn't explain the crass ignorance shown by the 15% or so.

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Need before and after for a stronger case

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So, you are on the side that these clots are very common. The white silicon like clots?

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Thank you for that Dr A…

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Thank you Paul! Spread the truth far and wide!

You are not just saving lives, you are saving humanity's soul.


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Time to have a good Deworming with Fenbendazole, followed by Massive intake of Lumbrokinase...Just saying

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I would have like to see a non-mRNA version of this for comparison. Also, several different pictures of mRNA injections.

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What is taking place in the Netherlands is a very dark omen for humanity. The most efficient nation on earth for producing food is to be destroyed all for CO2 politics. These people will not be satisfied until the death rate rises and civil unrest explodes all as people turn hungry. As they say – even an honest man will becomes a thief when starving. This sudden globally coordinated attack on farming is more than just a U Turn. With Netherlands as a major food producer being among the largest exporters of agricultural and food technology, this threatens food shortages spreading as a contagion.


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Can I get this test without an autopsy?

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