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Yes Trump would! Absolutely so, and here’s why I believe he will.

Has anyone in congress done a damn thing to get the border closed? No! Why? IMO, Congress is part of Americas downfall!

As disastrous as it seems, and it is absolutely disastrous, America is being overrun, overrun, overrun! Again I ask why?

Something else, someone else, something larger than and more powerful than, the most powerful country on earth, which is being systematically destroyed, has taken power away from who “We The People” believe to be in control!

Recently I learned, starting with the USDA, each and every federal agency are now being used to “register voters”! Yup, that’s what I said, Americas federal government is now in the business of registering voter’s! AYFKM? No, I’m not kidding anyone!

The functionality of the US federal government is not to register voters, it’s against the constitution, it’s against the law, it’s against our electoral process, but heck why stop at the border right?

There is something and a whole lot of someone’s, non elected officials working from within on a myriad of illegal procedures and not a single congressional individual is stopping them!

So to get back to your question about Trump and his support of the “New and Improved” mRNA “Bioweapon Injection”, I have to say “yes he will”!

The forces are greater and more powerful and more effective than any “one liner” Trump or anyone else can say to convince Americans to line up for this “New and Improved” death shot to the heart, shot!

As always, I pray I’m wrong! The fact remains, connecting the dots of how, when and why, is becoming increasingly clear and more important, these so called dots as I reference, are a mere reflection of everything we are watching play out. Some are not so clear but nonetheless, connectable!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Totally agree and believe it is a highly likely scenario regardless of who is in power; "new and improved" is obviously an attempt to make us forget the deliberate evil perpetrated in the past in the name of "science"; this is part of the "mistakes were made" excuse that somehow is supposed to make up for the countless injuries and deaths suffered world-wide; it is another manipulative scam to control our minds in preparation for the upcoming Presidential election which will involve the familiar Deep State and Globalist cabals in control; same strategy the WHO is using in trying the convince the nations of the world that we need a global health "treaty" and One Health plan which seeks to control ALL LIFE on earth as we know it.

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Exactly Tony. Also mRNA technology failed 20+ years ago and hasn’t been proven to be safe and effective at all. The inflammatory response is a major hurdle. Which is why this technology never succeeded to market.

So all of a sudden we’re supposed to believe they fixed it? How despicable and insulting!

Sadly, many people will line up, roll up and once again they’ll be playing Russian roulette with life!

Thank you Tony for your input.


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