It's Democrats clinging to power, they realize they will lose office unless all the illegals vote for them. Every Democrat policy is bad for our country and people, so the only way they can win is to cheat.

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This is not an election, it is a coup d’ etat.

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Yep…and it’s part of a world coup.

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They should all be impeached. Every last one of the bastards.

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Multiple events are converging towards an EPIC shit-storm sometime this year.

Stuff that's happening would fail as a fiction movie because it's too unbelievable.

I'll say it again: "We are long overdue for a violent conflict. Nothing else will right this ship."

Many, including myself, don't want violence but, be REAL, okay? There is NO other solution.

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Make no mistake, those who hate us have no problem using violence to take us down.

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Agreed. I live under no mistake or delusion. The ONLY language these psychopaths understand is force-violence. - anything else is, to them, a sign of weakness and stupidity. They rely on the tree-hugging Pacifists to feel safe, while they do not hesitate to squash anyone that gets in their way. Yup, we're clear on that!

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Like Fucillo used to say “ This is HUGE “

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Huge-ah !

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Isn't it illegal in the Constitution for non Americans to vote in American elections?

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It's the US providing leadership to the world. No other country allows illegals to vote so the Dems are setting an example.

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this is shocking and sad.

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Don't be too sad ,Rosemary,this has been planned out for decades now. Instead you should enjoy life.

While you're doing that start planning for the troubles that are coming.

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These are important meds.

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If illegal immigrants can vote let's put Arnald Schwarzenegger run for president it's all fair or Trump & Schwarzenegger together. I was just reading about how they took away informed consent and patient doesn't have to be informed if experiment done of on them 2016. Just like trying to take away our right to vote. A safeguard? It more than likely the opposite of it.


Illusions of Consensus is a good read today by Jay Battacharya & Tom Nicholoson

posted substack 07/12/2024

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Arnie is a great actor but unfortunately he is also a far left econuter RINO.

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Heck let them vote,The election isn't counted by votes these days. AI decides whom the president shall be.

On the other hand NATO has agreed to move F--16s into Poland and Romaina .

And we have tons of rebles waiting under the eaves, for the signal To strike their appointed targets.

When the President of Hungary says we'll have WW3 in the next 3 months,

We should focus on how we each plan to survive it.

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