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You "feel sad for them"?

I don't.

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I understand your feeling. I admit that I was fooled and am very capable of being fooled by the evil world or even by myself. We must stay vigilant and avoid groupthink at all times.

Some sheep don’t deserve any sympathy obviously, but some others do.

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You're hearing nearly 4 years of accumulated frustration in my remark... Never mind the previous 10 years...

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"Love thy neighbor" was not contingent on a person's intelligence.

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How many times in the last 3+ years did you stare down the threat of personal violence from these bloody idiots? How many times were you denied service in a store? How many times were you in fear of arrest?

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I was denied service, harassed, and even had a guy literally jump with his shopping cart one foot to the side upon seeing my naked face. I do not blame the sheep, they know not what they do. I do, however blame the psychotics who plan these events. We should be blaming them, not the everyday people who blindly follow orders. They will suffer the consequences of their choices, most already have. The self proclaimed masters of the universe who planned these events have already sealed their fate and will face judgement. How we react to this is our choice, just know that God sees all.

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You don't blame the sheep? 🤔 I do. As Br. Alexis Bugnolo said: "Anyone with a brain has had time to study the Scamdemic and understand that it is false". During the witch-craze in Europe a similar lunacy depopulated some towns and villages entirely of their women. Think of more recent history, of people in Germany who were just "following orders" and what happened in consequence. The perfomance of most of humanity during this farce was utterly inexcusable.

As for God? I rember Arthur Koestler's warning all too well: "God has left the receiver off the hook, and we're running out of time."

I leave you with a trio of links for your delectation and enjoyment:

💣 "A Stark Warning for Politicians, Journalists and Doctors" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/ieDAFLLvXhbw/

💣 "Never Let Them Forget What They Said" - https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/never-let-them-forget-what-they-said

💣 "Repent" - https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/never-let-them-forget-what-they-said

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My place is not to pass judgement on other people when I do not know their situation. I do believe that they need to repent to God for not trusting Him. I have a hard time forgiving the perpetrators who were "just following orders" as you say, like doctors, or others in places of authority. Jesus said we are to forgive in order to be forgiven ourselves. This is such a hard thing to do but at the same time I am in awe of those who can. I have read about Christians who forgave those who mentally and physically persecuted them and even won them for Christ, pretty amazing.

I guess it all comes down to not joining in Satan's game. When we choose to love instead of hate those who oppress or betray us, we remove his power over us. That is the message that Jesus wants us to understand. The receiver is not off the hook as far as God is concerned, but maybe ours is.

Thanks for the links and the debate and may God bless all that you do.

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