bringing a XBB.1.5 booster that already will not match the dominant variants, setting up the stage for viral immune escape, original antigenic sin (immune priming, fixation); vaccinated at risk
I went to a local mom and pop pharmacy to get a few pages faxed and the pharmacist was trying to get me to take the next booster. Oh man, I haven't had any vaccines in over 50 years and didn't have the heart to tell him. He might have been spending weeks trying to figure out how I can still be alive.
I can't remember the last time any of these fools convinced me to get any of their injections. Maybe I got a flu shot twenty years ago? When my doctor called me in March of 2021 and told me I was eligible for the vaccine (early) I said "no thanks... I will pass". I starting trying to find out what the hell is going on with all of this. It was just weird that they called me? So a few months later I started writing on SubStack. I have a bunch of subscribers now. I know ALL about this poison and what it does to the human body. I am REALLY glad I said no thanks!
Were they "trying to get you" to take an injection that they won't have for several more weeks (at soonest)? Medicare reimburses retail pharmacies s less than $30 administration fee. They allow no markup on the vaccine itself, and there's 10+ minutes of paperwork.
The pharmacy pays to rent and power the necessary super-freezers. That must be why they're pushing it. Gotta pay that power bill.
ACE(2) of Death: The Spike Protein/ACE2 Immune Complex, Autoimmunity and ACE2 Depletion. Vitamin D may only be masking the inexorable destruction of ACE2 in the body.
Another Spike Protein Parallel to Radiation Damage: DNA Double Strand Breaks. DNA damage from radiation causes the expression of γ-H2AX. So does the Spike Protein.
Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD): Could Silent Infection/Reinfection with the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Be a Driving Force Behind the Observed SCDs? A metabolic explanation mimicking “sudden morbid obesity.” The Spike Protein alone may also be a cause.
At this point, three and one-half years into a government/media/medical manufactured crisis of the grandest proportions, there is sadly no excuse for ignorance and cowardly obedience to evil-minded authoritarianism. Not even for "good people."
I agree.....thank you.....i am sick of having to fight for my rights....and i am not happy, to say the least....this is about our rights .... if people want to kill themselves and their children they have that right.....but don’t put it on me.....ever....Give me Liberty of Give me Death....i will say that over and over and over......but i would fight first.....well that’s a joke as i am old and frail.....but i have a big mouth and a voice that sounds as if i am powerful....LOL
Yes, well... guess what's happening next Kathleen...? There is no underestimating the intelligence of the average human being... dumb as shit... Just... dumb as shit... 🙄💩
I agree with Ed Dowd and have been paying attention to him since his breakthrough research was published.
I have one comment on your link re: his predictions. While I agree with Dowd that "In many different sectors, there are no longer enough able-bodied, working-age people to fill roles at companies that rely on such labor to stay afloat," I'd add that it's not simply a crisis of death and physical disability resulting from the poisoning covid shots.
The bribes in cash and "free stuff" the working poor and permanent malingerers received to stay home during lockdown has made them even less likely to make a contribution to society by supporting themselves and their families.
And the fact that these same individuals are products of broken families or "single mothers" (virgin births?) and of the disastrous public education system also compounds the labor crisis, for even the "able-bodied" do not have the brain power or natural IQ to perform the simplest of jobs or undertake small responsibilities in an organization. In some cases their brains are damaged by illegal drug use fostered by an open Southern border. All part of the plan to buy Democrat voters, no doubt.
I have a banknote for 100 Trillion Dollars from The Bank of Zimbabwe; on the other hand I also have two notes from the beginning of the Weimar Republic's hyperinflation for ℛ︁ℳ︁50,000 each, the result of the catastrophic and bogus "reparations" inflicted on Germany at the end of WWI. Whatever else you can say they ought to be proof enough that "free stuff" and paying people to sit at home and do nothing is not consequence free; that the monsters running Clown World do not have our best interests at heart, and never did...
At this point hyperinflation and the collapse of The West is inevitable. Do what you can to prepare yourself.
I understand your feeling. I admit that I was fooled and am very capable of being fooled by the evil world or even by myself. We must stay vigilant and avoid groupthink at all times.
Some sheep don’t deserve any sympathy obviously, but some others do.
How many times in the last 3+ years did you stare down the threat of personal violence from these bloody idiots? How many times were you denied service in a store? How many times were you in fear of arrest?
I was denied service, harassed, and even had a guy literally jump with his shopping cart one foot to the side upon seeing my naked face. I do not blame the sheep, they know not what they do. I do, however blame the psychotics who plan these events. We should be blaming them, not the everyday people who blindly follow orders. They will suffer the consequences of their choices, most already have. The self proclaimed masters of the universe who planned these events have already sealed their fate and will face judgement. How we react to this is our choice, just know that God sees all.
You don't blame the sheep? 🤔 I do. As Br. Alexis Bugnolo said: "Anyone with a brain has had time to study the Scamdemic and understand that it is false". During the witch-craze in Europe a similar lunacy depopulated some towns and villages entirely of their women. Think of more recent history, of people in Germany who were just "following orders" and what happened in consequence. The perfomance of most of humanity during this farce was utterly inexcusable.
As for God? I rember Arthur Koestler's warning all too well: "God has left the receiver off the hook, and we're running out of time."
I leave you with a trio of links for your delectation and enjoyment:
I wonder if they even wonder...they get sick and it confirms they were right...See! I got 'covid' must be bad!...not sure there's any wondering in it...just going by the reactions of my injected friends.
Besides, if you have had a long and successful history of dealing with colds--as seen by your no longer being a snot-nosed little kid and are a teen or older adult who rarely gets colds--then you have accumulated a great deal of antibody and T cell protection that will be effective against specific viral epitopes no matter where they are found.
Covid-19 Coronavirus has a 68% homology to other Coronavirus family members. That means that there are a LOT proteins that are identical or substantially identical with identical epitopes conserved across family members of the same species and across less closely-related members of other cold virus species (about 200) and even influenza.
Why is this important?
Because neither the innate nor the adaptive immune systems detect viruses--they detect viral proteins.
If you gave one person intact viruses and gave his identical twin brother all the different viral proteins contained in that virus but not assembled into virus form, here’s what would happen.
The innate immune system of the first twin would detect viral proteins, start its innate immune attack, and cleanup and ship the debris to his adaptive immune system to design its special support features to help out now and to be around for a much quicker response during the next infection.
The innate immune system of the second twin would detect all the separate viral proteins, clean them up, and ship them to his adaptive immune system to do exactly the same thing.
So what’s the difference?
The first twin is actually infected with a virus and, regardless of how he eventually develops an adaptive immune response, it’s at the cost of cells getting invaded and hijacked by viruses and all the immunological responses needed to put the actual infection down before it kills him and, given a big enough and sudden enough viral infection, his innate immune response may be strong enough to injure or kill him in the attempt.
The second twin may feel something following being injected with all the separate proteins from the virus, but what he is feeling is what anyone feels when coming down with something--he is feeling the effects of his initial innate immune response.
BUT none of his cells has been virally-compromised.
None of his cells will start throwing out high level alerts once its internal sensors detects viral mRNA and viral protein inside the cell and call in destructive innate immune inflammatory attacks to kill those virally-compromised cells.
But he will still have specific antibodies and T cells made against all those epitopes on all those viral proteins--he just won’t have to suffer viral disease or the potentially deadly innate immune attacks against it. And he, like his twin, will be ready to go against any other virus with any of those same viral protein epitopes. He just won’t have to suffer a clinical infection to get protection.
But what about someone who gets shot up with any viral RNA product?
He, like the first twin, will have his cells invaded and infected with viral genes.
Like the first twin, the sensors in those compromised cells will detect viral mRNA and viral proteins translated from it and signal the innate immune system to launch innate immune inflammatory attacks against those cells wherever they are found.
Like the first twin, that provoked innate immune response may be so great that he suffers inflammatory damage and injury while it’s killing the compromised cells. It may be enough damage to kill him.
If it doesn’t kill him, then he will have specific antibodies and T cells made against the specific viral epitope of that viral protein.
But unlike the second twin, he will NOT have specific antibodies and T cells against all the different proteins of the virus from which that single gene was selected, and though he may have absolutely huge shitloads of them, he will have only an extremely limited number.
Both the first and second identical twins will have very strong protection against that viral pathogen. And both will have as much protection against any other virus to the degree it has any identical proteins or epitopes in common with the initial virus.
But ANYONE shot up with viral RNA products will have this:
Each time they are shot up, they will suffer an actual infection of cells with viral genes and all the innate immune consequences of that, including inflammatory damage and injury and even death. And they will have protection ONLY against anything with that SINGLE viral protein and its specific viral epitopes.
This is NOT a necessary drawback of the primary mechanism of action of these products.
It is a deliberate design feature of extremely limited protection, guaranteeing that, rather than one shot with many proteins that will give him broad and long-lasting protection against that and other related viruses, he’s completely screwed when something else comes along, whether it’s a related virus or one that had the equivalent of cosmetic surgery done, making it unrecognizable and making existing protection for shit. But not for the companies because they will sell him another contract for protection AND he’ll have to pay all the same costs all over again.
Think of it this way:
The identical twins, either by surviving the viral disease or by benefitting from just the appearance of it by exposure to all of its proteins, have serious protection that’s like “Hey, I don’t care if it’s one of the guy’s brothers or cousins, he messes with you, we will fuck him up. And if he tries to disguise himself with one of those mustaches and glasses, we will still fuck him up like he deserves.
The viral RNA recipient has this: “You paid us a substantial price to protect you against just this one specific guy. You want protection against one of his family? Then you have to pay separately for that. It’s the same guy but he looks a little different? Same thing. We were very specific in describing him. If he alters that appearance, he’s no longer covered. What are you going to do? You buy a new contract. That’s what you’re going to do because we care just so goddamned much about your health. You say the repeated costs are killing you? That’s the cost of doing business.”
And all this talk about variants misses the point. It makes Covid-19 seem like a sneaky shapeshifting monster that the companies are trying so nobly to protect you from.
It’s total bullshit. It’s just more reinforcement for their endless in-app purchases bullshit.
Members of the Coronavirus family are the largest of all RNA viruses. Unlike influenza viruses, Coronaviruses have an error-correcting mechanism to reduce the number of mutations, AKA, variants, that occur during replication.
When you get the flu, almost half of ALL the viruses replicated are variants.
Compared to that, the mutational frequency of Coronaviruses, including C19, is really, REALLY low.
But you wouldn’t know that from what they say because they need a series of ongoing threats to sell you protection against, one at a time and YOU pay the cost.
Remember how they misused the testing?
A positive antibody test means that you DO have adaptive immune protection.
But Covid Inc flipped that to mean that you need their shot. It is and always has been flat-out fraud to move a product you don’t need and that poses a far greater risk to your health than the lowly little C19 virus ever has.
This is an amazing post! I bet you have medical training. You talk like an immunologist. I will take the time to read to read your entire post. Thank you for posting it.
Thanks, Gabriella, molecular neurobiology. As soon as I heard someone in 2020 say they were going to inject a C19 gene into the human body for the “vaccine,” I knew it would be bad and I knew why.
All the talk about “mRNA technology” is also specious. It’s just using one of the (more easily commercialized for mass use) cell transfection reagents that have been around for over 40 years and used to introduce foreign genes (and constructs) into immortal cell lines. Virtually anyone over the past four decades in molecular/cell biology has been using them in his work almost daily. I did during graduate school and my post-doc.
It’s cool, but utterly unremarkable, and NO ONE said, “Hey, let’s inject viral genes into people and see what happens.”
Why? Because it would be criminally insane to use a product in vivo to introduce viral genes indiscriminately into whichever cell they happened to bump into and because we knew exactly what would happen: the poor, just standing on the street corner minding my own business, healthy cells would soon start cranking out loads of viral protein from viral mRNA and give all appearances to the innate immune system of having been virally-infected and in need of destruction.
But all that was concealed from the public by folks like Pfizer saying complete shit like this, said in response to the study showing that human liver cells, following treatment with the Pfizer product, used cellular reverse transcriptase to recode the viral mRNA into a DNA form and insert it into the cell’s nuclear genome, free to reappear who knows when and who knows in response to which trigger like herpes simplex and herpes zoster. Here’s what they said:
"Our COVID-19 vaccine does not alter the DNA sequence of a human cell. It only presents the body with the instructions to build immunity."
It’s a masterpiece in deception, deflection, and concealment of the true nature of the product.
My wife and I were both infected this weekend by our son who spent the previous days at social rush parties at university and late nights this gatherings bring. He told me on the 2 hour car ride back he had been exposed to people who were sick with Covid. Saturday he was fine, lifted Sunday morning at the gym and towards the afternoon started to feel weak, tired and had a sore throat. Monday, he was tired and weak with a sore throat and then back to normal on Tuesday. My wife got the chills, a bit of brain fog, , weakness, and congestion on Monday and was fine by Tuesday. I had a really really mild version of the headache I recognized from my previous Covid infection on Monday and it was gone by the evening. None of us are vaxxed but have all had really mild infections of Covid during the last two major waves.
I think, based on my experience, if you are unvaxxed,it was nothing. My siblings in Austin all got Covid severely to the point of getting paxlovid and days and days of rest a few weeks ago. It corresponds with the start of school in Austin. It hit them hard but they are all vaxxed and boosted. YMMV, I guess.
Great post, Steve. The details are much appreciated. Glad your unvaxed family got through "new covid" so easily.
For those of you who, like me, are unversed in "alphablet slang":
Acc. to google, "Meaning of YMMV in English, written abbreviation for "your mileage may vary." Used, for example, on social media and in text messages and emails, to mean that you understand people may have a different opinion or experience than yours: Ex. "Their first album is better, but of course YMMV."
I don't believe there has been any 'virus' at all....just scaremongering big time for proof was ever given to the public, no scientifically isolated electron microscopic picture ever shown...just a CGI picture of a ball with red spikes. All the 'variants' are the symptoms of the jabs. The scaremongering was orchestrated to get people jabbed, now the symptoms are so-called variants to get people jabbed even further....more jabs, more variants, more illness and death.
It's been observed, by Restaurants wait staff, after their required Covid Jab, a Mental Fog happens, orders are confused, not completed, others are quick to anger flying rages over once were minor things. Personality changes have been seen, in Friends and Family. An increase in traffic accidents, is expected, due to lack of patience...
I almost had someone coming after me because they almost ran into me. People are losing it. I believe at some point the injection drones will be attacking people while in a zombie like state.
Each Covid " Vax" and Booster, WEAKENS the recipients immune system, the " Died Suddenlys" tally grows daily with this new injection, expect it to increase...
I went to a local mom and pop pharmacy to get a few pages faxed and the pharmacist was trying to get me to take the next booster. Oh man, I haven't had any vaccines in over 50 years and didn't have the heart to tell him. He might have been spending weeks trying to figure out how I can still be alive.
I can't remember the last time any of these fools convinced me to get any of their injections. Maybe I got a flu shot twenty years ago? When my doctor called me in March of 2021 and told me I was eligible for the vaccine (early) I said "no thanks... I will pass". I starting trying to find out what the hell is going on with all of this. It was just weird that they called me? So a few months later I started writing on SubStack. I have a bunch of subscribers now. I know ALL about this poison and what it does to the human body. I am REALLY glad I said no thanks!
The doctors get paid.....the more they j a b , the money for them.....they should all be listed as well.
Were they "trying to get you" to take an injection that they won't have for several more weeks (at soonest)? Medicare reimburses retail pharmacies s less than $30 administration fee. They allow no markup on the vaccine itself, and there's 10+ minutes of paperwork.
The pharmacy pays to rent and power the necessary super-freezers. That must be why they're pushing it. Gotta pay that power bill.
Jesus! I can't believe what some people are capable of once they have been brainwashed. Good for you to holding your ground.
He thought it would be a good idea to turn you into a human spike protein production factory? Good thing you declined.
'Spikeopathy’: COVID-19 Spike Protein Is Pathogenic, from Both Virus and Vaccine mRNA
Repetitive Exposures to DNA Reactive/Genotoxic Substances Can Induce/Promote/Progress Cancer. The Spike Protein as “Transmissible Cancer”
A Universal "AIDS" SARS-CoV-2, the Spike Protein, and the Slow, Progressive Destruction of Infected Cells
ACE(2) of Death: The Spike Protein/ACE2 Immune Complex, Autoimmunity and ACE2 Depletion. Vitamin D may only be masking the inexorable destruction of ACE2 in the body.
Another Spike Protein Parallel to Radiation Damage: DNA Double Strand Breaks. DNA damage from radiation causes the expression of γ-H2AX. So does the Spike Protein.
Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD): Could Silent Infection/Reinfection with the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Be a Driving Force Behind the Observed SCDs? A metabolic explanation mimicking “sudden morbid obesity.” The Spike Protein alone may also be a cause.
You are better than I......i would have said a too about no vaccines for 50 years.....
Idiocies yet,the sheep, will roll up their sleeves, get ill, and wonder why?
Some of the sheep are really good people. We feel sad for them.
At this point, three and one-half years into a government/media/medical manufactured crisis of the grandest proportions, there is sadly no excuse for ignorance and cowardly obedience to evil-minded authoritarianism. Not even for "good people."
I agree.....thank you.....i am sick of having to fight for my rights....and i am not happy, to say the least....this is about our rights .... if people want to kill themselves and their children they have that right.....but don’t put it on me.....ever....Give me Liberty of Give me Death....i will say that over and over and over......but i would fight first.....well that’s a joke as i am old and frail.....but i have a big mouth and a voice that sounds as if i am powerful....LOL
Yes, well... guess what's happening next Kathleen...? There is no underestimating the intelligence of the average human being... dumb as shit... Just... dumb as shit... 🙄💩
Thanks for the personal note and links.
I agree with Ed Dowd and have been paying attention to him since his breakthrough research was published.
I have one comment on your link re: his predictions. While I agree with Dowd that "In many different sectors, there are no longer enough able-bodied, working-age people to fill roles at companies that rely on such labor to stay afloat," I'd add that it's not simply a crisis of death and physical disability resulting from the poisoning covid shots.
The bribes in cash and "free stuff" the working poor and permanent malingerers received to stay home during lockdown has made them even less likely to make a contribution to society by supporting themselves and their families.
And the fact that these same individuals are products of broken families or "single mothers" (virgin births?) and of the disastrous public education system also compounds the labor crisis, for even the "able-bodied" do not have the brain power or natural IQ to perform the simplest of jobs or undertake small responsibilities in an organization. In some cases their brains are damaged by illegal drug use fostered by an open Southern border. All part of the plan to buy Democrat voters, no doubt.
I have a banknote for 100 Trillion Dollars from The Bank of Zimbabwe; on the other hand I also have two notes from the beginning of the Weimar Republic's hyperinflation for ℛ︁ℳ︁50,000 each, the result of the catastrophic and bogus "reparations" inflicted on Germany at the end of WWI. Whatever else you can say they ought to be proof enough that "free stuff" and paying people to sit at home and do nothing is not consequence free; that the monsters running Clown World do not have our best interests at heart, and never did...
At this point hyperinflation and the collapse of The West is inevitable. Do what you can to prepare yourself.
Impressed you have those historically significant banknotes. Concrete evidence of dying nations.
You "feel sad for them"?
I don't.
I understand your feeling. I admit that I was fooled and am very capable of being fooled by the evil world or even by myself. We must stay vigilant and avoid groupthink at all times.
Some sheep don’t deserve any sympathy obviously, but some others do.
You're hearing nearly 4 years of accumulated frustration in my remark... Never mind the previous 10 years...
"Love thy neighbor" was not contingent on a person's intelligence.
How many times in the last 3+ years did you stare down the threat of personal violence from these bloody idiots? How many times were you denied service in a store? How many times were you in fear of arrest?
I was denied service, harassed, and even had a guy literally jump with his shopping cart one foot to the side upon seeing my naked face. I do not blame the sheep, they know not what they do. I do, however blame the psychotics who plan these events. We should be blaming them, not the everyday people who blindly follow orders. They will suffer the consequences of their choices, most already have. The self proclaimed masters of the universe who planned these events have already sealed their fate and will face judgement. How we react to this is our choice, just know that God sees all.
You don't blame the sheep? 🤔 I do. As Br. Alexis Bugnolo said: "Anyone with a brain has had time to study the Scamdemic and understand that it is false". During the witch-craze in Europe a similar lunacy depopulated some towns and villages entirely of their women. Think of more recent history, of people in Germany who were just "following orders" and what happened in consequence. The perfomance of most of humanity during this farce was utterly inexcusable.
As for God? I rember Arthur Koestler's warning all too well: "God has left the receiver off the hook, and we're running out of time."
I leave you with a trio of links for your delectation and enjoyment:
💣 "A Stark Warning for Politicians, Journalists and Doctors" -
💣 "Never Let Them Forget What They Said" -
💣 "Repent" -
Good and Stupid. Jab em up!
I wonder if they even wonder...they get sick and it confirms they were right...See! I got 'covid' must be bad!...not sure there's any wondering in it...just going by the reactions of my injected friends.
Really makes no sense. They keep rolling up their sleeve and they keep getting sick?
They don’t “drive” anything.
Besides, if you have had a long and successful history of dealing with colds--as seen by your no longer being a snot-nosed little kid and are a teen or older adult who rarely gets colds--then you have accumulated a great deal of antibody and T cell protection that will be effective against specific viral epitopes no matter where they are found.
Covid-19 Coronavirus has a 68% homology to other Coronavirus family members. That means that there are a LOT proteins that are identical or substantially identical with identical epitopes conserved across family members of the same species and across less closely-related members of other cold virus species (about 200) and even influenza.
Why is this important?
Because neither the innate nor the adaptive immune systems detect viruses--they detect viral proteins.
If you gave one person intact viruses and gave his identical twin brother all the different viral proteins contained in that virus but not assembled into virus form, here’s what would happen.
The innate immune system of the first twin would detect viral proteins, start its innate immune attack, and cleanup and ship the debris to his adaptive immune system to design its special support features to help out now and to be around for a much quicker response during the next infection.
The innate immune system of the second twin would detect all the separate viral proteins, clean them up, and ship them to his adaptive immune system to do exactly the same thing.
So what’s the difference?
The first twin is actually infected with a virus and, regardless of how he eventually develops an adaptive immune response, it’s at the cost of cells getting invaded and hijacked by viruses and all the immunological responses needed to put the actual infection down before it kills him and, given a big enough and sudden enough viral infection, his innate immune response may be strong enough to injure or kill him in the attempt.
The second twin may feel something following being injected with all the separate proteins from the virus, but what he is feeling is what anyone feels when coming down with something--he is feeling the effects of his initial innate immune response.
BUT none of his cells has been virally-compromised.
None of his cells will start throwing out high level alerts once its internal sensors detects viral mRNA and viral protein inside the cell and call in destructive innate immune inflammatory attacks to kill those virally-compromised cells.
But he will still have specific antibodies and T cells made against all those epitopes on all those viral proteins--he just won’t have to suffer viral disease or the potentially deadly innate immune attacks against it. And he, like his twin, will be ready to go against any other virus with any of those same viral protein epitopes. He just won’t have to suffer a clinical infection to get protection.
But what about someone who gets shot up with any viral RNA product?
He, like the first twin, will have his cells invaded and infected with viral genes.
Like the first twin, the sensors in those compromised cells will detect viral mRNA and viral proteins translated from it and signal the innate immune system to launch innate immune inflammatory attacks against those cells wherever they are found.
Like the first twin, that provoked innate immune response may be so great that he suffers inflammatory damage and injury while it’s killing the compromised cells. It may be enough damage to kill him.
If it doesn’t kill him, then he will have specific antibodies and T cells made against the specific viral epitope of that viral protein.
But unlike the second twin, he will NOT have specific antibodies and T cells against all the different proteins of the virus from which that single gene was selected, and though he may have absolutely huge shitloads of them, he will have only an extremely limited number.
Both the first and second identical twins will have very strong protection against that viral pathogen. And both will have as much protection against any other virus to the degree it has any identical proteins or epitopes in common with the initial virus.
But ANYONE shot up with viral RNA products will have this:
Each time they are shot up, they will suffer an actual infection of cells with viral genes and all the innate immune consequences of that, including inflammatory damage and injury and even death. And they will have protection ONLY against anything with that SINGLE viral protein and its specific viral epitopes.
This is NOT a necessary drawback of the primary mechanism of action of these products.
It is a deliberate design feature of extremely limited protection, guaranteeing that, rather than one shot with many proteins that will give him broad and long-lasting protection against that and other related viruses, he’s completely screwed when something else comes along, whether it’s a related virus or one that had the equivalent of cosmetic surgery done, making it unrecognizable and making existing protection for shit. But not for the companies because they will sell him another contract for protection AND he’ll have to pay all the same costs all over again.
Think of it this way:
The identical twins, either by surviving the viral disease or by benefitting from just the appearance of it by exposure to all of its proteins, have serious protection that’s like “Hey, I don’t care if it’s one of the guy’s brothers or cousins, he messes with you, we will fuck him up. And if he tries to disguise himself with one of those mustaches and glasses, we will still fuck him up like he deserves.
The viral RNA recipient has this: “You paid us a substantial price to protect you against just this one specific guy. You want protection against one of his family? Then you have to pay separately for that. It’s the same guy but he looks a little different? Same thing. We were very specific in describing him. If he alters that appearance, he’s no longer covered. What are you going to do? You buy a new contract. That’s what you’re going to do because we care just so goddamned much about your health. You say the repeated costs are killing you? That’s the cost of doing business.”
And all this talk about variants misses the point. It makes Covid-19 seem like a sneaky shapeshifting monster that the companies are trying so nobly to protect you from.
It’s total bullshit. It’s just more reinforcement for their endless in-app purchases bullshit.
Members of the Coronavirus family are the largest of all RNA viruses. Unlike influenza viruses, Coronaviruses have an error-correcting mechanism to reduce the number of mutations, AKA, variants, that occur during replication.
When you get the flu, almost half of ALL the viruses replicated are variants.
Compared to that, the mutational frequency of Coronaviruses, including C19, is really, REALLY low.
But you wouldn’t know that from what they say because they need a series of ongoing threats to sell you protection against, one at a time and YOU pay the cost.
Remember how they misused the testing?
A positive antibody test means that you DO have adaptive immune protection.
But Covid Inc flipped that to mean that you need their shot. It is and always has been flat-out fraud to move a product you don’t need and that poses a far greater risk to your health than the lowly little C19 virus ever has.
This is an amazing post! I bet you have medical training. You talk like an immunologist. I will take the time to read to read your entire post. Thank you for posting it.
Thanks, Gabriella, molecular neurobiology. As soon as I heard someone in 2020 say they were going to inject a C19 gene into the human body for the “vaccine,” I knew it would be bad and I knew why.
All the talk about “mRNA technology” is also specious. It’s just using one of the (more easily commercialized for mass use) cell transfection reagents that have been around for over 40 years and used to introduce foreign genes (and constructs) into immortal cell lines. Virtually anyone over the past four decades in molecular/cell biology has been using them in his work almost daily. I did during graduate school and my post-doc.
It’s cool, but utterly unremarkable, and NO ONE said, “Hey, let’s inject viral genes into people and see what happens.”
Why? Because it would be criminally insane to use a product in vivo to introduce viral genes indiscriminately into whichever cell they happened to bump into and because we knew exactly what would happen: the poor, just standing on the street corner minding my own business, healthy cells would soon start cranking out loads of viral protein from viral mRNA and give all appearances to the innate immune system of having been virally-infected and in need of destruction.
But all that was concealed from the public by folks like Pfizer saying complete shit like this, said in response to the study showing that human liver cells, following treatment with the Pfizer product, used cellular reverse transcriptase to recode the viral mRNA into a DNA form and insert it into the cell’s nuclear genome, free to reappear who knows when and who knows in response to which trigger like herpes simplex and herpes zoster. Here’s what they said:
"Our COVID-19 vaccine does not alter the DNA sequence of a human cell. It only presents the body with the instructions to build immunity."
It’s a masterpiece in deception, deflection, and concealment of the true nature of the product.
"all of CDC and FDA knows it will fail as well" wrong!
They all know that the boosters will succeed in boosting Big Pharma profits, which is what the vactines were always designed to do.
My wife and I were both infected this weekend by our son who spent the previous days at social rush parties at university and late nights this gatherings bring. He told me on the 2 hour car ride back he had been exposed to people who were sick with Covid. Saturday he was fine, lifted Sunday morning at the gym and towards the afternoon started to feel weak, tired and had a sore throat. Monday, he was tired and weak with a sore throat and then back to normal on Tuesday. My wife got the chills, a bit of brain fog, , weakness, and congestion on Monday and was fine by Tuesday. I had a really really mild version of the headache I recognized from my previous Covid infection on Monday and it was gone by the evening. None of us are vaxxed but have all had really mild infections of Covid during the last two major waves.
I think, based on my experience, if you are unvaxxed,it was nothing. My siblings in Austin all got Covid severely to the point of getting paxlovid and days and days of rest a few weeks ago. It corresponds with the start of school in Austin. It hit them hard but they are all vaxxed and boosted. YMMV, I guess.
And the paxlovid will send them on a rebound episode of it. Back to back sick.
Ivermectin + Zinc + Vitamin D.
Better to be proactive daily.
Multivitamin (whole plant)
Sunshine on skin (30 min)
10,000 walking steps.
See for Dr. Pierre Kory's extensive protocol.
Great post, Steve. The details are much appreciated. Glad your unvaxed family got through "new covid" so easily.
For those of you who, like me, are unversed in "alphablet slang":
Acc. to google, "Meaning of YMMV in English, written abbreviation for "your mileage may vary." Used, for example, on social media and in text messages and emails, to mean that you understand people may have a different opinion or experience than yours: Ex. "Their first album is better, but of course YMMV."
Covid was a huge tool of what is becoming ibdistinguishable from a coup.
This shit is killing people. Enough already ffs 🤦♀️
Dr Alexander, Excellent summary. Thank you do much for your dedicated work.
F@ck Joe Biden and the vaccine criminals.
Conditioned to blindly accept the Psychological Govt. BS, without questioning it.
I don't believe there has been any 'virus' at all....just scaremongering big time for proof was ever given to the public, no scientifically isolated electron microscopic picture ever shown...just a CGI picture of a ball with red spikes. All the 'variants' are the symptoms of the jabs. The scaremongering was orchestrated to get people jabbed, now the symptoms are so-called variants to get people jabbed even further....more jabs, more variants, more illness and death.
This one tested on how many people? 32?
Sadly my elderly mother is eager to get it. In denial about her side effects.
I've documented the decline and shown family. It has worked on 1.
It's been observed, by Restaurants wait staff, after their required Covid Jab, a Mental Fog happens, orders are confused, not completed, others are quick to anger flying rages over once were minor things. Personality changes have been seen, in Friends and Family. An increase in traffic accidents, is expected, due to lack of patience...
I almost had someone coming after me because they almost ran into me. People are losing it. I believe at some point the injection drones will be attacking people while in a zombie like state.
Maybe it's past time to avoid any store offering flu shots and the obsolete C injections?
Are taxpayers footing the bill for these ‘free’ shots?
Yed and while they'd love to pump them in as many people as thry can, they're good with throwing them away.
ViroLIEology is fraud.
Each Covid " Vax" and Booster, WEAKENS the recipients immune system, the " Died Suddenlys" tally grows daily with this new injection, expect it to increase...