This is an amazing post! I bet you have medical training. You talk like an immunologist. I will take the time to read to read your entire post. Thank you for posting it.
This is an amazing post! I bet you have medical training. You talk like an immunologist. I will take the time to read to read your entire post. Thank you for posting it.
Thanks, Gabriella, molecular neurobiology. As soon as I heard someone in 2020 say they were going to inject a C19 gene into the human body for the “vaccine,” I knew it would be bad and I knew why.
All the talk about “mRNA technology” is also specious. It’s just using one of the (more easily commercialized for mass use) cell transfection reagents that have been around for over 40 years and used to introduce foreign genes (and constructs) into immortal cell lines. Virtually anyone over the past four decades in molecular/cell biology has been using them in his work almost daily. I did during graduate school and my post-doc.
It’s cool, but utterly unremarkable, and NO ONE said, “Hey, let’s inject viral genes into people and see what happens.”
Why? Because it would be criminally insane to use a product in vivo to introduce viral genes indiscriminately into whichever cell they happened to bump into and because we knew exactly what would happen: the poor, just standing on the street corner minding my own business, healthy cells would soon start cranking out loads of viral protein from viral mRNA and give all appearances to the innate immune system of having been virally-infected and in need of destruction.
But all that was concealed from the public by folks like Pfizer saying complete shit like this, said in response to the study showing that human liver cells, following treatment with the Pfizer product, used cellular reverse transcriptase to recode the viral mRNA into a DNA form and insert it into the cell’s nuclear genome, free to reappear who knows when and who knows in response to which trigger like herpes simplex and herpes zoster. Here’s what they said:
"Our COVID-19 vaccine does not alter the DNA sequence of a human cell. It only presents the body with the instructions to build immunity."
It’s a masterpiece in deception, deflection, and concealment of the true nature of the product.
This is an amazing post! I bet you have medical training. You talk like an immunologist. I will take the time to read to read your entire post. Thank you for posting it.
Thanks, Gabriella, molecular neurobiology. As soon as I heard someone in 2020 say they were going to inject a C19 gene into the human body for the “vaccine,” I knew it would be bad and I knew why.
All the talk about “mRNA technology” is also specious. It’s just using one of the (more easily commercialized for mass use) cell transfection reagents that have been around for over 40 years and used to introduce foreign genes (and constructs) into immortal cell lines. Virtually anyone over the past four decades in molecular/cell biology has been using them in his work almost daily. I did during graduate school and my post-doc.
It’s cool, but utterly unremarkable, and NO ONE said, “Hey, let’s inject viral genes into people and see what happens.”
Why? Because it would be criminally insane to use a product in vivo to introduce viral genes indiscriminately into whichever cell they happened to bump into and because we knew exactly what would happen: the poor, just standing on the street corner minding my own business, healthy cells would soon start cranking out loads of viral protein from viral mRNA and give all appearances to the innate immune system of having been virally-infected and in need of destruction.
But all that was concealed from the public by folks like Pfizer saying complete shit like this, said in response to the study showing that human liver cells, following treatment with the Pfizer product, used cellular reverse transcriptase to recode the viral mRNA into a DNA form and insert it into the cell’s nuclear genome, free to reappear who knows when and who knows in response to which trigger like herpes simplex and herpes zoster. Here’s what they said:
"Our COVID-19 vaccine does not alter the DNA sequence of a human cell. It only presents the body with the instructions to build immunity."
It’s a masterpiece in deception, deflection, and concealment of the true nature of the product.