Do not mourn…educate yourself and others and organize to survive the war against us! This is not new! The rulers, be they human or other have always treated their creations as chattel/cattle/goyim! That is how the sinagogue of satan operates! Death to satan/the devil and his minions like gates, sorrows, kamaltoe etc etc etc

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Aug 5Edited

The Synagogue of Satan is absolutely correct. The Bible told us who the enemy is, Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. That group almost exclusively was responsible for the C19 genocide agenda, IMO. Anyone who is curious might want to watch Europa The Last Battle on Rumble or https://archive.org/details/watch_europa or https://us.europathelastbattle.net/watchnow-beta-test.html to see what else it is apparently responsible for...it is shocking, to say the least. Lets just say this group hates white Europeans...which is the group that coincidentally was most susceptible to the C19 bioweapon, and the group itself was coincidentally least susceptible, along with the Amish.

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Yup. New to me, but cute: kamaltoe...

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very interesting

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The COVID regime should also be seated in an electric chair.

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all of them

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The only thing Warp about Operation Warp Speed was warping the normal regulatory steps so that an experimental injection didn't have to demonstrate it did anything and hide all the sequalae. But in truth..."they" had been working on this virus and this modRNA platform for many years just waiting for the opportunity to use it.

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It’s too late. The precedent has been out in place. Without bloody fights, there will be no chance for victory.

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I kind of understand....but did it need come to this? I say at all times we keep it civil and peaceful even very while very contentious.

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When the next fake pandemic arrives, we push pack a lot harder and sooner.

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we will not fall for it.

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We need a common strategy to push back. Individually we are powerless and will fail.

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Please!! Do NOT for a moment consider the 'Covid Scam' a once in a Lifetime Mistake. This Present World is presently full of so called Leaders who are lead by Money. They care Nothing of your Well Being or Health. Anything that brings an easy dollar into their hand has NO Scrouples. Yes! It WILL happen again! And probably sooner than You would ever believe.

One time, we were given a little Protection by Departments like Health and Welfare. Those items have been replaced by Big Pharma, Know it All Leaders claiming to be Scientists and Healcare Professionals. Believe you me; we saw and see exactly what they have become; Not a Department of Health and Welfare but rather, WEALTH and HELLFARE. They are still Lying and trying tio hide the facts that they believe they need to KILL OFF a major portion of the Population. Still Vaccinating and making up Lies to sucker you with Lies like 'Bird Flu'.

Nothing has changed or improved! Their love of Money is only stronger

Smarten Up!!!

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excellent sharing

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As if we're all going to suffer Ammnesia??

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The Covid 19 injections at this very day still continues to be injected to many in fact in the nursing home where I currently worked on the 18 of April 2024 the residents has had their 7th shot. Since then 5 deaths. Just last week 4 deaths in 5 days! Yes, you hear it right 4 deaths within 5 days, they all had Moderna suddenl deterioration! And more to come! So how can someone just forget all what has done and they are still killing many!!!and will continue until not much left humans !!! There is NO Future to look forward to for the future generations because many will be dead! What good is it, to be alive for those who will be left broken ??? Has anyone actually understand the massive consequences of what they have done??!!

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Has anyone actually understand the massive consequences of what they have done??!!

One has to be an intelligent and humane human to truly comprehend, and own up to what they willfully did.

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Exactly, and unfortunately we are truly living where majority of the population have now been zoombified! The nursing home I currently worked as per their registry of death out of 58 residents!

2021- 6 deaths

2022- 11 deaths

2023- 15 deaths

2024- 9 deaths so far !

The other nursing homes

I previously worked where I was kicked out Sept 2021 by not getting the injections there were more deaths on the year 2021. The first roll out was 3rd week of May 2021 second roll out 2nd week of June 2021 there were like more than 10 deaths by 6 months since the roll out of the jab out of 57 residents there only 20 left! So that was massive ! They have all had Pfizer !

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This has forever changed the world. 9/11 was the first in the series with the Direct Energy Weapon. The weapon got shrunken into a bio weapon, and then into an injection needle.

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911 was to induce in people a chronic state of fear, thus making masses more malleable.

BTW: DEW stands for Directed-Energy Weapon.

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Thanks yes directed energy weapon, and I guess the plan worked , but I would add, up till now.

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Yesterday I read this, which is perhaps the best discussion of shedding I have seen:


The injections not only killed and maimed those who took them, but also many who were smart or aware enough to decline. It was especially lethal for an unvaxxed person to be shed on by someone who had just had his or her second injection.

My loved one was killed by whatever this abomination is in August of 2021 and I believe this (shedding) was how she became ill. Her life had already been torn apart, having her family turned against each other and everything of import taken away from her, and especially knowing that 2 of her children and all of her grandchildren got duped into being injected with the poison multiple times. My life is totally destroyed as well, as looking after her was my only purpose, and since I became ill as well I was not able to save her.

Knowing that going into the hospital was most likely a death sentence left us on our own to handle an illness we did not understand and were ill-equipped to manage. I will NEVER forget or forgive because this destroyed my life and my family completely. I would like to give PDJT a pass, but am unable to do so because he has not "come clean" and I can still hear him saying (in a rather condescending way, I must say): "you've got your freedoms, but I recommend taking it...it's good, I did it" when there's absolutely no evidence that there's ANYTHING whatsoever good about it.

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The vaccine was systematically injected into people who were not satisfied with their natural immunity.

A potentially lethal transaction?


In the most human of terms, the vaccine is a refund from Mother Nature.

And that bitch has made certain that the exchange would result in the least human of outcomes.

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We have to come up with strategies before the new plandemic arrives.

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It’s easy to say “do not comply”. When evil police and military forces are used against us, what are we going to do?

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There really is only one option.

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My God Dr. the entire world could appeal to Trump and the same result will happen, no reply!

Personally, I’m appalled! It wouldn’t matter who, family or friends, former president or former manager, the fact remains, Covid, OWS and the full gamut, was a “worldwide” setup!

Not in a million years do I believe Trump will ever come clean! I’m shocked because, in all honesty, what does he have to lose?

Which leads me to believe, he’s compromised and has no choice but to avoid anything Covid like the plague! Go figure right?

I can’t speak for Donald J. Trump, but I can assess why I believe he hasn’t updated at minimum and at best, been outspoken about the deadlines of

“Non-Covid Lockdowns”!

President Trump knows the truth and this is what’s appalling to me! Again and again, I’ll say it again, the entire world would have his back or anyone for that matter, and come together, for whoever decides to

“speak the truth” about covid!

This is why I’ll continue to say, if we have an election in November! Because I don’t believe we will.

If by chance the “Globalist” allow an election, because I do believe it’s up to them, then Trump wins in a landslide and they’ll get back to the business of a

“New World Order” blaming Trump for it all!

I am throughly convinced there’s no turning back for America! Not in my lifetime, that’s for sure! It’ll take at minimum four consecutive “true conservative” presidential terms, plus both the house and senate on board to undo this

“sinking American Ship”!

There’s so much damage already done. They think we believe this

“illegal delusional invasion” alone is warranted! This has pointed America upwards of

$35 Trillion in debt, not including unfunded liabilities!

They seem to think “We the People” are complete fools and in some ways we certainly are! We’ve been duped, played and manipulated!

I agree with you Dr Alexander but I know there’s no way in

“Raging Burning Hell” Trump will acknowledge anything wrong with his, or so he says, OWS! OWS was a term they sold Trump on!

They played into his emotions hot buttons of “I’m Great” and his gigantic ego slobbered it all up! Now what Mr President? Now what are you going to do?

Yes they may have duped him into thinking he’d get all the credit for saving humanity! They probably did, unless he knew from the start what’s happening and what’s going to happen!

When the opposite is true! They’ve murdered millions and disabled millions more! And it “AIN’T OVER TILL THE FAT LADY SINGS”! And she’s lost a ton of weight! So don’t anyone hold your breath.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Dr. Alexander could you please tell your friends to do something about Medscape. Now they are saying coffee makes people stupid. They need a competitor that will drive them out of business or an investigation . It is run by some leftist guy.

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who the hell reads Medscape now...its so corrupted and crazy...

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Absolutely. We must NEVER forget about the murderous mandates, and forgiveness can come after real remorse, and barring that, after the hangings.


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