So tired of hearing from friends, I have covid again! They do not want to hear or learn, NO, YOU HAVE A VARIANT BECAUSE YOU WERE STUPID ENOUGH TO TAKE THE SHOTS! They just look at you blankly, but it is Covid, no it is a variant that your body is making and will continue to make and spew out BECAUSE YOU TOOK THE SHOTS. IT IS YOUR BODY THAT HAS THE POISON SETTING THESE ILLNESSES UP, AND IT IS YOUR BODY BEING HURT BY YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM SHUTTING DOWN BECAUSE YOU TOOK THE SHOTS!

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Feb 25Edited

Actually I believe there are no variants. I think the virus uses bacteria in the gut as hosts which is why people feel sick long after nasal PCR/Antigen tests indicate they're Covid-free.

The virus has an affinity with bacteria because it was created using bacterial cultures.

I think we are dealing with a virus that is just fizzling out for a variety of natural reasons. I think the shots keep reintroducing the body to the same virus over and over. And gut bacteria is becoming gradually more resistant to invasion.

But in the process of bacteria becoming resistant it releases certain toxic chemicals which in enough quantity trigger rapid heartbeat, clotting issues, and neurological maladies.

Succinctly humanity has been seeded by a strategically administered manufactured virus that is running a predetermined course.

The majority of expert dissidents that have cropped up on alternative media have been leading us down the wrong paths.

JJ Couey and Michael Yeadon are exceptions who speak the truth.

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Will the "new truths" be centered around the nouveau fact that viruses do not exist? People playing hunches insist the Baileys are wrong, viruses do exist, in other words. Have these people done due diligence via new, clarified methodologies or are they fooling themselves? Old research has shown us that contagion isn't the gold standard and Pasteur was shown to be wrong by Bechamp. Accepting these new illuminations would, it seems, make enormous discoveries possible that would likely undo our former shibboleths. Is there a timetable, hence, that grants us a time and place for these discoveries to be acknowledged? It's just seems so gauche to have one distinguished scientist say viruses exist while another highly credentialed scientist says "ixnay".

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You are either CIA meant to derail or you’re a fool. I suppose you think it was 5G or snake venom in the water. Your “viruses don’t exist” lunacy can’t even explain the common cold. Oh, I know, it’s exosome signaling. The poorest understood cellular mechanism. But you’re expecting us to believe that of all the researchers, scientists, doctors, epidemiologists, virologists, etc since the days of Pasteur not a single one was smart enough to smack their forehead and say golly you know, I think it’s all bullshit! No, you are pedaling bullshit buddy. GTFO!

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You have to dig for the truth. A lot of this has been discussed over the years and you listen and pay attention to what they are saying. People want to know the truth, it only makes the divide greater. Go to the sources. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4858158/user-clip-tom-wheeler-testing-5g. I would suggest to find the whole video to watch. https://www.facebook.com/100057226759000/videos/we-wont-wait-for-the-standards-if-something-can-be-connected-it-will-be-connecte/373166223393150/

Another good video to watch in whole is Fauci and company discussing the Universal vaccine 10/29/2019 https://www.c-span.org/video/?465845-1/universal-flu-vaccine using their new technology that just seemed to not be catching on, so in order to push it they would need to disrupt the system, go to Congress, people are dying. As usual Bill Gates has to be mentioned.

https://www.geekwire.com/2021/backing-bill-gates-pivotal-commware-raises-50m-5g-products/ Gates has been investing in Pivotal since 2017, not long after it was spun out from Intellectual Ventures. It’s one of several Gates-backed ventures that make use of metamaterials, an exotic breed of electronics that can channel signals without moving parts.

https://www.bbc.com/news/business-50258287 China rolls out 'one of the world's largest' 5G networks 31 October 2019

10/19/2019 http://eng.mod.gov.cn/xb/News_213114/TopStories/4853315.html The Games will also write another record with defense ministers, military generals and military officers from 42 nations to attend the opening ceremony on Friday. The 5G powered 8K TV and VR system will also be used for the first time. https://www.reuters.com/technology/huawei-start-building-first-european-factory-france-next-year-source-2023-12-11/


I would say China is leading the ways and means for the UN

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Feb 25Edited

All you’re doing is obfuscating reality. You’re muddying the waters so that nobody will arrive at the truth. You are a dark agent who has no interest in solving anything. We know your game. Get lost.

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Let's break it down, The Internet of things. Of course they have muddied the waters and no one seems to have all the answers. Evidently you don't know their game. Dark agent really... coming from someone who prefers to stay in the dark.

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They are PROUD to get covid and tell their stories.

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Yes, strangely enough. Anything for attention.

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Covid done? Shirley, you jest!

Wife has an important job for a huge international entity with almost 200,000 employees. Since the scamdemic she works from home but goes to the office two days a week.

She recently came home from work. Proceeds to tell me that in the morning the office mgr told the employees her 15yr old daughter has Covid.

So out of an abundance of caution she deliberately stayed in her office and teleconferenced with her employees in the office so as not to transfer the dreaded virus.

Finally she had to emerge in the afternoon whereupon my wife’s fully vaxxed boss told the manager she should wear a mask. So she did.

My wife is watching her Master Degreed office mates whom she’s worked with for over 25 years go full Covid retard. Again.

My wife rightly wondered why anyone tests for Covid anymore? And didn’t think there were any masks available anywhere at her office.

But here we are. Happening 2/22/2024!

And I live in the Midwest. So don’t even try to convince me the people are awakening to the bs. It’s just simmering under the surface waiting for a trigger. COVID’s psychology of manipulation is only just beginning.

Listen to The Who’s 1971 hit We Won’t Get Fooled Again. It’s pop prophesy!

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So many people have forgotten that certain individuals occasionally get 'colds.' No big deal. No reason to panic. Act accordingly.

If how to treat a cold at home has been forgotten over the insanity of the past 4 years, ask a grandmother, if the government and their many obedient doctor-servants haven't intentionally killed her with covid injections, midazolam, and ventilators.

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Feb 25Edited

There’s no such thing as brushing off being sick anymore. Every sniffle could mean curtains! And if you get a fever too? Run for the hills!!! And run to take the bullshit nasal test that means absolutely NOTHING.

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I am calling them “TRUE BELIEVERS”. Now. They cannot and will not use the brain they were born with, GOD given, to extrapolate truth from fiction.

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I keep waiting (in vain I’m sure) for my constantly sick triple poked friends to observe that;

(A) their vaccinations clearly are counterproductive,

(B) their unpoked friends are almost never ill.

Have any of you fellow readers had someone wake up from their Covid delusions?

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Yes…..my own PCP physician who took 2 jabs is now awake. Sadly, he is now suffering from heart damage, but scared of breathing others breath in exam room, so he still double masks so he will not get the “shedding:. Crazy. He is the only one I know.

I just watched this. JJ Couey, PhD neuro-biologist explains the PCR testing and a lot more. Starts at about 23 minutes in. Excellent presentation and he answers questions at end. It was posted above in another post and only 2K views. 🤔. https://rumble.com/v2kzyiq-jjcouey-dr.-jj-couey-phd-testifies-at-the-nci-national-citizens-inquiry-res.html

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What is not addressed in the above presentation is how people ended up having what other doctors describe as “blood clotting”. Dr. Brian Ardis has said it is some type of “snake venom”, but Dr. Mihalcea is observing all kinds of fibrous clotting that is rubbery in nature. Live blood samples of un-vaxxed as well as vaxxed showing blinking lights and self-assembling structures under dark field microscopy. This whole thing is just outrageous.

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Thanks to both of you.

Does anyone have additional information on the Graphene Oxide/ Hydroxide thesis? I watched Dr. Andreas Noack’s presentation (apparently killed) after he presented on these “razor blades” slicing the epithelium of the circulatory system. And I know That Spain’s Quinta Columna (5th column) conducted mass spectroscopy suggesting that the vaccines do not carry phosphorus or nitrogen- thus imRNA is not likely?

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Nobody wakes up. They’re just burned out from fear of Covid but that doesn’t mean they can’t be retriggered to “assume the position” again. Currently they cling to excuses to justify their ownership to fear mongers. “I take my shots because even though I might catch Covid I won’t get as sick.”

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Sharp observation! "It's" gonna happen again, isn't it? Of course, it would not happen again should propaganda suddenly cease, though.

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Even if propaganda ceased today it’d take years before people calmed the fuck down.

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Check out JJ Couey....he spoke a few months back at the NCI....... he explains the fraud of COVID...... https://rumble.com/v2kzyiq-jjcouey-dr.-jj-couey-phd-testifies-at-the-nci-national-citizens-inquiry-res.html

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thank you, will post

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Thank you for posting that video. I watched it. What is not addressed in the above presentation is how people ended up having what other doctors describe as “blood clotting”. Dr. Brian Ardis has said it is some type of “snake venom” from a crate snake. Dr. Ana Mihalcea is observing all kinds of fibrous clotting that is rubbery in nature. Live blood samples of un-vaxxed as well as vaxxed showing blinking lights and self-assembling structures under dark field microscopy. This whole thing is just outrageous.

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Yes...I think they had other experts speaking about that.... I am glad you watched it!

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My pockets have NEVER been open to Covid grifters. I have supported The Highwire for years and yes bought a Wellness Kit which is worth every penny. We need to make sure this government overreach NEVER happens again. If we put Covid to bed before accountability it will happen again.

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support who you wish for we are free people (well to the extent we are free) but just know, its grift, pure grift...Del I like, friends, but he needs to intervoew Malone properly...its been a joke so far...do I think Del is legit, I do.

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Without Del and his show I would have likely been stupid enough to take these shots. He saved many.

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The tsunami has landed, these folk are seated above the wreckage and gloating about their view. We need scrutinisers that dig not ‘expert’ gatekeepers that steer the cameras away from the ocean of inconvenient truths.

If you have an appetite for truth, I’ve three articles you may find interesting.

We breathe air not oxygen is my first.

I’ve a new take on blood and lung physiology and the nature of air and water.

And you will find out why colds and flu are seasonal.


A demonstration of oxygen becoming nitrogen.


How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking? Is my third.

This connects chronic dehydration with the adrenals.

And you’ll find out why women are overly represented in Dementia wards.


I hope you will read and ponder.

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Going to read these. TY for posting.

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Coofid 1984 is far from over lol. I’m in the bluest of areas and people are still walking around alone outside wearing masks, sunglasses and gloves. I want to scream! I have friends that have every BOOst and will do whatever their DR tells them to do. Every pharmacy is still broadcasting over the loudspeakers to get your jabs as it’s FLu season! I watched a movie last night on Roku channel and every commercial was a phIZEeeer ad! Last week I took my daughter to an early movie. The theatre was practically empty. At the end of our aisle comes a mother and her teenage daughter in black masks. The daughter wore it until she decided to eat her chips and soda, then she put it back on when she was done. This will never end as too many have been indoctrinated. Oh and just read “The Indoctrinated Mind” which sums it all up nicely. A book I will purchase as proof of the mass psychosis and worldwide evil guberment indoctrination :(

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Just yesterday went to the store and the cashier behind the counter was wearing a mask. The guy in front inquired why he was wearing a mask, he replied he has a cold. Then the guy asked if he had to wear the mask, he replied no. Peacock and Paramount are really bad, they have a lot of breaks in their shows. State farm showing the idiot that said Fk your freedoms and Lady Ga Ga playing the piano with the dark side sitting on top. It is just beyond how ignorant they think all people are. George Bush quote: You can fool some of the people all the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on. I always like to read, watch, observe, research and listen. Everything they do lies in between.

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I’m confused Paul. Aren’t you part of a group raking in millions selling pandemic preparedness kits because of a pandemic that never existed?😉

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Sadly, that’s largely been my experience. My best friend literally said the same thing. “Think of how sick I’d be without the vaccine…”

Yeah, think of it.

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Still waiting for someone to isolate and purify this pesky illusive disease. Otherwise, it was just the annual flu before the unnecessary jabs started.

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https://www.redvoicemedia.com/video/2024/02/putting-vaccines-in-lettuce-tomatoes-what-could-possibly-go-wrong/ Video discussing, not stopping it, but regulating it. As one said pharma, are they going to move it to the pharmacy. How the hell in the first place it got there. This is ignorance of governments pushing agendas. TN house bill HB1894 Just look a scramble of 1984, how ironic. Regulating vaccines in lettuce and tomatoes so people will know how much to eat or not to eat to be vaccinated. No wonder they are and continue to harm our Dr's and nurse's, are they going to be needed? Sick of Pharma everywhere you look or watching. Nothing but drug pushers. Still looking for Malone's video with again his wife in attendance with him discussing the vaccination of lettuce years ago. It is out there. He needs to be called out. If his wife is near him when he speaks, ever notice how her lips move with his.

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Germ theory and viruses are done.

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COVID is not done

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