COVID is done, it is over but the Freedom Fighter Movement driven by crooked greedy doctors & scientists as well as the Freedom Figher media (wink wink nod no so called wanna be 'media' wink wink)
will not let it be over for they still seek to line their pockets...what COVID is now is pure grift and graft as these thieves create innovative ways to con you into fear and to take your money
COVID is done! By by looking around at the summits and projects and groups, they are only getting started. My advice, wake up, close your pockets to these thieves for thieves they are. I know many and ssshhhh, come closer, no, not like that, come closer to the lap top, to your phone, closer still, just a little bit closer, let me tell you this….sssshhhh, don’t tell anyone, many have whispered to me “we don’t give a flying fuck about the public, who gives a fuck, we just need inside their pants”…that means your pockets.
be warned, it is now just a fleece fest. It is not what you want to hear but it is the way it is.
So tired of hearing from friends, I have covid again! They do not want to hear or learn, NO, YOU HAVE A VARIANT BECAUSE YOU WERE STUPID ENOUGH TO TAKE THE SHOTS! They just look at you blankly, but it is Covid, no it is a variant that your body is making and will continue to make and spew out BECAUSE YOU TOOK THE SHOTS. IT IS YOUR BODY THAT HAS THE POISON SETTING THESE ILLNESSES UP, AND IT IS YOUR BODY BEING HURT BY YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM SHUTTING DOWN BECAUSE YOU TOOK THE SHOTS!
Covid done? Shirley, you jest!
Wife has an important job for a huge international entity with almost 200,000 employees. Since the scamdemic she works from home but goes to the office two days a week.
She recently came home from work. Proceeds to tell me that in the morning the office mgr told the employees her 15yr old daughter has Covid.
So out of an abundance of caution she deliberately stayed in her office and teleconferenced with her employees in the office so as not to transfer the dreaded virus.
Finally she had to emerge in the afternoon whereupon my wife’s fully vaxxed boss told the manager she should wear a mask. So she did.
My wife is watching her Master Degreed office mates whom she’s worked with for over 25 years go full Covid retard. Again.
My wife rightly wondered why anyone tests for Covid anymore? And didn’t think there were any masks available anywhere at her office.
But here we are. Happening 2/22/2024!
And I live in the Midwest. So don’t even try to convince me the people are awakening to the bs. It’s just simmering under the surface waiting for a trigger. COVID’s psychology of manipulation is only just beginning.
Listen to The Who’s 1971 hit We Won’t Get Fooled Again. It’s pop prophesy!