I will never be injected with the blessed bioweapon shot or any others again. I am grateful to be on this side of things. I’m disgusted they killed my dad and cousin. But more than all of it, I’m crushed by the ones I know who won’t engage in any form of communication with me and when they do, might as well imply I’m in need of a straight jacket and heavy doses of psyche meds. The brainwashed/borderline brain dead people all over that must have had alterations done to their frontal lobe or something with the combination of “programming” they received and then some and the concoction of poisons in a shot and another concoction in another shot, etc. I have never been more lucid in my life, yet being that I’m fully paying attention, I have no family anymore and am undoubtedly laughed at behind my back by people I’ve known since birth. Some days it feels like too much and I just don’t know how much of this I can continue to take.

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hold on, they will join you, it is happening. huge hugs and love for your strength, critical thinking. an inspiration.

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Same here didn't take the jab, lost my job of 17 years for refusing it. My remote family doesn't talk to me either; they all got the jab and because I didn't join the Covid cult they refuse to communicate with me and my unjabbed family. I was always the black sheep and conspiracy nut in the family, and it has served me well like it has done through the Covid scamdemic. I don't miss any family but them stealing by leaving me out of my inheritance after my mother and father passed was not cool. Could have used the money vs. selling everything to stay in our home and pay bills. I had jabbed friends who didn't turn their back on me but they have since died; lost two in the past year. The last friend to die was pretty scared after the first one "died suddenly." It was quite strange to watch these people go crazy about masks, vaccines. I thought I was in the twilight zone or something.

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they took your inheritance? the fuckers!! how did that happen?

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Brother stole a gold coin collection that was my father's that was worth about $350K; he took everything to his house before my mother died. She was in ill health at the end, so he took advantage of that. I was wondering why he was going over there lots. Just sneaking stuff from the house. He ended up taking the boats and cars and trucks as well. However, the dumb ass (brother that is) didn't get my father's laptop which my son was given by my mother and it contained the list of rare gold coins, silver bullion etc. that was purchased over a 20 year period by my father. I hear this happens quite a bit. Dumb ass (brother) got vaccinated so if he "dies suddenly" possibly I can get it?

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was there no will?

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My parents said they were going to make one. The only thing they told me was they made him the executor of their estate so I thought they had a will.

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there should have been some kind of attorney there. i was the executor of my father's will and i did it without a lawyer because it was so simple. but i had to have lots of papers showing that i was the executor which my brother had to sign, acknowledging that he knew i was the executor and send back to the probate court by registered mail.

something sounds not right in your case.

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My brother probably took the valuables long before my mother's death so they didn't get added to the inventory. He took anything of value. I was going to get a special lawyer as I have the laptop with the coins listed and where they were purchased. The cars and trucks were older so I really didn't care too much as he probably will only get about $10K for all of them. The boats were older as well. My father had an antique gun collection also which were also taken. It was kind of bad that he was left in charge of the estate as he was the most untrustworthy. I asked him if it was turned around and I did it too him how would he feel and he just said "too bad." If it wasn't my brother the person would be having a special kind of pain by now if you know what I mean. However, since my brother jabbed up he probably doesn't have much time left...sucks to be him. He can't take all his ill gotten gains to the grave but he could be an asshole and leave it to charity.

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They all laughed at Noah and his family too...and then the flood came.

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Jodi, I am sorry to hear about your Dad and Cousin. Please know you are not alone. If you need to talk to anyone, you can reach out to me. You are strong, we don't quit, we don't give up. You got this!

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same, dont you ever give up! you came this far.

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please stay strong. i know, it's horrible. i'm so lucky to have a steadfast boyfriend- we both lost our jobs over this and many friends. i can't forgive or respect people who i now know would have volunteered to load jews onto boxcars for brownie points back in the day.

it's ironic that only more obvious vaccine failure and more death is what stopped this insanity from going further when the Constitution alone should have been enough.

had covid really been as deadly as they tried to say and had the vaccines worked as advertised, i wonder if all of us holdouts would now be hiding basements instead of "merely" angry, depressed, disappointed and to some extent alone.

i'm so sorry about your father and your cousin. i know these forums are of limited help; they can't replace former friends of 20, 30, 40 years standing and can't make up for how you've been treated. but we must stick together and keep going forward.

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You will hang in there...like the rest of us. All family is connected by is blood...what about truth, health and freedom? The freedom to be who you are? not some troublecausing conspiracist!

We are spreading truth, hope and love

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I feel the same way, very depressed and have been for a few years now

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Hang in there.

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It’s sometimes difficult to find much motivation for anything these days. Even for stuff I have always been so passionate about like animals and crafting. It’s frustrating and heart breaking but I’ll be damned if they think I will just lay down and submit as they’d wish. I forget how stubborn I can be. When someone tries to interfere between my kids and me, especially in a health related matter, I am liable to do anything to protect them, no matter what. Murder? For my kids? No question. I’m just so mad for their future and how different of childhood, (almost 11 yo son), teenage years (19 yo daughter), and mid 20’s (26 yo son), they have been living and what appears will become much worse in the not so distant future. My heart feels so broken for them (almost as bad as an “vaccinated” broken heart 💔🙄🫤)

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I have to admit, it is very depressing to find out that a lot of what we trusted and just assumed was a "given" is an actual satanic lie. That being said, we know there is and always has been evil in the world, and perhaps many of us were fortunate to be shielded from the worst of it for a time. It appears to have really come out recently in many ways. We have to keep the faith and know that in the end, evil will be totally abolished!

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Like others have said, your are not alone..Prayers and blessings to you.

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It's only been a couple of years that these fools have had the spike poison in their major organs. How long will the injected survive? No one knows yet. i had a friend die the other night but as most have found out, some think they were so smart to listen to the murderers instead of using common sense.


https://rumble.com/v2acy0o-dr.-peter-mccullough-advice-for-those-who-took-covid-19-vaccines.html nanokinease has shown promise to dissolve the spike protein! Yes, I took nanokinease this morning as I am occasionally around the injected shedders. Another recommendation DO NOT TAKE ANYMORE INJECTIONS, damage seems to be cumulative. And be vigilant, do NOT blow off things like ankle swelling which might be a symptom of blood clots.

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I would not call people fools. They were deceived by the most highly planned evil plot and propaganda in the history of the world. By the time we realized that we couldn't trust our own government agencies it was too late to avoid all the shots. You can't go backward, but not taking any more is the first step.

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Of course, they were fools. I told some family and friends to do their research and I had some of they say they had no time for that. Yet they had time for watching football games and watching TV and movies. They also had the audacity to call me names for researching and trying to warn them and some were just plain evil wishing death upon the unjabbed. I had some of the most evil and vile people like this in my family.

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I am sorry for your experience. It is disheartening. But part of the propaganda ploy is to inundate the masses with so much talk about "conspiracy theories" and "disinformation" that those that don't have the time, or choose not to spend much time think that the ones telling them the truth are crazy and misled. This is all part of the plan. However, they have pretty much worn this out, as most realize now that the "conspiracy theories" and "misinformation" are actually the truth. Let's face it...most people don't want to spend their time researching how corrupt their own governments are. In a way I don't blame them. On the other hand, some of us feel a need to know the truth.

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Being a "conspiracy theorist" is lifesaving. I had 2 friends and several relatives that took these jabs, and they are now dead. This sure wasn't the time to ignore the "conspiracy theorists."

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Please know that you are not alone in your experience. Keep your head high and your faith strong. I believe you!

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It is my understanding that the injection contents make their way throughout the body and into every vital organ within 15 minutes. This has been a beef of mine and what has cause me to question Dr Malone after I once had such admiration for. He received, I believe, two total shots. Him and his wife. He was a contributor to the invention of the mRNA technology and assisted in designing the dang thing to perform as a messenger would do...spread a message throughout the body, and even have the capability to cross blood brain as never before. That’s huge! It also is why I scratch my head each time I think of how in the beginning of this insanity, why didn’t he speak up when he knew his colleagues were telling us lay people how it stayed at the injection site? He knew more than most people how very untrue of a promise that was to make. And to get more of it himself? I just don’t get much of anything that’s happened to us and continues to get even more and more ass backwards every day. I find myself in tears every day at some point, mostly because of how pissed off I am about it all.

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in honor of your smarts, and bravery, will write a brief stack, look for it.

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That's why I have misgivings about Malone, especially after his suit against Peter Breggin!

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yes, i don't understand that at all. can't we all just get along? and then people have misgivings about alex berenson over his treatment of naomi wolf, pierre kory and ivermectin.

we can't afford these factions

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Anyone truly concerned about their reputation can sue anyone who defames them.

For $1.00.

The person we are discussing here, and his wife are suing at least 3 people for $25,000,000.

I had to look up how many zeros are in 25,000,000.

People who sue others for this kind of money are off my list to ever listen to or trust.

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Well said!

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Hi Jody. If you are in tears every day, you are spending way too much time on this stuff. There is only so much you can do. PLEASE don't obsess over it. It sounds like you need a break from this.

Have faith. Spend time with your family. Get out every day and do something that you enjoy that takes your mind off this crazy stuff, even if it is only for a little while. Look how fast things went downhill in this world. That can reverse just as fast, or maybe even faster., because miracles do happen. Remember that ultimately God is in control and we have to trust him. We do what we can and have to let it go after that. Don't destroy your life over this. Enjoy your loved ones. God bless you and your family.

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Yes, thanks Bobby. I actually spend about an hour, sometimes two hours, and other days it’s three hours throughout the day, especially when I’ve got an empty house, for example. I have no desire to spend any less. I feel it’s a very big part of why so many were suckered into what I’m so grateful to put in the time, therefore, have not fallen for. Spring 2020 I was very much on the fence about getting what was to be discovered was a shot from hell. It was then that I chose to take a deep look into what else was happening at the same time before feeling confident in my decision. Initially, I was spending the better part of each day researching and ended up all the way back to the beginning of western medicine and the start of Pharma courtesy of John D. Rockefeller and now understand what that all entails. Not a day goes by I don’t remember how close I was to being persuaded to line up for the shot that killed my dad. I even wore these cute masks I had ordered online, even though I despised doing so. I thought if we just followed the rules, some made up Fauci curve would be flattened faster and normal we would return. We all know how that panned out.

All that being said, I can assure you that I will never ignore the truths to our history and current events being revealed faster than I can keep up on. The thought of choosing ignorance actually gives me such anxiety.

While I do appreciate your thoughts and suggestions, it’s just not an option for me.

I’ve always been highly sensitive since birth and am quick to cry, even if I try to fight back tears. I do feel better after a good cry and disagree in the “boys don’t cry” old statement. Maybe boys that have heart attacks don’t. But it’s crucial for us human beings to cry for an assortment of reasons. I don’t find it necessarily problematic for a mother to feel justified fear for the future of my offspring. In fact, I think my reaction is fairly normal in today’s world. Maybe most don’t advertise it like I did. Ignoring reality, however, isn’t my MO. Doubtful it will ever be. As painful as it may be. Pretending it’s not happening seems foolish to me, for me.

Please know I have a very active life beyond the internet and devote my life to my kids and husbands and pets and my career. I only have a degree in phlebotomy for humans. And veterinary medicine has been my career for much of my adult life. My mother has her PhD in psychology and is a retired radiology professor. I’m no doctor but am familiar in the realm of science, etc. I’m not sure if being a doc these days would be a blessing or maybe often a curse, I’d guess, knowing full well the disgrace that’s become in the way of all things medicine and their colleagues along side not in the know of reality yet. That would be frustrating as hell, I’m sure!

Feeling alone often in this, I don’t regret sharing anything I shared about my interpretations and feelings I have about them. I wasn’t expecting to be responded to at all, to be honest. But I can’t tell you how grateful I am and was each time I got one and for their kind words of support. Feeling less alone was/is the greatest.

I’m not changing myself and will continue to seek truth, if not for myself, but for my children.

If I could contribute more I would in a heartbeat. Being part of the rally last spring in LosAngeles was incredible. Meeting Del Bigtree was something I’ll treasure always. I’m not rich. But donate what I am able to the Highwire and a couple others I know are being used for our good. If there are things you know or anyone reading this still know that a nobody like myself can do to better support this daunting journey I wish more were also on, please don’t be shy.

God bless and thanks again💗

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My tears and fears and profound grief are also for my now grown children and young grandchildren. And I too thank God daily for keeping me from the appointment I made to take the shot "from hell"(!)

I have had animal people my whole life too - horses, geese, chickens, cats and dogs and more. And I've been hollering about what this vet says in the clip below for 30 years! ( And yes, my brother is a Stanford trained neurologist, and other siblings, Harvard, Cambridge etc and all are clueless about injections).

I love what and the way you write, and hope this video means as much to you as it does to me.


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i've heard him say thathe didn't know that they've changed the uridine to pseudouridine and that makes a big difference in the way the stuff behaved (maybe Dr. Paul will weigh in here?). i think a lot of those guys (malone, RFKjr, jimmy dore, steve kirsch?) got shots so they could travel and be free to spread the message. malone had a very serious reaction. maybe he expected it to work and his side effect, which might have killed him, made him rethink. also remember that in the beginning, there weren't any mandates; in fact, certain people- biden, fauci- are on record saying there would be no mandates. the shots were dispensed by age and profession and people who wanted them lined up. i knew this would happen- that the really scared and really committed people would count the minutes until they could get their shots and then the enthusiasm would taper off.

when they started with the advertising and the give a-ways, i was immediately suspicious. you shouldn't have to do a hard sell on something that people want. then came the on air slandering and the punishment of all the people who didn't really want it. i know some people gave in. i went to the funeral of a 41 year old man who got the shot only to keep his job- which he obviously didn't keep.

and then there are those who will never get it, no matter what. in that crowd i have to count the "cowards" who got fake cards to keep their jobs without actually getting a shot. i have a feeling there are lots of them and if they had just walked away from their jobs en masse, i think this would have been over sooner.

but i can't be too critical of anyone who speaks out or writes in support of this side of the fence, even if i disagree with them on certain details. it's not a winning career move.

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Hey Carolyn,

I know Maolone's, Kirsch's and Jimmy Dore's stories - but did RFKJr seriously take the shots? I'd heard his wife did(?) I'd never heard he did, especially after the decades of research he's done on environmental poisons and injectable toxins!

I truly am curious, (and it would probably make my husband feel a lot better abut the damned J&J he got).


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i'm not actually sure which is why i used the question mark. i heard an interview with RFKjr recently and i thought he said he had gotten vaccinated but i can't be sure without playing the interview over.

i think he would have had to have taken it to travel as much as he does but again, i really don't know.

i lost a friend to the J & J shot

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Thanks Carolyn.

I think I remember exchanging comments with you last year......was that the amazing friend who you made the beautiful video about? A fellow theater friend?

Yeah. The J&J...... All of them. Scary sh**.

Just spoke to my longest time friend here (nurse) and she still wears a mask and I don't even want to know how many injections she's had this year - last year it was boosters and flu for sure, mandated for her work.

I asked about how the births are going here locally, and she said everything's fine!

For three years I've checked on my mental sanity ten times daily.

Which is enough to drive one mad!

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yes, it was me but it was an article in the washington post. she died before the vaccine came into being but her sister died of the J & J vaccine. i'm the only one who believes that but i'm the only one who is right.

i'm glad at least that your longest time friend still talks to you! she has some integrity.

yes, it is hard to stay positive. my BF leaves tomorrow, driving to louisiana to pick up some cows for our farm. that keeps us real

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You mean they lied? Just like safe and effective? 🙄

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CDC = Consistently Deceitful Collaborators

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“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44

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Dr Paul,

Have you written about Dr Nagase's work on this subject? And if so, could you point me to the article?

I tried searching all your articles - which I've kept - but couldn't (quickly) find anything about Dr Nagase.

Thank you!

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Dr. Alexander: The Federal agencies don't care. It's time to focus on state-based legislatures that nullify the CDC, FDA, and other agencies. Isn't it time to promote Amendment X?

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how anyone ever bought the fairy tale that it would stay at the injection site is beyond me. do you have a lead box in your arm? i've given myself an injection of magnesium chloride in my glute muscle when having a bad asthma attack. within seconds my lungs open up. last time i checked, my butt was "down there" and my lungs were "up here." did they forget that little thing called circulation?

honestly, i'm not so sure that they lied; it might be that they just didn't know. and they should have before they forced it on people. it all would have been fine had they said "listen, we're asking you to take a leap of faith. we rushed the trials, we have no long term safety data. moderna has never had a product on the market and pfizer is a bunch of known crooks BUT there's a virus going around and maybe this will help. take your chances."

but no, they had to take away your jobs and advertise relentlessly so that everyone would hate you if you didn't when they just didn't know. and after all the big press and fanfare, they have to keep walking back on their glowing promises- it doesn't stop transmission, it doesn't stop infection, it doesn't stay at the injection site, it doesn't breakdown immediately... what else?

meanwhile, i lost a job i loved after 40 years and can never respect certain people, who were friends, again.

28 days? 60 days? sure, it lasts that long because that's as far out as they looked. i'd like to see them look at 100 days, 200 days, infinity. i bet it's still there wrecking havoc

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Let us poor slaves know when the CDC for once tells the truth. Betcha it never happens.

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... and then there is the conceit, built into this vaccine strategy, that the body would not attack its own cells which are now expressing or secreting this foreign and highly antigenic protein.

If the spike protein is expressed on the outer cell membrane (i.e., still part of the cell), then those spike-expressing or spike-presenting cells are gonna get destroyed by the immune system. (Unless, of course, the immune system is disabled...)

If the spike protein is simply secreted or released by the cells into the extracellular space (i.e., no longer part of the cell), then they may stand a better chance of not being killed. (Unless, of course, the immune system is disabled...)

Who came up with this stupid idea?!

Really, what were they thinking?!! The whole concept is patently ridiculous - i.e., worthy of ridicule.

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Whoever promoted the nonsensical concept that an intramuscular injection would stay at the site of injection knows nothing about anatomy, physiology, or pharmacology! It was always a patently absurd claim. It is completely unnecessary for the "no aspiration before injection" thing to be in play; any substance injected into a muscle is going to be absorbed into the systemic circulation, whether or not the person injecting it draws back on the plunger (to check for intravascular needle placement) before injecting. The whole purpose of IM injection is to get the drug into the systemic circulation. I just couldn't fathom how trained medical professionals could have fallen for - and promoted - that nonsense. What fools they took us to be!

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If I am in near contact with "vaccinated" people, does the shedding of the spike protein (?) make me need to detox?

I am currently on carnivore diet, but I take extra amount of vitamins, zinc, magnesium and I intend to add zeolite to my prophylaxis protocol. And later nattokinase.

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So what does this mean down the road for those injected?

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