That POS Cohen is an absolute disgrace, if not a criminal. CDC sure found the perfect replacement for Walensky, another real winner.

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Dr.Alexander, you know as I well know, these people are all as you said, “Ding Dongs”! Each and everyone of them are! It is beyond comprehension why anyone would think about injecting a “Bioweapon” into their body after how much has been learned to date! What’s more dangerous is, these same people and the likes of Biden and Obama and all their cronies, have done NOTHING TO HELO AMERICANS! All they have done is “HELPED THEMSELVES”! Yes, they’re all “Ding Dongs” yet they continue to get away with stealing, blaming, shaming and harassing anyone they want! Anyone who disagrees with them! America is far past the point of taking, punch after punch after punch, from sick, demented, delusional and yes, mentally deranged people! This is where the “rubber meets the road”, IMO! This is where “WE THE PEOPLE” have to say, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”! These “LUNATICS LEFTIST” are destroying everything! Every institution, every single state, every single “PATRIOTIC AMERICAN” and they DO NOT CARE ONE IOTA! I am perplexed why NOTHING is being done. It seems as though DC has decided, left and right, to let America be destroyed! Let Americans die and if they don’t die, then force the hand with another. “BIOWEAPON INJECTION”! Good God Dr Alexander when does this madness stop? I’m not sure how anyone can make a difference without the entire system being destroyed! It’s as though such destruction is light years ahead of a single solution! All I know is I am convinced, the “LUNATICS LEFTY WACKADOS” are and will continue to destroy! They all belong in jail or at minimum, a “NUTHOUSE”! These people are not worthy, they are habitual liars, they’re thieves and they HATE YOU AND ME AND ANYTHING GOOD ABOUT AMERICA! May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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we love America as the greatest nation with all her imperfections, we will one day, if it takes 100 more years, get it right but no other nation holds more promise and has done more for the world. The 'idea' of America is unlike any other, and most are shit holes. Corrupt but in a different way. I say she is worth saving and I am in the fight. I am with you...we must have accountability. we will not stop.

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Very well stated!!! I agree completely. If we don’t stand up soon, there will be nothing left of our great Country!! The lunatics still running to the jabs deserve what they get, but it’s the innocent children who I cry for!!! They are dying and being injured from all these toxic jabs, and the deadly expanded childhood schedule! A friend we haven’t seen in a while just lost his only son, 12 years old!! Why because his grandma is a leftist nurse who has been pushing the jabs and believed the hype about covid! Now her grandson is dead! Just wait until one day she learns his death is on her! The lies she prints as an ER nurse sickens me! We have in-laws who love them and take all the jabs. One has been sick for 9 weeks with everything but shingles….took every jab for all of the illnesses. The leftists sister-in-laws gall bladder just burst!!! Nothing to see here!

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it is near impossible to take down a 12 year old, a healthy 12 year old.

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And he was and had so much going for him!!! He played all kinds of musical instruments and was in every different type of band at school. It breaks my heart!!!! What a loss!

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Oh Joni I can’t agree with you enough! I couldn’t understand why these evil people were hellbent about children getting injected which prompted me to start doing research. The more I dug the more and more I found out about what these “BIOWEAPONS” were, “BIOWEAPON”! There’s a smaller group of people responsible for all the damage happening within America and the world. But they have the loudest and biggest impact! The MSM and Social Media has platforms are, as Trump said, “the enemy of the people”! How spot on he was! So as you stated Joni, “if we don’t do something we won’t have a country left”! Every institution, governmental and Non-Governmental have been corrupted, compromised, infected is my choice of words because these “lunatics Leftist” are like a nasty INFECTION! They’re poisoning our children and they’re poisoning those individuals who are weak or can’t think for themselves. They know what, how, where and why! This is Obamas third term and counting! He said he was going to “Fundamentally Transform America” and in every sense of his words, that’s exactly what’s happening! What’s wrong and what is so DESTRUCTIVE! That animal HATES AMERICA! He despises America and he’s responsible for a lot of the damage and suffering and destruction we’re experiencing! I can’t believe so many people believe they’re better off today than 4 years ago! IMO, they are also part of the problem and they are also responsible for the demise of America! I pray every day for people to wake up and see what “EVILNESS” is! We’re witnessing the wrath of “EVILNESS” like I have never before experienced! Thanks for your post Joni.


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This is another substack I subsribe to: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/iris-figueroa-i-gathered-all-vaccine?publication_id=581065&post_id=142208892&isFreemail=false&r=rm9im&triedRedirect=true. Look at the ingredients in the vaccines, but first read the story line about the lady who called Poison Control. Definitely something to share if you love someone who won't wake up!!!!

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AJR, you are right about it being Obama running and destroying our country!!! He had his 16 year plan where Hitlery was supposed to win the Presidential Election instead of Trump! They are on overdrive doing catch up now and are succeeding in the illegal invasion to destroy our country, continued to criminalize the three letter agencies and use them as their personal mafia. The people who don't pay attention are so brainwashed they will never wake up. We have family who are in that camp!!!! They think there isn't any issues whatsoever with the illegal invasion and what is to come!!!! Somehow as liberals they think they will get a pass when it comes there way!!!! Plus the fact that Obama is Satan incarnate, along with all his cronies, also shows what we are up against! The fact they want to destroy the innocence of children in every facet of their lives, plus supports every mutilation and form of death possible without a thought of something being wrong with that mindset is pure evil. And you are right about them thinking we are better off....our constitution is gone, prices are off the charts, crime is skyrocketing especially in the blue cities, but they don't pay attention. I fight everyday so that my kids have the same chance we did and not this evil world it has become.

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

and the more boosters people take the more damage to their immune systems and damaged immune systems ultimtately = death.

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Remember the joke "with the 10th, get a free toaster!"

Well, it is no longer a joke, or is it?

What will they give with the 100th?

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a coffin

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Someone should ask the German guy who, years ago, got himself jabbed nearly 90 times with the mRNA shots so he could sell fake vaccine cards. Sounds like the jabs could be addictive. He's probably on jab 1,000 by now. That's if he ever really even existed. Strangely there appear to have been no media reports informing the public about how he is faring nowadays.

Considering a COVID booster shot? A German man got nearly 90 of them, police say


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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

Agreed. Knowing what we should know by now, not only will the shots cause additional ADED, increased IgG4 production (immune tolerance) and OAS in whatever’s left of these older recipients’ immune systems, the only logical reason for issuing these shots is to promote shedding into the general population.

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

I hadn't thought about that. Could be a good explanation. Hence, the control group is even more diluted.

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Here's a new message from Mandy Cohen, who a short time ago revealed in an interview on the U.S. PBS News Hour:


In addition to the CDC recommending that everyone get up-to-date on their boosters now, she gave what she called a "preview" that the FDA and the CDC are working on developing an "updated" covid booster formula for the Fall of 2024.


No doubt it will be based upon another long-past-circulating variant, like the current booster she's trying to sell to an unreceptive public. Another 'new and improved' genetic poison on the horizon...

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The bright side is that if seniors are dumb enough to continue to fall for the “vaccine” scam, it should breathe a few more years of viability into the Social Security ponzi scheme.

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it is not they are dumb, they are scared, vulnerable, trusting and think the government and these people are smart and care...they are not smart and do not care...thats the problem. thank you for being here and helping in this battle, your input in key.

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I was being snarky and tongue-in-cheek, guessing at what might be a hidden motive in all this.

Thank you for all your efforts Dr. Alexander.

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Unfortunately, because older people grew up in a time when most doctors were trustworthy, it's difficult for some of them to understand and believe the corruption that has taken hold in the medical profession.

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I’m one of those…pushing 70 but all you have to do is a bit of investigating…doesn’t take much!

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Point well taken, Fizzygirl.

I was thinking more along the lines of my 85- and 93-year-old great uncles! One of whom took my advice and remains unvaxed. The other had a blood-clot-induced stroke after his first Pfizer over 3 years ago but has fortunately recovered to a great extent.

(I'll edit to 'difficult for some of them' for accuracy.)

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I heard the 9th booster works exceptionally well on those voters in Blue cities. Mayors should mandate for their constituents at voting precincts before entering the voting booth.

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I think that the intention is to kill off seniors. They did it with the hospital protocols during covid.

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Crazy eyes hip deep in the depopulation agenda.

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None of this matters because viruses do not exist in nature. Covid and its variants are all lies. How can these clowns invent a virus when they have never shown they know what a true virus is? The CDC is a criminal agency...code name DEATH!

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

A box of nails serves a purpose. In this case, if they pounded the nails into this bitch's head, she could become one with the box of nails than which she is dumber!

Collins, Fauci, Birx, Walensky, Jha, and this ignorant c**t -- they all need to meet Madame Guillotine.

But more to the point, the entire government, at every level down to local governments, need to be captured and dismantled. Blow it all up, and start over again, building minimalist governments. Make it clear that whenever one person (e.g. Fauci) gets out of line, he/she (no "its" allowed), he will be dismembered, in public. After all, these criminals were all like us at one time -- innocent babies -- before they grew into evil usurpers.

Power to the People!

Lock and Load.

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Who can possibly shut down the CDC? Dr. Alexander, who has that power, can Congress do it? Who has the authority to shut down an organization that is trying to kill people? Someone has to be able to do this NOW.! If it is up to Congress then WE THE PEOPLE CAN FLOOD OUR SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES WITH LETTERS DEMANDING THIER IMMEDIATE ACTION!

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congress, the POTUS...Trump best know if he gets a 2nd shot and fails, hisotry, we will not defend him further. the 2nd shot is for him to help his legacy by doing right...

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FAKE PANDEMIC: The body has a natural detox cycle that is triggered by: 1) Seasonal EMF changes in earth's EM field 2) New EMF tech IE 3G-Sars/5G COVID... and 3) Ingested/injected toxins IE vaccines/boosters... OR I guess we can stick with 4) virus-filled monkey farts escaping Asian jungles like clockword twice a year, teleporting to one hemisphere or other for the winter. https://talknet.substack.com/p/vaxx-to-killdisable-billions-over

FAKE DISEASE-X: Wuhan was the first completely blanketed 5G city in the world, activated late 2019 when their pandemic started (Radiation poisoning). Now that 5G is set up everywhere, globalists can pick a day to amp up it up to kick off the Disease-X pandemic in whatever geographical spread/pattern they prefer. https://talknet.substack.com/p/disease-x-and-the-afeared-drones

THE REAL EXCESS MORTALITY RATE: When enough people figure out gov/MSM/big-tech/pharma/medicine killed their loved ones and soon them, what do you think that looks like on a global scale? I bet global martial law is coming if only to off-set the inevitable explosion of revenge-rage. The real sudden death numbers can be seen through supply and demand stats: IE global shipment of smart phones is down 4% annually (hundreds of millions), or the huge drop in telecom subscribers across all providers, or the huge decline in movie streaming subscribers. When you look at the "suddenly unsubscribed" numbers and then look at openvaers.com ratio of dead to injured and factor in the same ratio to "suddenly unsubscribed", we get closer to 600 million dead and injured, globally. It's hard to see with mass migration, but the numbers don't lie and they should be numbers with annual growth. Factoring in the declining birth rate, it's about a 2.8% annual loss of global population that will probably add up to billions of deaths over the next 10 years. Can't research real numbers on Google, but you can on Yandex.com

Deagel population forecasts nearly 70% percent fewer Americans by 2025 From Deagel.com before they scrubbed it.

Deagel's 2025 Forecast by Country PDF: https://nobulart.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Deagel-2025-Forecast-by-Country.pdf

Thecovidblog.com/ estimates that the global population dropped from 7.8 billion in January 2020 to approximately 6.8 billion today – about a 13% drop in 28 months. https://thecovidblog.com/

The insurance companies took a massive hit too, many billions… Google censors too much data to see the big picture. https://yandex.com/search?text=insurance+compaies40%25+excess+mortality&lr=21512

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