Got one better for you.

The VA is recommending the covid DeathVax for pregnant and breastfeeding veterans.

Here is the most current guidance dated 4 Sept 2024.

Scroll down to the middle and you will see the horrible guidance...they learned nothing from Thalidomide and DES.


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how is this even sanely possible? Thank you Kathleen for this...this remains shocking.

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we have no idea the long term implications to women.

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started with pre-eclampsia / preterm births / NICU admissions /miscarriages and fetal deaths, now seeing cardiac failure diagnosis of young mothers...

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Unfortunately, we do: a substantial portion will have decreased fertility, pregnancy complications, children with birth defects, premature births…

The people behind this are just evil. There is no other word and no excuse!

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James Thorpe, MD for citations.

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True but it doesn't look good considering that the Pfizer report of April 15 2022 showed that 68.5 % of people reporting Adverse Effects Following Immunization (AEFIs) were women. 923,194 out of Total Number of Cases: 1,348,079. 

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10 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

Hi Kathleen, a lot of the VA Doctors are pushing against the new shot,because the last time the results were so bad.

In Arizona, the vaccine is still voluntary, despite the CDC push.

I hope your enjoying your Saturday

😃 😊 😀

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Thanks for the update...

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"I am not convinced either one of these terms [genocide or eugenics] can be used the COVID-19 vaccine deaths, but mass negligent homicide could apply to those who have mandated, manufactured, and administered these vaccines to the public." - Dr. Peter McCullough

The US inflicted these jabs on the world for profit. Pregnant and breastfeeding veterans on jabs equals, just like infants on jabs, profits for pfizer and moderna and those they kick back to. Superyachts are expensive to maintain and no CEO wants last year's model.

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I wonder what date Dr. McCullough made that statement.

He may, after all we know today, wish to reconsider how unconvinced he is in September 2024.

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The evil and corruption of our government continues to perpetuate itself at it profits from greed, benefitting from the draconian profits of the pharmaceutical industry and the food additive industry fostered by an even more corrupt FDA and CDC. When will we be willing to change this before it completely destroys this country of ours and our children and grandchildren, as my wife and I go about day to day, travels, entertainment, recreation we see that which we absolutely never saw just 50 short years ago.

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great sharing, thank you.

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WE must not stop or pause or cease and desist when it comes to the integrity and welfare of our nation and beyond.

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Not even the commies in China were willing to allow the pfizer or moderna jabs to be injected into their people and they refused to mandate even the traditional inactivated virus or protein subunit jabs and their death toll attributable to covid was far, far lower than in the US despite their much larger population. They actually did try to mandate the traditional jabs in Beijing but scrapped the mandate after a few days without jabbing anyone because the people rebelled.

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As you have said, after trial and conviction, hang every damned one of these bastards. Don’t wait, no appeal. #NeverForgive #NeverForget #NoAmnesty #NoPardon

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hang thew high!

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we were clearly told it was safe and effective however the EVIDENCE proves that it was UNSAFE AND DEFECTIVE

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Yes we were! Pharmacy ads where I live reminding one and all to come in to stay up-to-date. They quit using those words now, tho, hoping everybody is brainwashed

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COVID-19 Vaccine Limited Immunity Durability Was Knowable from the Start: No Long-Lived Plasma Cells

Completely knowable from the first small trial.


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grateful for the sharing...means what you, me, all have been saying, nothing in this was ever needed, all a fraud.

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I will share, James is a smart guy...giant

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grateful Solo, so very grateful

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It used to be "no child left behind. Now it's "no child left alive."

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Here's the thing..."there ain't no cure for stupid". Anyone either getting a booster or inflicting it on their kids is JUST STUPID. Furthermore, those parents that are getting their children Jabbed are also committing child abuse (some would say infanticide should there be a death). By now, if people don't know the dangers...to me any death going forward is on them. In a similar vein, big pharma by the continued pushing of this poison are just trying to squeeze the last dollars before the shit-house goes up in flames AND to cull the herd a little more. Not to worry, pandemic 2.0 is in the wings. Hat-tip to Satan...diabolical yet brilliant. Pax

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Very true! Crazy how this thing just keeps going ....Pax

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Unfortunately, we don't wield enough power to stop this.

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we have to take it, get it, assume it...I think we are being pushed to that sweet spot...we will get there.

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This is very true,Luc. Fourtenetly many other things are in play at the same time. The war in Ukraine, the Red Sea War,unrest amongst the migrants and the potential of a high value false flag to stop the election.

At this point I'm not overly concerned about the vaccine.

Nice to hear your voice again ,I hope all is well with you.

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President-elect Harris may instruct Biden to mandate the vaxx to counter the new XEC variant. This is likely to be high on her agenda along with abolishing ICE, legalizing recreational fentanyl and disarming Americans. It would be surprising if she waited until after her inauguration to take action.

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What a "wish list"! These creatures are here straight out of the pit of hell! Ughhhhh

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Similar to the recent news that Biden Harris let in 13,000 known convicted murderers, 15,000 convicted rapists, 425,000 convicted criminals through the open border. Not to mention they lost 300,000 children. Along with fentanyl deaths skyrocketing with the open border. These people are ruthless cold blooded killers. Only interested in their own power.

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This is a likely foreshadowing of a theoretical "Harris administration." But I'd think any instructions conveyed from Harris to Biden would be coming from someone at a 'higher pay grade' than Kamala.

These policies appearing to come from Biden's "mouth," third hand though it would be, would give a "President-elect" Harris deniability.

All the more many reasons to vote for Donald J Trump. But American voters, particularly women, turn a blind eye. I'm ashamed of them.

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

Hey, Darkstar! I agree with you but to a point. With all of this coming at us on so many fronts, we gotta get many "teams" working on each one.

Doc is working on his niche. We CAN'T have more of our people getting damaged and dieing from THIS that we KNOW IS doing that!

We know danger and destruction is headed our way. But THIS is here. PEACE

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I was at the gym and saw Global News pushing the covid jabs for 12 years and up, like wtf is wrong with them.

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Absolutely demonic!

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Babies and very young children toddlers don't have a full independent immune system. Pfizer and or Moderna devastate their bodies. Anyone with the increased childhood vaccines combined is beyond any reasonable sanity and keep adding more to it. Since when does a newborn baby need a hep B shot when the parents don't do illicit drugs with needles or sharing them or had tattoo work they are going to go out and meet up with another newborn baby for some action. Let me guess they are going to hook up with some birds, swine, chickens, and pork pigs to spread the disease pathogens all around across many species then finally hook up with another human. The CDC, FDA, and all the other ones involved with this scheme need to be investigated up and down. I would say 1 out of 2 children has a possibility of death from these shots and same odds as getting autism behavior disorders along with inflammatory diseases cancer obesity leaky gut heavy metal toxin poisoning from vaccines alleged

As Pink Floyd put hey leave them children alone.

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Yeh another bs line by Dr Marv Sigel on Fox today "microplastics being bound iin blood' sidetracking from real cause of jab. Blame it on global warming et al.

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COVID is/was a military operation, a military campaign against the American people. Removing anything nefarious, which is not possible, the military was delegated the responsibility to get as many jabbed as possible and no one has turned them off, so the CDC and FDA are still under military/DARPA control , and those folks still want us dead.

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