"Biden at 81 operates like a 95 year old."

Please stop with the ageism!

Age does not make you feel bad and is not invariable accompanied by dementia. There are many 81 year olds in good health who are active and think clearly. There are also 50 year olds with dementia, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, etc. A 104 year old vet with completely normal mental function was interviewed on FOX yesterday.



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As of 7:04 EDT Biden has not “Clocked out of this race”--More so he has become more insistent

about moving forward, contrary to all misleading media diatribe- My advice to our “erstwhile GOP


This is the kind and type of hard line political negotiation accredited to being a “TRUMPITE"

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I.M.O As long as this inside battle continues -we should let the democrats self destruct each other-looks like Jill is running the Biden train- but the outer camp wants him out-

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

C'mon man! Biden has never been an overly popular politician. He has always been considered on the dumber-side of the line. He has ALWAYS been considered corrupt. We are talking about a man who was forced to withdraw from the 1988 Democratic Nomination due to plagiarism and lying. And now all of a sudden he is POTUS? Give me a break - they cheated him in twice in 2020. The first being the Democratic Nomination. Biden won with no ideas, no original thoughts, and after being "retired" for 4-years. Then he gets impossible [not improbable] vote totals in the 2020 Presidential Election due to cheating. It's time to stop talking the truth. Biden has never been popular no matter what anyone says. And the 2020 Democratic Nomination was clearly stolen as was the POTUS election. COVID was fake and Biden's Presidency is fake.

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Trump needs to name Sen Massie as VP.

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You’re right Dr Alexander about the difference between Trump’s vs Biden’s, mental prowess’s.

I do agree age is an issue. But I don’t believe age is this issue. There’s millions of 90 something year olds, who are still “sharp as a tack”! Who are even more in tune with and able to instinctively understand and comprehend and more importantly, would be better able to protect America, than Biden’s administration.

But this isn’t the concern. IMO, this is exactly what they planned all along. It wouldn’t shock me to learn, the “deep state” deliberately and intentionally damaged Biden’s mental health! Why? Because it provides them cover to damage America the way we’ve witnessed and then, “blame it on Biden”!

People have been killed for much less! So it wouldn’t shock me one bit to learn later on about the truth, in how Biden was used as in being

“injected & rejected”!

Yes I’m way out on a limb here but the sheer “evilness” of those who are hellbent on destroying America would do something like this! Like I said, people have been killed for far less!

So age isn’t my concern it’s Biden’s “MENTAL HEALTH”!

And has Biden’s mental health been “declining deliberately”? God knows what these people would do and this is something I believe they would most definitely do!

So the question I have is, does Biden suffer from dementia or Alzheimer's Disease? Or something else? Something done to him through “injectables”?

Age is irrelevant, though it can be very relative depending on the person!

Warren Buffet is a perfect example! He’s still “sharp as a tack” brilliant!

Mental disease, as we’ve learned, can come from “Bioweapon Injections”! A German Doctor figured this out recently. This is completely different and very relevant.

With all of the “MSM” coverup’s, excuses and blatantly lying about Biden’s mental acuity, “Acuity is sharpness of vision or hearing, or quickness of thought.”

“something’s rotten in America” I’ll leave “Denmark” alone this time.

Unfortunately, the reality is, we may never know the truth about Biden’s “mental physicality”, other than what we see and read or listen to explanations from doctors, knowledgeable in the subject in question. Those who suspect upon visible indicator’s know there’s something wrong with Biden.

This is one time when we can say “you don’t have to be a rocket scientist” to know something is seriously wrong with Biden!

Again I’ll ask, “has Biden been deliberately injected with something to cause his mental deterioration? Or is this happening naturally?

Nobody wants to answer this, which is why I’m suspicious. Why everyone should be suspicious.

You know how porcupines have many “sharp quills”? Well you should also know, you never back them into a corner!

When someone’s not able, especially our President, to function properly in their present state of mind, they “MUST” step down, resign or be forced too!

We knew Biden’s mental state was failing when he was running for president. He never left his basement! When he held a campaign rally, hardly anyone showed up.

His mental state was obvious then and it’s “blindingly obvious”today! Has this been part of the “evildoers” plan all along?

Oh but “SHHH” don’t tell the MSM, they’re completely in the dark and unaware. This is what they believe we’re supposed to accept? You see the pattern how these “packages of liars” all of them, well LIE!

Over and over lie after lie!

Who cares about America, is as much of the attitude as every “sunrise and sunset” happens!

Like clockwork.

Yes like clockwork!

Sadly, more than half of Americans sense there’s something seriously wrong with Biden’s mental health and his state of mind!

Good God he “talks to dead people”! How much more does

“We the People” need to hear, need to see and listen to the excuses such as, “he has a cold or he’s working so hard?

Any President,


Or as close to perfect as perfect can be! Yet we’re all supposed to put our “heads in the sand” and make believe, as

“Floyd the Barber” from Andy Griffith Show once said,

“everything is ok in Mayberry”!

Is Biden OK? Absolutely not.

This charade of hypocrisy by the Biden administration and more importantly, the threats coming from “MSM” and how demeaning they’ve treated President Trump? And Ahh yes “We the People”!

The “MSM” parrots anything they’re told to parrot by the DOJ. One perfect example is when the DOJ labeled all MAGA VOTERS, as “Domestic Terrorist”! The “MSM” once again never questioned and all MAGA citizens were warned!

Yes America, MAGA people of America, “we’ve been targeted” in order to “insight violence” against us! Don’t fall victim to this “hollow rhetoric” but certainly “protect each other”!

Imagine standing proud for your own country and having the DOJ place a “BULLSEYE” on Americans citizens back? In times past the “MSM” would have questioned the DOJ.

But not today! Not under this administration! Especially when, someone else is actually “RUNNING THE GOVERNMENT”! It’s not Biden we know that! This is and they have the perfect opportunity and perfect cover to “inflict as much damage” making it appear as though it’s all “BIDENS FAULT”! Due to his “MENTAL HEALTH DECLINE”!

Yes IMO, the way you catch a crook is to think like a crook! There’s many thought-processes which make sense and we may never know. Maybe somebody with a “SPINE” will blow the whistle? Maybe hell will freeze over too?

As the “Tootsie Roll Owl” once said when asked, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? He replied,

“the world may never know”!

The “Evildoers” have a wonderful and perfect excuse for all the damages inflicted upon America! As they always do, they’ll blame someone else, this time they’ll be blaming Joe Biden.

It wasn’t me, it was all Joe Biden’s fault! Everything these “evildoers” plan, they plan throughly and with thought.

Thanks to “MSM” horse-blinders methods of lying, half of America’s eyes have been

“Tightly Shut” as in nothing to see here.


responsibility of any President, is to keep America safe from domestic and foreign threats!

IMO, the is a President’s number one priority! Our borders and our national security have been and are all still deeply concerning issues since Biden stole the election and stole power from Trump and all Americans!

And look at how compromised America has become? Both domestically and abroad. Americans are sitting ducks or “fish in a barrel” easy targets!

All because of an agenda, an old man’s demented state of mind and Ice Cream Cones!

“Come On Man”?

Thanks Dr Alexander for allowing me the opportunity to speak my mind and share my thoughts.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Makes sense to me!- and i will be 90 in Feb-- I sense that Biden’s impairment has already

moved into a more advanced stage of alsheimers ( or pareisis) as i believe he is unable to

multi-function- There is so little known about the human brain- but what appears to be the obvious, cannot be denied -and from the historical facts gathered, it unfortunate tht

once in that state of deterioration - the disease only progresses more quickly - I suggest

within 1/2 year Biden will be in a static situation as it seems to impair his mobility--The election is rather close - If The Biden Camp continues to pursue its combattant stance the DNC will have no alternative but to circle the wagons -and fight like hell e-(or steal the election as they did prior>

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God has blessed you Milton, many times over!

And I’ll say as well,

“God Bless You Milton!”

As your reply says, (pareisis) which can also be inflammation of the brain. As explained in part below.

Dr Michael Nehls was interviewed by Tucker Carlson explaining how the “Bioweapon Injections” are causing “Neuroinflamation” of the “hippocampus” which is largely responsible for “Alzheimer’s Disease”.

Regardless of whether or not this has been done to Biden deliberately, wasn’t my main point, rather to engage in a

“thought experiment”.

We may never know what’s ailing Biden. As obvious as it is, one would believe that, if genuine people were genuinely concerned, they’d be telling us the truth! Obviously this isn’t happening. As the saying goes “the game will find you out”! Their “GIG” is up!

They’ve been outed. Now what?

Below is partial cut and pasted excerpts from Dr Michael Nehls. He’s written a book called

“The Indoctrinated Brain”.

“How to successfully fend off the global attack on your mental freedom”.

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts Milton and thank you more for validating my point about age being irrelevant. In part I’d say, in regard to Biden’s age.

You Milton are a “Prime Example” how age can affect us and how age can be our greatest asset!

Neither of these applies to Biden for the simple fact the man has been nothing short of a “Career Grifter” and worse, he’s been a “Horrendous Father”!

“Character is everything”!

Thank you Milton so very much and I’m glad to know you here!

May God keep you in His

“Lane of Health & Peace”!

God Bless you Milton!


Below is from Dr Michael Nehls:

“Throughout the world, mental capacity is declining, especially among young people, while depression rates are rising dramatically. Meanwhile, one in forty men and women suffers from Alzheimer's, and the age of onset is falling rapidly. But the causes are not being eliminated, quite the opposite. Can this just be coincidence?”

This has been studied and confirmed by Michael Nehls, medical doctor and internationally renowned molecular geneticist.

“Michael lays out a shattering chain of circumstantial evidence indicating that behind these numerous negative influences lies a targeted, masterfully executed attack on our individuality. He points out how the raging wars against viruses, about climate change, or over national borders are—more likely intended than not—fundamentally providing the platform for such an offensive against the human brain that is steadily changing our being and is aimed at depriving us of our ability to think for ourselves.!

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A.J.R I am truly blessed to have such people as you befriend me- my observations are based on my own journals that my wonderful wife Nett who was my mentor and a much better person than i will ever be- It was in the task i was given in teaching 45 students with some mental disabilities, and coming home from work i broke down and cried miserably because i was not schooled for this task- my wonderful wife ( who amongst other attributes , ws an OR nurse at Hanniman Hospital -and was a genius at everything she did- she taught me the Science of observation and comparison, I am most likely alive today because of her mentoring - my world ended when i lost her, but her efforts were not in vain-Years before the NFL conceded that Football injuries are “forever” and there is no such thing as a small concussion - A little known Dr from Boston

valiantly exposed the NFL and their barbarism- I have learned how to think outside the box - critical thinking is a muct for all mof us if we are to survive this

holicaust that has been set before us-I thank all of you for the condsiderate and

appreciative manner with which you have accepted me - I am proud to be associated with all of you-I am prayerful for you and your families - I would put my life down for anyone of you without a second thought- I will be busy next week with my grandchildren coming to visit me so i will be somewhat remote

May God bless all of you wonderfullly dedicated folks

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You’re welcome Milton, I knew right away or I should say, my gut intuition knew right away your “genuineness” Milton!

Enjoy your grandchildren, most importantly so! I do with my grandson and he is literally, the love of my life! He’s only 4 but he’s so brilliantly a little man having to face, I hope and pray for, a better world and future, I had.

Take care of yourself Milton and I’ll say in reciprocation, likewise I would as well, put down my own life before those I have met here!

It’s called being an “unselfish” man Milton and sometimes, God chooses for us and places before us, those who we must trust our lives with and who we would give our lives for! As they say in layman’s terms, “ I have your back to Milton”!

I’ve learned that giving is so much better than receiving! Regardless of what it is!

Thank you kindly Milton and soak up every single second you can with your grandchildren!


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I submit it is the brain cancer he has that no one is aware of but perhpas his drakest deepest circle.

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What staggers me about these poll questions is that so many people (around a third of the sample) still think Biden is capable of running of the country. As for Trump, don't think what he's going through is not affecting him. In a few years, he might end up like Biden too.

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As frigged up and down as biDUMB is, he is still a lot better than turdo.

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