like some of Kat's work; but we have other ways to cope besides 'tripping balls' using hallucinogens to 'cope' with job and kids and to improve marriages and mental health; very dangerous message Kat
Step by Step “Niagara Falls”slowly I turned and step by step, inch by inch, it’s that word “Niagara Falls”!
Well let’s call this “America-Falls” and step by step, this is how those in charge have been doing it. Step by Step!
This is exactly what’s been happening to Americans. First pot was decriminalized, high potency marijuana, such high THC levels of potency, no one can function without it nor function on it!
Their functionality is limited to the “couch” paralyzed and glued towards another day of “useless” non-productive work” no work in many cases, laziness, paranoia, etc.! Today’s “POT” is so intense, it’s causing more addiction and more depression, while keeping the “drug cartels” in business making tons of money.
Let’s not forget about crime either. Many pot dispensaries have been robbed. Recently security guard was killed in one of these robberies. And look at the level of addiction increasing in Colorado and Oregon? All by design! They knew what the outcome would be, Oregon can’t keep up with the out of control addictions!
Yes pot is a gateway drug! Especially when our own government overlords agree to decriminalize it. That makes it safe now doesn’t it? Not!
I’m not against drugs which help people and I’m sure there’s many studies showing the benefits. This isn’t my point.
What a strategy? What a way to make normal, the easiest way to “dumb-down” Americans, make them complicit, demotivated and eventually lose their minds. Alcohol, pot, psychedelics, what’s next?
Oh wait, the State of Maine, Portland Maine, that’s right, talk about “aiding & abetting”? You too can have, at taxpayer expense, your own “Boofing Kit”!
Yes why not give your “veins” a break? Why not “BOOF” your favorite drug straight up your “Arsse”! Your butthole! And the city of Portland Maine will pay for it. Good God? What’s next?
What’s happened to good ole hard work? Or work in general? Is it because of sheer laziness? Or maybe it’s because we’ve been “Slow-Boiled” for so long that everything and anything is ok?
Yes we’ve allowed those who want total control and power over everyone, exactly that, total power and control! So much so that they’ll use any drug or any other subliminal device to control our every waking moment. It’s been happening for decades and it continues to happen.
The way out, the way forward, is self-responsibility. Unfortunately so many people have become so dependent on “government handouts” or should I say
“hand-downs” because that’s exactly what this is. A way to “KEEP YOU DOWN”! Threat-less!
Don’t misunderstand me, there’s a time and a place where people fall on hard times and need a helping hand, temporarily. Not permanently. But the good ole “government overlords” and their passive ways of inflicting dependency policies on the masses, has been implemented for a reason.
To keep the masses “DOWN”! “Dumb-Downed” and demotivated. Especially young kids who see no reason not to try POT! The same way in the 60’s cigarettes were used! Today it’s high-test-THC! Extremely high-THC! Which will lead to a higher percentage of people who become:
“Dependents of the State”!
It’s a form of entrapment with no way out. Not unless you strike it rich and find yourself dependent on all sorts of other crutches, thank you to our government! They don’t give a damn! Their sole intention, their sole objectives are to “keep people from becoming successful ”!
Successful people are a threat. A threat to the overlords own, the government overlords, own way of life. Can’t have that now can we?
It’s such a vicious cycle that our society has become more and more dependent on these “government overlords”. And then their children will follow suit. That is unless the our overlords in the “woman’s rights” section of “government overlords”known as “Planned Parenthood”convinces you to have an abortion!
After all that’s their job now isn’t it? Money, money and more money! Maybe even a brand new “Lamborghini” as one Planned Parenthood executive was caught saying to
“Project Veritas” before they became OMG, O’Keefe Media Group.
Remember, it’s only a “clump of cells”! I forget the Georgia congressional candidate, a “WACKADO” woman who made the statement about a fetus being only a “clump of cell tissue”.
Of course she’s been running for Governor for years I believe. She still believes she is Governor or something to that effect! How pathetic, how dangerous and how immoral!
So let’s add more drugs to the “drugstore” of a destructive life and demoralization of our society. Seems as though, we really won’t need anything more.
Curious as I am, a quick search showed the percentage of “addictive personalities” below.
That’s a lot of “couch-potatoes” which can only become more detrimental to our society by adding more addictive chemicals into the mix.
It wasn’t “odd” rather by design that “liquor-stores” stayed open during lockdowns. Of course alcoholic’s had to have their alcohol. I’m curious to know how many people became “alcoholic” by the time lockdowns ended?
There’s always a reason behind something that affects the entire population. It’s not “unintended consequences” that’s certain, they knew what would happen, before lockdown. Which is why I ask, “What’s Next”?
“It is estimated that 10-15% of the population has an addictive personality. This percentage of the population doesn't know when to stop and has a more difficult time coping with drugs and alcohol.”
I've never heard of 'tripping balls." People today seem to think that just because Elon Musk said back in May that doing ketamine is good for Tesla investors because it helps him run Tesla better and just because Elon while consolidating his position as the world's richest multi-billionaire has for years been doing copious amounts of ketamine, mushrooms, LSD, molly, and cocaine while also banging a succession of young Goths anyone can. People forget that Elon has an IQ of 160+ whereas the mean IQ of Americans is lower than in Cambodia. You can't put a pint of milk in a half pint bottle and no amount of tripping balls is going to turn the average American into an Elon Musk.
Exactly Awake! So much so that stories like Musk are deliberately reported IMO, simply to “push” certain addictive behaviors onto society.
Step by Step!
As I often say, “for every action there’s an opposite and equal reaction”!
Two of my closest friends had IQ’s better than 150. They could do unlimited amounts of high grade THC 30 years ago and then get up and go to class.
Both were borderline genius. Top of their class at Dartmouth College and Worcester Polytechnic, respectively. I knew better and my own self not to try and compete with them.
Nevertheless, the THC levels today are so incredibly high, levels of 95% THC have become a drug, all its own.
And the addiction problems have grown out of control in Colorado and Oregon. I wonder why? I’m sure other states are as well, out of control addiction rates.
Yesterday, I was in downtown Boston. When I left I went through Dorchester only to drive by and see a line of at least 100 plus addicts, completely “out of their mind”! They were lined up for their ‘meds” or methadone treatment. Talk about sad? Little kids sat with their parents, I assume are their parents, while they’re passed out waiting in line! Disturbing and depressing!
This looked more like a third world country than America!
Mike Tyson's consumption of mushrooms, psychedelic toads, weed etc gets publicity too AJR but this distracts from a much bigger problem: the mRNA jabs. Mike Tyson said he unwllingly took the mRNA jab after being "beaten into submission" because he was otherwise unable to travel. He did not want to put the mRNA injection into his body. Now he's a spike protein factory.
Yes and I certainly agree we cannot forget about the “Bioweapon Injections”!
Honestly Awake, when I listened to Dr Francis Boyle describe these shots as “a FRANKENSHOTS” it turned my stomach and more importantly was, where are the true Americans gone? The Americans I grew up with who, wouldn’t ever allow this to happen!
Dr Boyle signed an affidavit saying that both “COVID and the Bioweapon Injections” are “Weapons of Mass Destruction”!
Are you kidding me? Where is the outrage Awake? Why hasn’t anyone with clout, congress, Trump anyone NOT BEEN OUTSPOKEN? I give all credit to Dr Alexander for his nonstop work on this “ATTACK”!
It seems as though the only thing I have heard from people I work with and associates say the same thing “OH WELL” can’t do anything about it now! AYKM?
Yes we can! Unfortunately I’m not independently wealthy to start a movement against this! Maybe money isn’t the answer and those in power have been so badly compromised and threatened they can’t say or do anything?
All I know is, Dr Boyle wrote the Bioweapons Treaty signed in 1985 and it’s still in effect today.
It’s very disturbing to me that the people of the world have been attacked and OH WELL IS THE ONLY RESPONSE!
I’m perplexed by this and quite frankly I believe most people have long forgotten about it. It’s as though “life” is meaningless today to millions of people!
I agree Awake, there’s nothing more damaging than the mRNA gene therapy injections which I believe will kill off half the world’s population within the next 10 years or less.
Thanks Awake, thank you so much for your work as well.
Thank God that my Father who drank beer heavily on the weekends taught my siblings and I the KEY is Moderation in anything we do. Instead of overdoing anything, we are best off to do anything we try in small doses. Thank God again that our children remember this lesson that I have repeated over the years. I agree 100% with you AJR that once POT was made Legal, even if it were just for medical use like in Illinois where medical only was legal until a 350 pound Hyatt Regency Heir was put in charge. The platform he ran on was legalizing Recreational POT. He won and his policies systematically increased the THC levels in POT made available to the public. In doing so, Illinois created a 28% tax on Recreational POT. Furthermore, the state Connected that to your Driver's License meaning that if one walks into a POT Dispensary they get their Driver's License scanned and your name gets added to the list of those who will NOT be likely to have their CCLs Renewed when the time comes for Renewal because they can no longer Check the NO box on the Renewal application for Federally Controlled Substances. I agree 100% AJR that if one smokes too much POT they will become part of their couch or a "Couch Potato". This subject reminds me immediately of the old Addage, "Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves". #QuestionEverything #TrustNobody
Elon Musk started out as a Democrat and now after years of ecstasy, mushrooms, LSD, cocaine and ketamine the world's richest multi-billionaire is not only a bigger entrepreneur than he ever was, exploring the frontiers of space and brain-computer interfaces, he's no longer a Democrat and has endorsed Donald Trump. That doesn't sound like he's desecrated or injured himself. But these substances are clearly not for everybody, especially most Americans with American low mean IQ. Also, as regards Mike Tyson, despite his copious consumption of mushrooms, psychedelic toads and pot, he does not deserve to be lumped in with the likes of Miley Cyrus. Tyson's IQ is so far above that of the average American that it's not funny. People underestimate Mike Tyson, one of the greatest Americans, as they will soon find out when he steps into the ring with Jake Paul
Timothy Leary, a former WW2 US Army Sergeant and Harvard Professor who attained notoriety in the 1960s, said the same thing. He told the senate in 1966 that there needed to be a licensing system with rigorous testing for suitability for using these substances otherwise it would create a blackmarket and lead to indiscriminant use.
Tripping can certainly end very badly. No matter what substance one takes to get there. Even micro-dosing has it's risks, let alone "tripping balls" as mentioned. IMHO one should research as much as possible prior to experimenting with any substance whether synthetic or natural.
You’re so right John. Research is key. Hopefully this sort of research hasn’t been tainted by our “Government Overlords”?God knows if there’s a way to keep society “Down & Out” our “Government Overlords” will implement this as fast as microwave popcorn well, pops!
It’s become quite obvious, the more people want, the more the Government gives. Especially when the government has “skin in the game” and it’s detrimental to society. Lately I haven’t seen anything beneficial to our country and our society.
There’s no doubt certain drugs have had positive effects in certain situations. When these positive effects become more of a “one size fits all” government mentality, we begin to suffer the consequences. IE: Colorado and Oregon are two perfect examples of what decriminalizing Pot has done.
It seems as though nobody is worried about anything anymore. Cigarettes use to be more restrictive years ago. Today, profits from cigarettes and tobacco have decreased significantly. Which prompted two of the largest tobacco companies to purchase the biggest food companies back in the 80’s.
Next came the scientists who figured out how to make food addictive, as they did with cigarettes. Lo and behold, obesity and a plethora of other health problems have since become detrimental to society.
It is absolutely astonishing how quickly societies fall victim to such extreme measures allowed by our “Government Overlords”! All while they’re claiming
“safe & effective” and we know how that turned out.
Until the next transformative societal development, as Paul Harvey would say:
I'm so sick of STUPID CELEBRITIES endorsing risky behavior. They of course have the money to get themselves sorted out when it gets bad. The rest wind up poor, homeless or even DEAD.
It was in the late 1970's when I was told the reason there is a drug problem in the USA is because a certain faction of the government wanted there to be a drug problem. Not only was it used to mollify certain groups but it made a lot of money for black ops.
At first I was taken back a bit when I heard this, but sadly I realized it was true and now the USA Inc has grown to be the biggest sex and drug trafficker in the world.
Just a heads up.... when the killer economic collapse happens this will all come to the fore and it will be ended because those maneuvering the collapse into place will end up taking themselves out.
The banks are failing, resources exhausted, massive unpayable debt.. tic tok, tic tok time is running short.... we have been the Bad Guys and no one will be coming to save us. We will soon all know what it feels like to be a resident in the hills of North Carolina
I respect my brain too much to do anything to hurt it. And I still believe what I was taught as a child, that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and I would never do anything to hurt it either.
(That's why refusing a covid jab was an easy decision.)
This is like the “Three Stooges” episode.
Step by Step “Niagara Falls”slowly I turned and step by step, inch by inch, it’s that word “Niagara Falls”!
Well let’s call this “America-Falls” and step by step, this is how those in charge have been doing it. Step by Step!
This is exactly what’s been happening to Americans. First pot was decriminalized, high potency marijuana, such high THC levels of potency, no one can function without it nor function on it!
Their functionality is limited to the “couch” paralyzed and glued towards another day of “useless” non-productive work” no work in many cases, laziness, paranoia, etc.! Today’s “POT” is so intense, it’s causing more addiction and more depression, while keeping the “drug cartels” in business making tons of money.
Let’s not forget about crime either. Many pot dispensaries have been robbed. Recently security guard was killed in one of these robberies. And look at the level of addiction increasing in Colorado and Oregon? All by design! They knew what the outcome would be, Oregon can’t keep up with the out of control addictions!
Yes pot is a gateway drug! Especially when our own government overlords agree to decriminalize it. That makes it safe now doesn’t it? Not!
I’m not against drugs which help people and I’m sure there’s many studies showing the benefits. This isn’t my point.
What a strategy? What a way to make normal, the easiest way to “dumb-down” Americans, make them complicit, demotivated and eventually lose their minds. Alcohol, pot, psychedelics, what’s next?
Oh wait, the State of Maine, Portland Maine, that’s right, talk about “aiding & abetting”? You too can have, at taxpayer expense, your own “Boofing Kit”!
Yes why not give your “veins” a break? Why not “BOOF” your favorite drug straight up your “Arsse”! Your butthole! And the city of Portland Maine will pay for it. Good God? What’s next?
What’s happened to good ole hard work? Or work in general? Is it because of sheer laziness? Or maybe it’s because we’ve been “Slow-Boiled” for so long that everything and anything is ok?
Yes we’ve allowed those who want total control and power over everyone, exactly that, total power and control! So much so that they’ll use any drug or any other subliminal device to control our every waking moment. It’s been happening for decades and it continues to happen.
The way out, the way forward, is self-responsibility. Unfortunately so many people have become so dependent on “government handouts” or should I say
“hand-downs” because that’s exactly what this is. A way to “KEEP YOU DOWN”! Threat-less!
Don’t misunderstand me, there’s a time and a place where people fall on hard times and need a helping hand, temporarily. Not permanently. But the good ole “government overlords” and their passive ways of inflicting dependency policies on the masses, has been implemented for a reason.
To keep the masses “DOWN”! “Dumb-Downed” and demotivated. Especially young kids who see no reason not to try POT! The same way in the 60’s cigarettes were used! Today it’s high-test-THC! Extremely high-THC! Which will lead to a higher percentage of people who become:
“Dependents of the State”!
It’s a form of entrapment with no way out. Not unless you strike it rich and find yourself dependent on all sorts of other crutches, thank you to our government! They don’t give a damn! Their sole intention, their sole objectives are to “keep people from becoming successful ”!
Successful people are a threat. A threat to the overlords own, the government overlords, own way of life. Can’t have that now can we?
It’s such a vicious cycle that our society has become more and more dependent on these “government overlords”. And then their children will follow suit. That is unless the our overlords in the “woman’s rights” section of “government overlords”known as “Planned Parenthood”convinces you to have an abortion!
After all that’s their job now isn’t it? Money, money and more money! Maybe even a brand new “Lamborghini” as one Planned Parenthood executive was caught saying to
“Project Veritas” before they became OMG, O’Keefe Media Group.
Remember, it’s only a “clump of cells”! I forget the Georgia congressional candidate, a “WACKADO” woman who made the statement about a fetus being only a “clump of cell tissue”.
Of course she’s been running for Governor for years I believe. She still believes she is Governor or something to that effect! How pathetic, how dangerous and how immoral!
So let’s add more drugs to the “drugstore” of a destructive life and demoralization of our society. Seems as though, we really won’t need anything more.
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
excellent sharing AJR, I love this line:
'So let’s add more drugs to the “drugstore” of a destructive life and demoralization of our society.'
Curious as I am, a quick search showed the percentage of “addictive personalities” below.
That’s a lot of “couch-potatoes” which can only become more detrimental to our society by adding more addictive chemicals into the mix.
It wasn’t “odd” rather by design that “liquor-stores” stayed open during lockdowns. Of course alcoholic’s had to have their alcohol. I’m curious to know how many people became “alcoholic” by the time lockdowns ended?
There’s always a reason behind something that affects the entire population. It’s not “unintended consequences” that’s certain, they knew what would happen, before lockdown. Which is why I ask, “What’s Next”?
“It is estimated that 10-15% of the population has an addictive personality. This percentage of the population doesn't know when to stop and has a more difficult time coping with drugs and alcohol.”
Thank you Dr. sadly, it’s happening to our society before our eyes. As we know, there’s no putting the “Genie” back in the bottle. What’s next?
I've never heard of 'tripping balls." People today seem to think that just because Elon Musk said back in May that doing ketamine is good for Tesla investors because it helps him run Tesla better and just because Elon while consolidating his position as the world's richest multi-billionaire has for years been doing copious amounts of ketamine, mushrooms, LSD, molly, and cocaine while also banging a succession of young Goths anyone can. People forget that Elon has an IQ of 160+ whereas the mean IQ of Americans is lower than in Cambodia. You can't put a pint of milk in a half pint bottle and no amount of tripping balls is going to turn the average American into an Elon Musk.
Exactly Awake! So much so that stories like Musk are deliberately reported IMO, simply to “push” certain addictive behaviors onto society.
Step by Step!
As I often say, “for every action there’s an opposite and equal reaction”!
Two of my closest friends had IQ’s better than 150. They could do unlimited amounts of high grade THC 30 years ago and then get up and go to class.
Both were borderline genius. Top of their class at Dartmouth College and Worcester Polytechnic, respectively. I knew better and my own self not to try and compete with them.
Nevertheless, the THC levels today are so incredibly high, levels of 95% THC have become a drug, all its own.
And the addiction problems have grown out of control in Colorado and Oregon. I wonder why? I’m sure other states are as well, out of control addiction rates.
Yesterday, I was in downtown Boston. When I left I went through Dorchester only to drive by and see a line of at least 100 plus addicts, completely “out of their mind”! They were lined up for their ‘meds” or methadone treatment. Talk about sad? Little kids sat with their parents, I assume are their parents, while they’re passed out waiting in line! Disturbing and depressing!
This looked more like a third world country than America!
Thanks Awake.
Mike Tyson's consumption of mushrooms, psychedelic toads, weed etc gets publicity too AJR but this distracts from a much bigger problem: the mRNA jabs. Mike Tyson said he unwllingly took the mRNA jab after being "beaten into submission" because he was otherwise unable to travel. He did not want to put the mRNA injection into his body. Now he's a spike protein factory.
Yes and I certainly agree we cannot forget about the “Bioweapon Injections”!
Honestly Awake, when I listened to Dr Francis Boyle describe these shots as “a FRANKENSHOTS” it turned my stomach and more importantly was, where are the true Americans gone? The Americans I grew up with who, wouldn’t ever allow this to happen!
Dr Boyle signed an affidavit saying that both “COVID and the Bioweapon Injections” are “Weapons of Mass Destruction”!
Are you kidding me? Where is the outrage Awake? Why hasn’t anyone with clout, congress, Trump anyone NOT BEEN OUTSPOKEN? I give all credit to Dr Alexander for his nonstop work on this “ATTACK”!
It seems as though the only thing I have heard from people I work with and associates say the same thing “OH WELL” can’t do anything about it now! AYKM?
Yes we can! Unfortunately I’m not independently wealthy to start a movement against this! Maybe money isn’t the answer and those in power have been so badly compromised and threatened they can’t say or do anything?
All I know is, Dr Boyle wrote the Bioweapons Treaty signed in 1985 and it’s still in effect today.
It’s very disturbing to me that the people of the world have been attacked and OH WELL IS THE ONLY RESPONSE!
I’m perplexed by this and quite frankly I believe most people have long forgotten about it. It’s as though “life” is meaningless today to millions of people!
I agree Awake, there’s nothing more damaging than the mRNA gene therapy injections which I believe will kill off half the world’s population within the next 10 years or less.
Thanks Awake, thank you so much for your work as well.
Thank God that my Father who drank beer heavily on the weekends taught my siblings and I the KEY is Moderation in anything we do. Instead of overdoing anything, we are best off to do anything we try in small doses. Thank God again that our children remember this lesson that I have repeated over the years. I agree 100% with you AJR that once POT was made Legal, even if it were just for medical use like in Illinois where medical only was legal until a 350 pound Hyatt Regency Heir was put in charge. The platform he ran on was legalizing Recreational POT. He won and his policies systematically increased the THC levels in POT made available to the public. In doing so, Illinois created a 28% tax on Recreational POT. Furthermore, the state Connected that to your Driver's License meaning that if one walks into a POT Dispensary they get their Driver's License scanned and your name gets added to the list of those who will NOT be likely to have their CCLs Renewed when the time comes for Renewal because they can no longer Check the NO box on the Renewal application for Federally Controlled Substances. I agree 100% AJR that if one smokes too much POT they will become part of their couch or a "Couch Potato". This subject reminds me immediately of the old Addage, "Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves". #QuestionEverything #TrustNobody
1 million percent I agree John, perfectly stated.
No woman should ever desecrate and injure herself by using illicit and dangerous drugs/concoctions. Nor should anyone.
But it's OK to take the mRNA jabs?
Nope. It is also a desecration of one's body.
Hell no. Unless you're looking for a way out...
Elon Musk started out as a Democrat and now after years of ecstasy, mushrooms, LSD, cocaine and ketamine the world's richest multi-billionaire is not only a bigger entrepreneur than he ever was, exploring the frontiers of space and brain-computer interfaces, he's no longer a Democrat and has endorsed Donald Trump. That doesn't sound like he's desecrated or injured himself. But these substances are clearly not for everybody, especially most Americans with American low mean IQ. Also, as regards Mike Tyson, despite his copious consumption of mushrooms, psychedelic toads and pot, he does not deserve to be lumped in with the likes of Miley Cyrus. Tyson's IQ is so far above that of the average American that it's not funny. People underestimate Mike Tyson, one of the greatest Americans, as they will soon find out when he steps into the ring with Jake Paul
They found out. FAFO.
like dr. john day said the other day, PSYCHEDELICS ARE NOT FOR EVERYONE
remember paul m. saying that ringo never should have done them
great sharing...very
Timothy Leary, a former WW2 US Army Sergeant and Harvard Professor who attained notoriety in the 1960s, said the same thing. He told the senate in 1966 that there needed to be a licensing system with rigorous testing for suitability for using these substances otherwise it would create a blackmarket and lead to indiscriminant use.
Tripping can certainly end very badly. No matter what substance one takes to get there. Even micro-dosing has it's risks, let alone "tripping balls" as mentioned. IMHO one should research as much as possible prior to experimenting with any substance whether synthetic or natural.
great post
Thank you Dr. Paul.
You’re so right John. Research is key. Hopefully this sort of research hasn’t been tainted by our “Government Overlords”?God knows if there’s a way to keep society “Down & Out” our “Government Overlords” will implement this as fast as microwave popcorn well, pops!
It’s become quite obvious, the more people want, the more the Government gives. Especially when the government has “skin in the game” and it’s detrimental to society. Lately I haven’t seen anything beneficial to our country and our society.
There’s no doubt certain drugs have had positive effects in certain situations. When these positive effects become more of a “one size fits all” government mentality, we begin to suffer the consequences. IE: Colorado and Oregon are two perfect examples of what decriminalizing Pot has done.
It seems as though nobody is worried about anything anymore. Cigarettes use to be more restrictive years ago. Today, profits from cigarettes and tobacco have decreased significantly. Which prompted two of the largest tobacco companies to purchase the biggest food companies back in the 80’s.
Next came the scientists who figured out how to make food addictive, as they did with cigarettes. Lo and behold, obesity and a plethora of other health problems have since become detrimental to society.
It is absolutely astonishing how quickly societies fall victim to such extreme measures allowed by our “Government Overlords”! All while they’re claiming
“safe & effective” and we know how that turned out.
Until the next transformative societal development, as Paul Harvey would say:
“Now you know the rest of the story”.
I'm so sick of STUPID CELEBRITIES endorsing risky behavior. They of course have the money to get themselves sorted out when it gets bad. The rest wind up poor, homeless or even DEAD.
It was in the late 1970's when I was told the reason there is a drug problem in the USA is because a certain faction of the government wanted there to be a drug problem. Not only was it used to mollify certain groups but it made a lot of money for black ops.
At first I was taken back a bit when I heard this, but sadly I realized it was true and now the USA Inc has grown to be the biggest sex and drug trafficker in the world.
Just a heads up.... when the killer economic collapse happens this will all come to the fore and it will be ended because those maneuvering the collapse into place will end up taking themselves out.
The banks are failing, resources exhausted, massive unpayable debt.. tic tok, tic tok time is running short.... we have been the Bad Guys and no one will be coming to save us. We will soon all know what it feels like to be a resident in the hills of North Carolina
For me, it's as clear and simple as this:
I respect my brain too much to do anything to hurt it. And I still believe what I was taught as a child, that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and I would never do anything to hurt it either.
(That's why refusing a covid jab was an easy decision.)