It is just staggering. I find it hard to express or react to the recklessness of what they are doing. I remember when 2+ years ago Geert Vanden Bossche said the orginal mRNA vaccines were equivalent to throwing a bomb into the delicately balanced relationship between population level human immune repsonse and the background viral landscape but no matter they they have now decided to go nuclear.

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yes, we underestimate the delicate dance between as you say the infectious pressure from virus and the mounting population immunity and the evolutionary capacity to evolve and adapt to the pressure, going both ways. resulting Darwinian natural selection being the result, for subvariants with a fitness advantage, competitive advantage...Geert is very smart, good man. Mistreated by the COVID nutjobs.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12

It seems to me akin to putting the whole of humanity into a gain of function experiment

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Insanity everywhere in the first degree, is there such a thing anymore as logic and common sense?

Not just corruption in the bleachers but corruption in the ranks of the "players" in the game. Insane political hacks, insane illegal migrants, insanity in churches, schools, you name it.

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kaboom and thus why we do not stop...we keep trying to wake folk up and we drive to accountability

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Enough of my ridiculing the ridiculous. The starting point was the election that saw ovomit and moochelle winning. Turdo in Canuckistan. And the rag tag prolifigates in almost every western nation.

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Thank you, keep on all this! You have a big voice and are getting the word oui.

What do you think of the research George Webb and his team are doing regarding who plotted the assassination of President Trump? It seems that the department of state is involved. Are there any federal government agencies that are not evil murderous and corrupt?

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love Webb...great mind...thank you, but I and we all stand on each other's shoulders in this...we were critical thinkers and so there are many still lost...it is for their hearts and minds that we still battle.

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There is so much about mRNA poisons that we don't know and now they want to expand their capabilities? There is only one reason to push this massive poison upon humanity...DEATH! Japan? Falling into the abyss.

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At this point there is little left to investigate. The work has already been done. There are over 1,000 study papers out there on the harms, hazards and DEATH. Set BOUNTIES, Post Wanted Photos and Collect these Malfeasants to arrange for their HEADS IN BASKETS. 4 fucking years after the release of the Failed Bioweapon C19 that ushered in "Plan B" and 10 years after The Contracts between France & The USA & The CCP to produce C19 in the Wuhan Lab and release it when needed at the behest of Fraudci & Nobama, which was Hospital Death Protocols until the mRNA Bioweapons that work quite well was ready to roll out. You can bet your ASS that Plan B is still being implemented anywhere they can get away with it. #DepopulateTheFuckingDepopulatorsToSolve

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If Trump wins can he declare on the first day martial law for a public health emergency and shut this down immediately? Is that why he said he will be dictator for one day. Then it is the war office in charge. Or if some event could occur before then that nullifies or incapacitates the current civil administration and again the war office is in charge. Just looking at Kamala as she is having hysterical meltdowns in public is so disturbing .

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yes he could, this is the intent

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many forces around him

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want to benefit themselves

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That is my suspicion when I hear Guys like Juan o savin, who is probably military intelligence say there will be an event. ( Maybe she will pee herself in public,that would be worth cackling about)

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Mass arrests long overdue!

And then public hangings.

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As I commented on the original post, not that long ago I saw an advertisement on a train in Tokyo for volunteers for this shot from 6 months to 12 years old.

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God Bless you Dr. Alexander!

Wow! Full Spectrum Acts Of War

This article says Global Genocide 2024-2025

• BioWeapon Jabs Manditory-

Multiple Probabilities how U fkn DIE

Let's ADD:

• Madd Maxx Jihad door to door USA

• Martial Law door to door USA

• Civil War USA

• WW3- Russia nukes USA

-> All Of The Above or Multiple Choice <-

♡ Suffering- Rotting2Death--

♡ Slaughtered-- Eaten-- Incarcerated-- Shot--

♡ RPGd-- Grenades-- Beheaded--

♡ Raped2death-- Sodomized2Death--

♡ Starve2Death-- Beatn2Death--

♡ BurnedLootedMurdered--

---------- no more hate no more lies ----------

♡♡♡♡♡♡ Where's The Love? ♡♡♡♡♡♡


> *JUICYFRUIT* ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

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I'm Sorry everyone.- Dr. A*

"DOOR TO DOOR JAB" or "Get on the bus"!

Red Dawn Red Alert


NEW Podcast from JJ CARRELL with For Such A Time As This.

"Not for the faint of heart"


• Sorry Dr. Alexander.

Sure this article is about another Jab.

How will they enforce that Jab?


• is your Family & Soul prepared?

• What are We The People diong about Clear & Present Grave Danger?

> Answer > We cannot wait for the Door to Door Martial Law JAB- or Madd Maxx

The only questions to every newsletter.

- I am not debbie downer.


I feel the *same since 2015 FEMA articles- UN buses & guillotines -Jade Helm 15

1- *I wish I was Wrong!

2- How do we stop this Today?

I'm sorry.

3- the next Jab IS THE KILL SHOT or FEMA?

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That’s nothing but an artificial virus capable of getting its genome amplified within the cell--oh, gee, just like a real virus.

A basic viral mRNA product uses a cell transfection reagent to carry into the cell either a fixed number of pre-fabbed viral mRNA molecules (Pfizer) or a number of viral replication vectors carrying the viral gene (Moderna and Johnson&Johnson) from which can transcribed multiple copies of the viral mRNA from which will be translated the viral protein.*

If the “self-amplification” is referring to increasing the number of the original viral vector cassettes containing the viral gene, the result of that will simply be a more rapid destruction of the cell due to its integrity being compromised by the diversion of all its cellular resources into that activity. The effect of that would NOT be to spread to other cells or other organisms but to much more rapidly ramp up innate immune inflammatory attacks for the reasons I’ve previously described.

If the alphaviruses are not, as AstraZeneca’s chimp adenoviruses were, replication-disabled, single use delivery trucks, but are replication-capable viruses into which has been engineered one or more C19 viral genes, then they are not “self-amplifying vaccines,” but genetically-engineered viruses.

*And just a thought here based on someone else’s claim that the spike protein gene used in the original viral mRNA products was NOT identical to that contained in the C19 viral genome, but had been engineered to produce a spike protein containing different amino acids and different amino acids of a type that would change the physical structure of that spike protein.

If that were the case, then the epitopes of that modified spike protein would be inherently and radically different from the spike proteins contained in the actual virus.

The result?

Sure, your adaptive immune system will make specific antibodies and T cells, but to something they will never encounter in the course of a C19 viral infection.


They would be useless or varying degrees of useless to stop a C19 virus from progression into a clinical case of infection.


That all those viral mRNA products, though capable of invading healthy cells like viruses and triggering innate immune inflammatory attacks against those cells like viruses, are otherwise useless for their declared purpose, actually worse than useless.

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Thank you for posting this, Dr. A. I hope Dr. McCullough also takes this up to spread awareness.🙏🙏🙏

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Amy. I like your name but I adore you gal. Smokes!!!!!!!! What a dynamic post. You are correct.

"It was never about health...they want you dead." I NEVER THOUGHT THERE WAS A GAL LIKE YOU ANYWHERE but since coming here I have met many. You are defiant in the extreme as am I and your passion burns holes through the existence of the enemies of all that is good. I think I better pack up and quietly leave. You best me in many ways gal and create a feeling of deficiency within me.

It is gals like you that long ago were real women and you sure seal up the sum. I warn you that if you are like me there will be dark valleys and dark clouds hanging over you but I need not tell you what you already know. Beyond those clouds, the skies are always blue. Do not give way to discouragement because Freedom and Justice along with Truth are the companions of you and those like you. All are but a whisper away.

Here's to you Amy, and while you fight your fight and I fight mine, we really are on the same side.

Always Edward

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such sweet language:

'Beyond those clouds, the skies are always blue. Do not give way to discouragement because Freedom and Justice along with Truth are the companions of you and those like you. All are but a whisper away.'

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I offer to you Doc one of the many songs I use as a close perspective on my thoughts, me beliefs and opinions. I have many in my mind. Listen to the words of the song from decades ago probably from the seventies or the eighties to see how I see it EXCEPT I have never believed God is dead but lives with multiple proofs I have seen in my own life's existence. Weller does speak of God who had died and thta is the only thing I do not agree with.


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...and it is interesting how you realize words are critical to be used in a strong application to communicate the urgent messages needed to touch the inner hearts of people devastated in life's events.

I sought in this case to lift up Amy and partake of what I believe could well be a life where like anyone else who tells the Truth, they are attacked. Women especially being God's most beautiful and precious creation and having the nobler and deeper noble traits are more sensitive to imposed hurt from others. What did I say to a woman who broke me when she told me point blank her abuse starting at three years of age. I looked into her misty eyes and said, XXXXXX, you are beautiful on the inside and that sublimity flows out of and over you, over me and into my being, communicating to me the substance of your incredible worth and character. I cannot speak of her past without breaking and this was noted by my minister in a session talk on hate.

One does not know how close girls and women especially are to hurt and the possibility of suicide. Turned out she had tried and failed. I loved and love that girl and telling her these things I knew she was not to be fooled by the manner in which she held my gaze when I spoke those words. She had been lied to too many times and hurt, misjudged and manipulated. We are far apart in distance but not in mind, soul and spirit. We talk several times a week.

There is a point at which a connection can be made in spirit with others and this is especially so with women who are sensory and intuitive far beyond men. That connection was made, she saw me as genuine, and that was the beginning of a close and everlasting friendship that grows stronger as time passes and it has been close to three decades. These are NON ROMANTIC friendships. Most of them are younger than I.

If one really means what spoken words say, it will also touch the spirit of the other and it will break them and the person trying to be of comfort. That tie which binds also has behind it the command given by Jesus to be beneficient to others and to fellowship in the sorrows of the sufferings of others. To do that one must be touched by and affected in a Spirit of love that creates an atmosphere where one will reach out and can empathize with the hurt to the depth it will be as if one was suffering the same. The other person can see the sincerity and genuine concern but more importantly if it is real will feel it themselves.

I do not publicize this as it is personal to the person but I do receive private emails from those I seek to encourage telling me of how they cried as they read the words of encouragement and how those words lifted their spirits. This is not of me, I have not that ability. We know that both God and Satan work through people. I look around here and see people far better than I. It is scriptural that He does and will use one to communicate His love for those hurting and while some would scoff at this, I do not. I have lived far too long to be fool enough to deny and/or ridicule the living God who is a mystery to me even with the thought He would use a rough man as I for His purposes. I have been doing this all my life and it is a "rote" to me. The best I can give to the really hard cases is my understanding and having done that, I often hear the words, "Edward, I trust you." I usually reply to that commonality by saying, "Having the trust of a woman is but a hop, skip and jump to her love." It is not a physical/sexual love. Love is made by familiarity and a faithful friendship where discretion and privacy are required in such cases.

The best gift one can give to a hurting woman is your respect, understanding, proper affection, and friendship. I dare say at this point there are nine women in my life here and all asked me to be their friend. Why? I am not a prize but they all love the exact same thing about me. They all know that whatever comes into my mind will ALWAYS come out my mouth whether it gets me into trouble or not. I have no time or energy to waste on pretending to be someone and something I am not. In short, they really love transparent and open men. I get away with murder relative to some of the comments I make but it tends to draw them closer because it is an honest comment. Note that none of these are wokist wankers! A warning here. Women are all the same but all different but that is not an oxymoron. And to all you gals reading this, God was truly in earnest when he made woman. He eliminated the errors he made in creating Adam first.

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allow me to gather my whisky please for you always set us going in the morning...so wonderful Milton to have you! you will always be in the breach with us.

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A Toast to you Dr. Paul, for your relentless battle--“ ii actually rattled his fucking cage”--“ it is of little wonder that he carries personal animous with 45 as Trump has a set of balls ,Muir has a Vagina--“HIS ASSHOLE”- “ may the Monkeypox of hell descend upon his faggot frame"

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“The choice of Alphaviruses as the foundation template of Replicon vaccines, made it not only possible, but likely that the new manmade genes in Replicon vaccines, if ever introduced into people, would also spread to not just other humans, but also other species.”

From what I understand, Japan is planning on introducing this new “Replicon RNA” to their population as early as October.

The statement above I cut and pasted from this article for one reason, the last quote, which I rewrote below.

“If ever introduced into people, would also spread to not just other humans, but also other species”.

I’m confused or I missed something. As I read Japan is planning on introducing this “Replicon” as early as October, then why this statement “If ever introduced”?

This seems counter to what I read? Is Japan planning on introducing this to humans or are they not?

From what I read, and based on a simple understanding, this would mean,

1. The end of humanity due to its ability to “cross species”, would it not?

2. Will Japan introduce this into Humans? Simple enough.

Thank you in advance for your help.


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Red Dawn Red Alert

How do we stop this next Jab?

....the final KILL SHOT ?

or FEMA hrc "fun camp"?

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Honestly Toby, after listening to a House Representative from Ireland talk about multiple teachers have charged with a “crime against trans” because it goes against their religious beliefs to call a boy a girl or vise versa and I also couldn’t believe one teacher in Ireland spent 400 days, more then a year in jail for the same thing. The kid’s parents had know idea Johnny went to school and was called Sally or whatever. Johnnys parents learned about the school covering for the kid without the parent’s knowledge or permission!

Knowing this and what’s happening in all “Western World Countries” it’s a matter of time before Americans are arrested for the same BS!

To answer your question about I simply will not comply! We must overload the system! Everyone must not comply! I don’t know any other way!


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Steve Quayle-stevequayle.com said-"Ireland has already fallen".


They didn't tell you?

Christians and Vetrans hate me here on Substack. "Coward"- "Surrender Monkey"- "Laying down" - " I got guns"- "fertilizer".

So many Cotton Ball Clueless Arrogant Dumbasses.








• Not a word about Jesus or REPENTANCE.

• Only REPENTANCE can save people.


• I wish I was WRONG!!!!

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As they say Toby.

“You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink”.

I believe most people haven’t any left or none at all, intestinal fortitude. Some don’t know, some don’t care while others wonder if it’s going to snow for Christmas.

Thank you Toby.


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Well to be clear boss, I not really asking for me. I pose that to the readers TO ASK THEMSELVES.

Rhetorical ** My bad?


• I have "known" 4,000 days and nights.AJR.

(You shud know too!)

2014-15.FEMA- UN buses-Mwraps- Jade Hel 15.





Qualifier- I have absolutely NO DOUBTS How and When.

No doubts if we "know" Prophecy and Lucifer.

I study 24/7. 30 years at WAR.

• 1994. -I lost my 4 & 9yo daughters to Family -"hate daddy- destroy The Family- (15) years Lawfare.

My girls are "my family"- GONE 30 years!

• 1996- . I was injured at work- Corrupt Satanic Law firm cut my WComp. -I couldn't pay child support 3 years- "daddy doesn't wanna pay". It only got worse- (19) years Litigation WAR. Read the book.

• Yes '35' years Corrupt Globalist Mafia Attorneys overlapped 96-01.

• And LOST "My Family- *My Girls* -Not seen 30 years.

• Impossible* to live without My Girls- so 7.7.1996 gave my life to Jesus....

• "Trust Impossible"!

• Trust Jesus- (Jesus defeated Impossible and death)

I survive and Study more.

••• (1959 6yo I saw Khrushchev- bwtv-"we will destroy you from within"-


• I delivered Steel City newspaper 1959-1968- Vietnam, JFK,MLK,RFK, 6 Day War.

I was born a Watchman. before I knew what it was.

*65* years Research.



......NevaGuna SUCCEED*


You Locked Down- Trapped.


Door2Door- "get on the bus" AJR to FEMA or DIE NOW AJR.


• Immigration Jihad Grid Down Coast2Coast - you get murdered "at home"!

Look at The Election and the Calendar.

• Jihad attacks Before or Because the Election.

• Jihad will attack on a Communist- Satanic- Islamic "Holiday".crowds- airports- malls- concerts celebrations- trains- infrastructure -


SHUT DOWN Interstates Coast2Coast-HOLIDAY "crowds" UN-Armed. (Grid is DOA)

Terrorists Plan - Block- Walk- Slaughter- rape- burn- beheadings-hostages- LIKE OCT 7 2023.

Nobody coming Ito save you. (look at Aurora- Chicago- Miami- etc)... or clean up the blood & carnage.

• Michael Yon "In One Hour"

also many videos-"Expect The Worst" with Marie Zee @Brighteon

• Matt Bracke on Gregg Reese substack

• Benjamin Faircloth @YT with Jamie Walden

and New video with Pastor Sosa.- NO HOPE

• JJ Carrell "Treason" interviews everywhere.

9/7 at "Such a Time As This".

• NEW- Hagmann Report PI with Jonathan Khan- "Red Dragon"

Prophecy Calendar *Oct 7*.


Sorry AJR.

We are in The Last Days.

This is God's Wrath & Judgement.



Millions of Americans will DIE---SOON***

USA is NOT a nation in The Last Days.

••• Find JJ Carrell. He has no hope USA Survives.

••• Same Jamie Walden

-everybody I list-

# NO RESISTANCE CAN STOP the JIHAD SLAUGHTER in one hour -and GOD'S WRATH coming - Martial Law /MADD MAXX-- CIVIL WAR USA any day.-- WW3- or IRAN.

(AJR- Any One Ignights 3 more )

We have at least 20 million "trained"4this Terrorist "here Now"-- waiting to stike.

*** The Word of God gives us non-negotiable confidence in the future. It's only a matter of WHEN., and we know it is Very Soon. Pick a holiday.

• When the Jihad starts and you at home?


No Grid- no water- no food - no travel.

they plan on poisoning the water and Reversing Weaponizing the SEWAGE.

All I gat 4 u AJR is:

It was good "knowing you"-

PREPARE TO DIE SOON- For Jesus!---and

🙏 C U N HVN 🙏

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The mosquitos have been weaponized bio weapons years ago depending upon the payload virus, bacterial, fungus. When plasmids that have been copied into genetic modified organisms back in the 1950s big agriculture wheat the main staples along with corn and soybean and cotton later 1960s with more diversity of organisms. Mosquitos have delivered west nile virus, malaria, dengue, yellow fever, chikungunya, zika newer ebola. Ticks carry the following diseases; Lyme disease from Lyme, Connecticut was designed during WWI WWII to combat the German's but took too long to act. Now it is every where even at the beach affects animals especially canine species originally and humans have become infected also. Alpha-gal syndrome (AGS), Anaplasmosis, Ehrlichiosis, Babesiosis, Powassan (POW), Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and Tularemia. The tick can transmit bacteria, parasites, viruses.

Nervous systems infections: Herpes simplex encephalitis, Toxoplasmosis, Cytomegalovirus, Meningitis, Brain abscess, Flavivirus, Epstein–Barr virus, Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease. Infections can affect any body systems that can also be another bio weapon that can attack the immune systems silent mouth root canals, mercury poisoning.

The heavy metal poisoning along with the vaccines for children and adults along with the weaponizing the sodium fluoride and the delivery of water municipalities no one has any water rights. The e-coli has been placed plasmids from other places inserted. E-coli outbreaks is when the insertion into plasmids.

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