Sadly Ramaswamey, Vance and Musk are heavily invested in mRNA technologies and factories.

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sadly...there is a game afoot and we understand it...we wont let them get away with it...

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I don't want to sound like a crazy coincidence theorist but surely you don't think that's why they became the chosen ones for their roles Jackie?

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ha ha ha , boom, on the money!!

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I naively believed Vance was who he appeared to be before I learned about the Usha-Vivek connection and the Peter Thiel connection. I suppose very bright men from terribly broken homes may be exceptionally vulnerable to manipulative attention that seems like a substitute for familial love.

Does he even suspect he's been carefully groomed for his role?

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Moving Inauguration inside WH because of fridged weather. BS Meter. Doing it for Security reasons. Damn I hate when the news plays stupid.

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A very good reason, though.

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Oh yeah. I was thinking they better put full body GOD Armour on~

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Yes ~ Just wish they would be transparent instead of weather BS. America is waking up to BS. We do not need pablum.

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Someone should tell Vivek that acting self-important does not make him any less a toady.

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ha ha ha

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Toady or not, Mr V knows HE... and his huddled hindu masses will be the asses pon which the 'new world ordure' mounts. His anointment is but an appointment with 'destiny' - as it's sketched out by the 'real powerz what be' ... see,

the hindu is an 'animal worshipper' - sacred cows n what not - and in the lexicon of those who are about to use the hindu to finally and permanently 'subdue' their biggest 'rival' & 'problem' ... eg., the 'Uropean peeples'...

that 'golden calf' worship is the ultimate abomination. To therefore 'hold their noses' whilst using the hindu fast track attack to get whitey down on his knees is the plan taking shape right in front of your quite blank faces.

We could of course 'name names' and state the case re 'competing race'... but let's just watch and let everybody 'come out' one by one here.... tripping over their own assumed 'genius' shoelace by 'IQ' shoelace, shall we?

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Considering that there are so many more Indians than there are Americana, and having regard not just to the mean or median of the IQ distributions but to the dispersion of the distributions there are probably a lot more smart Indians than there are smart Americans and Vivelk is one of the smart ones.

I wonder if his arrogance derives from not merely being smarter than Americans (other than those from New Hampshire who are among the smartest people in the world) but also from being allegedly "Aryan."

As we've previously discussed, some Hindus believe that Adolph Hitler was an avatar of Vishnu (i.e., God Incarnate) and are awaiting the Second Coming of Hitler.

Hitler-worshipping Hindus generally depict Hitler as a white European male.

It would be weird for Vivek to see himself as the Scond Coming of Hitler, God Incarnate, but anything is possible.

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Vivek has difficulty concealing his condescension. Nothing you said about him seems terribly far-fetched.

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Vivek is more than likely a Brahmin. Being at the top of the caste system and witnessing Americans hero worshipping Diddy and Justin Bieber could lead easily to viewing Americans as lower than India's untouchables.

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Only upper caste Hindus migrate from India. The lower castes remain in squalor in India. The caste system is based on the doctrine of reincarnation that posits that we are what we are in this life because of what we were in our previous life. Therefore any attempt at self-improvement is in vain. This enables the upper castes to retain control.

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According to Wikipedia, "His parents are Tamil-speaking Brahmins from Kerala."

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It's amazing that he got as many votes as he did in the primaries. On the plus side, at least he's not Nikki Haley. I wonder if his was the name that Crazy Margaret wrote in.

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Amazing to me, too. Vivek seems so transparent. It must have crushed him to watch Haley out-perform him.

I seem to recall MS once revealed having written in DeSantis.

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The guy whose grand jury just exonerated the shots?

Vivek v Haley reminds me of a South Park episode in which election candidates were a giant douche and a turd sandwich.

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Yeah...that guy, if memory serves.

I'd like to believe the American public has had their fill of both Vivek and Haley. But neither of them seem to have gotten the message.

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"The day after Trump was elected, Musk tweeted Novus Ordo Seclorum, a Latin phrase meaning “New World Order”. This motto can be found on the Great Seal of the United States, on the back of the dollar bill, beneath the unfinished pyramid. The symbology is real, as building a new world order takes time and timing is everything."

I agree completely "the symbology is real" and it ain't good. Don't forget the "symbology" of "DOGE". The titular head of the totally corrupt, oligarchic controlled, and world corrupting Venetian takeover of much of Western Europe and Great Britain. Even Disraeli complained about the Venetian party turning England into a global warmongering Empire. And of course the 300. The US has strayed so far from our founding principles, having a DOGE in control could end our experiment.

Always remember, they think that they are smarter than you, so they can hide in plain sight. The DOGE of the Novus Order Seclorum.

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Methinks our 'Disraeli' did doth 'complain too mucheth'... as it was indeed he who carefully documented his own master's path of destruction via the 'debt/usury/interest' scam which is now about to finally envelop ye's 'for good' - as in 'their good'/your very bad -news.

The current 'Venetian' meme all the rage here on substack and elsewhere is another carefully planned subterfuge designed to keep the spotlight away from where it belongs.

Nuthin 'new' under this 'old' sun... ol son!

Fun fact... Did you know that those poor 'John Bulls' from ol Blighty only got 'out from under' a debt which their puppet government took on from Mr Bauer(Rothschilds) during the Regency period in the 1990s? That's almost 200 solid years of compounding interest they paid for the privilege of being led to their own enfeeblement!

Even funner... the moment it was finally 'paid off'... the toffs running the current puppet government there took out an even BIGGER LOAN... JUST TO make sure merry olde never gets out from under!

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Agree completely that Disraeli was no saint and had his own plans.

However nothing you said disproves the Black Venetian nobility theory. WRT the core point of the article, it is undeniable that there was a Venetian DOGE, a corrupt Venetian oligarchy, and an evil Venetian Empire.

Since the Black Venetians got completely integrated into the controlling elite of “John Bull”, as you describe it, your point is not mutually exclusive with the Venetian theory. Certainly something happened when Scotland nobility was invaded with European gentry.

As far as symbology, how about Black Nobility and Dark MAGA, which has its own interesting symbology background?

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Please don't think my intent is to "disprove" BVNT. It's use to obfuscate the more compelling yet completely hidden narrative by which the displaced German ashkenazi moneylenders 'move on down' to northern Italy in the wake of the Black Plague ... and become the new 'bankers' to nobility - at the expense of the 'old' caste of Italian jewry who they shove out...

is clear as day, once one acquaints themselves with the detailed scholarship produced by Ariel Toaff - distinguished professor and son of the former chief rabbi of Firenze.

Once contextualized in said manner, your thesis is a useful part of the puzzle - the jagged edges of which are about to impale thee and thy countrymen/women.

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you may find "When Scotland was Jewish" interesting

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One of my faves!

Keep waiting for his book on the 'Hebrew-Catholic' colony in C6-8th Arizona to be published.

It's only been ... 8 years or so since it was 'supposed' to come out.

No doubt much too 'explosive' truth in that one as well.

Guess I'll just have to keep counting off all those 'fine Highlander families' with Portuguese/Holland/Galician pedigrees meanswhile!

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All these talking heads lining their pockets. Fighting for self-gratification and power. It is beyond disgusting. Feel like I am watching Mr. Rodgers on a sadistic level. World has gone ballistic ~ backwards and clearly on the path of undeniable destruction. All will be accountable. Enjoy your pride and self-serving lust. Honestly, I am perplexed on the capacity of destruction this world is in. The mass is dissing God Almighty. That is lunacy. WAKE UP AMERICA THIS SHIT IS REAL~ God Almighty is real. Don't believe me just watch. If you don't have God in your heart ~ camp you are doomed. Paul said in verses 1–8:

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I don't thinkTrump is the Devil Incarnate. He could be compared at worst to a demon and even so is still an improvement on his RINO and Democrat predecessors from the pits of hell who were worse. Yes, OWS and the mRNA shots were Trump's rather than Biden's baby but blaming Trump for the shots is ridiculous because Trump answers to his line manager, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla who received Israel's "Genesis Prize" for developing the shots.

Trump will roll out "new and improved" shots that may be able to vaccinate the unvaccinated but Trump has to do what he's told to and I'd be surprised if Bourla and whoever Bourla answers to don't share Elon's view that Americans are retards and think that there are too many Americans anyway and that it's time to cull the herd.

Whether we like ior not it is a law of nature that the weak will perish and be replaced by the strong. The important thing to note is that Vivek, Musk, Trump and even Bourla himself are not at the top of the hierarchy with regard to shots or anything else. They are all just monkeys and demonic monkeys perhaps but they answer to the organ grinder.

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Obviously, Satan is the Dark Lord and their Master! People think Satan is doing nothing ! He is the most workaholic of us all! He works 24/7 to make sure he’s evil work and plan is being accomplished. And so does his minions on earth. Unfortunately, when it comes to spreading evil and seeking the ruins of humanity the evil camp is United and work tirelessly to achieve their goals!

Where are the good ones, the children of light?? The real patriots?

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Bring back separation of public and private.

There is no Department Of Government Efficiency (DOGE) and self-proclaimed meme edgelord and fake gamer Elon Musk is going to get sued or worse for tying this to the crypto DOGE.

We do not need a technocratic slave system brought in by Republican nor Democrat yet Peter Thiel and Elon Musk (both from South Africa) are going to help push it. Digital ID and CBDC under a different hat won't be good for us either way.

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Good that you mention the terrible twins antecedents .... SA was where the Rhodian catamite clan worked out the mechanics of what is about to take down USA fo'ever. Whitey-in-thrall Whitehall needed a 'vector' by which to pull the plug on uppity 'Xulus' and Dutchmen both. Their inconvenient presence overtop of what would become 'the world's biggest' gold find necessitated the importation of some agents of browner hue...

and the ghoulish catamite 'Ghandi (Goose)proved to be just the sticky ticket!

Get ready for 'Gandi does Dallas' 3.0 as the Muskie mandated 'no hindu left behind' program reaches for your netherparts in Klassic Kubrick fashion!

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Watch their actions, not what they say. Many of them are only in it for the $$$$. Beware.

We are dealing with Decline of the Roman Empire levels of corruption. Even Trump is swayed by people waving money around.

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"Trump's first official trip to be wildfires visit"...

So thankful Karen Bass spent $100,000 on a “midnight stroll transgender cafe” and not fixing our fire trucks. https://x.com/emilysavesusa

Pretty much a lock that Don will be donning his 'leather costume' and doing a 'firetruck parade' with Mayor Bass and Gov Gavin...

after the obligatory 'pilgrimage' to Sheldon Adelson's poolside shrine and dawghouse.

You meant 'bent' right?

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What we are witnessing is all out OFF THE CHARTS FRAUD ....


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Yawn. There will be NO golden age except for the masters (government) as the slaves are hammered even farther into submission.

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"to be crystal clear, mRNA vaccines and special interests aren’t going to save America. Rather these drive the mission to further divide America (vaccinated vs. unvaccinated" It's not a division but the duality law that applies here "The law of duality is the idea that everything is part of a continuum and has an opposite that complements it." WIKI.

More people need to wake uP and realize they are in opposition to Big Pharma exterminators.

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“Dawn of a new Golden Age" -- don't you wish you knew what that truly means? Gonna have to look a lot deeper and back much further to understand...

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Terrific insight. Follow up to which takes us back to the time in 'human history' which these kooks are all well educated in - but details of which are 'left out' of the orthodox version of our past, save for little understood 'clues' people like the Egyptians left us.

'Golden Age' specifically references a period adjacent to 4th and 5th millennia - the overlap takes us to the dawn of the 'pyramid' era. At that time Saturn was a second sun, shining by day and night upon Earth. The record of the star is preserved in the legends of

every ancient people... most know about it only through the Greek record of 'gods' wherein the explosion which happened to Saturn (Kronos)and caused the ascendance of 'Jupiter' (Zeus) has led to a whole pantheon of 'star gods' still part of our lexicon.

Some interesting parallels to the present came about during that interregnum - a great deal of cosmic 'flashes' like we are now seeing from our current 'sun' were hitting earth, and caused successive 'changes'(mutations)to both plant and animal life; most pertinent to our current crises, certain 'groups' of people in specific regions received those cosmic impulses full on, causing mutations which - due to endogamous practices and a subsequent 'genetic bottleneck' event - have created a subgroup of humanity with both extraordinary GIFTS...and extraordinary FAILINGS. It's of the essence to finally reconcile with the implications of that duality right now. Everything else - as muskie well knows - is a smokescreen to cover up what's going on right before your unseeing yeux.

Speaking of which - Two stars erupted from the planet Saturn and caused the Deluge.” So states the Talmud, in Velikovsky’s translation.

lol... 'two stars erupted' in Pauls previous post... but the planned - 'deluge' did not happen. Silly wabbits. You're so 'smart' - yet so dumb. Abracadabra... gonna 'reach out n grab ya's!'

Just watch.

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Yep, Trump claimed he’s going to bring America into a “Golden Age.” Uh huh. I'm sure you also saw The Economist magazine recently released their “World Ahead 2025” issue...

There is much to take in on that cover, but the planet Saturn seems to stand out the most. The hour glass on that cover also got a reset from 2024's “time running out,” consistent with a “new age beginning”.

In ancient Greek mythology, the “Golden Age” was a pre-flood time period (the luciferian elite worship the pre-flood world) when humans and “the gods” (fallen angels) lived together in harmony. There was peace, prosperity, longer lives, etc.

The Greeks claim Saturn (Satan) ruled this time period.

Interestingly, the Theosophists who helped found the United Nations, as well as the New Age movement, claimed the world is transitioning into “the Age of Aquarius,” a time period again associated with Saturn.

Crowley made similar claims about the “New Aeon”.

Crowley's Aeon of Horus is another name for the Hybrid Age of Aquarius, associated with adrogyny, transhumanism, and cybernetic immortality. The Bible describes this kindom as "iron mixed with clay". Traditionally, Aquarius is ruled by the archon Saturn, who along with Mercury are considered adrogynous. Esoterically, Saturn is Adam Kadmon - Adam and Eve combined - the perfect balance of opposites.

Jesus said the days before His return would resemble the days before the flood. As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be again.

Beginning at 12 noon January 20, 2025, following the raising of Osiris Ritual and the OATH. Donald (meaning; world ruler) Trump (from; triumph; as in triumphal entry) will manifest their planned Technate and rebellion against Christianity.

People really need to wake up and realize how much deeper and diabolical all of this truly is...especially Mr. Alexander. Underneath all the smoke and mirrors, we are not headed somewhere that is "golden", in any sense of the word.

The North American Technate: Elon's Past, Trump's Future?


Christianity must be destroyed for mesianic 'golden age' to arrive. Enter Trump!


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You've hit upon the genesis of the agenda now in full swing... and which will fully blossom under the aegis of the "Set/Osiris" PUTUS 47...

a 'transgender' paradise which Don's philanthropist backers have ordered up in payment for their 'donations'...

I've detailed the plans of ghouls like MARTINE ROTHBLATT... the she/he/it with plans to produce pig parts for every body - only one of the myriad of moneypeeps who collectively desire to bring AI to the fore, Thiel and Co are all in on the project to send their 'minds' into cloud space whilst replacing their carbon cores with robotic 'immortals'

If you think it's a fantasy... you needs to catch up quick folks. Less than forty eight hours to go before THE WAR ON YOU goes livetime!

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With all the negativity currently surrounding the 'Saintly Don' and his MIGA Movement, it's best if we remember some of the 'high' points of the man's past - not just the low.

How's this for "Executive Action?"

I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it.

I did try and fuck her. She was married.

And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, "I'll show you where they have some nice furniture." I took her out furniture—I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn't get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look.

Yo... 'tik tok!' Hey you guileless 'fly guys n gals' ...less than 48 hours to go ... till Mr. "Modestly Endowed" gets to 'magnetize Merika' like a spider does a "fly"...

"I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything"

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