anyone, and I want to target feral animals from Latin America, Middle East, Africa, and anyone, black, white, any ethnicity, christian, jew, muslim, hindu, anyone, who rapes and kills, rapes, must be
I mean no jail, the penalty for rape and murder of a child, teens, must be death penalty...same for anyone this must be the new penalty...and death in 2 weeks post declaration of 100% guilt via courts...if guilty, we will take your life, we will kill you by the state and in 2 weeks....yes, I am targeting illegal Middle Easterners, North Africans, Latino feral animal beasts who Harris & Biden INC have let into USA unvetted & now raping and killing our women, girls....but this must be the penalty today for rape & murder across the board
Take a breath, Paul, and think about what you are saying. Atrocities should push us into reciprocal bestiality and savagery?
Throw out the Biblical precepts like "Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord?" and instead you get to decide what is bad enough to propel us into primitive frenzy?
For you it is raping a child. What if next week it is mocking a politician or priest and the week after it is questioning the State, or, God forbid, vaccines?
You want a kangaroo court that acts quickly and kills quickly, too, and you advocate torture.
Then you ask your beloved all-good-things-descend-from-his-golden-brow favorite to embrace savagery, too.
You want crimes punished for vaccine and propaganda crimes, by the way, but you excuse the golden one's COVID crimes because he was misled (although it was his job not to be misled) but would you excuse the people you want a 2 week "trial" and torture and execution for to have been misled? Or is it wild frenzy "justice" for them, but excuses for the rich, powerful and for those favored by you.
Breathe, Paul. You are a smart and, I think, a decent guy who has allowed your limbic system to take over your cortex.
Not a good look for a commentator and advisor.
Meanwhile, you could focus on getting the US out of the UN, from whence immigration policies and judicial modifications legalizing pedophilia (Judicial review of March, 2023 by the UN) come, so that we can regain control of every aspect of our societies. A good way to do that is to support the passage by a supermajority (allowing override of the inevitable veto) of the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023 (HR: 6645/S: 3429) now before the US Congress.
yes, I have said US must be out of UN and out of WHO...that is basic...said already ...I went further, UN building should be razed, burnt to the ground.
Does anyone not think these punks would have not tried to kidnap this woman if the death penalty for kidnapping was on the books? Or should we make a deal with sex traffickers?
Rima, only retribution can stop/prevent violence. Only the death penalty can stop murders. Ever note murderers caught cold in the act often plea deal to life in prison of capital punishment is taken off the table? What do you think would happen if the death penalty was used? Do you not see the fear of dying would simmer down murderers and other violent criminals. If the only way to protect women and girls is to have the death penalty for rape, why not as it would be effective if a few of these criminals were executed publicly. Why not protect innocent girls from rape by violence? They started it. And death would finish it. ALL PROBLEMS CAN BE SOLVED BY VIOLENCE and note Jesus Christ will use serious violence to set things in order when He appears as the glorified Christ.
Your peace plead is not effective. There MUST BE A SERIOUS THREAT TO ANY WHO WOULD SEX TRAFFIC, MURDER, OR RAPE or it will continue.
How about you just start encouraging more women to carry concealed? Then they can stop much of this violence themselves. What we don't need is more violence coming from the government. Governments are historically the worst abusers and mass murderers of all.
I always have and always will encourage women to be armed and in fact, years ago took a close friend to meet two NRA instructors and introduced her to them, picked a handgun, and told her to go for it. She was comfortable with both which was necessary due to her distrust of men who had abused her. Up here in Canuckistan the lying useless hoplophobe turdo is trying to ban guns owned by people with no criminal record. This pos is enabling by this act more rapes and murders by illegal alien gang members and moslems. This goes along with your proven and indisputable fact about government being the biggest murderer. You are 110% correct and astute, ordered and intellectually dynamic in my opinion. I accept your lengthy discourse and very impressed with you to say the least. Thank you for the lengthy and undeniably true observations that I totally agree with. So trudope as a fake and clueless hoplophobic leader is enabling the rape and murder of defenceless women by the same criminals he is importing. In that capacity he a damned murderer complicit.
There can be no order now without the death penalty nor no justice without violence. The other side has made this a reality because violence is the only thing that will work now, all else is prone to failure. The bad guys understand only violence.
The riots over the death of George Floyd, the burning, the looting, the destruction were unstoppable even though he was self murdered by his overdosing on fentanyl and amphetamines. The CYSTem was unwilling to respond with force and let criminals take over the streets. Nothing else would have worked except violence. it is always the same and will always be so. How do I know I am right? Simply by looking at the Apocalypse. The glorified Christ will come in power and rule with an iron rod (no tolerance) and no mercy. This is the only way "evil" can and will be defeated. "In flaming fire taking vengeance..." It all started peacefully but God looked and saw that the imaginations of man were on evil continually and it grieved God He had made man." Then came the flood. History has taught the same lesson. Nothing has nor will change. It is the trademark pattern of humanity. And religion has a big part to play in it all. The Spanish Inquisition. Islamic conquests. Salem witch hunts. Etc. God is the God of Wrath and will install His kingdom with Wrath and Anger and no mercy save to those who have sought and claimed Mercy from the Only Savior, Jesus the Son of the living God unto whom all power has been given. His enemies will be cast into hell.
A violent ending of it all after which will come peace finally.
Yes, that is how the world ends in the Book of Revelation. But "Vengeance is mine saith the Lord." Christ taught us to emulate his life of humility here on Earth as described in the Gospels, not his Second Coming. Only he is all-knowing, perfect, and in a position to judge every human on earth. In fact, Christ warns about those imposters who would emulate his Second Coming. Such individuals are either of the Anti-Christ spirit or the Anti-Christ himself.
Thank you for being the voice of reason, Dr. Laibow. In my comment above, I likened Dr. Alexander's call for warp speed legal trials to the disastrous clinical trials of Operation Warp Speed. There's a reason why trials, either legal or clinical, take time and certain requirements must be met. When you disregard those requirements you end up with a grave injustice against humanity far worse than the "crisis" you intended to address.
Sasha, could the police reason with rampaging black people angry and violent prone towards the innocent man they blamed for the death of Floyd? Could the allies reason with Adolph Hitler or the Crusaders who stropped the moslem mayhem and murderous aggression except by force at Constantinople? Does the Good Book say all the combatants at Armageddon will be able to make peace and save the slaughter of millions. There is NO voice of reason because all ears are closed on both sides and especially the aggressors who require armed force against them to stop the conflict.
The voice of reason of Jesus Christ ended up with Him crucified and all his disciples save John the beloved who was abandoned on the Isle of Patmos, tortured and murdered. Look at the history of the world and realize that history has taught the lessons of Truth many times and none listened.
Peace is a non existent abstract, sought after but never accomplished, studied but never embraced.
Dr. P. is correct in his observations and conclusions but let me enlighten you to the three ways people think and do things...these are the RIGHT way, the Wrong way and the American way. In Canuckistan it is the same with the Canuckistani way being the third option.
And you dare to question the sure record of true history? So will Red China stop its meddling in efforts to be the dominant power if we extend the promise of engaging in talks to arrive at a fair agreement on any matter?
Dr. P is right. Failure after failure has been the norm since the dawn of time and the affairs of man were put on the table to be examined. What came of these occasions? Bloody hell, blacks cannot subsist with whites nor moslems with any other religion without killing and raping. The ingrate alien invaders from third world countries rape and murder. Call that a good deal? No and even bloody hell no. The carnage will continue and nothing will change. But let us make a deal with ruthless gangs and hostile nations like Iran or the houthi mob. They will lie and scheme behind the curtain.
As to the example of the fake jab, it so happens that you have it wrong. The BAD guys appointed fake health experts and every Joe with a dribbling dink decided to impose mandates when they had no power or authority to do so. Are we not seeing the same scenario and what about those fools who caused the deaths of many and the serious side effects to boot?
I made no deal. I refused the damned fake jab. Now gal how about we hold accountable the liars and murderers who imposed the jab and try then execute them for murder. I knew people who died.
You see, out there it is rarely done the right way, it is either the wrong way or the American way chosen. Can one deal with greedy people who are influenced by the love of money? As it is written love of money is the root of ALL trafficking, drug peddling, porn, abortion, fraud, theft, etc etc etc. That is how it is and how it will ever be. Sin is a reproach to any people. Tell ya what. Go on TV and send a message to child abusers. Tell them you come in peace and then when they say the same, let them babysit your daughters if you have any.
Get with it girl, history proves the Dr. right and as to the UN they were and are the worst offenders and they dare masquerade as seeking peace? Balls!
Our Founding Fathers were well aware of all the facets of human nature you describe when they wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights. They understood that while government is necessary to maintain a civilized society, it is a necessary evil. Thus they sought to strictly limit its power with various checks and balances. In particular, the Bill of Rights stands as a bulwark against government tyranny over the individual.
If you're worried about murderers, you should know that throughout history, government has been the greatest murderer of all time. Did you know that 262 million people died due to governments in the 20th century alone? This figure excludes people who died shooting at each other in armed conflicts. The term "democide" refers to the killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by a government agent acting in their official capacity. This definition excludes people executed for crimes such as murder, as long as they received a fair trial. Yet it includes people executed in "show trials" which are trials with a predetermined outcome. Essentially, the word democide constitutes what for an individual would be murder, except that it was carried out by a government and often on a much grander scale (i.e. mass murder).
While there's some overlap between genocide and democide, the two terms are not synonymous. Genocide refers to targeting a particular group for death/ depopulation based on certain characteristics such as race, ethnicity, religion, etc. Democide is a broader term which can encompass genocide, yet it is not limited to any particular demographic. The mass deaths caused by COVID shots and the starvation due to lockdowns in the Developing World are examples of a world-wide democide.
The concentration of political power, erosion of human rights, suspension of due process requirements, the establishment of illegal courts, show trials, political witch hunts, segregation, stigmatization and dehumanizing rhetoric are all harbingers of impending democide.
Here is a quote from the Wikipedia page on democide that references the work of democide researcher Rudolf Rummel:
"One of his main findings was that democracies have much less democide than authoritarian regimes.[2] Rummel argued that there is a relation between political power and democide. Political mass murder grows increasingly common as political power becomes unconstrained. At the other end of the scale, where power is diffuse, checked, and balanced, political violence is a rarity. According to Rummel, "[t]he more power a regime has, the more likely people will be killed. This is a major reason for promoting freedom.'[10] Rummel argued that 'concentrated political power is the most dangerous thing on earth.'[11]"
Once you realize that you are statistically far more likely to die at the hands of your own government than any mass shooter, serial killer, rapist, burglar, or even illegal alien, you realize how critically important those rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights really are. Those rights are there above all else to protect you from your own government.
Pro-Second Amendment people have long known this. We know the tricks our government plays on us when they hype up the latest mass shooting event followed by calls for gun control or confiscation. Gun people know to ignore the hype and don't budge an inch on the Second Amendment. In fact, we double down on it. Why? Because you will always have more to fear from the government that wants to limit your ability to defend yourself than you will from any random criminal off the street.
I approach the other Amendments to the Bill of Rights the same way. If I hear some scare story about the latest boogeyman followed by calls for doing away with the due process requirements of a fair trial spelled out in the 4th, 5th and 6th Amendments, I know there's more to fear from the loss of those rights than there is from the boogeyman of the day. Frankly, I'm not too worried about the boogeymen. That's at least partly what the 2nd Amendment is for. I'm much more worried about the calls to give up our rights to a fair trial, to due process, to not be tortured, etc. And you should be too.
Frankly Edward, it is you who are naive if you think the solution to crime is giving up any portion of our Bill of Rights so that criminals can be executed more expeditiously. Do you think some authoritarian regime that is more at liberty to use force wherever it sees fit would keep you safer? On the contrary, an authoritarian regime is far more likely to get everyone reading this killed than the individual criminals you're so worried about.
In summary, the most dangerous people of all are in your own government. If they aren't already criminals, many of them would be if they got the chance. And even if you could remove every last criminal from government, it's just human nature that more would take their place. This was the theme of Orwell's Animal Farm.
So no matter the crisis, no matter the boogeymen, never budge an inch on any of your rights. Remember, if you deny even your worst enemy a fair trial or the right to free speech or the right to peaceably assemble, you've lost those rights yourself.
You have no idea at all how I feel you are accurately acute in your perspectives. We should not however forget about islam as the most violent and criminal false religion that ever existed/exists and the threat is has historically proven itself to be. It is a "political/religious movement that is responsible for the murder and enslavement of millions of people throughout history and yes, it has forced its evil governency on many countries. Genghis Khan murdered hundreds of millions and as a danger to Freedom and Justice, is the biggest threat ever at this specific juncture in time.
As a reminder, torture is against both our US Constitution and the Geneva Convention. And while our Constitution does call for a speedy trial as a right of the accused, the speed of the trial is not to be at the expense of other requirements for due process, such as the right to a trial by jury, to call in witnesses, to cross examine one's accuser, etc.
Your calls for special tribunals with sped up "warp speed" trials, or no trials, remind me of Big Pharma and our government claiming there was no time to do proper clinical trials for the mRNA shots since we were supposed to believe that was justifiable given the "emergency" we were in. There's a reason why clinical trials take so much time and certain standards must be met. To skip the long established requirements and fast track those trials was a grave injustice to humanity, and one that we continue to suffer from.
Yet now you're calling to do essentially the same thing with our legal system. You're taking a problem that has always existed and claiming it's a reason to undermine centuries of American jurisprudence and our hard won rights to due process. What you're calling for isn't progress, it's going back to the Dark Ages of justice.
While I agree that rape and murder are serious crimes, many men have been falsely accused of rapes and even murders they did not commit. If, heaven forbid, you ever found yourself in a similar situation, I guarantee you would want your Constitutional due process rights.
I never said no jury, I said a speedy trial...and again, I said once declarative...same way I say if you physically target attack any police, any military, any border agent, IMO we need no trial, in that case shot on the spot
I know all there is to know about trials, I have already said Trump was fooled and did not understand that the 15 extra years in a clinical trial is to exclude harms etc. and monitor for rare events that need time...please read what I write.
If someone is actively attacking the police with lethal force, they already have the right to shoot that person in self defense or the defense of others. However, if you're referring to a situation where someone is not an imminent threat to anyone's safety or if they were a threat they have been subdued, then NO the police, military, border patrol etc. don't have a right to shoot that person. Remember, at least one January 6th prisoner is still in jail because they reportedly bumped into a police officer and that was considered "assaulting" a police officer. That was clearly a miscarriage of justice and a very slippery slope we should not go down.
I have always said if life is threatened. again, go read again what I say...I know what I am saying...I know there are folk like you reading it he he he
life must be in imminent danger but I stand by it, there is no situation where you physically attack a police other than to get their gun and shoot them, border agents etc. so the perp must be killed, no question
Agree with your comments. He's just lost me as a subscriber. I was all in support of his covid content and maybe he should just stick with that. My state of TN has already passed a bill that the death penalty will be applied against child rape but like you said we have due process for a reason.
Sheila, if you unsubscribe, its ok...we still have free are wrong, for if you go back and read my writing, you will see you are just read crap others write and assume they are about you read. unsubscribe if you wish.
I understand. I also recently cancelled my subscription but it doesn't expire till late September. So I'll continue to comment here and there if I see an opportunity to interject something positive.
I do have a great deal of respect for everything Dr. Alexander has done to help save humanity from the deadly COVID shots, economically disastrous lockdowns, etc. I have respect for his courage and his work as a scientist. However, I cannot continue to support his work if it includes advocating for torture, legally questionable fast-tracked "special courts," mass arrests and executions that appear to be incompatible with the due process requirements of the Bill of Rights etc.
I understand his frustrations with the state of our nation and the many problems facing us. I just don't agree with his methods. If he eventually finds that everyone left on his Substack agrees with him, it will only be because he has driven away all the people with more moderate viewpoints.
we must torture them, they tortured Jocelyn Nungaray for 3 hours before killing her, violently raping her...were you there Sasha to help her? no, so we must torture so the message is sent. once and for all.
I completely disagree. What you are advocating is unlawful, unethical, and a violation of the US Constitution. If you want to live in a country where torture is considered a valid form of justice, I'm sure you can find some hell hole where people are still stoned to death and maybe you'd be happier there. As for me, I prefer to stay here and live under the US Constitution.
" ... many men have been falsely accused of rapes and even murders they did not commit. ..." That's very true. President Trump was falsely accused of rape by E. Jean Carroll. Thank goodness there was no way to charge him. Mike Tyson was probably falsely accused and convicted too. Under Kamala Harris innocent black men in California were framed for murder. The US just ass cyst em could be the best in world and yet it's still crap, not greatly evolved from dunking witches in water.
Trump did talk about quick trials, incarceration rather than deportation, and the death penalty for child and female offences. He said this at today's border visit.
BTW he was only told of his stalker after the news conference, allegedly.
"Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord." But, the Lord is a mighty busy fellow these days. We best take care of this sort of thing for him. Execute immediately.
I agree with Dr Laibow though another part of me at first glance says "Absolutely" with Dr Alexander. As for Hotez let me at him.But then again he damaged his own daughter with vaccines proving he is mentally ill. What a world. What a world.
Your hero Trump will continue his total fealty to Israel if he wins the "election". He took a 100 million campaign donation with the stipulation that he signs off on Israel's total grab of the West Bank. DeSantis while a congressman steadfastly refused to listen to the declarations of former veterans on USS Liberty. Under Trump, Israel will further Israel's domination of America's political process and we have already granted our obeisances for the next decade to our only ME al-lie. You have continually expressed your adoration of Trump despite our wicked treatment by Israel. You are very weak on your history of just how our treatment by Israel has devastated the United States. You must employ serious caveats when you continue to extol Israel and its favorite son, DJT.
again, you take it in pieces like CNN and media...I have repeatedly as example said if any Israeli soldier abuses, rapes Palestinian women etc. that must be punished, executed just like how if those animals rape Israeli women...
I can appreciate where you're coming from but surely the prime objective is to make these people realise that criminal behaviour of any kind by an illegal immigrant will not be tolerated as it might be in their home country. Life in prison with hard labour and no chance of ever being released can be more of a deterrent than a quick execution. We must not permit the West to become uncivilised like the places they're fleeing.
if we could get know our legal system, then they get if you can guarantee never walking free, we can take that but justice must be swift
Yes Dr the death penalty is in order for anyone! And maybe add to this list, Dr Peter Hotez!
Talk about a “WACKADO”? This feral beast was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for Peace in 2022 by congressional leaders!
Yes this “Rabid Bill Gates” thanks for the money Billy, has now said, “NATA” and other armed groups in America must be used to force Covid shots into the “unvaccinated” because we’re the problem!!
You can see where he’s taking this. Monkey Pox will be the new Covid Bioweapon Injection! This man is another example of who the “dangerous people” are to our freedoms!
Wake up America! Wake the heck up and DO NOT COMPLY”! DO NOT COMPLY!
We know if Harris / Walz become “Frick & Frat” of these United States, be ready for war breaking our against “WE THE PEOPLE”!
Moronic people like Hotez, Harris and Walz are very dangerous, will do whatever the “Globalist Elites” tell them to do without blinking!
“Heil, mein Führer!" As they will and I repeat will carry out any orders they’re told!
This is an unspeakable crime that forever leaves its victim scared in such a psychological way as to make everything having to do with relationships skewed with difficulty for the rest of their life. If they are young every relationship is a mater of overcoming, fear of trust, no matter who they are, or how much they love them. Their sense of normalcy has been stollen from them and will never be fully recovered but by the grace of God's love understood. Should they be put to death that have done this YES! scares you can't see.
I agree that rape is one of the worst crimes one human can commit against another. It is a form of psychological torture. About the only thing worse is murder. So while I agree that rape should be severely punished, that punishment must still be the result of a fair trial in accordance with the due process requirements of the Bill of Rights.
If you can find a way to speed up trials by addressing staffing shortages or other inefficiencies in the system, that's fine. But the speed of the trial must never come at the expense of the due process requirements of our Bill of Rights.
Scriptural precepts indicate death for capital crimes since the only penalty to prevent serious crimes is death. Man, especially leftist loons have no clue about such things especially when the morons allow ingrates to live when they need to be eliminated.
I mean no jail, the penalty for rape and murder of a child, teens, must be death penalty...same for anyone this must be the new penalty...and death in 2 weeks post declaration of 100% guilt via courts...if guilty, we will take your life, we will kill you by the state and in 2 weeks....yes, I am targeting illegal Middle Easterners, North Africans, Latino feral animal beasts who Harris & Biden INC have let into USA unvetted & now raping and killing our women, girls....but this must be the penalty today for rape & murder across the board
"we must be the animal to deal with the animal…"
Take a breath, Paul, and think about what you are saying. Atrocities should push us into reciprocal bestiality and savagery?
Throw out the Biblical precepts like "Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord?" and instead you get to decide what is bad enough to propel us into primitive frenzy?
For you it is raping a child. What if next week it is mocking a politician or priest and the week after it is questioning the State, or, God forbid, vaccines?
You want a kangaroo court that acts quickly and kills quickly, too, and you advocate torture.
Then you ask your beloved all-good-things-descend-from-his-golden-brow favorite to embrace savagery, too.
You want crimes punished for vaccine and propaganda crimes, by the way, but you excuse the golden one's COVID crimes because he was misled (although it was his job not to be misled) but would you excuse the people you want a 2 week "trial" and torture and execution for to have been misled? Or is it wild frenzy "justice" for them, but excuses for the rich, powerful and for those favored by you.
Breathe, Paul. You are a smart and, I think, a decent guy who has allowed your limbic system to take over your cortex.
Not a good look for a commentator and advisor.
Meanwhile, you could focus on getting the US out of the UN, from whence immigration policies and judicial modifications legalizing pedophilia (Judicial review of March, 2023 by the UN) come, so that we can regain control of every aspect of our societies. A good way to do that is to support the passage by a supermajority (allowing override of the inevitable veto) of the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023 (HR: 6645/S: 3429) now before the US Congress.
That is, after all, why the 10 Million Patriot Challenge,, was created.
yes, I have said US must be out of UN and out of WHO...that is basic...said already ...I went further, UN building should be razed, burnt to the ground.
yes I want a court that acts quickly and kills the beast quickly
I was clear, raping and killing of a child teen...
yes, we become the animal...for the moment, I said so...we treat the animal like the animal.
Does anyone not think these punks would have not tried to kidnap this woman if the death penalty for kidnapping was on the books? Or should we make a deal with sex traffickers?
Rima, only retribution can stop/prevent violence. Only the death penalty can stop murders. Ever note murderers caught cold in the act often plea deal to life in prison of capital punishment is taken off the table? What do you think would happen if the death penalty was used? Do you not see the fear of dying would simmer down murderers and other violent criminals. If the only way to protect women and girls is to have the death penalty for rape, why not as it would be effective if a few of these criminals were executed publicly. Why not protect innocent girls from rape by violence? They started it. And death would finish it. ALL PROBLEMS CAN BE SOLVED BY VIOLENCE and note Jesus Christ will use serious violence to set things in order when He appears as the glorified Christ.
Your peace plead is not effective. There MUST BE A SERIOUS THREAT TO ANY WHO WOULD SEX TRAFFIC, MURDER, OR RAPE or it will continue.
How about you just start encouraging more women to carry concealed? Then they can stop much of this violence themselves. What we don't need is more violence coming from the government. Governments are historically the worst abusers and mass murderers of all.
I always have and always will encourage women to be armed and in fact, years ago took a close friend to meet two NRA instructors and introduced her to them, picked a handgun, and told her to go for it. She was comfortable with both which was necessary due to her distrust of men who had abused her. Up here in Canuckistan the lying useless hoplophobe turdo is trying to ban guns owned by people with no criminal record. This pos is enabling by this act more rapes and murders by illegal alien gang members and moslems. This goes along with your proven and indisputable fact about government being the biggest murderer. You are 110% correct and astute, ordered and intellectually dynamic in my opinion. I accept your lengthy discourse and very impressed with you to say the least. Thank you for the lengthy and undeniably true observations that I totally agree with. So trudope as a fake and clueless hoplophobic leader is enabling the rape and murder of defenceless women by the same criminals he is importing. In that capacity he a damned murderer complicit.
6 mins ago
There can be no order now without the death penalty nor no justice without violence. The other side has made this a reality because violence is the only thing that will work now, all else is prone to failure. The bad guys understand only violence.
The riots over the death of George Floyd, the burning, the looting, the destruction were unstoppable even though he was self murdered by his overdosing on fentanyl and amphetamines. The CYSTem was unwilling to respond with force and let criminals take over the streets. Nothing else would have worked except violence. it is always the same and will always be so. How do I know I am right? Simply by looking at the Apocalypse. The glorified Christ will come in power and rule with an iron rod (no tolerance) and no mercy. This is the only way "evil" can and will be defeated. "In flaming fire taking vengeance..." It all started peacefully but God looked and saw that the imaginations of man were on evil continually and it grieved God He had made man." Then came the flood. History has taught the same lesson. Nothing has nor will change. It is the trademark pattern of humanity. And religion has a big part to play in it all. The Spanish Inquisition. Islamic conquests. Salem witch hunts. Etc. God is the God of Wrath and will install His kingdom with Wrath and Anger and no mercy save to those who have sought and claimed Mercy from the Only Savior, Jesus the Son of the living God unto whom all power has been given. His enemies will be cast into hell.
A violent ending of it all after which will come peace finally.
I like this post...I need to re-read it though, lots to digest
Yes, that is how the world ends in the Book of Revelation. But "Vengeance is mine saith the Lord." Christ taught us to emulate his life of humility here on Earth as described in the Gospels, not his Second Coming. Only he is all-knowing, perfect, and in a position to judge every human on earth. In fact, Christ warns about those imposters who would emulate his Second Coming. Such individuals are either of the Anti-Christ spirit or the Anti-Christ himself.
Another true gem from the mouth of a woman who accurately defines what she says above. I agree in every detail. Sasha, you are an admirable woman.
Violence has been and will be the only thing that works when all else fails. This is the history of the world!
Thank you for being the voice of reason, Dr. Laibow. In my comment above, I likened Dr. Alexander's call for warp speed legal trials to the disastrous clinical trials of Operation Warp Speed. There's a reason why trials, either legal or clinical, take time and certain requirements must be met. When you disregard those requirements you end up with a grave injustice against humanity far worse than the "crisis" you intended to address.
Sasha, I have said always, please re-read, ONCE declarative, 100% certain, we then kill with no the State...we torture these beasts too
please re-read....I know exactly what I am writing
Sasha, could the police reason with rampaging black people angry and violent prone towards the innocent man they blamed for the death of Floyd? Could the allies reason with Adolph Hitler or the Crusaders who stropped the moslem mayhem and murderous aggression except by force at Constantinople? Does the Good Book say all the combatants at Armageddon will be able to make peace and save the slaughter of millions. There is NO voice of reason because all ears are closed on both sides and especially the aggressors who require armed force against them to stop the conflict.
The voice of reason of Jesus Christ ended up with Him crucified and all his disciples save John the beloved who was abandoned on the Isle of Patmos, tortured and murdered. Look at the history of the world and realize that history has taught the lessons of Truth many times and none listened.
Peace is a non existent abstract, sought after but never accomplished, studied but never embraced.
Dr. P. is correct in his observations and conclusions but let me enlighten you to the three ways people think and do things...these are the RIGHT way, the Wrong way and the American way. In Canuckistan it is the same with the Canuckistani way being the third option.
And you dare to question the sure record of true history? So will Red China stop its meddling in efforts to be the dominant power if we extend the promise of engaging in talks to arrive at a fair agreement on any matter?
Dr. P is right. Failure after failure has been the norm since the dawn of time and the affairs of man were put on the table to be examined. What came of these occasions? Bloody hell, blacks cannot subsist with whites nor moslems with any other religion without killing and raping. The ingrate alien invaders from third world countries rape and murder. Call that a good deal? No and even bloody hell no. The carnage will continue and nothing will change. But let us make a deal with ruthless gangs and hostile nations like Iran or the houthi mob. They will lie and scheme behind the curtain.
As to the example of the fake jab, it so happens that you have it wrong. The BAD guys appointed fake health experts and every Joe with a dribbling dink decided to impose mandates when they had no power or authority to do so. Are we not seeing the same scenario and what about those fools who caused the deaths of many and the serious side effects to boot?
I made no deal. I refused the damned fake jab. Now gal how about we hold accountable the liars and murderers who imposed the jab and try then execute them for murder. I knew people who died.
You see, out there it is rarely done the right way, it is either the wrong way or the American way chosen. Can one deal with greedy people who are influenced by the love of money? As it is written love of money is the root of ALL trafficking, drug peddling, porn, abortion, fraud, theft, etc etc etc. That is how it is and how it will ever be. Sin is a reproach to any people. Tell ya what. Go on TV and send a message to child abusers. Tell them you come in peace and then when they say the same, let them babysit your daughters if you have any.
Get with it girl, history proves the Dr. right and as to the UN they were and are the worst offenders and they dare masquerade as seeking peace? Balls!
Our Founding Fathers were well aware of all the facets of human nature you describe when they wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights. They understood that while government is necessary to maintain a civilized society, it is a necessary evil. Thus they sought to strictly limit its power with various checks and balances. In particular, the Bill of Rights stands as a bulwark against government tyranny over the individual.
If you're worried about murderers, you should know that throughout history, government has been the greatest murderer of all time. Did you know that 262 million people died due to governments in the 20th century alone? This figure excludes people who died shooting at each other in armed conflicts. The term "democide" refers to the killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by a government agent acting in their official capacity. This definition excludes people executed for crimes such as murder, as long as they received a fair trial. Yet it includes people executed in "show trials" which are trials with a predetermined outcome. Essentially, the word democide constitutes what for an individual would be murder, except that it was carried out by a government and often on a much grander scale (i.e. mass murder).
While there's some overlap between genocide and democide, the two terms are not synonymous. Genocide refers to targeting a particular group for death/ depopulation based on certain characteristics such as race, ethnicity, religion, etc. Democide is a broader term which can encompass genocide, yet it is not limited to any particular demographic. The mass deaths caused by COVID shots and the starvation due to lockdowns in the Developing World are examples of a world-wide democide.
The concentration of political power, erosion of human rights, suspension of due process requirements, the establishment of illegal courts, show trials, political witch hunts, segregation, stigmatization and dehumanizing rhetoric are all harbingers of impending democide.
Here is a quote from the Wikipedia page on democide that references the work of democide researcher Rudolf Rummel:
"One of his main findings was that democracies have much less democide than authoritarian regimes.[2] Rummel argued that there is a relation between political power and democide. Political mass murder grows increasingly common as political power becomes unconstrained. At the other end of the scale, where power is diffuse, checked, and balanced, political violence is a rarity. According to Rummel, "[t]he more power a regime has, the more likely people will be killed. This is a major reason for promoting freedom.'[10] Rummel argued that 'concentrated political power is the most dangerous thing on earth.'[11]"
Once you realize that you are statistically far more likely to die at the hands of your own government than any mass shooter, serial killer, rapist, burglar, or even illegal alien, you realize how critically important those rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights really are. Those rights are there above all else to protect you from your own government.
Pro-Second Amendment people have long known this. We know the tricks our government plays on us when they hype up the latest mass shooting event followed by calls for gun control or confiscation. Gun people know to ignore the hype and don't budge an inch on the Second Amendment. In fact, we double down on it. Why? Because you will always have more to fear from the government that wants to limit your ability to defend yourself than you will from any random criminal off the street.
I approach the other Amendments to the Bill of Rights the same way. If I hear some scare story about the latest boogeyman followed by calls for doing away with the due process requirements of a fair trial spelled out in the 4th, 5th and 6th Amendments, I know there's more to fear from the loss of those rights than there is from the boogeyman of the day. Frankly, I'm not too worried about the boogeymen. That's at least partly what the 2nd Amendment is for. I'm much more worried about the calls to give up our rights to a fair trial, to due process, to not be tortured, etc. And you should be too.
Frankly Edward, it is you who are naive if you think the solution to crime is giving up any portion of our Bill of Rights so that criminals can be executed more expeditiously. Do you think some authoritarian regime that is more at liberty to use force wherever it sees fit would keep you safer? On the contrary, an authoritarian regime is far more likely to get everyone reading this killed than the individual criminals you're so worried about.
In summary, the most dangerous people of all are in your own government. If they aren't already criminals, many of them would be if they got the chance. And even if you could remove every last criminal from government, it's just human nature that more would take their place. This was the theme of Orwell's Animal Farm.
So no matter the crisis, no matter the boogeymen, never budge an inch on any of your rights. Remember, if you deny even your worst enemy a fair trial or the right to free speech or the right to peaceably assemble, you've lost those rights yourself.
You have no idea at all how I feel you are accurately acute in your perspectives. We should not however forget about islam as the most violent and criminal false religion that ever existed/exists and the threat is has historically proven itself to be. It is a "political/religious movement that is responsible for the murder and enslavement of millions of people throughout history and yes, it has forced its evil governency on many countries. Genghis Khan murdered hundreds of millions and as a danger to Freedom and Justice, is the biggest threat ever at this specific juncture in time.
As a reminder, torture is against both our US Constitution and the Geneva Convention. And while our Constitution does call for a speedy trial as a right of the accused, the speed of the trial is not to be at the expense of other requirements for due process, such as the right to a trial by jury, to call in witnesses, to cross examine one's accuser, etc.
Your calls for special tribunals with sped up "warp speed" trials, or no trials, remind me of Big Pharma and our government claiming there was no time to do proper clinical trials for the mRNA shots since we were supposed to believe that was justifiable given the "emergency" we were in. There's a reason why clinical trials take so much time and certain standards must be met. To skip the long established requirements and fast track those trials was a grave injustice to humanity, and one that we continue to suffer from.
Yet now you're calling to do essentially the same thing with our legal system. You're taking a problem that has always existed and claiming it's a reason to undermine centuries of American jurisprudence and our hard won rights to due process. What you're calling for isn't progress, it's going back to the Dark Ages of justice.
While I agree that rape and murder are serious crimes, many men have been falsely accused of rapes and even murders they did not commit. If, heaven forbid, you ever found yourself in a similar situation, I guarantee you would want your Constitutional due process rights.
in this case we go tell it to the parents of the little girls
I never said no jury, I said a speedy trial...and again, I said once declarative...same way I say if you physically target attack any police, any military, any border agent, IMO we need no trial, in that case shot on the spot
I know all there is to know about trials, I have already said Trump was fooled and did not understand that the 15 extra years in a clinical trial is to exclude harms etc. and monitor for rare events that need time...please read what I write.
again Sasha, I said once declarative and 100% bullet proof...we kill them fast...we build special fires to throw the bodies into
If someone is actively attacking the police with lethal force, they already have the right to shoot that person in self defense or the defense of others. However, if you're referring to a situation where someone is not an imminent threat to anyone's safety or if they were a threat they have been subdued, then NO the police, military, border patrol etc. don't have a right to shoot that person. Remember, at least one January 6th prisoner is still in jail because they reportedly bumped into a police officer and that was considered "assaulting" a police officer. That was clearly a miscarriage of justice and a very slippery slope we should not go down.
I have always said if life is threatened. again, go read again what I say...I know what I am saying...I know there are folk like you reading it he he he
he he he
life must be in imminent danger but I stand by it, there is no situation where you physically attack a police other than to get their gun and shoot them, border agents etc. so the perp must be killed, no question
Agree with your comments. He's just lost me as a subscriber. I was all in support of his covid content and maybe he should just stick with that. My state of TN has already passed a bill that the death penalty will be applied against child rape but like you said we have due process for a reason.
Sheila, if you unsubscribe, its ok...we still have free are wrong, for if you go back and read my writing, you will see you are just read crap others write and assume they are about you read. unsubscribe if you wish.
I understand. I also recently cancelled my subscription but it doesn't expire till late September. So I'll continue to comment here and there if I see an opportunity to interject something positive.
I do have a great deal of respect for everything Dr. Alexander has done to help save humanity from the deadly COVID shots, economically disastrous lockdowns, etc. I have respect for his courage and his work as a scientist. However, I cannot continue to support his work if it includes advocating for torture, legally questionable fast-tracked "special courts," mass arrests and executions that appear to be incompatible with the due process requirements of the Bill of Rights etc.
I understand his frustrations with the state of our nation and the many problems facing us. I just don't agree with his methods. If he eventually finds that everyone left on his Substack agrees with him, it will only be because he has driven away all the people with more moderate viewpoints.
Torture is a violation of the 8th Amendment prohibition on "cruel and unusual punishment." There are no special exceptions for emotional reasons.
we must torture them, they tortured Jocelyn Nungaray for 3 hours before killing her, violently raping her...were you there Sasha to help her? no, so we must torture so the message is sent. once and for all.
I completely disagree. What you are advocating is unlawful, unethical, and a violation of the US Constitution. If you want to live in a country where torture is considered a valid form of justice, I'm sure you can find some hell hole where people are still stoned to death and maybe you'd be happier there. As for me, I prefer to stay here and live under the US Constitution.
" ... many men have been falsely accused of rapes and even murders they did not commit. ..." That's very true. President Trump was falsely accused of rape by E. Jean Carroll. Thank goodness there was no way to charge him. Mike Tyson was probably falsely accused and convicted too. Under Kamala Harris innocent black men in California were framed for murder. The US just ass cyst em could be the best in world and yet it's still crap, not greatly evolved from dunking witches in water.
ANW, be sure to read what I said, always it must be definitive and bullet proof then we kill them, we torture them...100% definitive I always say.
Trump did talk about quick trials, incarceration rather than deportation, and the death penalty for child and female offences. He said this at today's border visit.
BTW he was only told of his stalker after the news conference, allegedly.
he said that? can you link it please...hugs
ha ha ha, the orange man is reading my post, oh how I love the man...
Paul: No no no, ( SWIFT and Humane) Death Penalties YES. But torture? No! The civil are not animals, short time or otherwise.
Dr. Paul BOOM you got it right!
"Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord." But, the Lord is a mighty busy fellow these days. We best take care of this sort of thing for him. Execute immediately.
I agree with Dr Laibow though another part of me at first glance says "Absolutely" with Dr Alexander. As for Hotez let me at him.But then again he damaged his own daughter with vaccines proving he is mentally ill. What a world. What a world.
I see the nuance and balance and we pray for Hotez et al. injustice and may God deal with these beasts viciously...
Your hero Trump will continue his total fealty to Israel if he wins the "election". He took a 100 million campaign donation with the stipulation that he signs off on Israel's total grab of the West Bank. DeSantis while a congressman steadfastly refused to listen to the declarations of former veterans on USS Liberty. Under Trump, Israel will further Israel's domination of America's political process and we have already granted our obeisances for the next decade to our only ME al-lie. You have continually expressed your adoration of Trump despite our wicked treatment by Israel. You are very weak on your history of just how our treatment by Israel has devastated the United States. You must employ serious caveats when you continue to extol Israel and its favorite son, DJT.
again, you take it in pieces like CNN and media...I have repeatedly as example said if any Israeli soldier abuses, rapes Palestinian women etc. that must be punished, executed just like how if those animals rape Israeli women...
I can appreciate where you're coming from but surely the prime objective is to make these people realise that criminal behaviour of any kind by an illegal immigrant will not be tolerated as it might be in their home country. Life in prison with hard labour and no chance of ever being released can be more of a deterrent than a quick execution. We must not permit the West to become uncivilised like the places they're fleeing.
if we could get know our legal system, then they get if you can guarantee never walking free, we can take that but justice must be swift
Yes Dr the death penalty is in order for anyone! And maybe add to this list, Dr Peter Hotez!
Talk about a “WACKADO”? This feral beast was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for Peace in 2022 by congressional leaders!
Yes this “Rabid Bill Gates” thanks for the money Billy, has now said, “NATA” and other armed groups in America must be used to force Covid shots into the “unvaccinated” because we’re the problem!!
You can see where he’s taking this. Monkey Pox will be the new Covid Bioweapon Injection! This man is another example of who the “dangerous people” are to our freedoms!
Wake up America! Wake the heck up and DO NOT COMPLY”! DO NOT COMPLY!
We know if Harris / Walz become “Frick & Frat” of these United States, be ready for war breaking our against “WE THE PEOPLE”!
Moronic people like Hotez, Harris and Walz are very dangerous, will do whatever the “Globalist Elites” tell them to do without blinking!
“Heil, mein Führer!" As they will and I repeat will carry out any orders they’re told!
Thank you Dr Alexander, thank you for
“keeping the targets in site”’
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Hotez is on the Horseman list for a reason, he is pure evil.
I love how you write AJR
Absolutely Dr Alexander, thank you very much for pointing this out.
I make it my priority to read everything you post. I must have missed his name.
Thank you.
This is an unspeakable crime that forever leaves its victim scared in such a psychological way as to make everything having to do with relationships skewed with difficulty for the rest of their life. If they are young every relationship is a mater of overcoming, fear of trust, no matter who they are, or how much they love them. Their sense of normalcy has been stollen from them and will never be fully recovered but by the grace of God's love understood. Should they be put to death that have done this YES! scares you can't see.
I agree that rape is one of the worst crimes one human can commit against another. It is a form of psychological torture. About the only thing worse is murder. So while I agree that rape should be severely punished, that punishment must still be the result of a fair trial in accordance with the due process requirements of the Bill of Rights.
we want the trial to be fair but it must be special, rapid, very rapid..
If you can find a way to speed up trials by addressing staffing shortages or other inefficiencies in the system, that's fine. But the speed of the trial must never come at the expense of the due process requirements of our Bill of Rights.
Thank you for being the voice of reason.
Thank you as well.
International 2.0
Once found guilty straight to the gallows
Not a minute to waste
Must be public hanging , anyone no matter what their class 🙏🏻
ka boom, I love it...guilt in a proper court, rapid, we give you 50 cents to make a quick call to family to say good bye...straight to gallows
Scriptural precepts indicate death for capital crimes since the only penalty to prevent serious crimes is death. Man, especially leftist loons have no clue about such things especially when the morons allow ingrates to live when they need to be eliminated.
excellent, hugs
You will get your turn soon enough.
Lawlessness always precedes a n Empire's fall.
It will be up to those who have the strength to define what is good and evil to rebuild this land.
While we will need Wyatt Erap and Doc Holiday to help rebuild.
I hope we save some room for John Locke as well.
grateful for this post...we read your white spaces