inept, unqualified with State government, incompetent idiots working there, many middle managers, supervisors, senior, dingbats! IMO, place Shahid islamist jihad or Malone mRNA gene injection central
Without prior knowledge, *nothing* can be ruled out these days (I certainly wouldn't).
In this particular incident, when well-qualified people are removed from consideration because they "don't use the proper pronouns", or "don't have the right skin color", or "are against the LGBTQ+ movement", then one **MUST** consider the possibility that a LESS-qualified person was performing a job that thousands of lives depend on every day. Here, seeking DEI is criminally irresponsible.
Biden and his people should have to answer for that. Prison (or more) is definitely merited here.
The history of the female pilot was disclosed. By what I read she was supposed to be highly qualified: Schools.....Awards, etc. She was LGBTQ+ whatever that means.
it does not matter if the mRNA vaccine caused silent myocarditis and she was under stress in the can incapacitate...maybe she was struggling and they were trying to get out of the set or take control??? we do not know YET
LGBTQ+ means she was a true American. You wouldn't get that in Russia or China or most countries. You'd get it in some NATO countries and maybe Ukraine but for the most part LGBTQ+ is synonymous with America. LGBTQ+USA
You’re absolutely correct AWN, what’s so wrong with this picture is, a Chinese Child knows how to dismantle a firearm while American Children are watching others on TikTok pick their noses and eat them! Thank you who? Who do we blame for this nonsense? American leadership, yes of course we do!
And more than the leadership are the American Parents! They are ultimately to blame! If they don’t want the government to take over their children’s lives then get involved with your children lives!
People love to complain but never accept responsibility! We expect that from govt but when parents allow their children to watch TikTok at hours a day, that’s not the govt fault.
Isn’t it time we call out these inconsistent idiotic people who scream about taking something away which is deteriorating their children’s mental state? I think yes!
You’re absolutely correct AWN, what’s so wrong with this picture is, a Chinese Child knows how to dismantle a firearm while American Children are watching others on TikTok pick their noses and eat them! Thank you who? Who do we blame for this nonsense? American leadership, yes of course we do!
You need to remember that under Article 120b of the US Uniform Code of Military Justice (10 U.S.C. § 920b) it's legal in the US to have sex with 12 year olds provided that before you do so you ; 1) join the US military & 2) marry the 12 year old before having sex with her. Can you imagine what incentive that gives pedophiles in terms of career aspirations? This is not entirely the fault of JOEBAMA. Any one of a number of administrations could have amended the Code to make it illegal to have sex with 12 year olds. None of them ever do amend it. There's a reason for that.
DEI absolutely had something to do with this crash. Too many competent and FULLY qualified men were probably not hired because of discriminatory hiring practices in the military. A lot of women are very intelligent and competent - but it's been proven over and over that men's brains have a larger capacity for information and cognition in complicated situations. When are we as a society going to stop this nonsense that women are as good as men. We are not on their level of brain functions. We have our strengths but not on their level.
Just look at female and male skate boarders. The young men are able to pull off very complicated moves where as the females cannot on the same level. It's not that they are not good skate boarders they just do not have the brain functions that males do to pull off the most complicated maneuvers.
there is lot of sage in this...very complex Israel, females make up front line and jet fighters and do as well so it complicates your argument...
but it is a valid one we must consider. this is not a physical strength thing, so your claim is that women are not capable of the type of complex demands like flying a jet? is there data you have to show this? any evidence? IMO they would have to pass the same stringent tests even before the madness of DEI?? no? so I cannot say I agree, I dont.
Trumps statements were wrong for he asserted round about that her possible DEI killed 67...very wrong, very insensitive, wrong time to have the debate. and wrong unless he had data and info to prove that...there were deaths, I found irresponsible.
This is war not a testing ground for your Republic - things need to be mentioned.
Remember 2016? When President Trump spoke about the one thing no one was "allowed to speak about" because they would look racist? Illegal migrants and too much and unexamined immigration. Although he is pro immigration for sure.
If he did not talk about it we would still be muzzled by non free speech? Yes
I read a well known study about 20 years ago where men and women were tested on all different levels and the men of a certain ethnicity scored higher in every test.
I think Stefan Molyeneaux was kicked off of YouTube because of talking about this and other studies on this very subject.
Also women are far more emotional then men so making quick decisions may be a hinderance to safety.
I know that you know Dr. Alexander - that the media has touted this equality nonsense for many many years - there is no such thing as equality. These women may be able to be trained and may even be good at what they do - but not on the level of males.
If situations are stable - it is likely that women can handle it but if things become highly violent or quick quick decisions have to be made - maybe a few may be able to make the right decision.
she could have been an islamist dont know...but dont only argue DEI...leave mRNA on the table too...and leave a simple accident, distraction on the table
Yes and it's a shame that we need to be correcting all this DEI crap because of idiots who want to see the US Republic fall and all because of - you got it "Racist White People" hahhahahahah
I'm definitely a female and that is a more than a good enough description. Nothing else is necessary and should be understood to be a real female born at birth.
I strongly disagree with you here. Actually WOMEN's brains "have a larger capacity for information and cognition in complicate situations". Men are more physically capable than most women, in physically demanding situations, but when it comes to cognition, and functioning in a crisis, it's actually WOMEN who shine.
I'm a retired Critical Care RN. Believe me, I know this firsthand. I've seen much more than you will ever hope to see, and believe me, it's always the women who keep their cool, get focused, and get things done. Most men don't actually multi-task very well.
I've worked alongside male nurses. They are just not as quick, or as focused and functional we women are. We need to keep telling them what to do. They just can't handle more than one thing at a time.
There's a reason why GOD designed the family for the mother to raise the kids, and run the home. The mother is more equipped to deal with the kids' constant trials, emotional meltdowns, etc.. Men tend to freak out when they are asked to look after their own kids. Some can't even change a diaper without losing their lunch.
as an alpha male I am I like this..."I strongly disagree with you here. Actually WOMEN's brains "have a larger capacity for information and cognition in complicate situations". Men are more physically capable than most women, in physically demanding situations, but when it comes to cognition, and functioning in a crisis, it's actually WOMEN who shine."
I'm a retired Critical Care RN. Believe me, I know this firsthand. I've seen much more than you will ever hope to see, and believe me, it's always the women who keep their cool, get focused, and get things done. Most men don't actually multi-task very well.
Yes, but how long can they keep up the control and cool?
Maybe the men are just polite and let the woman who may have a controlling aspect to her personality - maybe they just let them go ahead.
Males can be to a fault - very polite.
I think this is because they see the big picture and maybe make the decision to back off - this would be an interesting question put forth to male nurses?
There’s a REASON women can be MORE focused, more multitasking, and more INTUITIVE in thinking quickly out-of the box.
Originally, in gestation, both the male and female brain hemispheres are CONNECTED by a “cord.”. Once the male begins to develop, the two brain hemispheres are DISCONNECTED, but REMAIN connected in females.
This results in more detail and pattern recognition in females, more empathy in perceptions, and more integrated responses that include more immediate emotional, intellectual, and spiritual aspects.
I believe the brightest men and brightest women have equivalent intellectual abilities, although I have often read that women tend to remain calmer in a crisis. (I'm sure that varies from person to person, though it may very well be related to child rearing. Still, ideally, it's the husband who protects wife and children.)
It may be that, among critical care nurses, the profession attracts very bright women but lesser men, since nursing is historically a woman's profession. Overall, the same appears to be true of male elementary teachers.
With respect to physical abilities, it's a rare, large, muscular, more masculine woman who can compete with a strong man in a profession like firefighting, construction, or military combat.
And so if you are able to hire a strong experienced male nurse or a newly accredited female nurse - you would only hire the female? That's discriminatory and not a good choice
Don’t be stupid. I believe in merit. Surely you should have figured that out from my comments here. Yes, my experience has shown me that most female nurses are much better at multi-tasking, and much cooler in a crisis, but there are good male nurses too. I’ve worked alongside a few.
If I had to hire a nurse, I would look at their years of experience, and I would also want to speak with their former employers. People lie on resumes all the time. What kind of performance did they have? How reliable are they? Are they punctual for their shifts, etc.? If the male nurse has more merit based on what I learned, then of course I would hire him over a less merited female nurse. All I shared here in my earlier comments was my overall experiences with nurses from both sexes over my years working with them.
I've know many many males that are excellent cooks, change diapers very well. I come from a family of 3 older brother and 2 younger sisters and the men are very good. Marriages work out when males and females work together on an unequal basis and just accept the difference.
I agree. But I was just sharing my overall experiences from my own years of practice. I come from a family of 7 children. I have 2 older brothers, and 1 younger brother, and 3 younger sisters. We know how to work things out. Everyone, whether male or female has their differences.
However, God made the two sexes for a reason. There are just certain roles that each sex is better equipped for, and I don’t think people should be trying to force themselves into roles they are not equipped for. That, I believe, has contributed to some of the confusion between the sexes that we are now witnessing in our world.
You just proved my point that women and men are different - there is no such thing as equality.
As for your experience we can only take your word for it and obviously you are biased - so your statement should be disqualified - it's an opinion not fact
What exactly IS your point? I have clearly stated that I believe that men and women are definitely different. They were created for different roles. No, there is no such a thing as “equality”. Not even two people of the same sex can be equal in all things. They will have different strengths, and different weaknesses. We are all unique. God made us that way. We need to learn what our own strengths are, and to nurture those strengths. We shouldn’t try to be something we are not equipped to be. We’ll just bomb at it, which we’re seeing very clearly in our world today with all the people of both sexes trying to take on roles they are clearly not equipped to perform in.
"When are we as a society going to stop this nonsense that women are as good as men."
That's something I'd say in jest, or as devil's advocate, to get a reaction, possibly to see if someone could shoot me down. I'm sure you didn't mean it to but the statement sounds almost islamic.
Women are different to men but are of equal value and human worth.
Males often, but not always, perform better than females on visual-spatial tasks like mental rotation and navigation whereas females tend to outperform males on cognitive tasks related to verbal abilities, including verbal fluency, memory for words, and reading comprehension. However, there are many females who outperform males on visual-spatial tasks like mental rotation and navigation.
If a female outperforms a male on valid and reliable selection tests that predict job performance, including tests of emotional resilience, then she should get the job over the less capable male, unless there are other relevant factors to be considered, which there almost always are.
For example, ere are good arguments for not putting women into front line combat roles.
Women are more valuable than men from the standpoint of evolutionary biology.
If too many are killed, it's very difficult for a society to repopulate whereas if a lot of men are killed then society can still repopulate with that smaller number of males.
Lets look at real life data - who here has worked with females in any position from management right down the ladder to assistants - it's almost always an emotional mess.
Crying in the ladies room on a regular basis to outright sabotage of another women who may be youngers, maybe more intelligent and more attractive happens all the time.
The internet is a great place to hear some of these stories.
Males may use other techniques to undermine their rivals.
These are my questions exactly. They kept her name and her LGBTQ hidden: why? And how is it possible that of all THree people in control, plus their assistants, NO ONE saw it coming!!!
I saw an incredible interview with a pilot of 47 years experience plus his father was a pilot. It was not political. He just explained point by point what happened. Apparently, she only had 500 hours. And her trainer only had 1000 hours. And besides all the other things, he explained a minimum of 2000 hours is necessary to be able to deal with any unexpected incidents. Video posted next.
All the reasoning in this article is on point. But one essential “possibility” is missing. Wasn’t the helicopter disclosed as being “hackable?”
What we observed, according to a video…backed up with pix…raises questions about what appears to be true:
Did the “exercise” require night flying without LIGHTS? The videographer stated the copter tried to hit 3 other planes first & to hit this American Airlines plane, she angled away, then flew parallel…in order to then turn INTO the side of the plane in a T-bone maneuver. The route of this maneuver is traced on a map.
So…IF the copter experienced remote control:
How do we explain the calm responses from the copter to the tower…when “they” had to know they were illegally flying “dark?”
Why did it appear… as has been reported …that the copter had been circling the area?
Why after narrowly missing 3 other planes, did the copter pilot STILL not register alarm in communications with the tower?
Why was the tower not alarmed by these near misses?
Why do we automatically assume the towers question to the copter: “Do you see the plane?” was a warning and not a directive…when no correct coordinates were relayed to prevent collision?
Why would the pilot do a 3-move maneuver into position to T-bone the jet?
How does “incompetence,” “distraction,” “vaccination,” or “looking the wrong direction” explain a complicated, “staged” maneuver in a copter that has large windows on 3 sides of the pilot for a perfect view of the well lit plane…??
Also, I didn’t see a discussion in this article of ANOTHER disturbing possibility.
This could have been sabotage from bad government actors.
If the DC copter was going to operate above 200 feet, be 1/4 mile off course, and operate without lights at night, the military would have had to file an exemption under special circumstances.
Can someone look this up, please? Was an exemption filed for training that violates Aviation Rules…in one of the busiest air spaces in the country?
How did Hasan pass selection in the first instance? What he did suggests that the selection processes were prima facie deficient. As regards pilots and air traffic controllers, I would trust a civilian over a military one any day. Many civilian pilots and air traffic controllers are ex-military, and they have to go through a second round of selection testing to be found suitable for their civilian roles. The civilian selection is arguably more rigorous than the military selection. The aptitudes required for the military and civilian roles are similar.
I know there are good military pilots and air traffic controllers but, just as with civilians, they vary in quality. The US military has historically, for quite some time, had many thousands of transgender personnel. This is not the case with America's adversaries, many of whom have higher mean national IQ than the US does.
In addition, in civilian roles, people are expected to be productive while on duty. They may or may not be able to go to the gym ion duty, or undertake some "wellness" programs but they don't play golf on duty. A civilian employer is unlikely to tolerate that. The civilian employee is more likely to be engaged 'hands on' in carrying out the core demands of their role.
Let's look at the history of Trump archnemesis, the late warmongering neocon RINOJohn McStain when he was a military pilot. His actions in a catastrophic 1967 fire that killed 134 US personnel and in the period immediately afterward have raised serious questions. Some say he was responsible for the fire. He crashed a couple of planes, one while training and one while flying on a personal trip. And he narrowly avoided catastrophe after snagging electrical wires while “clowning” over Spain.
The chickenhawk warmongering neocon RINO and J6 Unselect Committee member Adam Kinzinger is or was a military pilot. I'd trust a civilian pilot over him any day.
Of course, the copter pilot, Rebecca Lobach was hired earlier……. and yet, the intent may have been present back then, too, and may have affected her hiring…
At the last minute, Biden put this INSANE hiring practice in place…that affects the Trump Administration now.
I am not a fan of DEI, but I am highly skeptical. I believe until we get more info we cannot jump into conclusions. Especially, talking points from the right.
I saw a short video of a BlackHawk demonstration on X …the manufacturer showed the helicopter being remotely controlled with no occupants.
My questions are (1) was this a completely remote controlled mission…a demonstration with the pilot’s knowledge? To show how adept the craft is in a couple near hits with airplanes before the final collision? (2) If so, who is actually doing the remote control? (3) Who gives the order to override using the remote control? (4) where would these records be kept?
DEI led directly to understaffing of ATC, as they overlooked & turned down quality/qualified white guys to hire and train LGBT+ , POC, & women in a field that takes 2-6 years to become independently competent. It means that even if you have an experienced well trained white guy, if he is working 6+ days a week, 10+ hours a day for weeks to months on end, AND leave him alone at the end of his shift, he is not going to be as functional as he would / should be & the root cause analysis still comes back to the stupid decision to prioritize DEI: it poisons everything.
Everything is still on the table and usually there are multiple issues that come together to get to tragedy, any one of which being absent would have avoided this. BUT see my nearby note on how DEI affects many other factors.
“The female Black Hawk helicopter pilot, Captain Rebecca Lobach, was not named until today. Was it so they could scrub her social media? Her Facebook page has been wiped.”
Social media users claimed that Rebecca Lobach's identity was withheld because her social media accounts were being deleted.
“It wasn’t to grieve," one wrote. "They didn't withhold Rebecca Lobach's name to "grieve", they kept it secret while they scrubbed her social media," another wrote.
Here are the additional Military duties of a Military White House Social Aide.
“The White House Social Aide program is a volunteer additional duty. Those interested must include an 0-6 level endorsement from their chain of command. Social aides are expected to work an average of five to six events a month during the duty day, evenings and occasional weekends.”
Without prior knowledge, *nothing* can be ruled out these days (I certainly wouldn't).
In this particular incident, when well-qualified people are removed from consideration because they "don't use the proper pronouns", or "don't have the right skin color", or "are against the LGBTQ+ movement", then one **MUST** consider the possibility that a LESS-qualified person was performing a job that thousands of lives depend on every day. Here, seeking DEI is criminally irresponsible.
Biden and his people should have to answer for that. Prison (or more) is definitely merited here.
I would put DEI and that insanity on the table, but I am placing other considerations that are as important. the mRNA vaccine has damaged
us in bad way, impacted our ability to react, to navigate, to live...people are changed forever
Yes, mRNA is one of those factors that definitely cannot be dismissed - too much evidence!
The history of the female pilot was disclosed. By what I read she was supposed to be highly qualified: Schools.....Awards, etc. She was LGBTQ+ whatever that means.
it does not matter if the mRNA vaccine caused silent myocarditis and she was under stress in the can incapacitate...maybe she was struggling and they were trying to get out of the set or take control??? we do not know YET
LGBTQ+ means she was a true American. You wouldn't get that in Russia or China or most countries. You'd get it in some NATO countries and maybe Ukraine but for the most part LGBTQ+ is synonymous with America. LGBTQ+USA
No straight people are true Americans?
Sorry about replying to you Lynn, I meant to reply to AwakeNotWoke
You’re absolutely correct AWN, what’s so wrong with this picture is, a Chinese Child knows how to dismantle a firearm while American Children are watching others on TikTok pick their noses and eat them! Thank you who? Who do we blame for this nonsense? American leadership, yes of course we do!
And more than the leadership are the American Parents! They are ultimately to blame! If they don’t want the government to take over their children’s lives then get involved with your children lives!
People love to complain but never accept responsibility! We expect that from govt but when parents allow their children to watch TikTok at hours a day, that’s not the govt fault.
Isn’t it time we call out these inconsistent idiotic people who scream about taking something away which is deteriorating their children’s mental state? I think yes!
You’re absolutely correct AWN, what’s so wrong with this picture is, a Chinese Child knows how to dismantle a firearm while American Children are watching others on TikTok pick their noses and eat them! Thank you who? Who do we blame for this nonsense? American leadership, yes of course we do!
Not female born...
JOEBAMA filled the Federal Government with LGBTQ+ No wonder nobody else could get a job.
in some way correct
What I'm reading is that it's more so than not. JOEBAMA shoved it down our throats.
You need to remember that under Article 120b of the US Uniform Code of Military Justice (10 U.S.C. § 920b) it's legal in the US to have sex with 12 year olds provided that before you do so you ; 1) join the US military & 2) marry the 12 year old before having sex with her. Can you imagine what incentive that gives pedophiles in terms of career aspirations? This is not entirely the fault of JOEBAMA. Any one of a number of administrations could have amended the Code to make it illegal to have sex with 12 year olds. None of them ever do amend it. There's a reason for that.
what you raise here is staggering.
Have you heard or read this before, Dr. Alexander?
could bad actors have hacked the helicopter and took control of it kind of like 911 how the planes were flown into the buildings?
remote control?
Then why isn't this shouted from the rafters. Why, then, was
SCJ Ruth Buzzy Ginsburg for this act when it is in the Uniform
Code of Military Justice. I just can't believe this, because it
doesn't make sense at all. What is the reason?
DEI absolutely had something to do with this crash. Too many competent and FULLY qualified men were probably not hired because of discriminatory hiring practices in the military. A lot of women are very intelligent and competent - but it's been proven over and over that men's brains have a larger capacity for information and cognition in complicated situations. When are we as a society going to stop this nonsense that women are as good as men. We are not on their level of brain functions. We have our strengths but not on their level.
Just look at female and male skate boarders. The young men are able to pull off very complicated moves where as the females cannot on the same level. It's not that they are not good skate boarders they just do not have the brain functions that males do to pull off the most complicated maneuvers.
there is lot of sage in this...very complex Israel, females make up front line and jet fighters and do as well so it complicates your argument...
but it is a valid one we must consider. this is not a physical strength thing, so your claim is that women are not capable of the type of complex demands like flying a jet? is there data you have to show this? any evidence? IMO they would have to pass the same stringent tests even before the madness of DEI?? no? so I cannot say I agree, I dont.
also 300,000 women in US military now, and many fly our jets etc. and thus if you are right, we would have many crashes but we what say you?
Modern technology and stable air spaces
I dont agree
Trumps statements were wrong for he asserted round about that her possible DEI killed 67...very wrong, very insensitive, wrong time to have the debate. and wrong unless he had data and info to prove that...there were deaths, I found irresponsible.
This is war not a testing ground for your Republic - things need to be mentioned.
Remember 2016? When President Trump spoke about the one thing no one was "allowed to speak about" because they would look racist? Illegal migrants and too much and unexamined immigration. Although he is pro immigration for sure.
If he did not talk about it we would still be muzzled by non free speech? Yes
Very Respectfully disagree with you.
I read a well known study about 20 years ago where men and women were tested on all different levels and the men of a certain ethnicity scored higher in every test.
I think Stefan Molyeneaux was kicked off of YouTube because of talking about this and other studies on this very subject.
Also women are far more emotional then men so making quick decisions may be a hinderance to safety.
I know that you know Dr. Alexander - that the media has touted this equality nonsense for many many years - there is no such thing as equality. These women may be able to be trained and may even be good at what they do - but not on the level of males.
If situations are stable - it is likely that women can handle it but if things become highly violent or quick quick decisions have to be made - maybe a few may be able to make the right decision.
she could have been an islamist dont know...but dont only argue DEI...leave mRNA on the table too...and leave a simple accident, distraction on the table
I agree
Israel is the mecca of politically correct - they cannot be trusted with statistics
hiring on the basis of merit instead of sex/ethnicity/protected class would correct any such issues.
Yes and it's a shame that we need to be correcting all this DEI crap because of idiots who want to see the US Republic fall and all because of - you got it "Racist White People" hahhahahahah
you could be male pretending to be female here...ha ha ha
I'm definitely a female and that is a more than a good enough description. Nothing else is necessary and should be understood to be a real female born at birth.
I strongly disagree with you here. Actually WOMEN's brains "have a larger capacity for information and cognition in complicate situations". Men are more physically capable than most women, in physically demanding situations, but when it comes to cognition, and functioning in a crisis, it's actually WOMEN who shine.
I'm a retired Critical Care RN. Believe me, I know this firsthand. I've seen much more than you will ever hope to see, and believe me, it's always the women who keep their cool, get focused, and get things done. Most men don't actually multi-task very well.
I've worked alongside male nurses. They are just not as quick, or as focused and functional we women are. We need to keep telling them what to do. They just can't handle more than one thing at a time.
There's a reason why GOD designed the family for the mother to raise the kids, and run the home. The mother is more equipped to deal with the kids' constant trials, emotional meltdowns, etc.. Men tend to freak out when they are asked to look after their own kids. Some can't even change a diaper without losing their lunch.
So, sorry, but you're just wrong.
as an alpha male I am I like this..."I strongly disagree with you here. Actually WOMEN's brains "have a larger capacity for information and cognition in complicate situations". Men are more physically capable than most women, in physically demanding situations, but when it comes to cognition, and functioning in a crisis, it's actually WOMEN who shine."
I'm a retired Critical Care RN. Believe me, I know this firsthand. I've seen much more than you will ever hope to see, and believe me, it's always the women who keep their cool, get focused, and get things done. Most men don't actually multi-task very well.
Yes, but how long can they keep up the control and cool?
Maybe the men are just polite and let the woman who may have a controlling aspect to her personality - maybe they just let them go ahead.
Males can be to a fault - very polite.
I think this is because they see the big picture and maybe make the decision to back off - this would be an interesting question put forth to male nurses?
It's not a man's place to be changing diapers.
Again, respectfully - this statement needs to be thoroughly examined and it seems like an overly simplified statement
There’s a REASON women can be MORE focused, more multitasking, and more INTUITIVE in thinking quickly out-of the box.
Originally, in gestation, both the male and female brain hemispheres are CONNECTED by a “cord.”. Once the male begins to develop, the two brain hemispheres are DISCONNECTED, but REMAIN connected in females.
This results in more detail and pattern recognition in females, more empathy in perceptions, and more integrated responses that include more immediate emotional, intellectual, and spiritual aspects.
I believe the brightest men and brightest women have equivalent intellectual abilities, although I have often read that women tend to remain calmer in a crisis. (I'm sure that varies from person to person, though it may very well be related to child rearing. Still, ideally, it's the husband who protects wife and children.)
It may be that, among critical care nurses, the profession attracts very bright women but lesser men, since nursing is historically a woman's profession. Overall, the same appears to be true of male elementary teachers.
With respect to physical abilities, it's a rare, large, muscular, more masculine woman who can compete with a strong man in a profession like firefighting, construction, or military combat.
And so if you are able to hire a strong experienced male nurse or a newly accredited female nurse - you would only hire the female? That's discriminatory and not a good choice
Don’t be stupid. I believe in merit. Surely you should have figured that out from my comments here. Yes, my experience has shown me that most female nurses are much better at multi-tasking, and much cooler in a crisis, but there are good male nurses too. I’ve worked alongside a few.
If I had to hire a nurse, I would look at their years of experience, and I would also want to speak with their former employers. People lie on resumes all the time. What kind of performance did they have? How reliable are they? Are they punctual for their shifts, etc.? If the male nurse has more merit based on what I learned, then of course I would hire him over a less merited female nurse. All I shared here in my earlier comments was my overall experiences with nurses from both sexes over my years working with them.
I've know many many males that are excellent cooks, change diapers very well. I come from a family of 3 older brother and 2 younger sisters and the men are very good. Marriages work out when males and females work together on an unequal basis and just accept the difference.
I agree. But I was just sharing my overall experiences from my own years of practice. I come from a family of 7 children. I have 2 older brothers, and 1 younger brother, and 3 younger sisters. We know how to work things out. Everyone, whether male or female has their differences.
However, God made the two sexes for a reason. There are just certain roles that each sex is better equipped for, and I don’t think people should be trying to force themselves into roles they are not equipped for. That, I believe, has contributed to some of the confusion between the sexes that we are now witnessing in our world.
You just proved my point that women and men are different - there is no such thing as equality.
As for your experience we can only take your word for it and obviously you are biased - so your statement should be disqualified - it's an opinion not fact
What exactly IS your point? I have clearly stated that I believe that men and women are definitely different. They were created for different roles. No, there is no such a thing as “equality”. Not even two people of the same sex can be equal in all things. They will have different strengths, and different weaknesses. We are all unique. God made us that way. We need to learn what our own strengths are, and to nurture those strengths. We shouldn’t try to be something we are not equipped to be. We’ll just bomb at it, which we’re seeing very clearly in our world today with all the people of both sexes trying to take on roles they are clearly not equipped to perform in.
So just HOW is my statement “disqualified”????
"When are we as a society going to stop this nonsense that women are as good as men."
That's something I'd say in jest, or as devil's advocate, to get a reaction, possibly to see if someone could shoot me down. I'm sure you didn't mean it to but the statement sounds almost islamic.
Women are different to men but are of equal value and human worth.
Males often, but not always, perform better than females on visual-spatial tasks like mental rotation and navigation whereas females tend to outperform males on cognitive tasks related to verbal abilities, including verbal fluency, memory for words, and reading comprehension. However, there are many females who outperform males on visual-spatial tasks like mental rotation and navigation.
If a female outperforms a male on valid and reliable selection tests that predict job performance, including tests of emotional resilience, then she should get the job over the less capable male, unless there are other relevant factors to be considered, which there almost always are.
For example, ere are good arguments for not putting women into front line combat roles.
Women are more valuable than men from the standpoint of evolutionary biology.
If too many are killed, it's very difficult for a society to repopulate whereas if a lot of men are killed then society can still repopulate with that smaller number of males.
Lets look at real life data - who here has worked with females in any position from management right down the ladder to assistants - it's almost always an emotional mess.
Crying in the ladies room on a regular basis to outright sabotage of another women who may be youngers, maybe more intelligent and more attractive happens all the time.
The internet is a great place to hear some of these stories.
Males may use other techniques to undermine their rivals.
Interesting comment.
I do not think this was DEI and I think women can be as effective flying as men.
Why did it take so long for them to name the female pilot on the helicopter? She was also a
Social Aid to JOE. What duties does that entail? That helicopter directly hit the plane. I ask
hhhmm, you gave us info we did not have...linked directly to Joe?
I found it on GAB, 2/1/25. I'm just reporting what I read.
Yes, that has been reported to be the case.
These are my questions exactly. They kept her name and her LGBTQ hidden: why? And how is it possible that of all THree people in control, plus their assistants, NO ONE saw it coming!!!
I saw an incredible interview with a pilot of 47 years experience plus his father was a pilot. It was not political. He just explained point by point what happened. Apparently, she only had 500 hours. And her trainer only had 1000 hours. And besides all the other things, he explained a minimum of 2000 hours is necessary to be able to deal with any unexpected incidents. Video posted next.
Why was the helo pilot’s social media scrubbed before she was ID’d?
All the reasoning in this article is on point. But one essential “possibility” is missing. Wasn’t the helicopter disclosed as being “hackable?”
What we observed, according to a video…backed up with pix…raises questions about what appears to be true:
Did the “exercise” require night flying without LIGHTS? The videographer stated the copter tried to hit 3 other planes first & to hit this American Airlines plane, she angled away, then flew parallel…in order to then turn INTO the side of the plane in a T-bone maneuver. The route of this maneuver is traced on a map.
So…IF the copter experienced remote control:
How do we explain the calm responses from the copter to the tower…when “they” had to know they were illegally flying “dark?”
Why did it appear… as has been reported …that the copter had been circling the area?
Why after narrowly missing 3 other planes, did the copter pilot STILL not register alarm in communications with the tower?
Why was the tower not alarmed by these near misses?
Why do we automatically assume the towers question to the copter: “Do you see the plane?” was a warning and not a directive…when no correct coordinates were relayed to prevent collision?
Why would the pilot do a 3-move maneuver into position to T-bone the jet?
How does “incompetence,” “distraction,” “vaccination,” or “looking the wrong direction” explain a complicated, “staged” maneuver in a copter that has large windows on 3 sides of the pilot for a perfect view of the well lit plane…??
Also, I didn’t see a discussion in this article of ANOTHER disturbing possibility.
This could have been sabotage from bad government actors.
Here are the rules for Military aviation in civilian airspace.
If the DC copter was going to operate above 200 feet, be 1/4 mile off course, and operate without lights at night, the military would have had to file an exemption under special circumstances.
Can someone look this up, please? Was an exemption filed for training that violates Aviation Rules…in one of the busiest air spaces in the country?
How did Hasan pass selection in the first instance? What he did suggests that the selection processes were prima facie deficient. As regards pilots and air traffic controllers, I would trust a civilian over a military one any day. Many civilian pilots and air traffic controllers are ex-military, and they have to go through a second round of selection testing to be found suitable for their civilian roles. The civilian selection is arguably more rigorous than the military selection. The aptitudes required for the military and civilian roles are similar.
I know there are good military pilots and air traffic controllers but, just as with civilians, they vary in quality. The US military has historically, for quite some time, had many thousands of transgender personnel. This is not the case with America's adversaries, many of whom have higher mean national IQ than the US does.
In addition, in civilian roles, people are expected to be productive while on duty. They may or may not be able to go to the gym ion duty, or undertake some "wellness" programs but they don't play golf on duty. A civilian employer is unlikely to tolerate that. The civilian employee is more likely to be engaged 'hands on' in carrying out the core demands of their role.
Let's look at the history of Trump archnemesis, the late warmongering neocon RINOJohn McStain when he was a military pilot. His actions in a catastrophic 1967 fire that killed 134 US personnel and in the period immediately afterward have raised serious questions. Some say he was responsible for the fire. He crashed a couple of planes, one while training and one while flying on a personal trip. And he narrowly avoided catastrophe after snagging electrical wires while “clowning” over Spain.
The chickenhawk warmongering neocon RINO and J6 Unselect Committee member Adam Kinzinger is or was a military pilot. I'd trust a civilian pilot over him any day.
I like this content. that is real, how was Nadal selected in the first place?
McCain caused many deaths in the crash and it was covered up
One thing about the government: It will always tell you exactly what it wants you to hear.
air traffic control has been degrading for a while. there's a range of protocols contributing to that in addition to the dreaded Didn'tEarnIt issues.
rather damning government report from a couple years back:
very scary audit
flying has become a hazard now
And then, there’s this. Three weeks ago, the Biden DEI for the FAA went into affect…to hire the mentally disabled and mentally ill.
The Rubin Report
Of course, the copter pilot, Rebecca Lobach was hired earlier……. and yet, the intent may have been present back then, too, and may have affected her hiring…
At the last minute, Biden put this INSANE hiring practice in place…that affects the Trump Administration now.
The co-pilot’s ENTIRE social media was scrubbed before her name came out. WHY? See GP link.
I am not a fan of DEI, but I am highly skeptical. I believe until we get more info we cannot jump into conclusions. Especially, talking points from the right.
correct and also, could the helicopter have been hacked? and made to deliberately do this?
I saw a short video of a BlackHawk demonstration on X …the manufacturer showed the helicopter being remotely controlled with no occupants.
My questions are (1) was this a completely remote controlled mission…a demonstration with the pilot’s knowledge? To show how adept the craft is in a couple near hits with airplanes before the final collision? (2) If so, who is actually doing the remote control? (3) Who gives the order to override using the remote control? (4) where would these records be kept?
BlackHawk autonomous
Very interesting questions.
DEI led directly to understaffing of ATC, as they overlooked & turned down quality/qualified white guys to hire and train LGBT+ , POC, & women in a field that takes 2-6 years to become independently competent. It means that even if you have an experienced well trained white guy, if he is working 6+ days a week, 10+ hours a day for weeks to months on end, AND leave him alone at the end of his shift, he is not going to be as functional as he would / should be & the root cause analysis still comes back to the stupid decision to prioritize DEI: it poisons everything.
It looks to me like DEI is being deliberately pushed in order to take everything else off the table.
Everything is still on the table and usually there are multiple issues that come together to get to tragedy, any one of which being absent would have avoided this. BUT see my nearby note on how DEI affects many other factors.
Deep DEI Marxists at work.
Might be a possibility. Guess we won’t really know since an autopsy isn’t possible. Maybe dig into their med recirds
From India Times comment section.
Joel Gilbert
@Joel Gilbert
“The female Black Hawk helicopter pilot, Captain Rebecca Lobach, was not named until today. Was it so they could scrub her social media? Her Facebook page has been wiped.”
Social media users claimed that Rebecca Lobach's identity was withheld because her social media accounts were being deleted.
“It wasn’t to grieve," one wrote. "They didn't withhold Rebecca Lobach's name to "grieve", they kept it secret while they scrubbed her social media," another wrote.
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Here are the additional Military duties of a Military White House Social Aide.
“The White House Social Aide program is a volunteer additional duty. Those interested must include an 0-6 level endorsement from their chain of command. Social aides are expected to work an average of five to six events a month during the duty day, evenings and occasional weekends.”
So…at least one day a week, some weeks TWO days a week…Rebecca Loback was not functioning as a pilot.