Guess it is a convenient time for a Covid-19 diagnosis. Back to the Basement for Blundering Biden.

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brilliant, I dont buy it for a moment

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Who steps in? They are all clowns.

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yes too

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Name one Democrat that is NOT non compos mentis. None come immediately to mind to me.

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....and take Schumie and Pilled OC with you. Think of the children!!!

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very nice post

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I have the impression the Biden people were concerned the prospect of another public display of incompetence at Biden's Las Vegas speech today would have come across so poorly in contrast to the vision for America, the unity, and the strength expressed in the patriotic Republican National Convention today that they canceled it at the last minute when Biden was already an hour and a half late.

I would not be surprised if Biden receives firm instructions to step down before week's end.

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That would mean Harris would have to step up. I think Mr. Potato Head is more stable between the two.

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I understand. It's a toss up.

It will take a miracle to get us to January 20, 2025. Or, should I say, a second miracle?

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The entire situation has far surpassed the absurd. How is it that the American people have allowed their country to plunge to a third-world status? Everything accelerated after a fake birth certificate from Hawaii.

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Most people prefer to live in their own little day to day bubble, and hope for the best. They are brainwashed and superficial. CNN and WP and NYT did them in and show no sign of letting up. Maybe prayers, and God will help them!

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I do believe God has His hand on this situation, as evidenced last Saturday. I hope most have begun to open their eyes and are now beginning to see and understand the irreparable damage they have inflicted on the country and the world at large. It is beyond time that they begin accepting responsibility for their treasonous behaviour.

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I pray for that!!!

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BINGO!! It's much more important to focus on the " sh(e)(i)m status than anything else. It also helps that grandma was a high mucka mucka at a bank.

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Biden is weak and corrupt. With all that has happened in the past four to five years, Bannon and Navarro in prison, the ongoing law fare persecution of our former President, the attempted assassination of our former President, the entire Covid scam and all its unnecessary illness and deaths (and now the bird flu and upcoming BirdFlu Summit - just like Event 201), it would be far too much if now Pneumonia would take its toll on our current President due to Covid.

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Navarro apparently just got out of prison!

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Nope. Hang the corrupt bastard for treason.

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Leave Bidey in - it should be a sure win for Pres Trump … even if the Demorats try to steal it AGAiN!

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I came to the comments to say the same thing. It should sell a lot of popcorn. It should be as popular as all the great American horror stories we devour in print, audio and film.

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Unfortunately Dr Alexander it doesn’t matter who what or how or when anyone ask or enforces Biden to step down. Here’s why.

Isn’t it absolutely amazing how, the corruption level is so freaking deep and wide, only now they want Biden out of the race!

Forcing Biden to step down is a testament to how pitiful, how little these

“HACK-POLITICIANS” have become! They seek only their individual fortunes, their own wellbeing, their self-centered lives! God forbid, this Biden fraud gets exposed and by no means can they allow anyone or anything to stand in the way of this

“truth being revealed”!

The problem? The world and the majority of Americans already knew Biden was “Fusuckedup Mentally”!

The truth is, everyone with half a brain, knew from the get go before, when Biden pooped himself he thought it was ice cream dripping down his leg! AYFKM? The world knew, Americans knew, he was incapable, incompetent and invisible to the MSM and all of congress!

Congress allowed him to stay! Congress looked the other way! Congress passed billions of taxpayer money for Non-American families, farmers, businesses! Congress FUZKED America!

Through and Through!

Now, because the “GRIFT” has been exposed, Biden is of no use to them anymore. He served his usefulness! Plus, God forbid they take a dive in the election! Hell NO! This is all Joe’s fault. In their collective useless minds, they are saints trying to do the “right” thing for America!

Give me a freaking break! Our entire Congress is “IN ON IT”! What’s “IT”? It is the systematic collapse of America! They know it and now they seemingly are so concerned about Joe’s ability to “Run the Country”. Give me a break, this is corruption at every single level!

Even “Superman” reveals himself! Biden never the left the confines of his basement or wherever they were had him held up, while working on his mental deficiency’s.

First, “you can’t fix stupid”. Thus Joe couldn’t be fixed even if he was EINSTEIN! But none of this matters. Not one bit does anyone care! Except for their reelection bids!

Why would someone so ignorant yes, but worse mentally compromised, ever be allowed to become or be placed into power in the first place?

I’ll tell you why. So Obama can advance his destructive ideological, unconstitutional, complete disregard for America’s sovereignty and rule of laws and our Independence! The Biden administration has nothing to do with anything American!

Nothing to do with “Bridging Our Divides” across all demographics!

No, this illegitimate administration was placed in power for the simple fact that Obama and his Marxist colleagues can continue exploiting our sovereign, constitutional republic with his demonstrable, redistribution of wealth and resources while

“Fundamentally Transforming America”!

Which is exactly what’s happening! America is being invaded, with strategic military age forces from around the world, deployed to various locations all across America. Funded by the American taxpayers, the UN and others!

America?, “We the People” have serious problems! So serious I am convinced it will take a minimum of 50 years working to undo the wrongs! I don’t believe we can.

America will never be able to “rise above” this intentional and cooperated attack! Yes the past few years have been nothing short of a “soft attack”! And “We The People”, unless civil war breaks out we cannot undo the damage!

I pray to God I’m wrong! Unfortunately there’s far too many variables anyone can connect which depicts the same outcome! Thank you for being so Un-American Barack! For hating America and invading America with all your “Useful Idiots” of terror!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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As said, Biden has been incapable for some time. Who really has been running the country? His staff of juniors, family? Hard to believe the other Dem top leaders would have allowed that without some control. If true, is this not highly illegal and a major constitutional violation of the highest order, which in a functioning constitutional republic, would bring down the ruling administration? Could it be that once Biden is out of the way, anything is possible as to what they will do to maintain their ill gained powers? They have demonstrated the ultimate lengths they will go to defeat their opposition.

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No I want Biden to run.

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Yeah, great. President Chlamydia. That’ll be an improvement.

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biDUMB is flatter than a pancake in terms of stability and ability and needs to boost his support by going on the "Spew" and appointing behar and whoopi as joint chiefs of his diaper change brigade.

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Biden never was fit to serve in his entire political caeer...

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Never! Who votes for these people, these crippling, frightening, fraudulent people!

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I hope Biden remains where he is all the way through until the election, for several reasons. One of the reasons being that having Harris anywhere near the executive office is as dangerous to the free world as it is frightening.

Biden has effectively neutered the entire malfeasant Democrat Party, ensuring a total and lasting defeat of the old guard, globalist regime, for years to come. Last Saturday fully exposed to the entire world that the emperor has no clothes, and he is taking the entire corrupt system down the drain with him. It has effectively ensured President Trump's victory, barring any unlawful attempt by the Democrats to thwart the constitutional process of a free election (which is possible, but will unlikely end well for the regime).

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Okay that gives us Kamala and Jill.

I was gonna say Big Mike, but he's on hold for something bigger..

Jill and Kamala in the race for 2024 ?

Why not?

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Because combined they do not have the mental capacity of one intelligent woman? But might still "win" a stolen election.

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Absolutely. If they have to, they'll start WW3 before the election.

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With their eyes closed!

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