Good grief the US bought the US Virgin Islands from Denmark in 1917 for $25 million. What’s the big deal?

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let us see

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maybe we should 'go take other places' too?

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The Greenland Inuit, like the Canadians, have a higher IQ rank than Danes and a much higher Americans. It will lower their mean IQ. That will happen in other places too if the US takes other places.

After they get US style healthcare US insurance execs will be at higher risk of assaasination like the United HeaIthcare CEO.

Their just claims will be denied. They will get US level obesity rates and US chronic disease rates. Their life expectancy will decline to American levels.

They will live shorter lives.

They will get US levels of psychiatric illness and become crazy people.

They will get US levels of criminality.

Their violent crime rate will soar to American levels and with Americans flooding in they will get more psychopaths in their populations and their men will be raped as well as their kids and their women because they will get US high levels of homosexuality, rape and pedophilia.

Their educational achievement levels will drop as they get US educational standards.

They will become peoples with no moral compass and their kids will fight and die in wars for middle eastern regimes.

The political pendulum always eventually swings and after the Dems return to power in Washington sooner or latervthey will get US style politicians like Biden and Obama or they could get RINOS and the next Bush

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The more the better!

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Why not turn the whole world into low IQ crazy, violent, fat people with short lives spent going to gay bath houses, raping women and men and molesting kids while also fighting endless wars in the middle east for other countries? Sounds like a plan!

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Sure does, doesn't it!

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How about this? The big deal is that THE PEOPLE OF GREENLAND DO NOT WANT TO BE TAKEN OVER by Trump, America....the bully of the world coming to rob them of their natural resources as they do all other nations they invade & they do not want the BULLS EYE of WAR on their head due to US Military Agencies establishing themselves there like they have with Australia. The Australian people don't want American military here or what comes with it.....war with China & or Russia. Sadly their govt politicians are pretty much all WEF ass kissers & as StakeHolders taking money from Israel sell out the people & push the nation towards WHO or WEF/UN (same thing, same people) takeover..... Haivng Pine Gap being their in the centre of their nation & US bombers parked in Australia puts a BIG RED bulls eye on their proverbial head.... dragging they & their children into the coming America/Israel contrived & generated 'war'.

How can you be so blind David? Why is it you feel America just has the right to do this if they want to? Why is it theirs to say let alone demand that they surrender all that the nation of Greenland is to the war mongering US/Israel in aid of NWO & more war against & over the people. Are you one of the people who fell for the lie & believed Safe & Effective & took the DePopClot Shot because 'it was no big deal' according to the false narrative being peddled as truth? I hope not but it sounds like you might be the sort that did. Go along to get along, no regard for others just USA USA We're number one! Hate to break it to you USA is in the crapper & it is a burgeoning 3rd world nation. We chose to leave back in 2011 & are so glad we did. A nation of TV heads, Lame brains, unquestioning slaves, an entire generation of lost aimless young people, no skills, no critical thinking, no will to contribute to society only to tear it down, so confused are they, that they think life is nothing more than playing the game of what gender will I be this year, what colour shall I dye my hair, what face diaper should I sport during the next ScamDemic or maybe I will identify as a furry this year instead of a he/she like Michael Robinson aka Michelle Obama, or "Mrs Macron" First He/She of France who pretends to be a female but has a dick & is (rothschild) Macron's 'handler'... No big deal.... is anything a big deal to you or do you just watch the rights & lives of others under attack & think nothing of it. Good luck to you with that.

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Sandi I am sorry that my glib answer was taken so badly by you. I find it amazing that no one responding seems to know the fact that I quoted, not even the author.

For historical precedent:

1) JFK traded the Soviet Union’s placement of nuclear weapons in Cuba for removal of nuclear weapons in Turkey.

2) Russia invaded the Ukraine because the USA pushed NATO to include them (this in spite of the agreement with The Soviet Government never to do it).

Nuclear armed nations will never directly go to full nuclear war with one another, because neither will survive. However they will make deals to make sure other enemies don’t get an advantage of proximity.

For the decades of the Cold War, there were exercises where students in the USA were taught to shelter under their desks in case of atomic attack. This is obvious nonsense.

I don’t think that people who live in Australia are endangered by nuclear war because of the presence of US military there. Indeed I think that they are protected.

I do believe that all of humanity is endangered by the belief that humans are destroying the planet. All you need to know is that King Charles III said in an interview that if he were to be reincarnated he would prefer to come back as a virus deadly to humans.

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David it was not King Charles the 3rd who said that it was his father prince Philip the old toad who said that not old sausage fingers. You've mixed them up. I must disagree that nuclear exchange will never happen....Have you ever looked into the Samson Directive of Israel. Sore losers that they would be & are?

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Sandi I am sorry to have mixed up the rulers of GB but my sentiment of them still remains the same. I love the brits but not the Monarchy. My British wife of three decades (since deceased) always said about life in the UK “you can do as you like as long as you do what you’re told “. The anachronism of divine right of rule by heritage is not to my liking. We kicked them out of the USA and then they came back and burned up the White House. As far as the possibility of global thermonuclear war goes we will just have to wait and see. I was not aware of the Sampson Directive but it seems identical to the Mutually Assured Destruction of the Cold War. Are you aware of the Hannibal Directive of Israel wherein captured citizens are to be killed along with their captors. This possibility was brought up by some observers in the recent incident.

In any case my great worry about the future of humanity is the possibility of extinction through the arrogance and greed of-wait-for-it humanity.

Best wishes to you and yours

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It would be the best thing that ever happened to Greenland.

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Greenland would do a lot better under the US. Well at least under MAGA. No chance of being overrun by 3rd world rapist. That being said put it up to a vote with the citizens of Greenland. With only 60K they’d make out well.

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yes let people decide that...not what 'we want'...thats the issue...not what 'we want'...and no rapist wants to live in the ice...the coldest in in Canada for a few years then step into the US to rape and kill...thats the usual plan and well, of course, via southern border

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Trudeau gives them extra heat

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50,000 plus Inuits would likely vote to become US Protectorate. Only a few thousand Danes in Greenland.

Denmark forced sterilization program wiped out an entire generation of Inuits.

Ugly stuff. Evidently to eliminate young Inuit fertility as potential expenses.

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RO, there is more. Thank you for reminding me of the forced sterilization. The people have suffered grotesquely under Danish rule. I’m sure they would love to have American support, and it would make sense militarily. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-55238090

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These globalist agendas should alarm you all. This idealogy stems from the satanic occult and is extremely hypocritical. It has killed thousands of lives within the last 5 years.

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I don't like this at all. Also Greenland has huge mineral wealth - how to buy (steal) that?

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World wide the people need to unite and say NO MORE to the world's tyrants!

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Easily solved. Set it up so verified citizens of Greenland, who actually live there, vote, say in June, on whether they want to join the U.S. as a territory, or remain with Denmark. That gives 4+ months for both sides to lobby for their position, and let the people decide. Whichever way they choose though, Trump should make it known that a non-negotiable is that the U.S. expects to be able to have right-of-first-refusal on the sale of any resources from Greenland. That would keep China out of the equation then.

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NWO or North American Union. Trump wants to merge all these countries into one, this will never end well.

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So Trump keeps demonstrating he is at a minimum, an evil idiot. Claiming the title "father of the vaccine", promoting AI to be used to control us, promoting new mRNA to kill more of us, incorporating Greenland into the US (more one world shit), and tariffs to drive up consumer prices all are more evidence of his evil lunacy. How is any of that MAGA?

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The globalist elite are laughing at us.

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Who cares what the 'elite' think. None of them can provide for themselves. They're probably mostly jabbed.

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NO way they are not. They are fully aware that this is one of the many ways they mostly dual passport holders or committed zionists for israel.....NOT america & the world. These WEF, UN, WHO, self proclaimed un elected Global Elite are eugenicists & they are paid stakeholders who are all on board to reduce the population of the planet down to 5oo Million TOTAL. Genocide anyone?

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ps obviously most of the world 'cares' what THEY think or they wouldn't have paid them any heed when told to take an unnecessary EXPERIMENTAL bio weapon for a nonexistent Covid19 that has never to this day purified, isolated or identified. Were you aware that C OVID 19 translates to biblically.

C = Beast from the bottomless Pit

OVID = Sheep on old Latin. (God's children are the sheep)

19. = Slaughter. in Strong's Concordance

They laugh at us as they kill us off.

They tell us right to our faces what they will do & are doing by

inserting the truth in things like The Simpsons, in advertisements for cars & perfumes, telling us how they plan to kill us. All this is proven & paralleled to the bible at KleckFiles.com

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It’s not MAGA SidDavis, it’s not at all. MAGA sounds wonderful, bliss and euphoric right? Which, though never perfect, America at one time was America. Then America was sold and a second America was devised which is the current America. My concerns are 1. Commercial lease payments coming due in August this year. Many payees will default due to ”covid-lockdowns” which caused vacancy levels like never before. Today there’s roughly 40% vacancies. Banks will not be “too big to fail,” leading to the collapse. There’s other factors as well, though the commercial sector is huge. Upwards of 100 banks will fail. Trump is simply facilitating the inevitable. In my Substack page is an article titled:

Attorney Todd Callender, Open SecretsCorona Committee Session 97, 25 Mar 2022

This explains, in great detail and thr legality of what was put in place nearly 20 years ago. I pray I’m wrong unfortunately after reading through this very detailed, layout, including the legality pieces, transhumanist pieces,etc. it’s quite clear a “New World Order” is more of a reality today more than ever. Please share this with everyone you know. I’m not sure this can be stopped at this point with 5.5 billion people injected worldwide. The Bioweapon injection was key. You’ll understand why from this one huge piece.


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So the U.S. has got money to buy another country but can’t feed and look after his own people! The U.S supposedly is one of the rich country in the world but so many homeless people! Healthcare is so bad. Drug addiction soaring high, crime rates is high! …. Etc etc..etc..

Why don’t you fix your own people first before buying more people!!

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Doge is cutting expenses. Wait until the real number of illegals in the country is uncovered. Most likely over 30 million at this point. Such a drain on resources for citizens who need it. Most of the homeless are addicted in some form. Trump is working to close the borders to drugs coming in which is a plus. Problem is too many have abrogated their own responsibility when it comes to taking care of their fellow man. They say, "I pay enough in taxes, let the government do it", which got us into this mess. The Church has it right about Subsidiarity, especially on a local level. Too many want others to take care of their own community problems. Dems like the never ending problems because they then promise more money at election time. Look in the mirror people, then look at your lifestyle, and ask yourself if you can be doing more yourself to help people.

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Matt Bracken covered Trump & Greenland recently.. not just Art of the Deal. Denmark has a weak claim and conducted sterilization program for over ten years against Greenlandic Inuits


23:35 Denmark phone call

26:00 Denmark Claim is weak .. based on Viking settlement. Vikings not Danes. That Viking settlement died out long before Denmark used it to claim entire island.

29:00 Norway could claim Newfoundland on same basis (!) ..

33:00 through 45:00

Denmark operated forced sterilization program for more than ten years (60s & 70s) twelve-year-old Inuits sent to Clinic and Danish Doktor would insert old style IUDs. Leading to chronic infections. ..lifetime of pain. Hysterectomies. Sterilization.

Truth came out recently. Denmark has refused to investigate or consider reparations.


Matt Bracken put up more details with graphics on Substack:


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This is an *odd* situation. Monitoring it closely.

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yes...odd...a miserable one

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First Canada now Greenland.

Sounds like Trump is working toward a NWO, one world government. The US needs to focus on defense first.

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Strategic Defense is why Trump brought the subject up

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I understand his reasons, but it reeks of imperialism.

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Have you noticed the NWO/CCP/UN Invasion with Canadian & Mexican assistance? Best Defense is Good Offense.

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An at one point the Danish Prime Minister said that Greenland could by simple vote severe itself from Denmark or Align itself with someone else if it chose.

I guess he is about as accurate and ethical as Zuckerberg’s FB Fact-checkers!

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Well if America doesn’t get Greenland then Russia will take Greenland. It’s an important piece of land when it comes to war. And there will be a WWIII nothing and no one can stop that from happening. It doesn’t matter who is President of the USA. It’s coming. There will be order out of Chaos. New World Order. The 5 controlling families have been working towards this for several decades . People need to get out of their feelings and into their brains, if their brains aren’t mush by now. From all the fluoride they have consumed in their lives.

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