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There is one person standing for us all. Thank you President Trump. All of the truth will come out during the EBS. Praying for you and your family.

Thank you Dr. Alexander for all of your substacks.

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BOOM, love the man, Trump 2024!!

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I would hsve thought Dershowitz was smarter than to not understand what a radical is. "Radical" does not mean "intemperate" or "extremist." "Radical" means "of, coming from, pertaining to or going to the root." Radicals, such as "radical conservatives" propose and implement solutions that adress the root causes of problems. The Dems may be extremists but they are not radicals. Calling the Dems radicals is insulting to real radicals and is not accurate.

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The Democrats are destroying America. Can’t you see that? Bogus charges should not be allowed for anyone ( the public? Democrats, Republicans, etc).

That includes President Trump.

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Love Trump, why? Stockholm Syndrome? Trump Love is illogical, because mRNA was fast-tracked by Trump. Substack pretend to be anti-mRNA be worship the person who deployed it upon the USA public, and the western world

Orange Conman never apologized for;

bending over backwards 24/7 for Israel

sponsoring Big Pharma (Operation Warp Speed)

not breaking up Big Tech giants like Google/YouTube, Facebook, Twitter (basically all the Covid 'fact checkers' and government propagandists) by continuing to turn a blind eye on their consistent abuse of Section 230. (until the Orange Dumbf•ck was kicked off Tw@tter himself, real 3-D chess... 🤣 )

sponsoring the MIC (record billions spent on 'defense.')

sponsoring Wall Street (hiring Jay Powell and Steve Mnuchin)

not building The Wall

not "locking her up"

hiring neocon fascists (Pompeo, Haspel, Wurmser, Haley, Bolton) and a convicted war criminal like Elliott Abrams

dragging Assange out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London

not Pardoning Assange, Snowden, Manning

hiring Epstein prosecutor Acosta who cut Epstein a sweetheart deal

People Should be Judged by the Friends they Keep & Hang Out with

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You are off on this assessment. Most of what you state was beyond Trump's control as evil was surrounding him with misinformation (Fauci and Brix) as others stood united, RINOs included, to stop his plans. Look what has happened to America since Obama. We have lost wealth and more importantly freedom. War except when Trump was true Leader.

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They used to say "The Buck stops here"

Now they say "He didn't know"

My the USA has gone into the pathetic toilet left & right; demoRat & RINO both offer the same excuse, our MAN is too old and stupid to know what he's doing; OMG

Look at yourselves, your defending a POTUS of the USA and suggesting that he was too stupid to know what he was doing. That is no defense, not even at Nuremberg;


Trump is very deep in this Dershowitz EPSTEIN scandal, going all the way back to Acosta, who if still alive will also be called to this trial;


the Orange Conman never apologized for;

bending over backwards 24/7 for Israel

sponsoring Big Pharma (Operation Warp Speed)

not breaking up Big Tech giants like Google/YouTube, Facebook, Twitter (basically all the Covid 'fact checkers' and government propagandists) by continuing to turn a blind eye on their consistent abuse of Section 230. (until the Orange Dumbf•ck was kicked off Tw@tter himself, real 3-D chess... 🤣 )

sponsoring the MIC (record billions spent on 'defense.'), arming Zelensky in Urkaine

sponsoring Wall Street (hiring Jay Powell and Steve Mnuchin)

not building The Wall

not "locking her up"

hiring neocon fascists (Pompeo, Haspel, Wurmser, Haley, Bolton) and a convicted war criminal like Elliott Abrams

dragging Assange out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London

not Pardoning Assange, Snowden, Manning

hiring Epstein prosecutor Acosta who cut Epstein a sweetheart deal

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Facts Matter:

There were two vaccines- Trump’s & Deep States. Go look at the ingredients of both.

Biden mandated Deep States vaccines. Their plan was to kill 7 billion of us.

Israel are God’s chosen people.

Thank goodness the US has a great Defence.

Trump almost finished building the wall.

Trump is related to Assange and they are working together.

The US Military ( White Hats), President Trump and the Global Militaries around the world are taking down all of this corruption.

All of your statements show me that you have never read any of President Trump’s Executive Orders. You haven’t read the US Military Laws. You don’t have a flight tracker and see all of the Military Planes that are up daily worldwide. You don’t know about all of the indictments. You don’t know about GITMO being expanded. You don’t know when the Military Tribunals will be. You don’t know about ISO20022. You don’t know about the Starlink Satellites, etc.

So my suggestion to you is that you actually do some research.

Also, at the end of the day there is only one Judge and that is the Holy God. We will all answer to Him ( whether you believe it or not). So, I respectfully suggest to you to examine yourself before calling other people on substacks names, swearing and slandering others. This is not about any politics or politicians, this is about the Truth!

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“bending over backwards 24/7 for Israel”

The only democratic nation in that part of the world. I would hope any president would support this tiny nation.

While tying this a parallel popped into my mind. Most of the world is lined up against Israel’s very existence. Some advocate total annihilation. Same as with Trump - some are lined up against him & their goal is annihilation of him.

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Left will do anything? Including putting Epsteins lawyers in jail for pedophile crimes? Lots of women who were once little girls are working with Bragg to nail Trump, Dershowitz, and Acosta once & for all;

Hey, its just pedophilia, everybody does it. NOT!

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nail them and anyone who are guilty, be careful if this is a witch hunt and politics...it may come to visit you....that the issue...no doubt is Trump or anyone does wrong they are to be held to account, but the law must be equal and also we dont go doing this for politics. I want to see evidence...not 'because I dont like you and your politics I must destroy you' crap.

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Be careful you posted a story about "Dershowitz' but left out 90% of the story, sure his life is at risk, so he's now playing politics, knowing the demoRATS are going to kill him in their zeal to get Trump;

There are NO good people in this circus, they're all bad actors;

The law is NOT equal, and has never been equal, and you should know that.

Trump had four years in power to take his enemys out, but he chose to bring them into his cabinet, and he wasted his four years, and now under Biden his enemy's are in power to destroy Trump;


Bragg has it all lined up, all the little girls will testify, and all six of Trump prior porn-star 'dates' will testify they got paid off, and all this stuff will be tied together;

Then Trump will be indicted and Gag'id and if he opens his mouth, he will be found in 'contempt of court' and they can throw him jail, J6 style as they wish;

If none of Bragg's complaints were real Trump would be ok, but most rational people know that the complaints are factual;

Like Al Capone, they didn't get him on his mob rule, they got him on his taxes; Trump will go down the same way.

People will say, "But HRC did it", well Trump had 4 years as he promised to take HRC down, and Trump did zip, now roles are flipped, and the demo-Rats have pulled out all the knives, where Trump was all hat and no cattle;

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Alan Dershowitz Says He's Suing Michael Cohen Over Epstein Claims that him & Trump are pedophiles; [ Just reported yesterday ] Now ASK why is Dershowitz on FOX panicking about the "Constitution"???


Sealed indictment rumors that TRUMP&Derhshowitz are named in past NYC pedophile grooming operations with Epstein; Like Duh; Google "NYC teen modeling" TRUMP&EPSTEIN partner biz late 1980's to 2000.

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Goodbye. I don’t agree with you and never will. You swear at people and are rude to people.

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Trump defenders beat their chests, but Bragg is after BIGGER fish than Trump.


A victim of Epstein, who purportedly committed suicide while awaiting trial over allegations of sexual abuse of minors, settled a lawsuit against Dershowitz last November over claims the Harvard professor sexually assaulted her. In a statement, Virginia Giuffre said she “may have made a mistake in identifying Mr. Dershowitz” as one of her abusers.

Shortly after the suit was settled, though, Giuffre said that Dershowitz was not “exonerated,” regardless of his claims otherwise.

“Whether or not Mr. Dershowitz’s admissions undermine his previous denials of the charges made against him is for others to say,” she asserted. “The settlement agreement limits what I can say and I will abide by it unless and until I am released from it. However, those admissions are not consistent with ‘exoneration.’”

Giuffre added: “Stopping the false charges against me, and securing Mr. Dershowitz’s public acknowledgment of my good faith was important to me and my family. However, I did not, and would never, ‘exonerate’ Mr. Dershowitz in return.”

Additionally, another Epstein victim insisted in a 2017 deposition that the multimillionaire sex trafficker forced her to take part in a threesome with Dershowitz—an allegation that the celebrated attorney has adamantly denied.

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